Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1533312-Sledge
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Dark · #1533312
A clear case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  A sudden sound awoke him, and amazingly fast he clicked open his knife he always slept with, rolled out from under the blankets and slid under the bed. He could smell his dirty socks, but what he could hear intrigued him. It made him desire a dance. Someone was in his apartment. He was amazed, and he half hoped that it wasn't the pigs. While he wouldn't mind taking out a few cops before being hauled off to jail, he hoped it was just some poor, unlucky dumb ass.

After a moment of listening he recognized the sound of dishes hitting each other. Whoever it was, they were in the kitchen, and so he slid out from under his bed, and switched from defensive, to offensive mode. "This fucker will pay, no matter who it is." Opening his bedroom door he peeked a single eye around the door jamb. He could see the scant light emanating from the kitchen. The lights were off in the hallway, but long ago he learned that he could see pretty well with little or no light. From the kitchen he heard dishes being moved around. A funny thought struck him. Did this fool break in to steal my dishes? He was now very curious why this person was lingering in the kitchen.

  Moving slowly down the hall he heard the intruder walking around in the kitchen, the floor in there is always sticky so every step held a 'Crunch' sound, like walking on wet paint. He could even see a shadow now, it was a frantic shadow. The shadow moved erratically, and for a second he thought it may be a drug addict. No chance of finding any money on the body when he was done with the thief. Addicts NEVER have money, hence the reason he, or she has broken into my house tonight. He slowly crept toward the doorway to the kitchen, and stopped. He could hear no more sound, nor could he see the shadow anymore. He was suddenly excited. It wouldn't be a swift kill after all, it would be a game of sorts. He had the utmost confidence that he would win, but it's the thrill of the game that excited him.

  Finally after a few moments he heard some beeping noises. He recognized them as the buttons on a cell phone. A few more moments passed and a mans voice said. "Yo Mitch I don't think you gave me the right apartment number." Sledge almost giggled at the mans bad luck. He had obviously stumbled into the wrong apartment, and most certainly he was about to meet the wrong man, Sledge himself. He listened a while to the intruder whispering into the phone. Sledge didn't really need to kill him, because he would surely want to be leaving soon after not finding what he came for. Maybe he would stop and try to steal the VCR, if Sledge owned one, but he did not.

The Sledge just loved killing. It was his job after all, and his daddy always told him to take pride in your work, so yes, he would kill the intruder. So what if he was just an idiot in the wrong place, at the wrong mans house. The intruder spoke again "No! Shit man you said 120 not 125, how could I mess that up?" A few moments later he spoke again. "No its not because I am an idiot. I am not an idiot. Why hire me......... “ there was a pause. “Oh Fuck I just heard something."  What he heard was the Sledge's giggle. He just couldn't hold it in anymore.

"Wait a goddamn second" Marcus was now whispering again. Silence for a tick, and then Marcus spoke again. "OK I think its cool, I don't think anyones home, I am gonna jet.  This place is nasty, believe DAT. Shit all over DA floor, and I think there is some dudes blood in this sink. I gotta go fur real dude"

Sledge heard a final beep which was probably Marcus hanging up his phone, and from the man's statement about the blood in the sink all Sledge's thoughts of maybe just scaring him and slicing him up a bit were out the window. He was now a witness of sorts. Marcus quietly shut the cabinet doors. The Sledge thought to himself 'He must have been looking for drugs.'  Marcus emerged from the kitchen and was stunned to see Sledge casually standing in the hallway, leaning against the wall. Marcus didn't see the knife yet, it was at Sledge's side.

"Hello. Whats your name dude?" Sledge asked, mocking the mans slang.  Immediately the Man backed into the wall and stammered "Whoa sorry, wrong house. I Uh thought this was..Uh Iesha's crib." Sledge calmly replied "No Problem, who is Iesha? I do NOT know any Iesha living in this

complex, and I know everyone. Again! Whats your name?"

  Marcus was now visibly sweating. He looked around nervously, and said "Um my name is Marcus" then his eyes strayed to the knife in Sledge's hand. "Yo dude! No need to use that, I am unarmed and this was all a mistake! Wrong house is all dude" Sledge smiled evilly. "Yeah it was a mistake. Your mistake"

  Marcus was more than confused..he was shaking, "What?" he was still eying the knife and trying to back away. Sledge didn't let him. Lightning fast he threw his right arm over Marcus' shoulder as if to give him a one armed hug. Marcus went limp, not knowing how or why. Sledge gently, almost tenderly lowered him to the floor and left the knife where it was because he liked how it somewhat propped Marcus's head up while he lay on the floor with his spinal cord severed. "Next time you break into a house, get the right house. Oh I forgot. Sorry, you wont be breaking into anymore houses. You will most likely be my breakfast tomorrow"

Sledge laughed, and laughed until Marcus started screaming for help. Sledge crouched over him and covered his mouth. "Shh either I can kill you now or we can watch some Tom and Jerry first? I love those guys" This for some reason caused Marcus to scream even louder. Sledge looked at him and said. "OK Nite Nite" He raised his fist and pounded him in the temple until his eyes rolled into the back of his head and finally closed.

© Copyright 2009 Kane Fury (kane_fury at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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