Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1532321-In-the-Name-of-the-Challenger
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · War · #1532321
Woman is told in a prophecy to save the world
As she clambered up the stepp hill, dragging her beaten feet, brown, green and blue blurred together, creating incredible shapes and unique pictures, never seen before or to be seen again. Plains, crossed with streams trickling over rocks and between trees, stretched to apparent infinity. Hills rose high and dropped low into sweet valleuys, swollen with lochs, deep with dark waters.
It seemed to Dramala she had been walking an age; minutes to days, days to years. The world was in slow motion. She looked back at her freshly trodden path. It teased her eyes. She was unsure of her legs and mind. She carried on walking.
For five days she had walked alone, fearing the night and all its specialities; cries in the dark and calls of hunger. The hard earth she had known as a bed had weakened her hips, paining her every step. Why this lonely walk?
Should I be the one?
This was the thought that nagged at her. It whispered that it was so she must stay the course.
It darkened quickly one night. She stopped to rest and camp. That night visions of the past once again troubled her sleep. Her brother and faterh were fighting a brutal battle. Fearful cries seared her chest, louder and stranger and more terrible than ever before. But what stayed in her mind was the return of the bodies and how the clan had mourned that day for the dead. She woke in a terrible sweat. this was the voice that willed her on each day, the thought of others suffering as she was suffering.
"Goddess of Chastity, Kala; I swear to you that forever more I shall not be burdened with a family, spare me the pain of loss and love. With the suffering and experience that I have gained I swear to you save me this. With this oath help me to succeed in my quest."
This oath must work, she thought, it was all that she could think.
A sword hung by her side. Dramala had never used a sword before and she hoped would never need to. The roads in these parts had a troublesome reputation, which she did not want to experience. There was a dangerous variety of people, many best avoided; mercenaries, merchants, knights and peasants. Dramala wasn't sure which group she would belong to now. She would probably be a pilgrim or a traveller.
When Dramala was coming close to the city called Barbrae a group of common men appeared. They smirked and gave each other knowing looks. She guessed what they wanted.
"Well, there's a fearsome soldier," one of the men sniggered. The others smirked.
Dramala walked on, head down, avoiding their eyes.
"Oh, the soldier's running away," another said, in a patronising voice. The group of thugs formed aring around her.
"Leave me alone," Dramala said. She tried to push past out of the tight ring.
"I don't think so, my pretty," one said in a sly, cruel way. Dramala felt increasingly uneasy.
"Let me go," she repeated, "and I'll not harm you and I'll tell no one."
The men started to laugh. She felt her sword by her side. Her fingers wrapped around the hilt.
"What will you give us?" one of them sneered.
"Let me go," she warned.
One man pinned Dramala from behind.
"Right men one at a time," he commanded.
A surge of anger filled her. she flung back her head, and as fast as thought she tripped her opponent almost before he realised his forehead hurt. The point of her sword was at his neck.
"Leave me!" she shouted.
In the distance there was a cry of a bird. Dramala drew a narrow red line down the man's cheek. No one moved.
"For God's sakes!" the fallen man cried. "Slerrin, Tophris!"
They fanned out slowly, never taking their eyes off her.
Dramala let the fallen man up only when the others had escaped her sight. When the man had completely gone Dramala ran as fast as her legs could take her towards the city. She ran down the valley and up over the next hill. A sight she would always remember; the city of Barbrae. this city in many ways was protected but also cornered. the other side of the hill a sheer cliff fell to the quiet sea.
Her joy and happiness in seeing her goal before her was overwhelming. She collapsed with relief and hopejust outside the city gates. The two guards by the gateway ran to her side, checked to see if she was armed and found the sword but no other weapon. They delicately rummaged around to find any identity. There was something else, which they found of interest; a picture of a man, familiar to both the guards. the two strongmen lifted her up and took her gently from the prying eyes of the peasants.

When she woke up, she felt sheets and a cool comfortable bed beneath her.
Which clan had she trespassed into?
Fear and panic overcame her. Dramala huddled up into herself aware of everything around her. She still wore the clothes that she had travelled in. Her sword was safe on the floor. She remembered her quest and knew that she had nothing to fear. A young maid came bustling into the room.
"Who are you and where am I?" Dramala demanded, eyeing her sword.
"Why, you are in Barbrae, mi'lady," the maid replied in a bemused voice.
"Why are you here?"
"To dress you, mi'lady," the maid answered.
Barbrae. They place Dramala had to find. No more walking! The maid took out the dress from the wardrobe. Dramala had never seen such fine clothes or material in her life! They were made for noble people with the deep corsets and flowing skirts. She could have sworn they were made of rare jewels. Dramala had only worn a dress made of simple cloth, nothing special.
"Let me change you, mi'lady," the maid said.
Dramala sheepishly walked over to this maid, not knowing what to do next. the maid explained everything that needed to be done; the dress was lowered onto her skinny body. most people when seeing Dramala would think that someone could get no thinner. Apparently not, as the corset of the dress squeezed her so much.
"Whose house is this?" Dramala demanded.
"This is the house of my master, Prince Taysain," the maid replied. Dramala almost felll. This wasn't right, how cdould she have been taken into the care of a Prince?
"Mi'lady what is wrong?" the maid asked. her concern was written all over her face.l
Dramala's face paled. She had to leave; it would be treacherous if she were discovered to be from another clan. Trespassing was punishable by death by her people. What was she to do?
"Calm, calm," Dramala repeated to herself. She remembered why she had started this journey. A task had to be fulfilled this was where it began.
"Nothing; just I had never worn such a fabulous dress before," she said, and this was the truth.
When Dramala had finished dressing a butler summoned her. Nerves overtook her; she rubbed her palm. Her eyes were wide with unknown fear. A large door was opened into a large room. She slowly walked in.
"Come in, don't be scared."
The voice was kind and filled with anticipation.
"I am not afraid," Dramala lied.
"Who are you girl?" the voice said again.
"I am Dramala McFadden. Who are you?" she replied.
"I am Prince Taysain," the voice saidk replying to Dramala's question.
The Prince stepped into view, Dramala sucked inher vreath. His features were so familiar; the dark hair, dark eyebrows and those blue eyes... the face in the dream.
"I remember your face..." She did not finish her sentence, as she felt embarrassed to say what she had seen.
"From where?" Prince Taysain asked.
"From ...er...my ...um...my...vision in my dream," she finally said, her face going red.
"Come here, Dramala," the Prince commanded.
Dramala bustled to whre he was standing.She found it hard to walk in this dress; the heavy skirt and tight waist. Where she was closer to Prince Taysain, he seemed to examine her, looking at her from all angles.
"Excuse me, but what are you doing?" Dramala demanded. Prince Taysain did not reply, but continued. She might be a girl from another clan but this was not what she had expected form anyone, not even a Prince.
"I asked you a question...sir?" she replied adding the 'sir' as she remembered that he was a prince. He stopped at that.
"I'm looking at you...It appears as if you have never worn a dress of this kind before," he said.
"I didn't come here to be examined. I was commanded to find you but all you care about is appearance," Dramala spluttered in disgust.
"You were sent to find me? By whom may I ask?" Prince Taysain replied after an awkward silence.
"I was sent by a prophecy told by a seer," Dramala replied. She had expected a laugh to follow shortly afterwards, as the stroy seemed unreal. She knew though that it was true.
"May I hear this prophecy?" the prince asked.
Dramala had learnt it before she had started on this treck:

"The challenger shall arise,
In the midst of war,
To fight a
Great evil,
They shall fight a
Single battle that will
Destroy all clans,
Uniting them as one.

Eyes must burn,
To overcome undying power,
Fire shall burn brightly,
In the name of the challenger.

Great power shall be
Bestowed upon
The Defender of Earth,
Peace shall come
Once the battle is won."

When Dramala finished, a long powerful silence came. A silence that seemed loud. Prince Taysain's face expressed ignorance. He had no idea what hthis meant. She broke the silence.
"You don't believe me. What a surprise!"
Now came the laugh she had expected. She hadn't expected it to be there thougjh. This angered Dramala very much. In her mind she believed that one person alone must have started the clan wars. She did not speak of this out loud as she knew the Prince would consider this a foolish idea. But in her heart it wasn't to her.
"Don't be ridiculous, Dramala, of course I believe you," Prince Taysain said. Dramala's anger melted away as the laughter set in.
Through the rest of the week Dramala and Prince Taysain talked to each other about their lives and the differences between their two cultures. Prince Taysain showed Dramala all around the kingdom, inboth the good and bad areas. Dramala felt safe as she felt powerful with the Prince by her side.
She dreamed again that night. Magic hands came into her head. An image of the world,m red like fire, appeared. Cried of pain and clashing swords were hears. The magic ensnared themodel world and a cruel laugh pierced the sound. Drmala woke up sweating and breathing heavily. What did this mean? Is my lunatic idea actually true? Did a sorcerer really start the clan wars? That laugh stayed in Dramala's mind, that cruel, violent-starting laugh. The powers from those hands were like electricity. Bloodshed was in this magic and now Dramala realised what had to be done. The prophecy and this dream fitted together like a hand in a glove.
"To fight a greater evil," Dramala whispered to herself.
"Taysain, I need to speak to you, now," Dramala walked around the whole building trying to find him. he had been out helping to groom the horses.
"Yes, what is it?" he replied.
"Do you know anything about a model world? Is it ensnared in magic? I saw blood everywhere," Dramala asked in a voice full of dread and hope.
Prince Taysain stopped brushing down one of the horses and looked straght at her. His eyes were full of emotion, some of them indescibable. Recognition was visibly noticeable.
"You do know. I can see it in your eyes. Tell me now because I need to know," she asked firmly.
"I thought he had been killed the first time! My mother told me about the world...she said that no magic could ever wield it from its purpose," Taysain said.
"What purpose?" she asked.
"To balance the world and for the great leaders of the world to look upon," Taysain explained.
"I saw a sorcerer ensnaring it in magic with evil, and cries of despair and pain followed. he is controlling it, these clan wars. I can still hear his laugh...so evil," Dramala seemed to be revisiting the dream. She couldn't escape the voices who needed help and to escape the terrifying wars.
Taysain knew that Dramala was telling the truth. She sat down heavily on a stool, shocked and scared. Fear of the unknown stamped the ground. They both turned their heads towards the noise.
"What am I supposed to do?" she asked between sobs, "I'm a woman, not a hero."
The pressure of the burden finally found its place on Dramala's shoulders pushing her down deep.
Taysain could say nothing for he knew not the answer to this deep question. They both knew that Dramala had been chosen. She had to fight her way through this with Taysain as her aid.
They were like this for a time, Dramala sitting down in a seat crying from the burden placed on her shoulders and Taysain standing by her side watching, not knowing what to do. He was unused to seeing such emotion being displayed so openly. He had no knowledge in the art of comfort.
Taysain arranged for Dramala and him to meet in the peacefulness of the fountains a couple of days later. the water trickling quietly was tranquil. Here all the memoires of the dreams and prophecies seemed to vanish. Nothingness evolved in this place. Matter did not seem important.
After they had puzzled what to do a journey came into view. It was a jounrey to the end of the world, some would say. Extra blankeys and food filled their backpacks. Dramala silently hoped that it wouldn't be as bad as the journey to Barbrae. The fear of unknown lands gripped her heart. New hills and scenery were to fall upon her eyes.
"We travel fro sixty days and sixty nights down the path. Then we sail to this land and come to the sorcerer," Taysain explained to her.
"Sixty days and nights," she whispered. The thought of travelling for that long bewildered her. it was unthinkable!
There were a number of mountains and hills that had to be climbed on this dangerous treck. Taysain and Dramala set out and walked, not talking much to keep as much strength and energy as possible.
Seven days had passed since beginning of the journey. Three valleys had been crossed. Food from the backpacks had gradually shrunk during the seven days.
"Look over there, between the mountains," Taysain pointed to the west where the sun was setting.
Just between the two mountains flew the biggest bird ever. Even bigger than the Golden Eagle, so rare people called it a myth. It was a Mopheme. so beautiful but dangerous was this bird. it was said to give the seer goodl uck at whatever they were doing, but many thought this was here-say as so few poeple  ever saw it. A mopheme, so big, with blue feathers and a dark red chest. Its feathers had a sprinkled colour of gold so it seemed to shimmer in the light.
"What a sight! No-one will believe me if i tell them we've seen a mopheme."
"Incredible;we'd better hurry before darkness falls."
In the third week of travelling the hills became steeper and razor sharp. On the map they would be in the centre of the country going towards the seacoast.
"Be careful of rock. I almost cut my fingers off," Dramala said.
The sun came down quickly this day so they ahd to stop early.
Dramala took the blankets out of her backpack and set them out on the shelter holding it up with pegs and rocks.
"My feet are so cold and sore!" Dramala complained.
"I'm cold all over," Taysain replied to her complaint.
His teeth started to chatter after he spoke. She arranged her stuff and sat down next to him, the sky was clear and the stars glistened. A cold winter wind blew, chilling the bones of them both.
Taysain thoght over what could happen to him. He remained quiet till late evening after they had eated supper. Taysain, thinking that he had seen the last of his home and that he would be exiled, kept his thought to himself.
"What's the matter?" Dramala asked.
"Nothing is the matter," Taysain replied, making his voice as innocent as possible.
"Come on, open up. Tell me," she said in a motherly tone.
"It's nothing, I'm just thinking, that's all."
Dramala decided to stop questioning him, as he clearly didn't want to talk. She had been thinking too - of what lay ahead, and if there would be extreme danger. Would she die? What was she to face? Those hands and that laugh plagued her sleep. The electricity of magic hauntred her. How could anyone have that sort of power? Scenarios filled her mind of things that could happen; her death, her victory, and her destruction. She imagined her victory, to destory the sorcerer, but to be killed at the last minute and her body to be a ruin, unable to be restored. And what would happen if she failed?
Apart from the quest that was at hand, another important thought crept to the front of her mind. The oath, it dawned on her, could not be cancelled. Dramala realised with terror that she could never have a family. "Never" was a long, long time. No children, no one to love her or for her to love. It was the greatest loss she would ever face. Even bigger than losing her father and brother. Why had she done it? This realisation seemed to punish her, envelop her entirely. What had she done? She had destroyed a complete part of her sou, not to bring life into the world.

When they had reached the boat, wich they were planning to sail, they stopped at an inn for comfort and shelter. Dramala had never seen anything nore welcoming after sleeping under a rug on a hard rocky floor with little food to keep them going.
When she found her room she collapsed on her bed, lazily putting the duvet over her cold and worn-out body. After about five minutes she had fallen into a deep sleep.
Taysain on the other hand managed to get a decent meal as wellas a good idea of whre they were. Dramala and Taysain had gone a little off course, but only slightly. They had gone about five miles out of the way. He had many questions in his mind, the answer to which troubled him. Such as - what will happen if we die? Will these wars carry on? There was a question in Taysain's mind, which he hated to consider: what would happen to Dramala should he die? Or vis versa. Throughout the past few weeks in which they had travelled together, Taysain seemed to have turned into a good friedn of Dramala's. They had depended upon each other. There were many things in which they needed help form each other, all different but useful.
The thought of Dramala dying, almost overpowered him. He went up to his room and quietly stepped so as not to wake her. He undressed and slipped into his bed and fell asleep as quickly as she had.
The boat trip didn't last long due to the strong winds. This sea was quite large but it wasn't rough like the shallower seasm but was known as one of the deepest seas in this world. The island in which this sorcere lived as a cold, white island, covered in snow. The land beneath had never been visible tothe warm, fresh sun. People's homes were in burrows so this is where the model world and the sorcerer would be.
"Oh god, Taysain, I don't think that I can do this," Dramala cried frantically.
"Yes, you can and you will, I will help you. We will defeat this sorcerer and the battle will be over," Taysain reassured her.
An amazing thing happened, Dramala's aura became visible to the naked eye. It was faint at first but became surer and a light purple colour surrounded her.Taysains's eyes oped wide with shock and he stepped back in shock and wonder.
"Oh my god!" Taysain uttered.
He knew exactly what was happening. His mother had it too.
"Dramala, you never told me!" he said quietly to her.
"What?" Dramala looked worried.
"You have magic, powerful yet subtle. Why didn't you tell me?" he explained.
"What, I don't have magic, do I?" Dramala asked.
Taysain nodded. He knew that must be why she had seen these visions and why she was chosen for this task.
"Think of something," he commanded.
She did, it was of fire. She had her eyes closed, her hands automatically lifting up. When she opened her eyes a single, flickering flame hovered between her two hands.
She felt like her soul had been filled with the food of god. A sensation going up her body from the small of her back to the top of her head.
"See you do have magic!" Taysain said.
The flames danced in Dramala's hand. She lifted them up and then blew on the fire. Her breath blew the flame onto the ground, creating a warm stove to cook their meal.
"Why didn't I have it before?" Dramala asked Taysain.
"I think it is because of this island. It is governed by magic and maintained by it. This magic must have triggered yours from within you and let it emerge out into the open," he explained to Dramala.
In the night, early morning, when most people and animals were fast asleep, Taysain sat awake by the dying fire. Again many questions filled his mind. Some old and some new. Do they have a better chance now that Dramala's magic has been revealed? One question confused him very. Did he have feelings that extended past friendship for Dramala? He thought about her constantly. Her dark features. Her eyes, so beautiful, so blue. Enough, Taysain thought, I shall not suffer this pain. He lied down on his blanket and fell asleep, comforted by the warmth of the fire.
Dramala trudged through the cold, icy wind that deflected her and Taysain. She imagined that she would turn into an ice cube. She had to stop more frequently than she had been doing on the mainland. So many days had passed since she had left her home to find Barbrae. Weeks - no, months, had passed since the prophecy.
That day they had walked a fair distance and they only had about five days travelling to do. Form the look on Taysain's face anyone could tell that he was exhausted. Dramala used her magic again to light a fire. Once they had eaten, they both fell asleep.
Dramala was standing in front of a man. She could feel power, such strong and potent power. This was the sorcerer, the one whom Dramala had to face. When she tried to move, Dramala realised that her arms and legs were stuck, not by rope but by the bonds of magic. Blue tendrils were wrapped tightly around her whole body. Such pain unlike anything she had felt before shot through her body. This pain twisted and ripped. She looked up to find the sorcerer weaving air with his hands, creating deadly shapes. Dramala could feel the life leaving her. The sorcerer lowered his hands and Dramala fell to the floor. Dead.
Screaming pierced the night. Dramala sat up and covered her face with her hands. Taysain put his arms around her.
"Don't worry, I'm here. You'll be alright now," he whispered.
"It was so real," she sobbed, hiding her face in his shoulder.
"It was just a bad dream," he said.
She looked up at him. He kissed her softly. The terrible dream faded and was replaced by the image of Taysain.
"Dramala, I'm sorry!" he gasped.
"Shh," she said quietly and kissed him again. This time he didn't withdraw from her.
In the morning Taysain woke up with his arms around Dramala. He moved slowly and quietly so as not to wake her. Taysain tidied all the pots and pans and food. When Dramala woke up she lookat up at the man who stood close to her. She smiled up at him. A thought came to her. Taysain was a Prince and she was from a warring clan. The oath she had made plagued her mind too. How would their love survive? It was a hopeless relationship. She sat up, feeling very tired.
"Good morning," Taysain said cheerfully.
"Mm...good morning," Dramala said sleepily. Dramala got up from out of the warm rug and went over to Taysain. He extended a hand, which held a bowl of farm food.
"Thank you," Dramala uttered quietly.
Taysain kissed her gently on the lips then on the top of her head. They ate quietly together trying to keep as much energy to heat up their cold bodies. They started walking; shivering so much. How could anywhere be so cold? She was capable of warming them with her magic but it would drain her energy and would not be able to walk. That was what really gave Dramala an awareness of her strengths and weakenesses.
Taysain walked along side her, feeling the cold go right through him. He felt so much, not just the cold. He remembered Barbrae. When he had spoken of the danger, which was upon the world, the senators had only laughed the situation off. They had said that it was a fool's errand. "If there was a situation we'd know about it," was what they had said. The senators were fools. All nine of them had looked at the Prince in madness. All nine had failed to see what Dramala had seen. They wanted physical proof, but none could be given and had all made a big mistake in brushing off the tainted magic as supersitition.
Dramala and Taysain were actually secretly on this mission. But now thoght the whole of Barbrae would know that they were doing.
"Where are we?" Dramala asked.
"We are about three days from where the model world is kept," Taysain replied.
"So far to travel. I need to rest," Dramala moaned.
She sat down after she had taken out her blanket to sit on.
"What happns if I can't fight this sorcerer; I'm frightened," Dramala said in almost a whisper.
Taysain sat in front of her on the blanket taking her cold hands.
"I believe you can do it. Come here, don't cry, my darling. Everything will work out, you'll see," he said to herm, comforting her as she came into his arms, weeping.
"I don't know, all I see is my death and those powerful hands controlling the world. It was so terrible. I don't think I have that much power," Dramala cried.
Taysain kissed her after she said these words. He felt so much for her. Love, power, desire. He didn't feel greed or lust. He was so proud of her for coming on this quest. he had a burning desire to protect her and take away the tears when they spilled doen her beautiful face.
"Be strong, you hjave the strength to do this. You alone were chosen for this task."
"I know I was chosen, but I have so many doubts. Little hope is left in me," she replied. All Taysain could think was how to take the burden away.

They set off again and didn't stop till dark. More people would be dying in the clan wars. Many women would be sleeping as widows on this night. With this thought in her mind they managed to walk twice the distance expected to travel. At this rate Taysain and Dramala would readch the model world by nightfall.

"It should be around here somewhere," Taysain announced.
They walked around, looking, searching for the cave to the model world.
"Wait. Stop," Dramala demanded.
Taysain stopped his movements, as she had commanded. She closed her eyes and lifted her hands in the air, similar to how she had created the fire. Dramala felt the earth beneath her, the air above her. And somewhere else also now was felt. It was to the south; a strong surge of power came from underground.
Dramala opened her eyes and looked at the area from where the power emanated. Only she saw the faint change in the air. All the colour of the rainbow hovered over the place where the world was.
"It's here, over here," she said.
She walked to where the colours moved just above the ground. Taysain walked and stood by her. Suddenly the ground gave way and Dramala and Taysain were falling. The bottom was deep, and a strange unnatural light shone everywhere.
"I have been expecting you," came a dark, menacing voice.
"Where are you?" Dramala asked in a faltering voice.
"I'm everywhere, my dear," came the voice.
Taysain and Dramala stood up shakily, not knowing what to do. A figure came into view. It was a man, tall and dangerous looking. His face was all too familiar.
The sorcerer lifted up his hands and spread his arms to be in a shape of a cross. Taysain and Dramala were flung apart; Taysain lay unconscious due to hitting his head on a rough rocfk, which bled.
It was as she had expected. When the time had come she had to do it alone. Alone. When she really needed Taysain, he wouldn't be there. The Goddess wanted her to do it alone. She had been chosen.
Dramala threw a squall of small spears at the sorcerer's eyes. It was useless: the sorcerer made them melt as soon as they drew close to him. He was more powerful than she had expected.
"You are a foolish girl. You know you can not defeat me," the evil man spoke.
Dramala tried again but with small daggers, with the same outcome.
"You have not the strength to defeat me," the sorcerer goaded again.
Dramala tried to ignore the torturing comments made by the great evil. But this was how she felt. Unequal, hopeless, weak.
An idea came intoher mind. This had to work. She closed her eyes, lifting her hands automatically. Dramala felt all the elements run through her body.  But something else was going up her body. When she opened her eyes blue tendrils of magic squeezed and petrified her. An evil laugh sounded, the same laugh from Dramala's vision.
"Now you shall see who has the real power. You are nothing but weak and useless," the evil sorcerer snarled.
He lifted his hands and weaved air through his fingers and hands. A twisting agony tore within Dramala. She screamed as the pain grew worse and worse with each slight quickening of the sorcerer's hands. She knew that it would end here. All this effort was to lead her to the vision she had forseen. Tears trickled down her face. Taysain filled her last thoughts. As he lay there by the edge of the cave Dramala stood in the greatest agony that any human could possibly imagine. This pain was as if her insides had come alive and wanted to get out of the confined space and have unlimited freedom. How could this sorcerer do this?
All the pain that Dramala harboured in her body she began to use against the sorcerer. With one last scream she let out all the power that she could muster. She released her whole magic and fire was blown out of her being into the eyes and soul of the great evil. She repeated the wors of the prophecy:
"Eyes must burn,
To overcome undying power,
Fire shall burn brightly,
In the name of the challenger."

The sorcerer's magic stopped and Dramala was released with a broken body. With the end of the sorcerer's life the model world was released from the ensnared magic.
Taysain stirred from his unconsciousness. He saw Dramala lying, motionless. His worst fear had come into his head. He crawled to her side, tears forming in his eyes. Her eyes were opened and breath came from her lips. her eyes were unfocused.
The look on his face was of pure concern. Would his beloved die? He couldn't help her or relieve her of this hurt. No muscle in his body was relaxed, emotions were everywhere. He took her hand in his in comfort, just to let her know that he was there.
"There is something I want to ask you," Taysain said after a while.
"What that?" she whispered through the agony.
"Will you marry me?" he replied back.
"Don't talk about marriage to me," she uttered to him.
"Why not?" he asked, confused.
Suddenly about four men burst into the little cave.
"Master, where are you master?" one of them said.
Taysain drew his sword; ready for whatever these men threw at him. His main objective was to protect Dramala from any more pain. She was in enough as it was.
"You master is dead," he replied to the men.
"What...? You shall die for what you have done," a second man said.
They too drew their swords and it became a battle of four against one. These menwer not the best swords men and didn't fight well. Taysain's duty as a Prince had been to learn how to fight. The odds wer in favour for Taysain. Two men were soon dead on the floor. The other chose life and fled.
Taysain ran back to Dramala's side. Please don't die, live, be with me. I don't want to be alone. Don't die. These were the words that ran through his mind.
Dramala's eyes shut and she called the last of her magic. In the magic she sent a plea. "Help us, save us, protect us".
"Dramala, wake up. Can you hear me?" Taysain cried.
"Yes, I can," she whispered back.
A loud call sounded about their heads. Colours of blue, gold and read were seen through the entrance of the cave. A mopheme had come. It had heard the magic.
Taysain lifted Dramala and put her on the back of the mopheme and climbed on after.
"Take us to Barbrae," he commanded.

The journey back was two day's flight. When they reache Barbrae Taysain took Dramala off the back. They thanked the great bird for his help. After that the bird flew away back to its homeland. The peasants and noblemen watched in wonder at this for none had seen one. Dramala was taken in Taysain's arms and he walked up to the palace.
Something was different, fighting had ceased all around and peace was among them. There were no more cries of death, hatred or pain. The innocent were safe from harm.
"We did it, Dramala. The wars are over," Taysain whispered to her.
"But there was a price," she said weakly.
Taysain looked down at her broken body and the pain was piereced in her eyes.
"I wish it would all go away. So much," Dramala said softly. A tear rolled down her cheek explaining the rest to Taysain.
"You'll be cured. Just believe and trust me," he said expressing his emotions in this one sentence.
Dramala stayed at the palace, slowly recovering from her injuries. As they were inside he could only wait and be patient. No one understood what had been done to her. After months of practise Dramala began to walk again with the help of a cane. She had been paralysed completely from the chest down. Even though she would never completley regain control of her body, she would live on.
With the success of the victory, which Taysain and her had made, she realised witha sad, weighed-down heart that the one thing she truly wanted could not happen. Taysain could not understand the melancholy of her features becaue they had won, people were safe and out of harm. Everything had been seen to, except for one thing. The events that happened with the sorcerer had been all planned, but by the Goddess. The Goddess had made Dramala fight the sorcerer on her own. This expressed that she had to live forever alone. Continuously apart form everyone else. She could never join in spirit with anyone for her entire life.
"Dramala, are you well?" he asked kindly.
"No," she replied, "I can't marry you."
"Why not?" Taysain asked with sadness in his voice.
"I made an oath to my Goddess that I would never have a family if my quest was successful," she explained, "it was successful, so I cannot be with you. I must keep my oath."
Dramala walked unable to face the man she loved and whom she could not marry. It was so hard. Whyhad she made this oath? But she understood that it had had to be done. It was that that had made her strong. If she had a family she would lose her strength.
After a dreamless night, Dramala walked over the hills, to familiar views. Time seemed dead. Minutes stretched painfully into days. She drifted over the slopes trying to banish the pictures, which plagued her mind. There was nothing to wait for. She was returning to Emillion, where once her family had been, but where now only memories remained. She was the last of the line. When she was gone the only memorial to her family would be the legend of her deeds.
© Copyright 2009 aflindsay (aflindsay at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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