Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1532515-Looking-Back
Rated: · Short Story · Contest Entry · #1532515
For "Prodigy". A lady looking back at her youth when a new student moved to her school.
I remember it as if it were yesterday. It was several years ago, though. I was very young back then, didn't know how to deal with everything. Well, it all went well in the end, if it really had an end. This small thing, that started in class when I was twelve years old, has infected my entire life; I daresay, that it still is. It is not like I have the time or will to tell you about all that, but I shall at least tell you the beginning.

It was a warm automns day, and I was sitting by the window as usual. It was september, and the sun was still warm. Of course, I did pay attention to the teacher, even as I was drifting off into space, and even though I felt anxious in school, or how should I describe it; it was like stomach pain and it didn't stop, even though I didn't know why.

This particular day was the day my class would receive a transfer student. I'm sure you know how it is, what with the entire class bustling with curiousity. I went to a small school, you see, and we were young and bored. Of course we were interested.

The door to the classroom opened right after my teacher had tried to make us quiet for the fifth time, not that I was so bored that I counted the times. Or, well, maybe. I can at least tell you that I was as curious as everyone else about this new student. And the girl that then stood in front of us... She didn't look very unusual at first, to tell the truth. It's not like she was a mysterious creature, or anything. She looked like an ordinary girl, although very pretty. She was smiling shyly at us, I still remember. Her parents were standig by the door, looking nervous and out of place. They threw her a quick glance, mumbled a few polite words to our teacher, and left as soon as they could.

As our teacher introduced the girl as Minette, the entire class stared at her curiously, obviously. She didn't look very bothered by it, I think she was used to it. If it is possible to look both shy and confident at the same time, this Minette girl certainly did it.

I do not have to tell you that our entire class was absolutely charmed by her, me included, do I? Because it's obvious that someone as pretty as her, who was able to stand in front of everyone looking totally unconcerned about our curiousity, and still as pretty as a picture, would have that impact on anyone.

One thing lead to another, and suddenly I found myself, with four of my classmates, following her home while eagerly telling her about our school and myself. She didn't speak very much, mostly nodded and smiled, as the perfect listener. When I look back at it, I think the five of us were practically fighting over her favour, that's how wonderful we thought her to be. If I was younger, I might have called her a princess, but as I was as big as twelve years old, I didn't think of such childish matters. For someone as me, always standing in the shadow, the ugly one, the geeky one, this was something new. I think that was the biggest reason for my behavior, as I desperately longed for a real friend.

She invited us into her home too, a mansion very fitting for a princess, I must say. It was huge, spacious, and beautiful. They had just moved there, so there didn't seem to be much furnishing at all. Still, it looked very magnificent.

She quickly found us some fancy cake and then we sat out in the garden. I'm sorry, my sweethearts, if I'm being a bore. Thinking back on it now, I was far too enchanted to see anything bad about that day. Especially when Minette took my hand, smiled at me, and brought me inside the house while the others were admiring her award-winning cat.

I know what you're thinking, you silly girls, but it was nothing like that. And I am getting to the last part now, so pay attention. As I was saying, she brought me inside the mansion again, and as we were standing alone in the hallway, I looked at her, probably with adoration visible in my facial expression.

Her look was serious now, and she looked into my eyes, and all I could se was honesty in hers.

"Please help me. I don't belong in this time, I have traveled several hundred years back in time, to this place. Please help me return."

When she said it, I believed her completely. The possibility that she was joking never crossed my mind, not with that serious and honest plea in her eyes. And that second, I also knew that I would do anything, everything, to help her.

I was completely stuck in web she had spun that day, with no way of escape. How could I know that she were't to be trusted? I was still a mere child, innocent and pure. I still believe, up to this day, that she had me captivated from the moment she stepped into the classroom. As I agreed to help her, as her face lit up in joy, I made the biggest mistake of my life.

And that is the story, of which I promised to tell. Yes, that is everything. My dear, dear, children, you already know what happened then. Not with my own words, that is true, but I do not wish to speak of it. This is enough, ask no more of me. Yes, I am here, I am fine, and that is all you need to know.

I am tired, I wish to sleep, I bid you goodnight, my loved ones.
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