Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1530958-Hidden-Pasts-Dark-Secrets-Chapter-8
by Jess
Rated: E · Fiction · Drama · #1530958
A novel about teenagers with a hidden twist

8. First Touch

Wisps of cool air slightly stung my burning face. The peaceful sensation cooled my body down. I felt the soft bed underneath my frigid body.
I was still in the nurse's office
I rolled slightly over to my left. I groaned, louder then I thought, when the pain in my head suddenly became noticeable. I moved my hand to the back of my head. A small bandage wrapped around my head. I winced at the unbearable pain but my eyes remained closed.
"Why couldn't you just let me take her," a voice sounded in another room. It was Derek's voice.
"Her head was bleeding and I was the closest one to her." Kye's heavenly voice rang louder then Derek's. "Besides, she is already getting better."
"I don’t care what you have to say, she isn't your friend and you had no right to take her away like that!" Derek's angry voice scared me.
"Do we have to fight about this right now? Let us just be happy that Lacey is okay.
"You don't care about her like I do, so leave!"
I wanted to yell at Derek. He didn't have to yell at Kye like that.
"Derek stop it," my low, raspy voice called out to him and I finally opened my eyes.
He suddenly burst through the door. He put his hand on my shoulder then lifted me—way too fast, and hugged me. The blood in my head became so unbalanced that I flopped back onto the bed, wrapping my both of my hands around the back of my head.
"Derek," I shrieked. "I'm way too light-headed."
"I'm sorry Lacey. I-I didn't mean to hurt you."
Suddenly, Kye peered his head into the room. His eyes were full of sadness. He looked at me, as if he hurt me himself.
In reality, he was one who hurt me. Seeing him in person after dreaming about him every night made my heart beat so rapidly and my head spin so much that I lost consciousness. It was his fault but I wanted so badly, to run into his arms and tell him I'm fine.
Derek glanced at Kye with hatred in his eyes. "Dude, get out of here. I want to talk to Lacey by myself."
Kye nodded and headed out of the room—his eyes still locked on mine.
I shot an angry look at Derek. "Why do you have to be so mean to him? He was just helping me out."
"You don't know him that well, Lacey. He's a bad kid and I thought he was going to hurt you."
"Well obviously he didn't. So stop being so rude to him. Go apologize," I ordered.
He looked at me with a lot of confusion. He then quickly moved away from me. I heard a loud laughter rumble out of his chest.
"Yeah right! I'm never gonna say sorry to him."
I stared at him with more hatred then ever.
How could he be so rude to Kye? He just wanted to help me; I don’t see what was so terribly wrong about that.
The school bell interrupted his laughter. He got up, hugged me—slightly—once more and waved good-bye.
"Don’t do anything to her," he muttered to Kye as he passed him in the other room. I almost heard Derek laugh to himself quietly and walk out of the office.
I heard Kye sluggishly move around in the other room and walk out of the office door, leaving me stranded in the nurse's office by myself. Some longing inside of me made me call after him.
"Kye!" I almost yelled.
He dropped his bags and swiftly ran into the room where I was lying helplessly on the bed.
"Yes, Lacey? Are you alright?"
His sweet, British accented voice turned stiff as he spoke. His face was still full of sorrow but he put on a smile just for me. His face was inches from mine and I could feel his soothing, cool breath.
Immediately, my mood was lifted. I even forgot why I called him.
"I'm alright now," I smiled. "I'm sorry about Derek. I don't know why he was so mad but please forgive him."
It was true. I wasn't sure why Derek acted the way he did. Maybe he was a hothead and overreacted about everything.
I knew one thing though; he knew something about Kye that I did not know.
"I will, love," he responded.
The words love stung my heart and sent thousands of tingles through my body. Blood rushed to my cheeks and I turned my face away—hoping he wouldn't see me blush.
But he did see me blush and he smiled once more, revealing his exquisite white teeth. His cold, rigid eyes were watching me. He seemed to be thinking of something because his eyes just scanned up and down my face. I guess there was something wrong with me because he looked so confused.
He unexpectedly stood up and walked to the opposite corner of the small room. I watched gracefully glide towards the corner of the room and bend down. He opened a miniature refrigerator and took out a small icepack. His wide light blue eyes still looked at me when he handed me the icepack and sat down next to me.
"Thank you," I started. "Thank you for helping me."
I slowly tried to wrap my arms around his neck and hug him. He hesitantly placed his gentle arms across my back. I didn't want to release my grip on him.
His neck was hard but his skin felt incredibly smooth. My head was just inches from his chest and the barely audible thumps coming from his heart were peaceful. I desperately tried to lower my arms to his back and lay my head on his firm chest. But he let go of me after a few seconds.
An out of control burning desire to jump on him and feel his strong body came back. I saw his thick muscles peak through his tight wool sweater. He looked perfect, almost too perfect. His smooth skin, gorgeous face and sturdy body made him look more like an angel then a high school student. Maybe God sent him to me, as an amazing welcoming gift.
"You're welcome Lacey," he started again, looking away from me. "Actually, I need to tell you something," he spoke again and turned his body farther away from mine. "I was scared about you. I thought you were dying. You kept screaming like you were in an enormous amount of pain. I had to get you out of the room." He looked back at me and fear was plastered on his face.
I moved my eyes off of his face and stared at the floor.
I thought to myself. I didn't remember screaming. I only felt my body shaking and my heart racing. The one thing I didn't remember was having Kye carry me out of the room—but I was glad that I could finally touch him and make sure he was real. It felt better to see him and feel him in person then just dream about him.
I sat up and faced him completely. My head spun a little, but I didn't fall over. He kneeled down on the floor beside the bed so that his divine and gorgeous face was just inches from mine.
My heart started to race uncontrollably.
"I'm sorry that you were scared. It's normal for me to faint a lot, I'm not sure why but I can never keep my blood pressure up." I tried to make a small joke, but his face was still stern.
I continued. "You don't need to worry about me. I'm okay, I promise."
His body language and facial expression was still grave and serious. All I saw was his astonishing pale eyes melting with pain. I didn't know what kind of pain it was but it made me really uncomfortable and a little bit stiff.
"Maybe he's mad at me," I thought, finally forcing myself away from his stare. I tried to stand up and walk out of the room.
"Maybe that was what he wants—for me to go away," I thought again.
"I'll get going then. I think I'm okay now," I whispered.
I slowly walked across the room passing Kye, leaving him still kneeled beside the bed. I didn't want to look back behind me.
I found my tote bag and put it over my shoulder. I made it through the first door. But the severe throbbing and pain hurt even more. I felt my body getting weaker but I didn't want Kye to help me. I figured he was mad about something and I didn't want to be another problem.
But I couldn’t help but wonder why he suddenly became angry. Maybe I said something. Maybe it was wrong to hug him.
I tried to force the thoughts out of my head when Kye suddenly brushed his hand against mine and put himself in front of me.
"Don't leave," he ordered. "Please stay."
His pleasant voice wasn't rough anymore and his facial expression changed to a friendly look.
He gripped my hand and led me back to the bed. A static shock flooded through my cold hands and up my arm.
He sat down next to me and pushed the hair out of my eyes. I could almost feel with waves of electricity in his hands as he moved my hair from my face.
His tender hands cautiously swept the side of my cheeks and I blushed again. He ran his hands down the bottom of my jaw to my throat. I watched his beautiful eyes move off my face to my sapphire necklace. He outlined the shapes of the hearts with his fingertip. His touch was relaxing and electrifying at the same time.
"This is beautiful on you," he gently whispered, still playing with my necklace. I watched a small smile reappear on his perfectly parted lips.
He looked back at me with his incredibly pale eyes. The faded colors of his iris were almost unnoticeable. But they were soft and fiery.
"Thank you, " I managed to whisper back.
My heart burned and thudded so loudly that I thought he could hear it. I could feel myself shiver, too, just from his soothing touch.
"I'm sorry. I never got to introduce myself to you," he stated, after staring at my heart necklace for ten long seconds. "My name is Kye Davidson." He held out one of his velvet hands. I could barely grab it when the familiar electric current raced through my veins and to the rest of my body. My head burned and started to spin.
I shook off the incredible feeling and came back to my concentration.
I thought to myself again. He didn't have to introduce himself. I already knew who he was. I dreamt of him constantly, heard his voice and drew portraits of him. But hearing his sweet British voice still made me shudder—in a good way.
"You don't have to introduce yourself," he began again—still looking at me. "Everyone has been awaiting your arrival, Lacey McRoy."
His smile illuminated his perfect face and my heart sprinted wildly.
"Dr. Saltor has been talking about you for weeks. He told every person he knew. He was very excited."
"Yeah, Tod gets pretty excited, and carried away," I whispered. "He's a great guy though."
"I'm sure he is." His voice went crisp again.
He turned his head to the right to look out the window. His golden brown hair glistened with the sunlight. His bronze skin gleamed and seemed to sparkle. The rays of light reflected off of his flawless, smooth skin. But I noticed something I haven't seen before.
A dark, rich scar ran from the underneath his chin to the bottom of his neck. It stuck out like a sore thumb on his dazzling face. I almost tried to reach up and run my fingers over it but Kye grabbed my hand—without looking at me—and pushed me away.
"Skiing," he said abruptly as he stood up.
"I was skiing and I fell and hit a tree," he looked back at me. "That's why I have this scar." He placed his hands over the scar and ran his hand down his neck. His face twitched with pain as he touched the scar.
Grief suddenly pumped through my veins. I felt bad for him and seeing him in pain made me feel horrible.
"I'm so sorry," were the only words that came to mind.
"It's alright, It—."
A group of girl's voices interrupted Kye. I saw Tess and Neenah enter the room.
'Oh my gosh, Lacey!" Neenah screamed in shock. She ran over to me and hugged me harder then she ever had. "Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay. This looks serious; I mean look at your head. It's bleeding!" Her voice trailed off in horror.
“I’m okay Neenah, I promise. Kye took care of me.”
She shot a look at him then slowly looked back at me with questioning eyes.
“Uh, thanks Kye,” she seemed to struggle with what to say.
Kye was leaning against the wall—far away from me. It looked like he was trying not to get close to Neenah and Tess. But he nodded slowly and turned for the door. I tried to call after him but he was already gone.
I slumped back down on the bed. I had totally forgotten about the unbearable pain in my head. It started to throb and I could feel the fast beats of my pulse.
"We already called Tod. He's on his way over." Tess spoke as she sat by my side now, too.
"Did you have to? Tod overacts and he's going to think I'm dying or something," I exclaimed.
I slouched on the bed and tried to turn away from Tess and Neenah.
"Don't worry silly, he's okay," Neenah spoke as she sat down on the bed with me.
We talked about how my day went—besides the accident. Neenah had fun in her choir class. They sang songs from the Wizard of Oz and she got to sing the solo of Somewhere Over the Rainbow. Tess enjoyed her sculpting class the most. She told us about how she molded a sculpture of the famous painting by Michelangelo called, “The Creation of Adam.” The portrait of God's outstretched hand reaching to Adam.
I wanted to say my favorite part of the day was when I was with Kye but for some reason they were uncomfortable with him too—just like Derek was.
"For some reason, I liked my acting class the most." I tried to lie so that I could keep Kye off my mind for a little while.
"Really? That's great! What part did you get," Tess started to speak again.
"The nurse but I'm not sure if I can play a role like that. I'm just going to forget my lines or something like that. I mean, why couldn't I just play a small role, like a person in Romeo's entourage who has only one line." I sighed just thinking about it.
Why did Mr. Pavers have to give me this role? Oh well, he'll soon regret it.
Loud footsteps from down the hallway outside of the nurse's office became louder as they neared.
It was Tod.
He stopped in the office and I could hear his loud, quick breaths.
"Where is she? Is she okay?" Tod's voice was loud and scared.
I whispered to Neenah and Tess. "I told you he would overact." They looked at me with an "I'm sorry" face.
"I'm in here, Tod."
"Oh Lacey!" Tod dashed to the side of the bed and Tess and Neenah got out of the way. "Are you okay? Does your head hurt a lot? If it does, I'll take you to the hospital or something.
"Tod, please stop worrying. I just fainted and hit my head. It was bleeding a little bit but I'm okay now. I took the icepack that was lying on the bed next to me and placed it on the back of my head. "I'm okay, I swear."
He placed his hands over my forehead and smiled. Neenah and Tess waved good-bye to Tod and I and left the room.
Tod slowly helped me stand up. He put his arm under mine and I reached my other arm over his shoulder. I still held the icepack in my hand as I slowly limped out of the office. The nurse's office was close to the front door of the school and Tod parked his truck close too.
The school was quiet and it seemed like no one was there. The silence scared me and I tried to hurry out the door. I turned behind me, slightly and I saw Kye standing across the hallway with his arms folded across his colossal figure. He was leaning against a locker and was facing me. I blinked and looked again—he wasn't there.
Was I really imagining him again? I sighed to myself and walked to Tod's car. He still had me under his arms as he picked me up and put me into the passenger's seat.
"You sure you're okay?" Tod asked with a questioning tone.
"Don't worry, it's just like last time. I'll be fine tomorrow." I smiled and Tod and his nerves calmed down too.
"Oh, thanks for signing me up in acting class," I turned to face him again.
He smiled and chuckled a little bit. "That was my other surprise for you. I didn't want you to stay at the house all the time, so I though that if you were in the play you could meet new people and not be locked in the house all day."
"Did it have to be this play? I mean it's Romeo and Juliet and I got the part of the Nurse. I'm going to mess up and you'll have to watch.
"Sorry kiddo, but I know you can do it."
"Yeah, okay." the words came out too harsh and I knew I hurt Tod. I was already upset about Kye leaving and about Derek, Neenah and Tess giving him mean looks.
My hand became numb from holding the cold icepack against my head. The bandage still was taped to the back of my head but the pain was slowly subsiding. Kye's face still seemed to be in my thoughts. Now that I found him, I didn't want to let go. But I wasn't convinced he felt the same. His painful eyes made my heart beat—but not in a good way. The beats of my heart thudded mostly out of fear. His stern face made me uncomfortable.
But his perfect complexion and the electrifying feeling I get when I touch his skin makes me fall in love him more. His smile pulls me in the most when he flashes his brilliant, white teeth.
'Um…Tod?" I asked questioningly, hoping that he wasn't made at me. "Do you know Kye Davidson?"
He looked back at me with questioning—eyes like Neenah.
"Sure, kid. I see him a lot around town. He keeps to himself though. His dad works at the bank at the end of town but no one knows that much about him either. Why do you ask?"
"I just met him today in school and he…said you talked a lot about me coming?"
I wanted to say he stopped my heart when I just looked at him and how carried me in his warm arms and took care of me but I didn't want Tod to have another panic attack.
I wasn't going to tell anyone about this.
"Oh," Tod looked away. "I guess I have been."
Tod just left it at that. He didn't explain anymore. But I could see out of the corner of my eye that he was smiling. I reached over to Tod and half-hugged him. I tried to forget my sudden anger about the play.
"I'm sorry Tod. I've got anger issues." I stated guiltily. "But thank you for telling everyone about me. It was nice of you."
Tod smiled back at me.
"Kid," he started. "I was freaking out when Evelyn told me you two where coming. Of course I told everyone about her but I had to tell them about you too.
I watched Tod look out the window. His radiant smile still ran from ear to ear.
"And," he started again. "Your temper comes from father so I can understand. He laughed shyly.
I clenched my teeth. I didn't want to talk about my dad. I knew I was going to get severely emotional within seconds of just thinking of him.
"I know," I whispered—trying to hold back the tears.
We pulled up to Tod's familiar tan house. The snow began to melt and the icicles on the gutters began to melt too. I watched the drops of water drop from the tips of the icicles and land peacefully to the ground. Melted snow ran from the roof and poured down the side of the house.
Evelyn's pink BMW disappeared from Tod's driveway. All there was left was a note written on a crumpled piece of paper, taped to the front door.
Out for a spin with my baby.

"You need help there kid?" Tod yelled back to me.
"I think I'm okay."
I tried to sound strong but I was still fighting back tears from thinking of my dad. "I can make it to the house."
I slowly stepped out of Tod's monster truck. I almost had to jump from the seat of the truck to the ground. I barely made it without falling. My hand gripped tightly against the truck as I walked towards the house. I steadied myself before I made my way closer. I still had my tote hung over my left shoulder. The wait of my bag almost sent me backwards—somehow I managed not to plummet to the ground. With my right hand, I gripped my head from the aching pain that still hasn't subsided.
"I need a lot of Advil," I mumbled to myself.
I was able to make it in the front door and walk slowly through the living room. I gradually made my way to the kitchen table.
After that, it went downhill. I collapsed onto the kitchen floor. I was able to stay conscious but my head was so dizzy I couldn't think straight.
"Tod…TOD!" I yelped, still gripping my head.
Tod burst into the kitchen with Advil and water in his hand. He put them on the table and slowly picked me up. He gently and easily carried me from the kitchen to upstairs in my room. His cold body sent dozens of shivers threw my frigid body. I trembled in his arms.
"You're okay," Tod whispered sweetly in my ear.
He placed me lightly in my bed. He pulled my sheets and blankets over my hard, freezing body. Sweeping his cold fingers over my face made me shiver again. I knew Tod was trying to help.
I didn't want to look at Tod. I could already see his frightened eyes. I could almost hear his short breaths. Hopefully Tod wouldn't be freaking out too much. He already saw me in pain almost everyday I was here.
"I just can't stay healthy or normal," I whined to Tod. "It's so unfair to scare you like this. I'm so sorry. I'm just so stupid. Why can't I stop fainting or falling. I Hate—"
"Stop," Tod almost screamed. "None of this is your fault. So what if you are clumsy and are light headed a lot. I don't care. Just don't say anything like that, okay? Never say any of this is your fault. Do you hear me?"
I managed to open my eyes to see Tod pressed against the wall. He was looking towards the ground with his hands in tight fists. His nostrils flared with rage. Creased lines on his forehead were visible with his anger. His bent arms were stiff, along with the rest of his body. I've never seen Tod so angry before.
He slowly lifted his head towards me. He noticed my saddened and frightened face. He let his hands lie gently back to his sides. The lines on his forehead disappeared as his face relaxed. He took slow steps towards me.
"Tod…I'm sorry," I managed to whisper.
His head was still bent low as he reached my bed. I sat up out of my bed and stood up to meet him. I barely caught small tears forming in Tod's eyes. He kept his far away from me—hiding his angry and sad face.
It hurt me so badly to see Tod this way. Anger and pain ran threw his veins and pulsed though his heart. This was something I've never seen in him. Tod always loved and shared joy with everyone, and everything. He never gives up or defeats himself. I was totally convinced that anger and desperation could never conquer Tod. But defeat and aggravation was displayed all over his body.
I couldn't stand looking helplessly at Tod this way. I leapt from my bed and ran into his cold, hard arms. I hugged him so tightly that I could almost hear him having a hard time breathe. But he pressed his firm arms to my back and we stood there for hours in each other's arms. The tears spilled out of both our eyes as we held each other still.
"I really am sorry Tod. Please forgive me if I hurt you," I spoke softly after I hugged Tod for what seemed like hours.
He took one of his cold fingers and lifted my chin, slightly. His rigid brown eyes stared at me.
"Don’t, hon. I just overreacted, that's all."
"But you were upset…about me."
"No. I just don't want you to believe that anything different about you is your fault. Sure, God gave you clumsiness and the ability to faint but he gave you your beautiful ability to illustrate magnificently on paper."
"My drawings?" I asked.
"Yes Lace. Don't you see how elegant your drawings are?" Tod spoke quicker and more enthusiastic.
"I guess," I sighed. I never liked to be arrogant. And for me to admit that my drawing is beautiful felt so selfish.
"Take some Advil, hon," Tod sidetracked.
He twirled me around and carried me back to my bed. I tried to force myself away from his grasp but he just laughed and held me tighter.
"I'm fine, I swear. Just put me down!"
"If you say so," Tod jokingly spoke as he almost threw me across the room. I miraculously made it on my bed, unscathed.
I crossed my arms and frowned. "Thanks, Tod."
He laughed to himself once more and handed me two small Advil tablets and a glass of water.
"Nope, I'm good thanks," I said jokingly.
I saw him roll his eyes and his face turn slightly stern.
"Now," he started. "I'm not going to make this difficult for you. So unless you want me to stick them down your throat for you, I'd suggest you take them soon."
I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. I placed the tablets in my mouth and quickly gulped them down with some water. The pain in my head was already beginning to slowly numb itself. But Tod wanted to be sure I was okay. So Advil was the answer.
"Okay now just go to sleep. You had a long day."
I sat up from my bed and peaked over Tod's shoulder. I read the clock.
"But Tod! It's only 5:45. What do you mean bed?"
"Shh. Just rest. I know you're tired, I mean look at your eyes."
I turned my body slowly out of bed and walked to the mirror that hung behind my door. I looked and saw my bloodshot eyes screaming with restlessness. The red blood vessels spread through my sclera and the whites my eyes were disappeared, underneath the blood vessels. I ran my fingers through my ratty hair. I was still wearing my tan corduroy pants with my white blouse. My black sweater was still over my blouse. I saw the collars of the white buttoned up shirt, wrinkled. I flattened them out and fixed my sweater. I still stood in front of the mirror, examining my horrid self.
Tod noticed me staring at myself. He stepped right behind me, took his right hand and swept the hair out of my eyes.
"You look beautiful Lace. You're looking more like father now," he smiled. "When you were little I saw pictures of you and your mom and you two were stunningly beautiful."
I reminisced back in my early life. I never met my mother but pictures of her were always in my house. She had stunningly thin, light auburn hair that seemed to hang kindly down her back. She had a small nose and a high forehead. I heard that she used to be bullied, abused and criticized when she was younger. She was your average geek. But I didn't see that in her. My father and I both saw a magnificent beauty in her.
"Yeah, she was beautiful, wasn't she?" I asked.
"Stunning," Tod quietly responded.
I turned back to Tod, facing him completely and hugged him. He held me again, for a few seconds and looked back at me.
"Now, don't get off subject here. In bed now," he ordered.
"C'mon Tod! I'm going to have to start cooking dinner, or do laundry because I know there's a lot to do. What about all the dirty dishes that are piling up? I have to help out Tod. Going to bed now, isn't going to solve anything you know, "I explained.
"Don't worry, everything will be done. Just rest."
"Wait," I squealed. "I have so much homework to do. I have to get it all done. I can already tell that Mr. Flammino and Mrs. Leonie are going to be tough teachers. I have to finish my sketch, too, for Ms. Delilah. I have already so much on my first day. I can't make a bad impression now," I ranted.
Tod just picked me up by my waist and laid me back in my bed.
"Now just please stay here Lace. You're not going to school tomorrow, so you can get everything done tomorrow."
"Why aren't I going to school?"
"Well, let's see. This morning I saw and heard you crying. You were freaking out on the way to school. You happened to oddly faint in class and probably crack your head open, which we should have seen a doctor for. But Mrs. Baron says you were okay. So I'm convinced you were a little bit out of it today. Don't you think so?"
Tod's eyes were fixed on me the whole time. He had his hands on his hips, while explaining me how my whole day went. I knew perfectly what happened all day, but did he have to replay it for me?
"I get it, Tod. I'll take it easy then, for you. Is that what you want," I asked.
I rolled my eyes again and rolled around in my bed. I still was in my clothes from the whole day and changing them didn't cross my mind. I sat peacefully in my bed and I saw Tod still starring at me. He had his arms crossed and his brown eyes were looking at me with strict eyes.
"What," I asked him. "You don't trust me?"
"I know you Lace. You'll just jump out of your bed and try to sneak out and get things done. I know you always want to do the right thing but just please rest now."
Tod's stern eyes turned to gentle. He came closer and put his cold hand on my shoulder. I held myself together to not shiver when he moved the hair out of my eyes again. He hugged me one more time and took off, out of my room.
I sighed loudly and fell back into my bed. My head didn't throb anymore and finally stopped bleeding. But it still stung, just to touch it. Maybe the Advil was starting to help.
I rolled over on my stomach and laid my head on my arms, on my pillow. I closed my eyes, looking back on the day. I skipped through the memories of my classes, teachers, hallways, and lunchtime. Cam Haven didn't even come up in my memory. I skipped the day to the moment I saw Kye—face to face.
Seeing his soft blue eyes in person was the greatest thing that happened today. The way he looked me at with the gentle eyes, and how he would brush the hair out of my own eyes made my heart best so fast that I thought it would have a heart attack. Not to mention, his heavenly British accent caught my attention. I couldn't help but stare at him.
The way his skin shimmered with perfection was unreal. The perfect curls in his hair embraced his glorious face. His golden skin glistened when the sunlight would pass over him. God could have sculpted his broad shoulders and his upper body because his perfect body was dreamlike. I've never seen anyone so gorgeous in my life.
I tried to remember the way I felt in his arms as he carried me. An unexplained electric feeling would always surge through my fragile body, at his touch. This was something I couldn't control and my heart would beat too fast and my eyes would roll to the back of my head.
This incredible sensation made me crave him even more.
I was smiling to myself, the entire time I was thinking of you. I barely noticed the low hum of Evelyn's car, as it pulled into the driveway. I peaked out of the window next to my bed to see Evelyn lazily step out. She sighed to herself and slowly trudged to inside the house. I heard her whisper something to Tod downstairs—probably about how cold it was.
I was actually getting used to the weather. Although it was not sunny and hot, like San Diego, it was easy to deal with. I found myself enjoying the cool breeze and the frigid temperatures. This was something I never thought could happen. I guess Wisconsin wasn't so bad after all.
I brought my train of thought back to Kye—like always. Today happened to quickly and I wanted to grasp every detail that happened. I tried to replay every small event that happened. I went through mental pictures in my head. I pictured the way Kye would move his head his perfect curls would sway with his movements.
I noticed the way he closed his eyes in on me at times. I couldn't tell me if that was something I should be worried or be happy that he was even looking at me. Something in me, told me I should be afraid but all I wanted was get closer to him. A burning desire to find him and hug him gushed through my body again. I had to see him tomorrow. I needed to go to school, just to see him.
But I also knew I would be too weak to say anything to him. The way he did look at me made me feel a little bit uncomfortable. I remembered how I tried to walk way from him, but he pulled me back instead. His eyes would sometimes turn cold and dark. A small fear started to build its way inside of me, when I saw his eyes like that.
However he would shake off his firm look and smile his dazzling white teeth at me. His eyes would lighten and his body would relax. The sudden mood swing would leave me confused. But I still wanted him, more then ever.
I felt my eyes suddenly close. My weak body relaxed, too. I still lay on my stomach and my head still rested on my arms. I felt my hands slightly tingle, from the loss of blood going to my hands. I picked my head up and shook my hands. I lie back down on my side and quickly fell fast asleep—thinking of Kye the whole time.

© Copyright 2009 Jess (junkballer27 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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