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Rated: · Draft · Fantasy · #1532927
a book based on the twilight saga by stephenie meyer
Dark Star

Chapter 1: Creatures

“Mom, I’m thirsty.” Renesmee complained. “Let me get you something then.” I responded.
“Edward we are running low on supply. We need to go hunting soon.” I said. “Anything you want, love.” Edward cooed. The doorbell rang. It was Alice. “Your favorite sister-in-law is here!” She announced. “Do you have any plans today?” She asked. “No, we were just going to go hunting. Why do you ask?” I wondered. “Oh, okay then nevermind.” She sounded disappointed and headed towards the door.

“Tell me what you were going to say.”
“I thought we could go shopping. But if you need to go hunting, do that first and then we can have a girl’s night out. What do you say?”
“Sounds fun. I mean we haven’t gone out in a while. Aw, what the heck. Let’s go.”
“Okay then I will see you at 5:00 pm sharp.”
“See you then.”

I closed the door and walked over to Edward. “We are going to have to hurry. Ali-.” I began. “I know, you are having a girl’s night out with Alice. And you are right; we do need to leave soon. It is already 2:00 pm.” He interrupted. “And we need to really hurry because this is our last bottle and Renesmee is thirsty.” I said. “Renesmee get ready we are going hunting.” He instructed her. “I need to go change first. Be right back.” I said. “Okay, love.” He said softly. I changed quickly and met Renesmee and Edward in the family room. “We should call Jacob so he can stay with Renesmee while we hunt.” I suggested. “Okay.” He answered and began to dial the phone. I ran to the closet to get my shoes on and came back to Edward. “He said he is on his way. In fact, he should be here right about . . . now.” Edward said happily. I opened the door and there was Jacob. “Hey Bells!” Jacob said warmly. He smiled my favorite grin. We hugged, he greeted Edward, and then walked over to say hi to Renesmee. “We should get going. We are on a tight

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schedule.” Edward told Jacob. “Let’s get going then.” Jacob replied. Then we went outside and headed towards the deep wooded area in the forest.

“From the first time I’ve hunted until now. I think I’ve really improved,” I said proudly to Edward. He smiled and said “I agree. You’re not as messy. You always were so messy.” He chuckled and I laughed with him. “Renesmee is doing pretty good too.” He added. I could handle my thirst but I hadn’t had blood in a while. “Let’s go! It’s time for some hunting!” I announced. “Go get ‘em!” He egged on. I began to smell the air. Edward was also doing the same. I thought I smelled something when suddenly he charged. He was chasing his favorite animal; the mountain lion. Fortunately for him he caught it. I was still sniffing. Finally, I caught a scent. Elk. I followed the scent until I spotted the animal. I crept up behind it slowly and when I was close enough, I pounced. “Got it, yes!” I said out loud. After the meal and a few others, Edward, Jacob, Renesmee, and I found each other and went back to the house.

“Thanks so much Jake.” I said thankfully. “No problem.” Jacob replied. “I would love for you to stay but Alice and I are going out tonight. Thanks again.” I told him. “Well then, see you.” Jacob said trying to act like it was fine, but he didn’t do it well. “Bye” Edward, Renesmee and I all said. Jacob left and I headed upstairs to change. When I was done I went to the family room where Edward and Renesmee were sitting and watching television. I asked them how I looked. “Beautiful as always.” Edward told me in his sweet voice. “Daddy said it all.” Renesmee said warmly. “I need to get going it is 4:50 pm. I love you guys and I will see you tonight and Renesmee I will see you in the morning.” I told them and headed to the door. “Bye, love.” Edward said. Renesmee waved goodbye.

When I got to the Cullens’ house, Alice was in her Porsche waiting. She looked amazing. “Hey, you’re right on time. Hop in!” Alice said. I got in and greeted her. She drove fast like always and we were at the mall in no time. We visited different stores. Jewelry, clothing, antiques, everything you could thing of. Alice really enjoyed herself. By 10:00 pm I was home and Edward was waiting for me. Renesmee was in bed. I hugged and kissed him. He did the same. “How was it?” He asked. “It was a blast. I got new clothes and look at these sunglasses! I know it rains a lot here but they match with this outfit perfectly.” I said happily. I showed him the outfit and all my others. “Alice has really brainwashed you. You are the second Alice.” He said, chuckling. I laughed. We laid with each other and watched T.V. through the night.

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The next day, I woke up to hearing birds chirping. It was a sunny day. “We haven’t had a sunny day in a long time.” I told Edward. “Maybe we should go to the meadow today. What do you say? We can bring Renesmee too.” Edward said. “She should be awake. She might be thirsty though.” I said. “Well I doubt she will be thirsty. She had a pretty big meal yesterday.” He replied. “True.” I added. I peeked in Renesmee’s room and quietly saw her sleeping then I shut the door slowly and softly and walked back down to Edward. “She’s still asleep.” I told Edward. “Okay and you might want to change. You’re still in your pajamas.” He suggested. “Oh right.” I replied embarrassed. After I was done changing I went into Renesmee’s room and kissed her on her forehead. She slowly opened her eyes. We are going to go to a meadow today. Are you thirsty?” I asked. “No, I’m still full.” She said sleepily. “It’s warmer out today. The sun is out so wear something comfortable.” I told her. “Okay.” She replied.

I walked to the family room, turned off the television, and sat down with Edward. “Is she awake yet?” Edward asked. “Yes, I just woke her up. She’s getting ready.” I replied. “Okay.” Edward said quietly. He stroked my hair and kissed my head. Renesmee skipped into the room and she was wearing a dress and a hat with a pink band around it and a rose on top that I had got her for Christmas. She came and sat between me and Edward and laid her head against Edward. “Are you ready to go?” Edward asked us excitedly. “Yes, Daddy.” Renesmee answered politely. “I can’t wait.” I also said excitedly. I started to get up and so did Renesmee. Edward got up after we did but quickly. “Why are you so excited?” I asked Edward. “Well I have a surprise for you. It will be fun. We have to get the Jeep though. It has what we need in it and it is still muddy from when it rained the other day.” He answered. Now I was curious and anxious to get there to see what we were doing. I knew I would like it. Edward always has the best ideas.

When we got to the Cullens’ house, the garage was closed. Edward rang the doorbell and Carlisle answered. “Hey Bella, Edward, and Renesmee!” Carlisle said welcomingly. “Hey Carlisle!” I said. “We are going to the meadow today.” Edward said. “Today’s the day, eh?” Carlisle wondered. “Yes.” Edward answered. “Okay just let me open the garage. Hold
on for one second.” Carlisle said warmly. Literally a second later, the garage
door opened. I saw my Ferrari, Alice’s Porsche, Edward’s Volvo, Rosalie’s
Convertible, and finally Emmett’s Jeep. I headed over to the Jeep and got in the passenger seat. Edward got in the driver’s seat and Renesmee hopped in

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back. Renesmee tried to look in the back but she wasn’t quite tall enough. “Ready?” Edward asked smiling. “Heck ya!” I answered and we took off.

Once we got to the deep woods, we stopped where me and Edward usually get off the Jeep and start to hike. “I will take the supplies.” Edward said politely. “Okay, I will carry Renesmee on my back.” I told him. “Okay love. Follow me.” He said. We got out of the car; I got Renesmee while Edward was in the back getting the supplies. Then I saw it. 3 bags of soil, gardening tools, and seeds. “We are going to make our own garden.” Edward said. “In the place where we first alone together.” He added. “And an amazingly beautiful place.” I commented. “What do you think sweetie?” I asked Renesmee. “It’s the best idea ever!” She said loudly in surprise. Renesmee, hold on tight, close your eyes, don’t open them until I tell you to, and rest your head against my shoulder.” I instructed. “Okay.” She said after she listened carefully. Edward started running and I did the same. He took off before me but I easily caught up to him. I stayed a little bit behind him and on the right of him so he could see me from his peripheral vision, to know that I had not lost him.

When we got to our meadow we found a perfect spot where the plants would get a lot of sun when the sun came out. We knew we wouldn’t have to water it because of how much it rained. First we used shovels to dig a rectangular hole in the ground. Renesmee was working as hard as she could. She was a great worker. After digging our hole, we put down the soil. Edward and I opened the bags and put it down. Renesmee smoothed it out. “Renesmee would you like to make the holes in the soil for where the plants should go?” Edward offered. “Sure.” Renesmee said extremely happy. “Here use this shovel.” I said. I handed her one of the small gardening shovels. She began right away with a big smile on her face. She was also sticking her tongue out in the corner of her mouth and she looked very determined to make this garden beautiful. After she was done I handed her the bag of seeds and she opened it. The first plant was a sunflower. She planted three of those by each other. Then Edward handed her bags of rose seeds, tulip seeds, daisy seeds, and many more different plants. Then we hoed the garden and gathered all of our supplies together. We looked at our garden. “It’s going to be a great garden.” Edward said. Then we headed to the Jeep and began to drive home. Edward was humming my song he wrote for me all the way home.

By the time we got home, it was around 3:15 pm. There was a note on the dining room table and I read it. It was from Esme.
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Dear Bella and Edward,
We would like you to come over as soon as possible. It’s an emergency. No one is hurt but we have some news. I would recommend you bring Renesmee. She is too young to stay alone, or even with Jacob Black. I will see you soon. Watch out for each other and make sure to lock your doors and windows when you leave.


“We need to get over there now!” Edward said worried. “Renesmee, no time to change. We need to go to your family’s house.” I said alarmed. “What’s wrong? Is everythi-” Renesmee asked scared. “We just need to go to your family’s house. I don’t know anything yet but we need to get over there. Get your coat back on.” I instructed. She did as I said and we left and headed over to the Cullens’ house in the Jeep.

When we got to the Cullens’ House, Esme was waiting at the door for us and the rest of them were sitting at the dining room table. “Come on in and have a seat.” Carlisle said shakily. We all went in and had a seat. “What’s going on?” I asked. “Well I have seen something.” Alice said. “Maybe the television well help you understand.” Alice added and turned on the television. It was on the national news channel.

“Lately, on the west coast, people have been waking up to seeing large footprints in the mud near their house. It has been reported to be the shape of a wolf’s paw print but 10 times the size of a bear’s paw print. Scientists think that this could be either a joke, or a new species of an animal could have been formed because no animal that lives on land could be that big.” The News Reporter Announced.

Alice shut off the television. “So there are more shape shifters?” I asked confused. “Shape shifters cannot get that big in size.” Alice told us.

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“We think that these creatures are werewolves. Not shape shifters. We believe that they think that Jacob and his pack are also werewolves. So we think they are coming to Jacob and his pack so they can meet and add them to their pack. But if they get our scent (which they will if they come in Forks) then there could be another war. They could also hurt as bad because of their size. Some of them might not even be full grown yet. They are huge creatures. I see that there are over 12 of them. So we would most likely not win the fight here in Forks if it’s just us. Once this fight starts, it will get bigger and bigger and soon it will become a war.” Alice announced her voice shaky. “But how can you even see them?” I asked. “Like I said before. These are not shape shifters. They are werewolves. I can see them but not as well I can see humans. So these creatures are going to be hard to predict. It took me a while to even see this. Alice explained.

I looked around at the faces of my family members. They all looked worried. Alice started to attempt to see more. Everyone was quiet. Alice was deep in concentration. Suddenly she opened her eyes and said quickly “they are moving very fast. Almost as fast as vampires. They are already in Seattle. But they only move at night. They should be here by tomorrow.” She said looking extremely scared. “We have to do something!” Edward said breaking the silence. “Call Jacob!” Carlisle suggested. Edward quickly got the phone and began dialing. “There’s no answer! Damn it!” Edward said loudly. I quickly looked at Renesmee. I forgot all about her. She looked like she was about to cry. I went over to her and hugged her and kissed her. “It’s going to be alright. I promise. We will find a way to get past this. Don’t worry honey.” I tried to say calmly to her. Edward began dialing again.

“Billy! It’s Edward! I need to talk to Jacob! Is he there?”
“Yes, here he is.”
“Hey Edward what’s up?
“Jacob! I need you to come to over here to the Cullens’ A.S.A.P.!
“What’s wrong?”
“Don’t change into your wolf form. Ride your motorcycle over here as fast as you can without getting a ticket. No time to explain! Just hurry! No one is hurt.”
“See you soon.”

“He is on his way. He should be here within two minutes.” Edward said. A few minutes passed and Jacob was at the door. Alice explained everything to

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Jacob. He tried to call the pack to the Cullens’ house but no one was in wolf form. Jacob picked up the phone and began dialing. The Clearwaters, Sam Uley, the whole pack. Once Jacob got ahold of everyone we began thinking of a plan. “Maybe all you vampires leave Forks.” Jacob suggested. “That won’t work! They can just come here, get used to our scent and track us down! Aren’t dogs supposed to be smart?” Rosalie yelled at Jacob. “Hey, hey! No fighting guys! We have a problem on our hands and we need to solve it but arguing isn’t going to help.” Emmett said annoyed. “Maybe if the shape shifters leave Forks and find the werewolves.” Renesmee suggested. “Yes! And then they can do it after midnight so they can find them easier.” Alice said excitedly. “This kid really is smart.” Carlisle added. Renesmee smiled a huge grin. “The only problem is, is that Jacob and his pack might get in a fight with the wolves after he tells them that they are not willing to join the pack.” Esme explained. “That’s not likely though, the wolves wouldn’t hurt them because they might think that they will change their minds and come back.” Edward said. “This just might be crazy enough to work.” I said still trying to sound calm.

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© Copyright 2009 Waddlguin (waddlguin at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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