Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1534450-Selfish
Rated: E · Poetry · Community · #1534450
The selfishness of our time
**Before reading this piece I ask you to remember that this is written from MY perspective. MY realization that I have seen the way the media has affected me and the way that I see the world. This is a small examination of those effects. I in no way mean to offend or minimize the efforts of those fighting in our wars and those who lost their lives in 9/11 or there after. I respect all involved, and I thank each and every soldier for giving their lives to our country. My poem is my personal plea that we look beyond our stereotypes and make decisions about others based on reality, and that we take the time to find that reality. Do not assume who someone is because they look like someone else. Do not place the label of "evil" on an entire group of people because they share superficial qualities with those who have attacked or threatened you.**

Forgive me father for I have sinned

I thought that the woes of my world were the ends to my earth

The fallen out relationships due to gossip and lies

The broken hearts from that he-said-he-was-falling-for-me guy

I cried and I cried and I cried and I cried

For what?

For me…

For mine, for I, for myself…


I look in the mirror and my superficial flaws bring tears to my eyes

While at the other side of the world a child cries because his family just died

Massacre, genocide, murder

And I want to ask God for a miracle?

Ignorant me.

A family is drug from their home, tortured and beaten

Children are brainwashed, given guns and made into monstrous creatures.

Silly me. Stupid me.

Stop crying and see

The world is bigger than I ever imagined it could be.

It hurts. It aches.

For help our people wait.

They wait and they wait and they wait and they wait.

Do you know what we do?

We cry.

We cry for us. For we. For me. For I.

We want it all, we take even more.

We love only those that can get us through the money making door.

We bomb innocent people, some of them they call "insurgents".

Ya know, those people who have beards and wear turbans?

Guess what-he is your neighbor. He is your friend. He is human.

Don't listen to what they tell you. Find out for yourself.

Love. Listen. Learn. Know. Act. BE MORE

I ask you then, what are YOU fighting for?

© Copyright 2009 LaceyJ10 (laceyj10 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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