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Rated: GC · Sample · Other · #1534125
Now with forever to hate the man she once loved... will her hatered last as long as she?
Cringing at the site which had just wandered in the entrance of the club she infrequently went, she turned her back to the door ordering another drink "it seems its going to be a long..night!", "A long night indeed if i have anything to say about it" Devan said, not feeling him approach her says just how off she was tonight. her head wondering in so many directions she planted a grin and turned around to face the man she had once thought she loved and now loathed "Devon. how wondrous to see you, here, now, where i am" sarcasm apparent in her voice for him to hear, seeking to deter him from taking a seat beside her "my dear Alex you do not seem as pleased to see me as you proclaim" said Devan raising a questioning eyebrow "really is it that obvious, what a shame. I was trying so hard to hide it” narrowing his eyes, growling in response he turned and left. “Why after 5 yrs has he so suddenly appeared” not wanting to think about it now she released the breath she didn’t even realized till then she was holding she downed her drink, threw down a few bill and left. Her journey home her thoughts were consumed about 'why she didn’t just die 5yrs ago like she was supposed to. he had said 'he could not let her go, he could not watch her die, he loved her” he had to do everything in his power to save her and he swearers it was the last thing he could do for her when he brought her over.' never to see the sunrise again never to have children. although, she didnt actually wanted any. even now she positively didn't, nevertheless the point is the same, what privilege did he have her to eternity in darkness,condemning her soul. if she fell in the arms of one of the hunters she wondered if she would even fight them. eternally damned, there was still one thing that seemed to hunt us. no one knows how these mere mortals seem to be able to take a creature of the night and destroy them. we have the strengths of many men, speed that rivals any car, powers to possess the strongest mortal mind, but all that still cannot stop the hunters who are our nightmares come true. Few have ever seen them and lived to tell the story of them, no one really knows what they look like anymore or who or what they are. legends say of a mortal bloodline and their just raised to be warriors but it's hard to fathom any mortal warrior or any other killing her short of another of her kind. maybe this walk home she will have the luck to happen upon them and they will do her in, stake her in the heart or cut off her head. the devil himself knows she deserves it to be sent to hell for all she has done the murders that have stacked up on her as if she was the plague herself although being a child of the night makes her job as a mercenary a lot easier, to easy in fact its no fun anymore. not like cat and mouse game but like a cat and a fish out of water, they do not even have a chance anymore people cant run and hide. making it harder to find them. no, not anymore she merely has to peek inside peoples minds to find her info no more plotting, interrogations, going on rumors, trying to track down those in hiding who know there is a price on there head, no, not anymore now they all just die and the contracts I take are always done, quick, clean, and very precise. aw, yes maybe that will get the hunters after her the fact, that even though I've crossed over I'm still doing my "night"job as if nothing has changed but my courage to take on bigger and badder targets yes that indeed has changed if u have the money i am who u call if u want it done right, fast, clean, and untraceable. i am Alexandria or Death to those who cross me i am eternally damned to the night, to sleep in the day, to wake each night knowing another sunrise and set has came to pass without my witnessing it just like tomorrow will' dragging her thoughts back to what she was doing realizing only now she was almost home "home HA what an understatement more like a crypt just a place to go to die as dawn approaches" she whispered aloud glancing around her senses flaring with the sting of another immortal soul being close and coming fast just as Devan appeared in front of her "i dunno i think it's a pleasant home a few paintings maybe a rug. it'd be quite a commendable dwelling." Devan exclaimed as he fell into step with Alex "what do you want Devan didn't i make it clear enough yet that i don't care to see you then, now, or ever for that matter"
"yes! Yes, quiet clear. but i do not understand why is this life so detrimental you rather of died. do you really despise me so for giving you life when death was at hand"
"you know what has me so fucking angry Devan we have had this discussion many times before"
"oh yes" Devan exasperatedly mocked "your soul you poor mortal Christian soul. damned to hell now for being one of the "fabricated a quiver" undead. bah you're not damned this is like being superman your eye site is 20times that of mortal man, strength you would of never acquired before. your ventures prevail always. you should be more fucking appreciative of such a gift. how do you know your was not going to hell already for all the people you yourself have condemned to death over the years before I gave you a second chance at life." Devan practically screaming at her by the end and with half of a groan he was gone off to vegetate away the day in his lair within the condos of downtown she assumed, and with a sigh she continued inside bolting the door. 'Devan the man who was once her best friend since she had been 15 and sobbing in a playground where she once played as a child. He had heard her and came obviously to take her as food, though he says that was not why he had come but to see why she was crying and to ease her pain 'yea ease her pain with a little nip' but for what it was he had been there for her when none else was. when her parents and older sister had all perished in the car accident, he was there to wipe her tears and care for her though the years. teaching her to defend herself and making her into the woman she was now. unafraid of anything. versatile quite stealthy. able to do tasks no other could when she got employed by the states on missions to lands far off to eliminate men and woman who had become a menace skillfully dexterous all while he watched over her in the shadows never saying he was there but she knew he was, protecting her, making she just encase that one time something went inaccurate he would be there. he was kinda like a guardian angel in many ways. when she was older she thought many times about him, her dark knight. she knew all along what he was he never kept secrets from her, and he never once harmed her. he protected her cared for her he was like a dream, a prince in her nightmare turned fairy tail she was falling in love even as she fought it conceiving he did not return her affection in that manner. then at 26 the night came when he was not close enough, not fast enough, and out of nowhere a truck t-boned here and hauled her flipping numerous times in the air shattering bones and crushing organs none could of survived mortal death close at hand he did come. he came and swept her up weeping and cursing him self saying how sorry he was for not watching her better as she tried to calm him choking on words that she would be fine even as she was being consumed by darkness and death was approaching she whispered the words she dared never to say to him 'i love you my dark knight you have saved me many times this is one time you cannot but it ill will be OK please forgive me i love you' and as darkness came to take her away . last breath forsaking her. She heard him replay that he loved her to and he was the one who was to be forgiven, not discerning why he would aspire to be forgiven. he had nothing to forgive for then. 'now i know why i woke the next night in agony in and with a hunger no human could ever understand pondering at the time this must be hell or that i was so horribly injured but not understanding why i was in Devan's lair and not at a hospital where i could be drugged into a coma till i recovered screaming and screeching from the pain and fire in my throat for Devan to come help me. he came in and handed me a glass telling me 'drink my love it will make you feel much better' silly now to think how wonderful i thought it tasted that it was the foremost tasty medicine i ever had instantly calming the fire in my throat and easing the ache of my body. Then he began to explain what had happened and how i was still alive "my dear Alex your wounds wear grave you were expiring in my arms even as fast as i myself could of gotten you to a hospital there would of be nothing they could of done you spine was shattered it is a wonder you did not die instantly. the blood you were loosing alone would of done you in minutes if i had not took you' with guarded eyes i did not understand a sadness in his voice he recalled what had happened only then explaining how it was exactly i was alive 'my dear Alex please forgive me. i could not watch you die, i love you too much to of let you go. I'm a selfish bastard. i tried everything i could to save you life but you were dieing and nothing could stop it so i...i' with a tear trailing his cheek he regarded me and turned his back hearing the breath that seemed to be caught in his throat i knew then what he had done. what fire it was that burned in me when I had awoken, he had told me many times what it was like to be what he was and as i set there watching the silent tears i realized that against my wishes to not be what he was he had took me anyhow from the edge of death and damned my soul to eternity as a Vampyr. jolting out of bed and slamming him into a wall with speed and strength i never had i screamed at him 'What have you done! Why...! why....! how could you do this to me Devan ...you knew my wishes i never wanted to be as you are... NEVER!' he just looked at me, not fighting back at all. letting me beat his head into the wall with silent tears running down his cheek he pleaded for me to understand 'my love i could not watch you die. i could not let you go, i love you too much please understand my heart would break, it would have, if you would of left me. you are what i exist for ' 'you have damned me to was in shadows to never see the sun you have killed me yourself now my blood and all those I shall take now is on your hands ... you ..you! I shall never forgive you for this ..never I may live for century now but I will have no life!' letting out the highest scream iv ever heard from anyone i fled. i ran for miles and hid in the shadows of a graveyard finding a crypt there to sleep as dawn approached, I slumbered or should say I dyed as I have every dawn for the past five years. i still even now after this so long call the crypt I slept in my first night as a Vampyr my home for I am to cowered to end my damnation of walking among the night afraid only hell waits for me after this death now. With that as a last though the sun rose in the sky and stole her away for the day!

Her eyes fluttered open her strength returning to her for another night. She sighed heavily 'again another day come and gone without my being able to see it' she spoke to herself knowing she was he own company her only company were the bugs an critters that scattered around the graveyard. Climbing out of bed she went up to the house on the hill which used to belong to the graveyard keeper. Strangely he died shortly after her arrival to the cemetery of a heart attack and was never replaced. And no she had nothing to do with it she was sound asleep in her death of the day when it had happened. But the house is empty and she has taken it apone herself to fill it buying it up quickly so that now she has a place to put her things and shower when she awakes from death each night. It is a peaceful little house if you didn't realize it set in the back of a long forgotten cemetery the house it self would be more something out of a (need house gar). It is small but fits her needs perfectly. The front room as you walk in is set with large windows that over look the yard. Considering she never has company it is currently set up as a place for her to write with a large desk against one wall including all her print utensils and her laptop its perfect for her needs many nights sitting there typing away of stories that are more real than anyone realize. Those she has had published are set as fiction since no one really believes in a vamp assassin her tells of her true life is regarded as nothing more then her having a good imagination when in fact the only thing really a lie are the names and towns and when things happened trying not to come out with a book just after killing someone high profile that went amusingly weird. Don't want people thinking well. Maybe it isn't all fiction.' climbing the stairs ready for a nice long bath she caught the scent of Devan 'bloody hell what is he doing here' as she started back down the stairs the door bell rang swinging open the door glaring at the man in front of her she would of paled if it were possible for her to get any paler' he was wearing a silk crimson color shirt that was obviously the style of the 17century lace going from his neck to mid torso pinned by what looked like a black (gem) it fit him well showing off his muscles yet keeping them hidden all at once sleeves trailing his arms to mid hand ware lace descended to mid fingers black leather pants that fit him as if they were painted right on him with velvet black boots reaching just over his knees he looked as if he had stepped out of a painting she was speechless ' realizing then she was standing there with her mouth hanging open gazing at a man she was happier to never see again she slammed the door in his face and went up to take her bath ' what the hell was he thinking coming over dressed as Dracula and what the hell did he want!

(this is a sample and still majorly in the works many errors im sure and definitly not complete but im not sure if i should continue working on this piece or start a new)

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