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Rated: 13+ · Other · Other · #1534061
Bela, still living at Atticus' gets grounded.
“Bela I am very disappointed in you.” Atticus said from my door way.

“What did I do now?” I turned away from my computer to look at him.

Atticus, my father was about six-six with long black hair and very French featers. He had brown eyes, that when you were in trouble, just bore in to you, like now. His thin lips were so tightly drawn together that I almost lost them. His normally pale face was flush, he was not happy with me.

“Isaiah told me what time you came in this morning.” He came in to my room and sat own on my black leather couch. He so stood out so much against the black leather in his royal blue p.j.s, that I barely held back the laugher. It was like watching a 3-D movie; he just popped out at you.

“So what, I’m here and I didn’t get hurt.” I crossed my arms.

“Bela, you were at a club that I have told you time and again, that you couldn’t go to.” He was getting very angry, his face was turning red, like when you hold your breath for to long.

“So,” I looked down and realized that I forgot to change my clothes. I still had on my clubbing out fit, a deep red tank top and a pair of black jeans. With knee high four inch heels. I have to wear heels other wise I can’t really see over the bar.

“Bela this is the last time I am going to tell you.

“Ok,” I highly doubted that.

“You’re grounded.” Atticus stood up.

“What?” I fallowed him out of my room. “How can you ground me?”

“Easily, I just did.” He walked down the attic stairs.

“But you can’t” I said closing my door behind us.

“And why not?” He turned towards me when we were in his room.

“Because I am a vampire! You can’t ground vampires.” I yelled at him.

“Can too, expashly when you are my daughter.” We stood in the middle of his room yelling at each other.

“But I’m two hundred years old! You can’t just ground me.”

“Bela, when you live under my house, you live by rules. Now go away I want to sleep!” He pointed at the door.

“Fine, but this is not over.” I stomped back to my room in the attic. I slammed the door like the two year old he was treating me like.

“Just because I live here doesn’t give him the right to ground me.” I turned off the lights and climbed in bed with out changing.

The nest day, I got up and changed out of my clubbing outfit and put on my gym clothes. I was behind on training. I normal trained every night when I got in, but I was just so busy doing research for my club that I am to tired to do it. I went to the kitchen to get my breakfast out of the fridge.

“Yummy, bagged blood.” I grumbled grabbing a bag. We keep bagged blood here just in case. I think he keeps it because he likes to ground me, like a human.

I finished eating and throw the bag away. I headed to the gym that was at the back of the house. Atticus added the gym when I grew old enough to train. I was five when he said that I had to train every night. What he calls training is like going to boot camp everyday. It was hard for me when I was younger, but as I grew up it got too easy for me. That’s when he started to work out with me.

I remember the day when I relized that I could take out all my angry and fustartion on him. I ended up hurting myself more then him. He told me the reason that I almost broke my arm on his leg was because I was using anger instead of my brain. He said that is the worst thing to us when you are in a fight your emotions. That I should always keep my head clear, and that emotions are no good in a fight. Every time he saw that my emotions were getting to me, he would hit me with a stick, till I either learned to hide them or keep my head clear. I think that was the hardest part for me. I’m a very emotional person, and they always showed on my face. But thanks to him, I can hide them. I learned that even though I was crying on the inside, I could keep my face blank.

I spent the next hour and a half working out by my self. When I was just about finished with the leg machine I felt the air pressure change. I looked up to find Atticus in his sweets.

“I figured we could practice.” He point to the wrestling mats at he other end of the gym.

“Ok,” I got up and drank some water walking to the mat. I could use some valiance right now. “Be careful old man.”

“Just watch you’re self.” He laughed t me.

The fight sated off like normal, we bowed at each other. Upon standing up, Atticus’ foot same up, he was aiming for my chest, if I hadn’t moved back he would have made contact.

“You know you remind me of your mother so much.” Atticus said dancing to my left.

“Really,” I fallowed him and tried to sweep his legs out from underneath him.

“Yes, you look just like her, and have the same attitude.” He grunted as I caught his in the arm. “Good one.”

He came at me in a fury of kicks and punches. I backed up watching for an opening. I found it in good timing; I was almost off the mat. When the opening came up again I pouched him in the chest, he went stumbling back words.

“Well, go on I know you dieing to.” I went back to the center of the mat, and waited for his next more. He always thought me to tire my appants out, and then do the killing blow.

“Yes, as I was saying. You look jut like her. He had the same long black hair, and the olive skin ton. Her face was oval, and had the high check bones, like you.” He came at me again this time trying to catch my legs to throw me on the amt. “Beautiful green eyes, which had the smallest tilt to him.” When he couldn’t get my legs he moved back and circled me again.

“Your, making her sound Asian, wasn’t she Native American?” I turned so that I would watch hi,

“Yes that she was.” He moved so fast behind me that I just had enough time to duck. “Nice job, but tract me next time.” He moved father away from me. “She didn’t speak much English but then we didn’t need it.”

“Gross!” I came at him to end the fight. I zigged and zagged so he couldn’t keep up with me. I kicked his legs out form under him and came down on top of him. I had my hand on his thought and chest. “Call it.”

“You win, for now.” I got off of him and helped him up.

“Thanks.” He walked over the bench and sat down. “Anyways, when you mother got pregnant, I almost lost my life.”

“What? How?” I sat next to him and drank some more of my water.

“Well, you mother was an unmarried woman, that go t pregnant by a white man. Your grandfather was not happy.” He leaned back against the wall.

“What did you do” I handed him the water.

“I left with her.” He took the water and drank some. “She stayed with me till you were born.” He put his head down. “I lost her that day.”

“She was human?” I asked outing things together.

“Yes, female vampires can’t have children/”right,” I got up and started to stretch my body out.

“Blea you know you’re very special.” He watched me dance around the mat.

“How so?”

“You’re what vampires like to cal a dhampire.”

“A what?” I sat on the mat and stretched my legs out in a v.

“That’s a vampire whose mother was human, and father was a vampire. There are very rare. They are known to kill vampires.”

“Why would I do that?” I grabbed my ankles and pulled my self flat on the mat.

“I don’t know,” He got up and pushed on my back for me.

“That’s stupid. Just because I am, what ever you called it doesn’t mean I’m going to kill vampires, you’re my father. Plus I have vampires that are my friends.” He got off my back, and I stood up to do jumping jacks.

“I’m just letting you know what other people think of you.”

“They can bit me.” I stopped jumping and headed out the gym. “I’m taking a shower.”

I headed back to my room and changed to shower. I got the water warm enough for me and hopped in.

“Kill the ones that I love just because they are vampires.” I growled at my shampoo. “Forget that, I don’t care what other people think.” I finished my shower and got out.

Cody, my dad’s friend forever now, was sitting on my couch when I came out of the bathroom. Cody was short like me, well not really that short. He was five- eight, with short blond hair that he kept spiked, and the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He was very good looking but we both had been warned not to touch each other by dad.

“What’s up?” I finished drying myself and used the towel to rap my hair up in.

“Atticus said you can go out if and only if you come with me.” Cody’s eyes were locked on my chest.

“Nice to know.” I walked to my dresser and pulled on a t-shirt and jeans. “So whose dick did you have to suck to get me out?” I grabbed my brush and started to tame my hair.

“You’re so grow.” He threw my remote at me, and missed by a long shot.

“What’s new?” I gave up with my hair and just pulled it up.

“There’s a new club that opens tonight, I wanted to and I asked Atticus if you could go with me.”

“And he said ok?” I sat down next to him.

“Kind of,” he said under his breath?”

“Kind of? What do you mean kind of?”

“He said that you have to be back by three am.”

“What?” I stood up and started walk out of the room.

“Bela, don’t push it, I got you out of the house.”

“Yeah, but he acts like I’m twelve, I’m almost two hundred. I think I can take care of my self!” I left Cody in my room and headed to Atticus’.

When I stormed in his room, he was sitting behind his desk, writing something.. I walked half was to him and stopped.

“Dad we need to talk.” I crossed my arms and waited.

He put his pen down and turned towards me. “Yes Bela.”

“I’m moving out.” That was not what I was thinking but, it worked.

“Ok, why?” He looked at me confused.

“You treat me like I twelve or something. Hell, you grounded me.”

“Yes, and it got my point across.”


“Bela, you act like you’re twelve. Maybe if you grow up I would treat you that way.”

“Ok, well I’m moving out.”

“And what are you going to do? Where are you going to live?”

“I’m going to make a club and live above it.”

“Ok, have fun.” He turned back to his desk.

“Dad, umm can I get a loan from you?” I asked in the smallest voice I could muster.

Yes Bela. Find you’re self a place and we’ll work something out.” He turned back to me smiling.

“Love you,” I squealed running to him. I curled up in his lat and hugged hi, “Am I still grounded?”

“Yes,” He kissed the top of my head and pushed me out of his lap.

© Copyright 2009 Toni Kopeland (kopeland at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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