Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1530629-Someone-Somewhere
Rated: E · Short Story · Romance/Love · #1530629
You never know who or where the person you are supposed to be with...
Someone, Somewhere

Dylan Barbee

When you wake up have you ever had a feeling that that day is going to be special? How about if you were going to meet someone new and influential even if the person wouldn’t actually have any involvement until awhile after you meet them? You never know where you will run into this person it could be a work, at school, or even as a child playing with someone on the playground, you may become quick friends who stay that way for years or you may fall away and have no contact until many years have passed. You never know where you will meet these people even the smallest involvement can have the greatest impact. This reminds me of the butterfly effect theory you may step on a butterfly and kill it and sometime later a huge disaster could take effect because it didn’t fly over there and feed. Sure that theory sounds crazy but we will never know all we will ever know is every life we encounter is precious to us in some way, shape, or form.

In the song by Jason Reeves Someone, Somewhere he takes on a different way of thinking about this topic and talks about finding love and how they could be anyone anywhere. We will never really know who they are until we decide to change our prospective and how we encounter life; you might have been focused on work, trying to find a girl/guy, or even just doing something that prevents you from having time to find someone be it a kid, family, or personal choices. Now it isn’t always the easiest thing to do sometimes you will find yourself being mislead by… well yourself and you wouldn’t even realize it but when you just set things in motion it is amazing what you will find. You could end up developing feelings for a person you never quite cared about for whatever reason or it could be someone who you had a crush on but didn’t think of it as anything that could lead to something bigger.

“Nobody's perfect no one really knows the truth

All we've got's a point of view...

And there's too many questions

there’s too many questions and too many reasons not to try

But you should take your eyes off the ground

Out of the blue

and see that someone is looking right

back at you...”

This person you may think you are in love with could vary well not be your “The One” or they could be the person you live well not to go Disney on you all but they could be the one you have your happily ever after with, however, as you see in the lyrics there are just too many reasons not to try but you should just take your eyes off your preset path and you just may find someone who has the same feelings for you. In this day and age it is hard to know if you will last or not but the way I see it as long as you both stay about the same person you were when you fell in love and/or got married there is no reason that you can’t make it. Every couple has their fights but if you truly love each other and ever really did then you two can make it through anything life can throw at you. You love someone for who they were in the past, the future, and always the present everyone has made mistakes at points in their life but never is a reason to ruin something good because of something that had happened in the past and never again.

As always this is just my own personal opinions and also a way for me to remember ways I want to live my life. This is in no way the answer to anything due to everyone dealing with things differently just the ground work on how I plan to live my life.

Thank you Jason Reeves for writing this amazing song everyone should check it out

Someone, Somewhere

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