Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1534827-The-Queen-of-the-Hunt
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Fantasy · #1534827
Yvinna never planned on becoming a huntress or a criminal! Or even falling in love...
Followed by a scream of rage, the pillow was tossed across the bedroom. Yvinn was seventeen and she wanted a life. A real life! Not one, where people whispered about her everywhere she went. Where young men were too afraid to talk to her or where she was forced to wear tight corsets with fitted dresses and bodices. Most of all she wanted a life where she could feel self-reliant. Yvinn didn't want to have to rely on the wealth of others, she wanted to make her own mark in the world, wanted to feel free! And Yvinna Alexandria Skalinsky wasn't going to just sit around and let that happen. Her scheming mind had already come up with a plan.

Trembling a little, Yvinn stared at herself in her mirror, scissors poised. “This is for the best,” she told herself. Snip, snip. In a few minutes, her long black tresses were gone, replaced by a sloppy and short boyish cut. Shuddering, Yvinn turned her back on the mirror and picked up a small knapsack. Inside she had stuffed a canteen of water, some bread and cheese, a small lemon pastry, and a little piece of dried beef. “That should last me for a little while, at least until I can get a job,” Yvinn nodded in satisfaction. From under her mattress she withdrew a pair of breeches and a mens shirt. Eagerly, she traded her corset and red velvet gown for these. She also put on a pair of more practical mens shoes. She grimaced. They were a little big but they would have to make do. “Phase 1 complete, onto phase 2” she whispered to herself.

Yvinn stared outside from inside her room. The moon was shining brightly, giving her some light. “That should help me some,” she thought. Then she gulped. Her room was a few stories up and the ground looked very far away. She had hooked a rope onto her window sill, that reached to the ground. Fiercely, she willed it to hold. Then with a shaking hand, she reached out the window and grabbed it.

“Just hold on and climb down Vinn girl,” she told herself comfortingly, “you know you can do it.” Yvinn grasped the rope tightly and slowly shimmied down as quietly and carefully as she could. Gasping for air, she reached the bottom and realized she had been holding her breath the whole time. Then she broke into a run and raced past her yard and the city gates, her shoes sliding and clicking as she dashed across the cobbled streets. When she reached a nearby neighborhood on the outskirts, she sunk down in exhaustion, along the side of a road.

The sun was peeking up from behind the clouds and causing the whole sky to be pink. “This would make a good water color,” she thought almost longing for her paint set and paper which she despised so much. Her stomach growling distracted her from her thoughts. She reached into her knapsack and took a long swig of water. Then, hungrily she gobbled down the bread and cheese. Before she knew it, she had eaten the pastry as well. “Oh no,” she thought. “I better find a job real soon! All I have left is this meat and it looks pretty rotten.” It was then that she noticed her surroundings, a tough neighborhood known for its brutal gangs.

“My luck improves,” she thought sarcastically. She was unused to running though and her legs were too tired to want to move. So she remained sitting, keeping her eyes open for any signs of trouble. Suddenly she felt something hit her in the back, really hard. “Lad, you come with us!” a big and tall guy wearing all black said as he grabbed her. She struggled but Big Guy and two other men held her tightly. She was trapped!

“Help!” she screamed. But one of the men, a guy whom she dubbed Skinny Man clapped his hand over her mouth. “Quiet, bastard. You're not going to ruin our lives.” Within a few minutes they had crawled into a sewer and Skinny Man removed his hand from her mouth and the three men dropped her on the ground. “What are you crooks doing?!” she shouted. “I'll get the law on you!” “You?!” The men all laughed as if they had heard some hilarious joke. “Boy you're just a peasant. And what we gonna do to you will get them law enforcement peoples on your ass, not yours!” roared Big Guy. “Men, I would appreciate the vulgarity lessened,” Yvinn said. “Oh look!” exclaimed the third man, who was big and tall but not like Big Guy. His biceps were huge though. “He thinks himself better then us!” “No I don't,” she replied trying not to panic. “Alright then, that's better. You know your place now,” said Skinny Man as he cuffed her hard. Her lip began bleeding and she tried not to threaten her captors. “So what do you want me to do?” she asked. “Hunt unicorns,”

“WHAT?!” she shouted in outrage. “That's illegal! Illegal in the whole world of Thanaston!” “Your point?” replied the third man. “Yeah, dude. Don't make us thrash you,” Big Guy said threateningly. “Either you help us or there'll be trouble.” Suddenly Yvinn's heart was racing. The idea of breaking the law sounded so...exciting almost. “Fine, I'll help you,” she snapped. “Good,” Skinny Man nodded as they dragged her miles into a forest.

Yvinn's first few weeks were tough. Big Man and the rest of the gang refused to give her much food at all until she began to actually kill unicorns. By the third week, she had enough strength to run and catch one but she didn't have the heart to kill it. They were the most beautiful creatures ever and besides she had heard the curse of the unicorn. Anyone who murdered one, would become unable to love and unlovable unless already loved by someone. If that were the case though, they would be forced to live a life they did not choose. Yvinn didn't like this idea at all but the whole gang was getting impatient and she knew she'd have to do it soon. Or else.

It was the final week of the month of May and the 4th week since her capture. During that week, Yvinn was startled to see Big Guy and Skinny Man drag in a bedraggled boy who looked about her age. He had medium length brown hair and eyes the color of milk chocolate. “Boy, we got you this crook to help you. Says his name be Jeremy. We caught him stealing a gem at the local market and we got right good money off it,” nodded Skinny Man. Jeremy grabbed a dagger from his boot and brandished it, “I'm not helping you!” “Ooh, temper, temper,” said Third Man. “Shut up!” growled Big Guy. “Now you two kill a unicorn today or I'll kill both of you!”

Third Man and Skinny Man followed Jeremy and Yvinn as they trooped further into the forest. The two walked in silence. “This sucks,” Jeremy said. Yvinn laughed weakly, “you think?” “How long have they had you here?” “I don't know. Perhaps a few weeks?” “Weeks?! Ugh, I think we should end that soon!” “What do you mean?” “I have more daggers,” he whispered. Yvinn shuddered at the thought.

Third Man and Skinny Man came right up behind them as they chased a unicorn down. Jeremy pinned the unicorn down. “I can't do it!” he gasped. “I'd have to let go,” “But Jeremy! Soon I'll become unlovable, I can't do that!” “Please, man! Do it! We don't need girls anyway!” “Yes you will do it!” Skinny Man said as he forced her hand to plunge a dagger deep into the unicorn's heart. Yvinn felt her stomach churn. She hated the sight of blood, and even worse the thought that she had killed a gorgeous and endangered species. Jeremy, sweating and pale stood up. “It'll be OK, dude,” he said brushing off the dirt from his trousers. “Nothing's OK, Jeremy! Nothing!” she screamed in her normal high pitched voice as tears began rolling down her cheeks. Jeremy stared at her with one eyebrow raised. Third Man yelled, “You lot, carry this back to camp! And then you'll carry it to the Black Market,” “There's a real place called the Black Market?” Jeremy couldn't help but grin. “Yes of course,” Skinny Man said disdainfully. “You, a thief and you don't know that?!” Added Third Man, “you get good bucks for a whole unicorn carcass. For a few more, we could be rich, living among the wealthy!” “Ha!” snorted Yvinn. “You find us funny, lad?!” bellowed Big Guy who had recently come up to the rest of them. “No, I think you aren't funny at all,” “you are the most vile of people-if you can even call yourselves that!” “Kidnapping and killing unicorns aren't that big of crimes,” “Unicorns are SACRED!” Jeremy grabbed her hand, “don't touch her!” “Her?!” shouted Skinny Man. “Why you're a good for nothing bitch!” “TAKE THAT BACK!” she shouted loudly. “Make me,” he scoffed. Then he leaned forward and spat.

That was all it took for Yvinn to topple him and begin to pummel him. He weakly held a knife up and pointed it at Yvinn's chest. She took no notice as she banged him painfully. “Girl, stop it!” Jeremy shouted. “He's going to kill you if you don't kill him first!” “Thanks for announcing, ass hole,” Skinny Man muttered as he began to move his dagger closer. It traced across Yvinn's arm and she began to bleed. “Stand back, lady!” Jeremy yelled as he pulled out his own weapon and hurled it at Skinny Man. It hit the man right in the chest. Big Guy and Third Man raced forward angrily but Jeremy stuck out a twin pair of sharp knives and drove them into the little hearts, the men had. Yvinn took a raspy breath and winced in shock, fright, and pain. “Jeremy, you saved us!” she exclaimed. “Anything for you M'lady,” he said bowing to her.

“How did you know...?” her voice trailed off. “One look into your eyes and one could tell you were hiding some dark secret,” he replied. “Those thugs were even stupider then I thought.” “Oh Jeremy!” she cried, throwing her arms around him. “You have to get me out of here!” “But why? Why would you want to? Your life at home isn't good, am I right?” Yvinn nodded slowly. “And didn't you feel powerful after you killed that unicorn, didn't it feel good? You know you can make lots of money off that.” “Really?” “Yes, but of course. You can make money off a lot of illegal things,” he said. “Which is why we should get this to the Black Market right away!” “I don't know...” Yvinn murmured hesitantly. “Oh come on...” he looked questioningly at her. “Yvinn”, she informed him. “My name is Yvinn...um...Ward.” “Alright Yvinn. It will be alright,” And somehow she believed him, certain nothing could go wrong. Little did she know...

The next day Jeremy encountered some young punk teens in the same neighborhood that he and Yvinn had been kidnapped in. He demanded to know where the Black Market is and was informed that it was underground in a casino and that there was a path through the winding, smelly sewers to get to it. He and Yvinn spent the rest of the day building a sled that they could put the unicorn on to roll it through the sewers.

During the night, they loaded the glowing white body of the unicorn onto the sled and made the trek through the sewers. Yvinn, although a rebel, was still disgusted by the sewers and saddened by the unicorn. It had been so beautiful and majestic and now she felt sick. Jeremy looked upset too. “Maybe this wasn't such a good idea Vinny,” he said nervously. “I agree,” she said. He could see that her face was pale, even by the dim glow the lantern offered. “Well let's go it over with. How else would we survive?” he asked. “You're right,” she nodded miserably, thinking of how else she could survive. “Why did I ever leave home?” she wondered throughout the night as she stared up at the stars blinking above the forest. “What have I possibly gained?” In her hand, she grasped a wad of money from their unicorn sale. No, it wasn't the money. She had plenty of money and comfort back home. Maybe, just maybe it was because...Jeremy. She gazed over at him. His eyes were closed and he appeared to be in a blissful sleep. Then he mumbled something. “Yvinn...” Her heart pounded and her palms, wrapped around the bills began to sweat. Could she be falling in love?

Yvinn never thought the day would come. After a couple more weeks, chasing and hunting unicorns felt natural. She felt so wild and free, racing barefoot across the forest, knife in hand and Jeremy at her side. She no longer doubted that she was in love with him. She was. Often, she wandered outside of their secret cave shelter during the night and pondered whether he loved her or not. Could it be possible? She knew he was just a peasant, but to her he felt like royalty.

About a month after Jeremy and Yvinn had brought their first unicorn body to the Black Market, Yvinn raced through the forest alone. Jeremy had been feeling sick and she had urged him to rest in their shelter. After quite a bit of arguing, he finally complied and agreed to let her go in search of unicorns. Squish, squash. Her feet sunk down and left prints in the mud that had been caused by the newly fallen rain. After about a half hour of running, Yvinn spotted a glow ahead. Unicorn! She raced towards it and stabbed it. The unicorn gave her a sad look and then in a slow droning voice said, “Yvinna Alexandria Skalinsky, your fate has come. You have killed almost all of my kind off and you shall be punished!” “No, please!” she begged. “I love Jeremy and I want him to love me back. I want to spend my life with him!” “Too bad!” the unicorn groaned as her eyes rolled back in her head.

She couldn't stop shivering. In all her years, Yvinn had never been so scared. The thought of losing Jeremy scared her beyond belief. He would grow to hate her and no one would ever love her! Worst of all, it seemed she could never love Jeremy again. Unless, he loved her back. But there was no way...

Her thoughts were interrupted as a hand grabbed her and whirled her around! “Very funny, Jeremy!” she scoffed. Then she screamed as she gazed up into a face she had not been expecting to see. It was the scowling, horrible face of Big Guy.

“You!” he bellowed as he smacked her. Blood streamed out of her nose but she refused to cry. “You! You killed my men and you have killed off most of my game! You will not get away with this!” He began dragging her out of the forest as she struggled and kicked. It was no use. He was too big and strong. “Where are you taking me?!” she screamed as she squirmed. “Where I can get revenge,” he said as he carried her the whole day through the woods. At last they reached a clearing that Yvinn knew all to well. Up ahead, lurched her home ominously. The palace of Northern Thanaston seemed to threaten her and she could only imagine the horror that befell her.

The guards at the castle gates stopped them. “Who goes there?!” bellowed one named Miguel, who Yvinn realized with horror had saved her life once! Big Guy spoke, “a criminal, the one that has killed off almost the whole meager population of unicorns and must be punished, sir,” Miguel lifted the hood of Yvinn's cloak and gasped in horror and shock. “Princess Yvinna!” Uh oh, Yvinna gulped.

Miguel bowed deeply to her. “Princess, everyone has been worried horribly sick!” Big Guy guffawed, “Princess?! She's just a bitchy criminal!” Miguel cuffed him. “You will not talk about your princess in that manner, beggar!” he shouted. Big Guy nodded in somewhat satisfaction, “princess, oh this is good!” “Kneel!” he growled at him. Yvinn murmered, “Miguel, no.” “But princess!” “This man is accusing you of something you are most certainly not!” Yvinn sobbed, “just help me inside, please.”

The sun rose and Yvinn had to face her own trial. Evidence had been found that she had been killing unicorns along with an accomplice. Jeremy! “Oh, I hope he's OK,” she thought.

The judge pounded his gavel. “Order!” “We are to decide the fate of Princess Yvinna, who went against her country's laws and slaughtered 15 of the unicorn species. A collected gasp went through the audience. The trial went on and on and finally the judge reached a decision. “Despite her royal status, the only suitable punishment for Yvinna Alexandria Skalinsky, the 4th is the death penalty!” “Any objections?” Yvinn caught the gaze of her stern eyed mother, the queen. She gazed at her with such disappointment that Yvinn felt a catch in her throat. “I do!” shouted a voice and the audience turned. Yvinn gasped! For, Jeremy the love of her life, stood in the doorway held by two members of the Royal Guard.

“Jeremy!” she shouted. “I have a confession to make,” he said clearly and loudly. I confess that it was I who killed the unicorns. I forced her Majesty to help me against her will,” he paused. “It is I who deserve to be punished,” “JEREMY NO!!” Yvinna shrieked. “Silence!” the judge yelled. “Please Judge! Just one minute with this man?” “Fine,” the judge consented.

“I can't let you do this, Jeremy,” she whispered. “You're a princess and I would be hardly a man if I didn't take the blame for this,” “Oh Jeremy! I love you! Don't leave me!” “I love you too, Yvinn,” “Really?” “Yes, and now you have to let me do this.” “On one condition.” “I think I know,” he murmured as he leaned in and kissed her gently. “Goodbye, M'lady.” “No!” “Yvinna my love, I must do this,” “Goodbye my Lord,” she whispered as she watched him trudge off.

Yvinna watched as the blacksmith shod her steed, Regal. She was to ride him in a royal parade and against her mother's wishes had come into the stables to watch. “Boy, get me my anvil,” the blacksmith said. “Yes, sir!” replied the apprentice. Yvinn had not noticed him before. He looked up and caught her eye. Smiled. Her breath caught in her throat. “Jeremy?” she whispered as their gazes locked. He couldn't stop staring at her and she couldn't stop staring at him. “No, I'm Josh,” he replied. Yvinn grinned slightly at him. He definitely wasn't Jeremy but maybe she could live with that. She hadn't gotten to choose her own life, thanks to the curse of the unicorn but maybe, just maybe her life had chosen her.


Stay tuned for Princess Yvinn's adventures in a short story sequel I'm writing about her and...Josh!
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