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by Kenny
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1530290
When a genetic experiment escapes the shit hits the fan
The Capitan talked to the driver “take a left here head for the main security post” “yes sir” he nodded. The gunfire died out. “Major let me take a look at that” a female Guard with the medical cross on her uniform treated a slice on his arm he didn’t notice getting.  She looked at Erika “general are you injured anywhere?” She sighed no I’m fine thanks. “Capitan” a Soldier using a large radio called. “Sir Colonel Oxford is requesting assistance. “ “Why what’s going on?” “He says 4 of his battalions are involved in a massive firefight on the west side of the compound.” “They attacked both the north and west? Why?” “He says this is the main force, the guys that attacked us are a distraction we got hit with a detachment” “FUCK Goddamn it” “tell him we are resupplying at the east post and we will try to assist” the Soldier nodded and relayed the message “also tell him we haven’t been able to detain or destroy Subject 332 every attempt has been met with one hundred percent fatality.” He nodded and relayed the message. “yes yes colonel ill give him the message” “the colonel says that from the higher ups this is now a priority 8 operation. He says to purge the data located in section 4.” the Capitan moved closer “What why is that what there after the research data?”  “It has to be” Alex spoke up “there little stunt of releasing that thing was to distract you from their real attack to steal the data that made her” The Capitan nodded “also there a problem” “what?” Alex asked. The APC stopped the men exited “Priority 8 is a final protocol. It means destroy all data and kill all witnesses” Alex moved in front of Erika. “You can’t” “and I won’t!” he yelled. “I didn’t sign of for this clandestine shit. I’m getting you two out of here!” Alex stopped him “they will kill you for this” he laughed “what else is new” Alex thought for a moment “what about the data if its destroyed we have no evidence of what’s been done here” The Capitan sighed “we have to live with this” “NO!” Alex said “we can’t let this if they succeed they will just try again and again we can’t let Omicron get away with this and of  the Military gets their hands on it we are all about to be fucked in the ass.”Erika stood “we have to bury them!” Alex nodded. “Shit” the Capitan put his face in his hands. “Well might as well get this over with, let’s go inside real quick I have a few toys you guys might like. They went in to the weapon locker for the Guards. Alex stocked up on assault rifle ammunition he also picked up a pistol for those close encounters. Erika picked up some Kevlar “wait what are you doing were getting you out of here” she smiled “no fucking way I am going to see this to the end” she picked up an auto shotgun and started loading it. Alex hugged her “thank you for everything Erika I want you to know you’re the best friend I could have ever wished for”  “well sure Alex” she sighed seemed disappointed that he called her just a friend. “And I wanted to tell you ever since junior high I have loved you” she gasped “Alex I…” a whack was heard. Alex gently laid her down; The Capitan looked a little taken aback, “please Mac you have to get her out of this hellish nightmare.” “I will…and did you actually mean any of that?” Alex nodded “yes I did, I wanted her to know incase I don’t survive” the Capitan sighed “and with the Omicron forces plus the military on a shoot on sight basis that’s getting more and more likely.” Alex smiled actually I kind of like the odds, it’s been a while since I’ve been in a decent battle.” “You’re outnumbered in the hundreds” Alex smiled “now that I have the element of surprise those are fairly even odds” The Capitan smiled and laughed “well you got the right attitude oh and here” he handed Alex a odd looking rifle, it had a silver tube where the barrel should have been. “What the hell is this?” “It’s called the Tesla rifle though most of us just call it the shock cannon. You have maybe ten shots with that good news it has a carbine range and it will arc to nearby targets just try not to be too close to them.” Alex looked at him “it’s a giant stun gun?” The Capitan laughed “oh wow that’s a good one this one has enough Amps, seventy-thousand to be exact, to kill a hundred whales with one charge.” Alex’s mouth dropped open “congratulations my man you have achieved a new level of OverFuckingKill” they both laughed “thanks Mac I can’t thank you enough” he put his hand on his shoulder “Alex you can thank me by coming back Alive and marring this fine lady” Alex chucked “I’ll get back to you on that” Alex grabbed the keys to one of the Jeeps, and rushed out the door.

Alex started the Jeep and drove out of the parking lot of the Omicron security force. Alex thought about everything that had happened, that child, Erika, the Fucking military, and Omicron. He sighed how in the hell was he going to come out on top. He moved into the southern part of the complex, he remembered his junior high days spending lunch hour with Erika, she would talk about what she wanted when she was older, how many kids, how many boys, how many girls. Alex let out a laugh he remembered her last count was sixteen kids. She was so naive and he just sat there and listened to it. He could have cared less what she looked like or her ignorance she had always been there for him and he wanted to be there for her. Alex looked down, would he really come back to be with her not likely he was probably destined to die in this hell hole buried with all of this fucked up shit, but he would make sure that everything else was buried with him. Suddenly Alex was shaken out of it as he heard wings flapping “fuck me” he said. CRAAASH! The child slammed into the hood of the car sending it head over heels flying forward the car turned over six timed before it came to rest on the hood, Alex steadied himself he was strapped to the seat upside down the role bars had done their jobs ‘fuck” Alex rolled out from under the jeep. With the Tesla rifle ready. “Come on!” he called out. She landed about 50 feet from where he stood, and walked slowly towards him, her red eyes burning into him. Suddenly she spoke. “What’s the matter why don’t you fire your little pea shooter are you scared or do you already know it won’t work.” Alex stood in Awe “you can talk” she laughed “well I learned, I have had plenty to drink today so I learned a lot” “why are you killing people” she smiled “I want to know” Alex narrowed his eyes “know what” “the truth what else” she said coolly “but you your special” she pointed at Alex “why” Alex backed away, she laughed “ I don’t know your blood tasted different it had more, it felt better, and I want more, I want to know your secret” she broke into a run for Alex, Alex raised the rifle “cocky bitch aint ya” He pulled the trigger. The electrical blast sent out a massive electricity burst. It hit her dead on and sent her flying into a building she created a crater in the wall and fell out of it onto the ground a sizzling sound could be heard from where she lay. “Sorry you game me no choice” Alex looked at the rifle and noticed a switch damn it the gun was on minimal power, he flipped the switch to highest power and started walking away. About seven minutes later a Soldier team arrived on the scene.  “This is where the energy discharge came from I’m telling you” the Soldier stepped out of the vehicle, “oh shit look.” He pointed at the child. “Is it dead?”  he bent over near It.” yea it’s dead” he suddenly was lifted off the ground as he looked down he could see the charred wing impaled through his chest he coughed blood as he lost consciousness, the other Soldier jumped into the truck. The first Soldiers blood trickled down the charred wing to where the child lay; she turned her head slightly to lap the blood up. The second Soldier reached for the ignition and the KEY! the key was on his buddy. “Oh shit” he looked out the windshield his buddy was on the ground but no child. He looked out the open door. She stood there “oh shit is right” she said coolly hear face regenerating new skin as she spoke.

Alex moved with a purpose he could hear gunfire and explosions in the distance he had to be close. He could see the building which was supposed to contain the data. Mac had given him a data disk which would delete the data from the computers automatically and copy the evidence he needed onto the disk. He moved around the corner. Damn it he dove behind cover several Soldiers were chatting just around the corner. Alex looked at what he had just dove behind supply crate. He opened it 5 grenades and a rocket launcher. Alex smiled maybe luck was on his side. He pulled the pin on one of the grenades and chucked it. The Soldier chatting closest to Alex felt something touch his boot. He looked down seeing the grenade roll around he started to scream but Alex hadn’t given them the chance he cooked the grenade for three seconds already, the explosion shattered the nearby windows and left a small crater one of the Soldiers landed shredded and mission a leg while the others were thrown through the window killed by the shock. Alex lifted the RPG and fired into the hummer that sat across the street. The explosion seemed to do significant damage nearly toppling the vehicle but then a second explosion from the inside ripped the vehicle to shreds in a massive inferno of shrapnel and burning rubber, the explosion could be heard for miles. Alex looked up, his hope for a distraction was granted, he hadn’t known it was being used to transport explosives used to demolish buildings. He moved around the gathering forces without incident and avoided a near confrontation with an Omicron Goliath Tank moving to where the explosion took place.  Alex suddenly came under gunfire from the Omicron Security forces Alex chucked another grenade as the explosion killed several he used the confusion to pick off the rest of his assailants. He moved to cover that was closest to the building but damn it all there was a huge ass Omicron tank between him and the entrance. He looked around. He saw a case labeled R.A.Z.O.R “no fucking way” he murmured he opened it two green rockets and the launcher rested in the case. Alex looked up and asked “are you trying to tell me something?” he loaded the launcher and aimed, he pressed the button on the side of the launcher and “oh fuck!” he missed by inches he nearly demolished the entrance to the building “well now I don’t have a locked door problem” he reloaded the launcher as the tank turned in his direction just as it reached him he finished “say cheese motherfucker!” he fired and it was a direct hit on the front of the tank, for a second nothing happened. “Oh shit a dud!” suddenly a massive explosion knocked him off his feet at the tank tore itself to pieces. Alex got back up. “Where can I get me one of thies for my home collection?” he dropped the empty launcher and bounded past the smoldering remains of the tank.

He moved down the stairwell until he came to the Floor named Research Data. How convenient he thought. He opened the door and was met with a hail of gunfire must have been Twenty security forces in that one hall way. Ales pulled out the Tesla Rifle. He turned out of cover and fired the lightning arced from one Soldier to the next they all collapsed after their skin nearly melted off. Alex moved throughout the corridor he had to cover his nose the smell of burning flesh and hair was very pronounced. Alex brought out his assault rifle.  Alex turned the corner and again he was met with gunfire he returned fire but it was useless the guy in front had a shield. Alex thought for a second, he thought of something that would make Erika proud and made himself smile. He pulled the pin on the grenade and rolled it down the hall like bowling for suckers. It was perfect the shielded opponent couldn’t see the rolling death approaching. It rolled right under his legs. “Oh shi..!” the explosion sent the shield flying into the wall at the end of the hall where Alex was. Alex looked past the corner, they had all been killed several in a “you were close to a Fucking Grenade” manner.  Alex charged into the next group of enemies blazing he caused then such a fright that they all panicked and he just mowed them down. Alex pulled out his pistol and kicked the door open to the server room he wasted one Guard nearly point blank he suddenly took a round to the chest and returned fire spraying his assailant’s brain all over the wall. “Son of a bitch” the armor stopped it but it still fucking hurt. Alex shoved the data disk into the server. He waited, it took a few minutes but it finally finished. He removed the disk, a gunshot rang out behind him, “AHH” Alex called out in pain, it was to the back of his leg upper thy. Alex stumbled to the ground. “FUCK” he looked over at his attacker. “GORDON!” he called out! Gordon stood there with the biggest smirk on his face.  “Well well when in hell did I ever think you would make it out of that test facility.” Alex looked him in the face “you… you did all of this?” Gordon clapped “wow you’re not so fucking dumb after all” Alex glared at him as he slowly pulled himself up off the ground “yes slowly now I want you to hear this” “why did you do it so many dead” Gordon laughed “for the data of course think about it Alex an army of those things we will be unstoppable, I used the high pitch frequency to erase the obedience protocols on that monster” Alex reached for his Tesla Rifle “NO you don’t” Gordon held the pistol up “don’t try it” he chucked again “amazingly you still don’t know the truth do you what could little you have to do with all this?” he smiled so Alex could see his white teeth “couldn’t have done it without you “Boy Scout” “what” Alex looked confused “the blood tests, the testing you did while you were here” Gordon taped the gun to his skull “damn your dumb, we used the genetic mapper to copy your skills and abilities, we used your DNA to map a successful Development of the test subject. CONGRADUALATIONS! You’re the proud father of an Abomination and the future father of many many more” Alex was ready to kill him “that girl is my…” Gordon cut him off “that’s right she’s your daughter well basically too bad you won’t be around to see your legacy it would have been nice in case anything goes wrong and we need your samples again but we can’t be perfect, now I do need that data before your child shows up, oh don’t worry I’ll kill you, I am doing you a big favor, a father killing his daughter that’s really fucked up, or the child killing her parents damn that could lead to serious trauma later in life. Don’t worry; we have a level 3 Thermo nuclear device ready so as to see that that crazy bitch never gets out of here alive. And I’ll find that Busty Bitch that likes you so much and finish her off, you all can have a nice family reunion in hell.” He aimed the gun at Alex, Alex noticed something behind Gordon, Alex smiled. “What the hell is so funny” “Karma” Alex said. Gordon looked confused for a second. Suddenly his chest burst open with the wing through it, he dropped the gun. His blood dripped down the wing and the child licked it away.

She threw his body against one of the servers knocking it over.  Alex grabbed the Tesla gun she was ten feet away Alex aimed. She stood there looking at him, no longer the face of a merciless killer. Alex gulped was he seeing this because he now knew the truth or was it real. Alex’s had was shaking. He looked away and dropped the gun; he couldn’t do it even when he’d seen what she had done. He hit his knees and watched she drew closer he closed his eyes and waited for death. Suddenly something grabbed him, he opened his eyes to see the child with her arms wrapped around his neck she was hugging him, tears rolled down her face. Alex put his arms around her and held her close. I’m sorry daddy she spoke, her voice was so much sweeter than what he had heard when she spoke the first time. “Come on” Alex picked her up “let’s get the hell out of this nightmare” she held onto him tightly, As he walked out helicopter hovered over hundreds of Soldiers being taken into custody by MPs, police everywhere. “ALEX!” came a voice Alex looked over to see Erika “you bastard! You could have died” she looked at the child on Alex’s shoulder, she took a step back. “Is that?!” Alex nodded. “You… you didn’t kill her?” “She’s my daughter” Erika suddenly had a look of pure confusion unmistakable by even idiots. She laughed half heartedly “you’re going to have to explain that one Alex” “they used my DNA to make her” “oh” Erika said as if that really resolved nothing “she knows too” Alex motioned to the child. “So how the hell is this going to work” Alex smiled “well you always wanted kids” she cracked a smile “I think this is a little more than I bargained for” “Didn’t you say you wanted sixteen kids?” “Ya but that’s easier than this one” Alex laughed “well we already have this one, hey kid what’s your name anyway?” “She spoke up “they called me subject 332” Alex sighed “that won’t do” Erika let out a gasp “oh how bout Lexie!” the girl turned and stuck her tongue out at Erika “oh yea this is going to be fun” Alex laughed “how about Crystal?” she nodded. Alex smiled. Well crystal how about living with me and Erika, she stuck her tongue out at Erika again. “don’t do that” Alex said “if it wasn’t for her I would be dead right now” she looked at Erika “thank you for saving Daddy Erika” she smiled “well I guess it won’t be so bad and you can call me mom” she looked back at Erika and stuck her tongue out at her once more. Erika sighed never mind. Alex handed the data to Erika she passed it to her CO as he said “now we can Finally Bury Omicron thank you for the help, all of you, you will be heroes. The five star general looked away from them and pocketed the data, “complete success” he said under his breath he got into a black Suburban, he reached into his pocket and withdrew the data file and handed it to Dr. James Ticam sitting next to him, “is that all you need Doctor?” the Doctor looked out the window at Alex “oh yes this will do fine this will do perfectly”

© Copyright 2009 Kenny (kenny3000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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