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by Kenny
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Action/Adventure · #1530289
when a genetic experiment gets loose the shit hits the fan
Alex drove down the paved path surrounded by trees, east of Dallas was a very rural place. Alex had the window rolled down in his Titan truck, he had been called for a demonstration at a massive facility owned and operated by Omicron, the largest conglomerate on the planet. Since the year two-thousand they had been asked to develop new weapons for the US Military. Epsilon the sister company to Omicron decided it was time to merge. Although you can still see the 3psilon symbol on most civilian products, they are now under the full diction of Omicron. Alex thought he could probably name nine different things in his own medicine cabinet that had the 3psilon logo on it. And non medicinal items, probably a third of everything in his house had their brand somewhere. Now Alex was on his way to a ten by ten square mile enclosed facility in the middle of nowhere for a presentation. Alex Cross a decorated combatant in the Marines at the age of twenty two, at twenty three he was admitted into the Revenants a black on black squad for the “easing of tensions” when things got out of hand both domestic and foreign. Before he left the military he was a Major at age twenty six. Right after he left he got a call from Omicron, the call had stated that they needed a consultant with his particular skills, Alex declined at first but they offered a substantial payment for his services and assured him it was completely legal, They mentioned General Gordon. Alex remembered the general a one star with a pipe up his ass. But he did oversee his training in the Revenant program and was an ass but he had never been off the books.  The general always had an interest in Alex, he often had Alex retake blood tests and the like it was almost like he was looking for something. After his training Alex discovered that the person in charge of him now was a three star General by the name of Erika Langley, when Alex saw her he nearly passed out, back in junior high in Colorado they had been best friends. She promised to follow him where ever he went, when in fact she surpassed him in rank in less than a year. When his file passed her desk she had stated that she was so afraid she would have to pass it along but his scores were so high that she would have been scolded for not using him. She had changed physically she must have been sixfoot while Alex was only two inches taller her new pony tail made it look as if he was shorter not to mention that she had gone from flat chest  to a D or bigger. He had made a crack about her hair not being protocol, but she gave him a look that sent a shiver up is spine, Alex quickly composed himself, “forgive me sir!” She could not hold herself any longer she busted out laughing “at ease” she managed to blurt out. Damn Alex thought you might have been less gullible but I guess not. Alex let out the breath he was holding, she hugged him something which the other team members did not take too, even Alex felt it a bit uncomfortable, it was extremely unorthodox. His time with the squad was by no means unpleasant, he was chosen as the team commander and soon his team learned it wasn’t just because he knew the CO, his tactics and execution far outstripped any other Soldier in his outfit, and these Soldiers were the best.

He arrived the facility; it was truly a monster of a building. The entire facility all ten miles of it was enclosed even if you had an AWack fly over this place you couldn’t see shit. The roof was probably as tall as a football stadium but as Alex had already been here he knew the real jewel was yet to come. The Security at the gate was extreme two armed security guards holding military grade Assault weapons. Alex sighed before five years ago this would have been highly illegal for security to carry thies weapons. But during a domestic operation on his first tour there was a terrorist attack on a large medical company they managed to kill ninety percent of the staff and destroy fifty years worth of data that could have been used to save lives. Alex along with an entire battalion of marines fixed the situation with ease. The security forces at the medical research center were all dispatched because all they had were stun guns and light arms, they never stood a chance. Because of that incident Congress approved a new law making it legal after extensive review that clean security forces that have a significant part to play in the protection of national security or medical data they should be able to carry large caliber weapons.  No doubt Omicron had its fingers in the house to get there company approved wholesale instead of individual personnel checks. Alex handed his license and military License to the Security guard. Alex also caught sight of a sniper in a tower already trained on him. The guard made a photocopy of the licenses in the security booth and he printed a laminated card. “here” he said as he handed the three cards to Alex “ this one” he pointed to the new card he had just made “will get you in the 3BC building for the demonstration” he signaled to the GPS Alex had in his truck “ swipe the card it will tell you where to go”. Alex nodded. “Enjoy major” the guard gave a two fingered salute. The massive doors slid open three feet thick steel covered in concrete. Alex pulled into what looked like a small where house he drove to the middle. Several Tire locks moved into place making sure his vehicle didn’t move Alex swiped the card on the GPS device. It gave a short loading screen. “Welcome to Omicron Facility Twelve” a female voice stated. “The date is 3/13/2025, Please put the vehicle in park” Alex obeyed the voice. “Thank you please do not exit the vehicle while the elevator is in motion” the entire inside save two feet square around the room began to lower.

Alex lay back in his seat while the elevator moved ever so slowly. About ten minutes later the elevator stopped. “Please exercise caution and courteousness while driving in Facility Twelve thank you” the second set of massive doors opened to reveal cement paved and well lit pathway that lead to  literal maze of buildings. The GPS voice accurately gave him directions on where to turn, stop and continue, it used a tracking system to view any obstruction in the way and other vehicles so a wreck was almost impossible. Alex arrived at a Large building which just had the name 3BC on the front, it must have been Five stories, all the windows were Black, “not much to look at I guess” Alex said under his breath. He parked outside the facility in a parking spot which had his name on a digital plate. Alex turned off the truck. Alex suddenly remembered the last time he was here. They had asked him a series of questions then gave him a full military physical, afterwards they took blood to test for anything that might null and void there tests. The head of research gave Alex the pleasure, Doctor James Ticam, an older man in his forties Alex guessed. Alex had thought he was suspicious he had a knack for scaring people he guessed. The doctor kept saying strange things like “oh this will do nicely” and “couldn’t have hoped for a better result.”  Six months later he got the call to come in for a presentation. While Alex agreed he forgot all the Bullshit he had to go through liability and disclosure agreements were the easy parts. Alex hated all the burocratic BS but he couldn’t say he want curious to see what they were doing and what it had to do with the tests they preformed. Alex entered the building immediately he was approached by two guards one with a shotgun a Spas 18, the other with a assault carbine similar to the ones that were held by the guards at the gate, Alex recognized it as the XM9 versatile.  A favorite for the European Union special forces. High rate of fire Accurate, thirty five round clip, and decent range. The guard stuck out his hand “good day Major” he said as Alex shook his hand. Alex removed his wallet and handed him his card. The guard slid it through what looked like a portable credit card reader. He nodded “everything’s in order major” the guard with the shotgun pointed down the hall “to the elevator, take it to the third floor after you exit, down the hall the red door with the flashing yellow light over it.” Alex shook his hand” thanks” the guard nodded. Alex traveled down the hall. It was so clean here. Like the entire building was a clean room. He passed a lobby in which two guards also with high caliber weapons chatted and drank coffee. Thies guards were a bit different. They had Flak jackets on top of the line too; their helmets lay on a small table where they stood. Alex caught a second of there conversation. “Fuckin bitch nearly cut my finger off this morning” the other guard chuckled at this “your fault you know better than to put your hand near her head” The guard recoiled “I had to the damn animal wouldn’t keep her head still” he laughed suddenly “guess I should be glad I’m not on brushing duty.” The other guard joined him in laughing. Alex arrived at the elevator the silver exterior reflecting a perfect image of him, short blonde hair, and green eyes. The elevator opened, he stepped inside the elevator, the music was already getting on his nerves. He noticed that there were many more buttons than stories. Next to all the buttons that had B next to them was a Key hole. Alex pressed three and waited. It was again a slow elevator. It finally reached the floor and opened, a receptionist at the desk looked up “how are you today.” She was cute with a sunny disposition; she’s got the perfect job Alex thought. “So far so good” Alex replied. “Wonderful major, please right this way” she got out from behind her desk and led him down the hall. Her red dress was a bit distracting compared to the spotless white hallways. Alex caught sight of the good Dr. Ticam, “James!” The receptionist called. “Yes yes I’m very busy…AHHH Alex my good man please please right this way!” The receptionist walked back down the hall to her desk.  “So doc what’s the story why did you all call me down here.” The doctor laughed “My good man to see the future of course” “Descriptive aren’t we” Alex sneered. “Now now no need to be bunt major, and besides that would be telling” he gave a smile that was just unsettling to Alex but he managed a smile anyway. The doctor pushed Alex into the room with the flashing yellow light, “ALEX!” He was suddenly smothered by a pair of breasts. “Careful Langley the man can’t breathe” Alex recognized the voice. Erika’s face came into view “wow I haven’t seen you in a while!” Alex nodded “good to see you too…sir” he added after he remembered what her rank was. Alex turned to the voice he recognized, there in a chair sat General Gordon. “Good to see you kid” wish I could say the same for you general. “HAHA!” he let out a roar of a laugh “as tough as ever I see” there were also several other people in the room several had military uniforms but it looked as if he was the third highest rank in the room. And several suits no doubt representatives from Omicrons competitors.  The room was fairly large and a black window at the other end where several chars were set up in a row for the presentation he guessed.  So anyone know what this is about. Erika shrugged Gordon gave me a call about three weeks ago said I would enjoy it. “Gordon?” he lit up a cigarette “just wait and see Boy Scout” the doctor spoke up “now now I have to addend my duties of you don’t mind, the presentation should start soon.” With that the doctor took his leave. A young man walked in dressed in a white coat. “hello and good day everyone I am Dr. Kale now please everyone take your seats and we will begin the presentation.”  Everyone sat down in the chairs, “Aww damit”. Erika stood up “sorry but where is your restroom?” Dr. Kale stared at her for a second “um down the hall left as you exit.”Erika nodded “Thanks” she strode out. “Impulsive as ever” Alex said Gordon chuckled “she will regret missing this” Alex looked at the giant smile on Gordon’s face.  Well gentlemen as I was saying I truly welcome you to this exclusive presentation of Omicrons latest developmental weapon” Alex looked at the general his smile had gotten even bigger. Alex was now very curious what kind of weapons test was held indoors.

Because of our latest endorsements he nodded at the general and our breakthrough in genetic research we now have an extremely effective and deadly biological weapon that can be produced cheaply and controlled with ease. One of the other military suits spoke up,” biological weapons are highly illegal how exactly did you get approval for this?” “Well you must forgive me the term biological weapon is used simply because we nothing else to call this, it is not a nerve agent or a poison of any kind nor a gas or mutagen.” The suit looked confused. “ ill attempt to explain, with our recent breakthroughs in Genetic engineering and our genome mapping system we have been able to develop the first weapon that can think for itself perform actions based on real cognitive thought” the suit put his hand up “wait wait wait are you saying Test tube growing? Because I have seen this before, test tube babies enhanced strength mobility right?” the doctor nodded “yes” … he was cut off “you can’t be serious you have to have them grow in an actual womb they won’t develop correctly otherwise and with that you get into other complications eventually ending without being able to mass produce them or humanity issues, not to mention the unstableness of subjects that do survive.” The doctor nodded “this is where you’re wrong, we have developed a system for mapping out movement, conditioning, rationalization, contemplation, and intelligence. Furthermore our new system has the ability to use chemicals in the brain to condition the subject for us so there are no long sessions for teaching and developing skills, plus our body stores all pre birth developmental data. So we can just use the same system to allow the subject to develop correctly in the tube.” The suit was in awe. “You… you have done this?” the doctor smiled “please take your seat and I’ll show you.” The doctor touched a button are you ready? A response came back through the loudspeaker. “We are a go here sir” the doctor touched it once more “Begin” the window went from black to see though.  A metal pod sat in the middle of what looked like a large gymnasium only with cement for the floor and walls. A doctor moved to the pod and pulled a lever on the back. The pod opened. “Subject 332 step out” the doctor called. A young girl stepped out, she had long silver hair, and she couldn’t have been older than ten. The suit spoke up “what the fuck is this! Is this some kind of a joke?” Alex heard the general speak “it’s perfect”. He stood up and walked out. Alex couldn’t decide what to think. It’s just a child what where they doing with her, this can’t be legal, what the hell did they mean a weapon? The doc on the other side of the glass spoke again “subject 332 move forward” she did as he told her “stop” she stopped dead in her tracks” three manikins rose out of the floor “subject 332 Destroy target one and three” Alex noticed that the manikins had numbers written on them from the child left to right it was one, two, then three.  Suddenly everyone gasped. Alex’s mouth dropped. A wing rose out of the Childs back it was as big no bigger than the child. “No fucking way” Alex said. The doctor chuckled “she is in all likeness a vampire for lack of a better word” she can drink blood to restore herself and to collect Intel” Alex looked at the doctor. She swung the wing at the manikins. “Also the nature of the wings makes them the perfect tools for close quarter’s combat, they are sharper than laser cut swords and are tougher than diamonds.  Plus she can fly” Alex looked back up. The two manikins with the numbers one and three slid right off their lower torsos.  They were lowered back into the floor. Next a sedan rose from the floor.  “Subject 332 throw the car” she looked up at the doctor “how far” Alex stood up “you can’t do this! She’s alive! She’s a person! She’s a child” The doctor looked taken aback “calm down she’s not a person she’s a weapon her mind is like a loyal dog she can’t think unless we tell her to, we engineered her that way.”  The sound of a sedan slamming into the cement wall at the other end of the room resonated. Alex looked frantic “you can’t be serious! This is wrong and you know it” Alex Dr. Kale’s coat. “Sir please calm down” A loud ear piercing sound caused everyone in the room serious pain. “AHH” The window went black. Alex regained himself. “What… what the hell was that? “Feels like a hangover” Dr. Kale staggered “oh shit what was that” he touched the button to turn the window clear. He clicked it few more times. “It’s not working” he touched the intercom button. Yelling was heard “SUBJECT 332 you will obey. Come here now! Subject 33…a sharp sound was heard. “Hello” the Dr. Kale said “can you hear me” a crushing noise was heard like the sound of metal. Alex looked up “FUCK me” Alex took off bounding over the row of chairs. BOOOM! The sedan slammed through the wall right where the window used to be, the vending machines were toppled and the doctor was crushed against the wall. The sound of twisting metal as the car slid toward Alex as the side of the car pulled up the vinyl flooring, the broken glass and plastic washed over Alex’s back he turned to see if he was outrunning the car, the car caught on the support column nearly splitting the car in two the plaster covering the column was cracked, Alex suddenly tripped over a chair he landed on his ass facing the twisted heap that used to be car. A piece of metal from the car that still had kinetic energy smashed into Alex’s forehead and he lost consciousness.

He awoke against the wall his vision was blurred, his right eye burned he realized that blood from his forehead was dripping into his eye he blinked a few times and cleared some of it. His head felt like it had just exploded. A Cracking noise was heard; Alex looked up, “shit” he managed to say. With his blurred vision he could make out the child walking over broken glass in her bare feet, her white shirt was stained with blood, suddenly her left wing extended like a scorpion tale behind her, “no please!” Came a response near Alex, one of the suits, It was fast just like a scorpion her folded wing impaled him, he let out a sigh of pain and became silent. She lifted him above herself, his blood trickled down the folded wing when it got close to her face she licked it like a small child cleaning the chocolate off of a spoon.  Suddenly without provocation Alex coughed, he couldn’t help it. She immediately turned to him. She walked closer as Alex tried to back up but the wall prevented it. He shuddered, maybe from fear or it could be the blood loss. She stopped about three feet away, her wing raised Alex looked at her she had such an innocent face how in god’s name could she do this.  She didn’t impale him, she used the tip of her wing to wipe the blood from his head, and she brought her wing to herself and licked his blood from it. She gasped and hit her knees grasping her head and calling out in pain. She looked at him and raised her wing now she would kill him. “FIRE!” gunshots from automatic weapons rang out, they cut into her, she screamed and threw herself through the door at the back of the room, splintering it all over the place. “Pursuit force Delta GO!” Several guards ran past Alex “be careful the target is extremely dangerous” A guard with a rank of Captain on his shoulder checked for a pulse on Alex, “Medical detachment team NOW!” he shouldered his assault rifle and dragged Alex away from the wall. Alex stuttered “what… what’s going” the Capitan checked Alex’s head “careful you probably shouldn’t talk right now”.  “Capitan!” A guard rushed over “sir we are under attack” the Capitan looked at the grunt “no shit Sherlock” the guard moved closer “sir it’s by military forces!” the Capitan looked at him “WHAT!” “they are breaching in all over the compound “ The Capitan slammed his hand into the wall    “is it thies guys” he pointed at Alex “no sir information suggests that this is an independent attack” “Alright” he nodded. He looked at Alex who seemed to be regaining his senses “you hear that your friends are here and they are killing everyone” he lifted Alex up to his feet. Alex held his head. “Fuck” the Capitan nodded “that’s right son” Alex wiped the blood off of his head. “We have got to get you out of here” “no” the Capitan looked back at him “what?”  Alex grabbed the captains shoulder “General Langley where is she?” “No idea son what’s your name?” “Alex…Alex Cross” the Capitan saluted and shook his hand “Major, I am Capitan Mac Dale ten year service man” Alex nodded.  “we are in a bit of a shit storm at the moment, That little abomination is running loose we are under attack by a heavily armed and equipped force that we don’t know  of how many there are and we are at the center of it” Kristen! “Yes sir!” a young girl moved up. Get the Major a rifle and some Kevlar. “Yes sir” A few seconds later Alex was handed a XM9 Assault rifle and a Kevlar vest.  “It’s not much but it’s all we can spare at the current time” Alex nodded. “I am a firm believer in if you can get it you can use it if you need ammo and your dead buddy has it he aint needing it no more” Alex laughed “then we have something in common” a guard moved up “Sir a small detachment in an APC just moved to this building they are hostel” The Capitan turned to his squad “this is it people the shit just hit the fan and this is a real situation! Let’s move! Oh and if you encounter the primary target use surprise if you can’t, get the hell out of there report your position and avoid contact. I shouldn’t have to tell any of you how deadly she is.” Alex grabbed the Capitan “what can’t you control her!” “We tried she isn’t responding to any of our commands it’s like something just wiped her mind of our safeguards!” “why… what the hell were you thinking!” the Capitan looked Down “I wonder that myself sometimes but we can’t worry about that now we are here to put her down and prevent her from killing innocent people. Not to mention thies new enemies that decided to join the party” An explosion could be heard downstairs. The Capitan reached for his com “Delta check in…Check in goddamn it, FUCK! Major would you be good enough to check on my men” Alex nodded “sure” the Capitan handed a com to Alex, he put it on “read?” Alex nodded. “remember what I said you see the girl you don’t be a hero you give us your position and get the hell out of there” Alex nodded “I got it” “And Major” the Capitan looked at him “that’s not a little girl, that is a monster created by the evils of man” Alex turned, and took off down the hall. He did his best to move swiftly, he made it to the receptionist desk a circular desk that connected to the wall. The area was covered in blood. Alex leaned over the desk and stood back up immediately the lower half of the receptionist was still sitting in the chair “shit” Alex said under his breath. He took a deep breath and moved silently down the hall. His first stop was the wash room; Erika said she needs to go there before the sedan visited the room. Then Alex thought of something where had General Gordon gone? He opened the women’s washroom door. It was clean no blood no sign of struggle. “Hello” no response. He checked the stalls, empty. He sighed and moved on. Alex moved to the elevator. The com cracked to life “Alex any report yet?” “The receptionist is dead” a sigh came through the com “damn well keep your guard up we are fortifying this side of the building but the Soldiers already reached the second floor.” “Understood Alex out” Alex touched the elevator Ding came the sound it opened and Alex looked in awe at what he saw. The entire inside of the elevator was dripping with blood he could even smell it taste it, the metallic taste made him slightly nauseated. He shook it off. he touched the com “Capitan”…”yes I read you go ahead” “the elevator is soaked in blood” the Capitan was silent “soaked…” he said as in disbelief “I mean that there isn’t a part of this elevator not dripping in blood” he sighed “ bodies” “none” “what the hell what the fuck did she do with them” “ no idea” “fine keep looking Mac out” Alex could hear the blood dripping into a pool of it on the bottom of the elevator. “Think I’ll take the stairs” he said. He once overed his weapon before he opened the door leading to the stairwell. He opened it fast and silent and checked the stairs for contacts. “Shit” he muttered. Several bodies, military, were strewn about on the stairwell. Alex looked around at first he thought it was the Childs work but there were bullet holes not dismemberment, so it was possible that the blood in the elevators wasn’t from the Delta team. The firefight seemed to escalate upwards. Alex silently moved up the stairs. The fire fight ended at the fourth story. There were bullet holes in the door large caliber and were fired from the inside of the door not the stairwell, Alex looked at the body of a Soldier against the wall. “Not bad for a security force” he looked through the holes in the door and opened it slowly. He looked down the hall, he could hear gunfire. He moved down the corridor, Alex noticed something, thies were mostly offices yet all the glass was bulletproof, nearly every larger pain of glass had bullets in them but they were stopped. “Who the hell is Omicron anyway” Alex stumbled on the source of the gun fire. Two Omicron guards fired from cover at four Soldiers there was one Soldier on the floor dead and three dead guards on the wall closest to where the guards were pinned. Alex noticed they seemed to be blind firing bit they were giving the Soldiers a real hard time. Then he heard the voice. Past the gunfire he could hear a female voice yelling orders “twelve o’clock FIRE! Three o’clock FIRE low!” “Son of a bitch it’s Erika!” Alex moved out of his protected cover. He brought his weapon up to his shoulder and looked through the precision scope. It wasn’t really a zooming scope but it did put a red dot over what you were firing at. His first shot rang out and caught a Soldier in the back of the head his face exploded in gore, Alex moved with utter efficiency as he targeted a turning Soldier he fire a short burst and put two in his chest and one in his neck. The Soldier dropped his weapon and fell to the ground grasping his neck as it spewed blood all over the floor. Another Soldier turned to fire as Alex shot the soldier adjacent, “FIRE 4 o’clock “the Soldier suddenly got a back full of automatic fire. He fell to the ground lifeless. Alex moved down the hall as the Guards emerged from cover. “Thanks for the assist man I thought we were goners.” The other guard stood up “yea well if it wasn’t for the general here we would have been a long time ago” Erika stepped out from cover behind the glass. “ALEX!” She grabbed hold of him. Alex shouldered his weapon and held her. She sighed a breath of relief. “Oh my god what happened I heard a massive crash then suddenly guards bust in and tell me that we have to go and on the way down we were attacked by US Soldiers!” she looked like she was having a panic attack “calm down” Alex raised his hand in a motion to be calm “the crash was a car crash” she looked at him blankly “I’ll explain later we really do have to get the hell out of here” Alex pointed at the guards  “Are you Delta” they nodded “what’s left of us we were supposed to kill the target but she entered an elevator as we tried to pursue we encountered those fuckers.” He pointed at the dead Soldiers Erika looked confused again “Target?” Alex grabbed her “the presentation was a child they genetically engineered, she is super strong, fast, and kills on sight without mercy, I watched as she was pumped full of bullets and she still maintained full mobility.” Erika looked horrified “that’s illegal!” “LATER” Alex said “right now we have to get the fuck out of here!” A Guard spoke up “she also regenerates at a phenomenal rate as long as she gets plasma” Erika looked at him “it’s a child?” he nodded “a young girl with bat like wings that she uses as weapons” “but it’s just a child” Alex pulled Erika very close “Erika listen to me she picked up a sedan and threw it through the wall and nearly killed me” Erika’s eyes opened to the size of dinner plates. “She also cut the receptionist in half” “what how? Like IN HALF?!?” Alex sighed “yes in half as in clean cut, we have to GO!” Alex heard a door kicked open “find them!”  They all took cover as a wall of bullets rained down on them. “FUCK” yelled one of the guards. Alex counted eight of them at the end of the hall. Damn it he couldn’t take that many. They unloaded in their direction never giving them a chance to goose neck. Suddenly Alex could heard screaming, he looked through the bullet proof glass. As all the soldiers were firing down the hall they came from. Kill it! A ninth Soldier Alex couldn’t see flew past the others and slammed into the wall his body shredded to nothing. Erika gasped. The Soldiers ran towards the assailant Alex couldn’t see them anymore but he hear screaming and gunfire. A Soldier tried to crawl away just into Alex’s view as one of the wings impaled his back and dragged him back, he heard a tearing sounds and blood drained all over the tile floor. It was completely silent. Alex caught the sound of footsteps in shallow water which he was sure was blood. The Guards stood up “get the hell out of here you two” Alex looked at them “you can’t be serious we have to go” the guard smiled “I wish I wasn’t,” the other guard stepped out of cover “we will hold her off as long as possible here this key card will get you to the other end of the building. The glass is bitch proof so you should be safe until she finds another way in.” Alex took the key card “thank you” one of them laughed “yea yea now get the fuck out!” Alex took off with Erika down the opposite hall the guard laughed “what’s so funny” the other one asked “G.T.F.O. you actually said it” they both had a laugh at that. The child came around the corner at the end of the hall. One guard lit a cigarette “Ok you bitch let’s dance” Alex heard heavy gunfire from where he had been. He slid the keycard in the door. The gunfire stopped abruptly.  “Damn it” he said, the door opened the glass for the door was some type of plastic must have been a foot and a half thick too. The door closed and you could hear it locking. “Are you ok” he asked Erika she nodded “all that’s happened” “I know” Alex said, “We need to find a way out” Alex turned around towards the glass “FUCK!” Alex backed away and raised his gun. The child stood just inches away from the glass. She put her hand on the glass; she left a blood hand print on the door, she licked it off. “Oh my god!” Erika said. The child raised one of her wings and slammed it into the glass. A small crack appeared where she hit it. Her smile faded. She looked at Alex and Screamed she slammed her fist on the glass witch made a slightly bigger crack. She hit the glass over and over again but made no progress. She was breathing heavily her blood red eyes trained on Alex. Alex took Erika’s hand “we need to go” she screamed louder as they left the hallway.

The rushed down the hall suddenly a quake hit the building that sent Alex and Erika stumbling. Alex’s com came to life “Alex come in” “I’m here go” “they just brought a tank down the street they are firing on the building are you safe?” “I’m fine” Alex sighed “Mac …Delta was killed” he could hear the Capitan sigh “how” “they gave their lives protecting me and Erika first against Soldiers then the child” “ok thanks for the update” “Capitan they were good men they died honorably” “I know, now we need to get you guys out of there otherwise this whole place is going to get very nasty very fast where are you?” “We are in a part of the building that is secured with the massive glass doors” the Capitan choked “how the hell did you get in there? Never mind just if we make it through this don’t tell my boss you were in there otherwise running into the child will be the easy part. Find the stairs and go down to the B1 floor use the pass code 1B4C to get to the lower levels get to B5 it’s a massive underground maze like a city in a city but it connects to all the other major buildings in this place. Oh and by the way don’t let your guard down it’s not exactly a secret that it’s there” “got it Alex out” Alex moved to the Stairs he moved down the stairs with Erika on his heels. “HEY” came a voice near the 2nd floor a Soldier stood outside the door looking in at them he raised his gun and fired, no dice the glass was almost unscathed “Fuck!” he said “sir two tangos moving down the stairs toward the basement system sent a team now!” Alex called out “double time it Erika!” they reached the B1 door on the stairwell Alex quickly typed in 1B4C a green light flashed and it unlocked they charged down the hall and made it to the next stairwell. Alex burst through the door on the B5 Floor there were pipes and equipment everywhere. He was right it was a maze. A gunshot rang out. “There over here” a Soldier called out. Alex used the opportunity to return fire and put two in his shoulder. They dove into cover behind a large metal container of some kind just as a hail of bullets filled the air around them. Erika some kind of help would be nice. Erika may be a bit sheltered or naive at times but her razor sharp mind and her ability to think under stress coupled with a photographic memory was a deadly combination. She searched her mind. 10 o’clock 4 meters an oxy acetylene tank. Alex reached around; the tank was directly where she said it was. He fired, unlike the movies and games pressured tanks won’t explode unless they have something to ignite them and a bullet won’t do it, lucky for Alex the high caliber assault rifles they were using has the temperature to ignite the fumes every time it fires. Alex grabbed Erika and yelled out “DOWN” as he pushed her to the ground. The Soldier pulled the trigger. The explosion was immediate and massive the shock cut the Soldier in half and the fire turned him into a piece of flying fried chicken. As soon as the ringing in Alex’s ears left he grabbed Erika and charged out of cover down a hallway.  “Find them” a voice echoed down the hallway.  Alex had no idea where he was going but as long as he got away from there.

Alex found a ladder that lead to somewhere above them. He went up first, he opened the hatch, it was a small office building across the street from the building they were in. A massive firefight was taking place between the Guards and the Soldiers. A tank blew a hole in the 3rd story and gunfire poured out of it. Alex tuned into the Guards chatter. “Quickly bring it up before it fires again.”  There must have been fifty Soldiers on the ground pouring fire into the side of the building, suddenly a rocket cut loose from the hole in the side of the building and slammed into the side of the tank, it wasn’t any rocket Alex had ever seen it had a green glow to it and it cut right through the tank armor. The explosion sent half of the Soldiers to the ground. The tank had been destroyed. The firefight escalated. The Soldiers started sending RPG’s into the side of the building. The radio chatter resumed “hey Capitan I think they’re mad we blew up there tank” “they’re going to fucking hate this then, NOW!” Alex watched as about twenty round objects flew out of the windows and the massive hold in the building. One of the Soldiers dove to the ground “GRENAIDS” but it was a little late the explosion sent several Soldiers flying some had ripped off arms and legs it definitely had shock value. Every single Soldier left alive retreated to nearby buildings for cover, suddenly Alex was sent into cover by gunfire. They had been spotted. “FUCK” Alex called into the Com “Mac we are pinned down by gunfire across the street in an office building!” the com came to life “Copy support in a few” “you hear that boys load another round into the R.A.Z.O.R. “Alex incoming in three…two…one” another rocket cut loose right into the heart of the Soldiers Alex grabbed Erika’s arm and charged for the door. Out of the corner of his eye he saw the rocket hit, he could have sworn it liquefied one Soldiers and sent the rest flying through windows and onto the street. They burst through the door into the alleyway they charged down the street when suddenly another tank rolled around the corner “ALEX!” Erika cried. “Damn damn damn!” they had nowhere to run. The several Soldiers moved around the tank and trained their weapons on them. Suddenly several Soldiers started firing into the other side of the building near the fourth floor, glass slammed into the ground and shattered, and the tanks turret started to move away from Alex and Erika. Alex saw something crawling on the side of the building. The tank fired and destroyed half the corner of the building but the thing took flight. Alex grabbed Erika He looked back and said “ FUCK ME, RUN!” three soldiers were suddenly cut in half and their bodies thrown about. The tank fired again and created a huge crater in the ground.  Suddenly the child was standing on the turret.  Both of the wings reared up. One cut the turret off in a single swipe the other she used to remove the hatch. She dropped into the tank. Alex had a chill sent up his spine as he heard the blood curdling screams from half way down the street. An APC raced down the street opposite the tank it pulled up next to Alex and Erika. The back opened. The Capitan and several guards charged out. “Come on!” the Capitan called as he shoved them into the APC. The back closed and they took off bullets ricocheted off the side of the Vehicle Alex looked as the gunner mowed down Soldiers that they passed.

© Copyright 2009 Kenny (kenny3000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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