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I'm trying for middle and high schoolers to become a better person with this. |
I am a prep, a jock, a gossiper, a musician, a comedian, and many more. I am also, none of these. I have friends in every aspect of school and life. I am given opportunities and I take them. I give them my all and don’t regret anything I say or do. Let me explain. In school you are given choices for different clubs, classes, cliques, and attitudes. Some people tell me to focus on math, music, or any other class I am doing well in. They say it could help me become an architect, singer, or maybe a cancer researcher. They are giving me opinions that don’t matter. I don’t know what I should do when I grow up and that is okay. I want to have many options so I try different things. Math club, choir, karate, orchestra, track, reading groups, and many, many more. There are also many different groups of people. There are the kids that gossip, make fun of others study their butts off, stay calm, blow up in your face, and etc. I don’t know who I want to be with because despite everyone of their faults, I like them all. Since I am around tons of different people I am also not part of a certain “clique”. I have friends in every group so when I want to visit someone or feel a little adventurous I can go do something different. Despite the people I hang around with, I couldn’t have unless I had a positive attitude and not stay in a negative mood. What mood you are in attracts or repels people away from you. I enjoy company so I stay in a positive mood. Sometimes I just smile at someone one day and they want to talk to me the next, I did not even know the person. It is amazing what a simple smile can do. I am a go-getter, a watchman, a good day, and much more. I have taken control of optimism and I am happy because of it. I can stand against an army with nothing but my friends and we would outnumber them two to one. Leave you mind open for new ideas and people. Try everything you have an interest for. I have and I am truly an individual because of it. |