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by Karley
Rated: E · Novel · Relationship · #1530000
the fourth chapter following a young couple as the learn about love and life
Chapter 4

On Monday morning, the alarm seems to go off excessively early. The girls wake up and start their morning routine of showers, makeup, hair, and finding the perfect clothes for school. This is something that Krista only does when she has Tina urging her to do it because her idea of getting ready for school is shower, clean clothes just grabbed from the closet, and running a brush through her hair.

Krista and Tina get to school about half an hour early so that they have time to talk to their other friends before classes start. As they walk in the front doors of the school Leslie, Davita, and some of Krista’s other friends come rushing toward them.

“I can’t believe that you did that!” shouts Davita in an accusatory tone.

“Did what?”  Krista asks obviously confused.

“I can’t believe that you stole Leslie’s boyfriend like that! She didn’t do anything to you and she even asked you nicely not to say anything to him.  Of course you just couldn’t wait to tell him so that you could move in on him.” Davita continues getting louder and more animated with every word.

Krista calmly explains to the rather large group now gathered around that she did not steal Leslie’s boyfriend. She continues by reminding everyone that she saw him first and had warned them all that she would get him so not to try and get with him. Then she calmly points out that Leslie is the one in the wrong in the first place. First, she went behind everyone’s back and got Trevor to agree to date her. Then she hid the truth from him about a few very important details. She ends by telling everyone that she doesn’t care who is mad at her she has what she wants and she had warned everyone to stay out of her way when it came to him. With that she, storms away expecting Tina to follow her away from the group of pissed off girls that had confronted them as they walked in the building. Krista turns to complain to Tina about the other girls’ behavior and realizes that she is still talking and laughing with the other girls. Krista tries to comfort herself with the knowledge that she has Trevor and they are just jealous. She walks slowly to her locker hoping that Tina will soon catch up to her and make fun of the scene that had just unfolded a few minutes before.

Krista was completely unprepared for what happened when Tina finally caught up to her at lunch. Tina informed her that she was a liar and a backstabber. She also told her that she could not and would not be friends with someone acting that way all the while claiming to be a good Christian girl. Krista felt like crying and went looking for someone new to sit with seeing as how all her friends had now turned their backs on her for doing exactly what she had told them that she would do if anyone tried to steal Trevor from her. She found a seat in the corner of the lunchroom with some friends that she rarely had time to talk to or spend any time with. Part of the reason for this was this group was the outcasts and Tina absolutely refused to be seen with them or anyone that associated with them. Krista asks if it is ok to sit with them as she slides into the seat next to Debbie. Debbie assures her that it fine for her to sit with them then asks, “Why aren’t you sitting with your popular, stuck up friends?”

“Because they are stuck up!” Krista says trying to smile and joke. Then with tears in her eyes, Krista tells them the whole story. By the end of the story she is crying so hard that she is afraid that one of her contacts are going to float right out of her eye. These friends react with sympathy and understanding.  Laura and Cora both assure her that what she did was right and that as long as she is happy that is all that matters. Krista agrees with them, then adds “but why can’t I have the man of my dreams and all my friends too? It’s just not fair and to make matters worse they are ganging up on me and making me feel like I’m the one that did something wrong.”

Krista manages to survive the rest of the school day without any more drama, crying spells, or angry confrontations. She gets home and runs straight to her room shutting and locking the door behind her. She throws herself on the bed and cries for what seems like hours. In reality, it was only about thirty minutes. As she sits up sniffling and trying to stop the flow of tears her phone begins to ring. Almost afraid to answer the phone she slowly moves toward it and answers it. To her surprise, it is Trevor. She immediately tells him what happened today at school. She tries to include every detail even her crying and all the different conversations with each different group of friends. Trevor offers to break things off. He tells her the last thing that he wants to do is come between her and all of her friends.

Krista’s begins to cry again, and through her sobs, she explains, “The damage is already done. There is nothing at this point that I can do to fix it they are all already mad at me. Besides I still have friends and they are standing behind me on this.” Krista sniffles and hiccups then adds “Besides I have what I want. I have you. They will come around or they weren’t true friends to begin with.” She smiles weakly thinking of sitting in his lap with one arm wrapped tightly around her and the other stroking her long dark hair.

Trevor agrees that for the most part there probably isn’t a lot that can be done now. He asks her if she has even tried to talk to Tina to find out what made her decide to side with the other girls who were obviously not being fair about the way that things had happened. She tells him that she just got home from school and has yet to decide what to do or how many of her friends she could manage to salvage from this mess. She knew without a doubt that Leslie and Davita were going to stick together and were not going to change how they felt about the entire situation. With Tina, she might be able to reason with her and patch things up, eventually. After all, there isn’t really a reason for her to be mad anyway. Krista gets off the phone with Trevor and then with trembling fingers, Krista dials Tina’s number. 

“Tina, its Krista, please don’t hang up. I want to talk to you. Then you can be mad all you want.” Krista rushes through the words so that she gets it all said just in case Tina hangs up instead of talking to her.

“What is there to talk about?” Tina grudgingly replies

“Well for one I don’t even understand why you are mad at me. What happened for you to be on their side? I warned them that if any of them tried to take him that I would break them up. I think it is stupid that you turned on me like that deep down you know as well as I do that they are in the wrong with this.” Krista calmly pleads her case.

“Well you shouldn’t have pushed him into finding out what she was hiding. You should have let the relationship run its course, got to know him better while he was with her, and then tried to get with him when he found out about the truth and broke up with her on his own.” Tina explains in a matter of fact tone.

“Did they tell you that I had warned all of them to leave him alone because I wanted him? Do you know what Leslie’s dad is like and what he would do if he found out that she was dating period? Trevor would have probably ended up in jail because of her. Not only that I was completely honest through it all and she used childish threats and lies to get with him in the first place!” Krista’s voice was slowly rising with every word as she wondered how her best friend could possibly take the side of people that she barely knew. Once again, Krista felt herself wanting to cry and scream at the same time. This whole mess was just so surreal and unfair. How is it that she could go from one of the most popular girls in school to a total reject with a single decision and in a matter of a few minutes?

“Well I don’t agree with what you did or how you went about it so I wont have anything to do with you at school at the very least until things calm down. We can hang out after school sometimes and  even continue to talk on the phone like always” Tina responds flatly.

“Ok I guess that is a start, but I still don’t understand what I did to you that was so bad. Anyway, I will let you go so that you can get back to your homework or whatever.” Krista says feeling some relief with bits of confusion mixing into it.

“Wait!” Tina says as Krista is about to hang up the phone “Can you call Jerri on three way so that I can talk to him and see what he thinks about all this stuff that is going on right now.”

“Ok, hold on” Krista says as she clicks over to the other line and falls into the normal routine of daily phone calls to and from Tina and Jerri, just as it had been since they became friends almost 6 months ago.

Once Krista was sure that they were both on the line, she tells them she is going to place the phone on hold so that they could talk without her right there listening in. They both quickly agree and Krista mutes the phone and listens. She is completely shocked at what she hears her best friend say next. “I hate Krista, she is such a nerd. The only reason that I have anything to do with her is so that I can see and talk to you. She is so stupid she has no idea. I just used her getting with Trevor to back off from her when we are at school.” Tina went on like this for several more minutes before Krista takes the phone off mute and hold then sets down the receiver hanging up on them both. Once again, she cries until her lungs hurt and she is sure there could not possibly be any more tears left. She thinks to herself what did I ever do to deserve this as she cries herself to sleep.

© Copyright 2009 Karley (mouse1977 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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