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Rated: 13+ · Sample · Action/Adventure · #1529115
Small part of a book I am writing. I need reviews and suggestions.
         Zarazak Zarazoki, the new commander of then ‘Marlen’, stood in the central control tower of the bridge amidst his many minions. He was a Zaklal, an ancient race of bugs. Unlike his wasp like minions, called Yaklals, however, he was of a nobler breed. Not the disgusting acid spitting wasps, he was a spider. The ancient ones they were called, and he was one of the last of their kind. He was blackness, death, and suffering. He was the most unadulterated form of evil short of his master.
         Four control terminals were located in front of him, and he had two eyes on each. From these terminals, he was keeping an eye on the wheres and the when’s of everything occurring in the ship. Indeed, he could see the movements of his enemies. His anger grew as he watched them slaughter his pathetic minions with each encounter. Only his love for the hunt kept him from sending all of the Yaklals against them. He would indeed like to see this one play out.
         In fact, to make things more interesting, he would join in the hunt himself. He picked one of the weaker groups and strode off quickly in their direction. His minions cowered in his presence, and he was sure his enemies would soon as well.

         Mathew watched in horror as the huge eight-legged beast stalked by his concealed position. After the beast had past he quickly rose to his feet. Maria and Ford followed suit.
         “What the devil was that?”
         “No clue, but I wouldn’t like to go up against it, that’s for sure.”
         Mathew peered through the window into the bridge room. It was crawling with bugs. There were hundreds if not thousands of them.
         “So much for that idea. I think you were right Ford, There is no way we can reclaim this ship. Let’s just round the group up and get the world out of here.”
         “I’m in agreement on that.”
         Mathew activated his radio. “All teams report in.”
         “Roger that Mathew. We’re almost to the galleys, just a little more time.”
         “Hurry it up Nara… Blen? Doner? Darn it. Where are they.”

         Blen and Jasper had searched every cellar and were on their way back to the shuttle. Suddenly a glob of acid hit Jasper. Blen dove to the side, narrowly avoiding the glob meant for him. Before he could recover two wasps had lifted him up and pinned him against the wall. A tall dark shape strode forward, and stood in front of him. Blen recognized it as a Zaklal immediately. All Members of the infiltrator academy were taught about the experiment gone wrong to make a more advanced human using spider traits. No one could figure out how the new breed of humans had managed to become stronger and basically start a new species, though officially, Zaklals were not a new species, only a new breed. Blen did his best to stare the creature in the eyes, but failed.
         “Pitiful human, I have some question for you, answer correctly and I may spare your life.”
“Ask away.”
“Very cooperative, don’t you have any conditions? No valiant speech?”
“I see no reason to deny you the ability to ask questions. If I answer I answer, as for conditions, I would like to ask a couple question myself.”
“You are a very intelligent human. Go ahead and ask you questions.”
“I know you are a Zaklal, but I don’t know what the others are… surely your kind didn’t create yet another breed.”
         “No, this species is called Yaklal, simply because they are similar to us, the first ones, in form. You know, the Zaklal should never have left your planet when we did. We left because we believed the word of one man; we should have just taken shelter on his ark and have been done with it. However, certain members of us felt that we should not be treated as animals, so we left the planet on our own ark, and discovered the universe I guess you could say. The humans have just now recovered their form of technology, and frankly, it is time for another ark moment. This is close enough to what is going to happen once my master completes his plan. However, this will not be a disaster of water, but of war. Now you have asked your question, now it is my turn. If I were to fly this ship from here to Zondura, what resistance would I meet?”
         “That is very interesting history. To answer your question, if our team reports trouble, the entire fleet will respond and intercept the ship. You’ll be doomed.”
         “Even if that were true I have nothing to fear, your friends will all be collected shortly before they can report anything. I would offer you your life for your assistance, but I’m sure you will not be cooperative.”
         “Why would I be cooperative? You just killed my friend over there and are threatening to kill the rest.”
         “I could spare your life…”
         “Unlike your kind… my kind cares about each other. It is called love, and it is something you could do well to learn. Unfortunately for you, you will not live long enough to learn it. My friends are the best of the best.”
         “I’m afraid then, that if you will not join me, then I cannot help you.” The Zaklal strode away down the corridor, and then as if remembering something, it turned to the two wasps. “Kill him.” With that said, the Zaklal disappeared around a bend in the corrider.
         The two wasps backed away from Blen creating acid in their mandibles, and quivered excitedly. Without warning one of them crumpled to the floor. Having been dealt a rather extreme blow by a 20 pound mine that had been thrown accurately. Blen acted purely on instinct and bolted dodging a glob of acid. He had barely made it out of the blast radius when the mine went off, blowing the two wasps to shreds.
         “Darn it! Why won’t they respond!”
         Mathew and his team were jogging back towards the shuttle. Neither Blen’s group or Doner’s group had been responding to his radio calls. Suddenly Nara’s voice came over his radio.
         “Sir, your gonna want to see this.”
         “What is it?”
         “Well, we may have located some of the missing crew men.”
         “We are on our way.”

         When Blen had recovered and looked up he saw Doner and Kaytee arguing with each other
“That wasn’t the best idea Doner!”
         “It killed them didn’t it?
         “Them yes, but it could’ve killed Blen to!”
         “But it didn’t, did it?”
         Blen walked toward them, somewhat shakily. “Hey Doner! About time you showed up.”
         “Yup, and I’m counting, so you owe me one. Come one, let’s get out of here.”
         The three quickly trotted off toward the shuttle bay.

         Mathew entered the galley. The first thing he noticed were the piles of fried bugs. “My my…”
         Nara walked up. “There’s more in the kitchen, as well as three live ones.”
         “That’s great!”
         “Yes sir.”
         “Ok, now I just need to round up the gang, and then we’re out of here.” He activated his radio.
         “Blen do you come in? Darn it, him and Doner are out of the loop. Blen! Doner! Do you come in?”

         “Blen! Doner! Do you come in?”
         Zarazak’s face would have been smiling if it was capable. He had taken the radio from Ble. Now, not only could he see his opponents, but he could hear them as well.

         “Argh. Mathew, I think you’re a great guy, but turn you bloody radio off so you can hear incoming!”
         Doner, Blen, and Kaytee were making their way back to the shuttle. Blen reached out his hand.
         “Give me that thing. Nara do you read me?”
         “Blen? What are you doing on Doner’s radio? Where have you been?”
         “Uh, long story, but I need you to radio Ford, or Maria, someone that can talk to Mathew.”
         “I can do that, I’m standing by him, he’s pretty ticked.”
         “Yah, well, just get him on the please.”
         “Ok here he is.”
         “Blen! What’s going on?!”
         “I’ll make this fast. Jaspers dead. These bugs have a leader, that’s why they are so unified, he’s a Zaklal. I don’t suppose you’ve heard the stories? Well anyway, It’s planning on flying the ship to somewhere…ah…Zondura, that’s it.”
         “Zondura? Where’s that?”
         “I don’t know, it’s not on any registered maps.” There was no response. “Mathew?”
         “Hey, sounds great, but fill me in later ok?”

         “I don’t know, it’s not on any registered maps.”
         Nara interrupted Mathew’s response. “We’re about to have company.”
         “Hey sounds great, but fill me in later ok? How many Nara?”
         “Davin said about 30.”
         Mathew looked over his small group of eight. “Ok boy’s, bunker down! Defensive position!”
         Doner’s group was almost to the shuttle when Blen put his hand up.
         “What is it?”
         “Bugs, maybe twenty of them.”
         Kaytee’s face paled. “Oh man.”
         Doner held out an explosive. “Don’t worry guys. I have the perfect welcoming present.”


         After the first twenty foes had been defeated, Mathew ordered the group to start retreating towards the shuttle docks. Upon arriving, he found himself pincered between two groups of bugs. Suddenly a massive explosion rocked the corridor. The bugs between them and the docks fled through various side passages in an unruly rout.
         Doner appeared at the bend. “About time you guys! Hurry up and get in here, we’re ready to take off!”
         The humans needed no encouragement. It was very difficult to cram the twelve people in the shuttle, but the feat was achieved. The shuttle backed out of the bay, and after correcting its course, rocketed off, quickly achieving top speed of about sixty-five light years per minute.
         Within the shuttle tensions were at peaks, the dwindling oxygen was far from alleviating, and finally to make matters worse, a red light began flashing and an incessant noise blared out with it. Blen, who was pilot, explained the problem to Mathew.
         “This isn’t good at all, that there is the fuel gauge. That light means we’re out of fuel.”
         “Well, isn’t there something you can do?”
         “Well, we have enough momentum; we can continue flying indefinitely as long as we don’t have to turn…”
         “So if there’s an obstacle we won’t be able to avoid it?”
         “Precisely. Worse-case scenario, we get swallowed up by a star. Best-case scenario we make a crash landing on some planet or other, so we can refuel. That green planet up ahead looks like it in our trajectory.”

         The shuttle skimmed over the luscious trees of the planet looking for a clearing to land in. After close to an hours worth of gliding they found what they were looking for. It was a grassy hilltop that rose out of the woodland. Blen skillfully crashed the shuttle on it peak.
         “Anything on the scanners Blen?”
         “This planet is crawling with life forms Mat, trillions of them. Also there appears to be a faint signature of technology, perhaps and old outpost.”
         “Well, if we can’t harvest enough fuel from the ground maybe there’s some left over there. Let’s get the equipment running.”
         The team unpacked the siphoning machine and began operating it. Davin and Nara kept lookout for hostiles, and Blen tried the radio just for the heck of it.
         Inside the shuttle Niko had finally awoke. Kaytee glanced over.
         “Good morning sleepy head.”
         “What happened? Ugh.” Niko had tried to sit up, but had only succeeded in agitating his head. “Good heavens, I must have hit my head on something.”
         “Actually it was the something doing the hitting; you just conveniently got in the way.”
         Suddenly a baleful howl sounded out from somewhere in the woods. Niko started, only agitating his head.
         “Where the devil are we?”
         “Some dreary forest planet, I forgot what they called it. No matter, there is nothing to worry about I’m sure. Want some tea?”

         Nara heard the howl. It sounded close. She dropped to one knee and raised her thermo scope, scanning the area for heat signatures. A twig snapped behind her.

         “I have no clue why Mathew. It’s just not receiving any fuel. What was that? Well, whatever, looks like we’ll have to search the old base. If it’s old at all, we could be ‘stranded’ on a populised civilized planet. Heaven knows, theres enough heat signatures for it.”
         “Blen we can’t give up yet, maybe its just this particular patch of ground. I have no desire to go through uncharted forest that could be inhabited by potentially dangerous creatures.”
         “Alright then, how about that spot over there then?”
         “Fine. Doner! Come help us move this please! Doner! Argh, here we go again.”

         Mmm… this is good tea.”
         “Thanks. I’m going to see if anyone else wants some.”
         Kaytee rose to her feet, and taking the tea tray with her, headed for the hatch. Before you arrived however, Ford entered.”
         “Where are you going Kaytee?”
         “I was going to see if anyone wanted some tea. Would you?”
         “No thank you. I am sorry but you will have to stay in here. Doner is missing.”
         “He is? Oh! But why can’t I go outside? Everyone else is.”
         “Everyone else has military training, you and Niko don’t.”
         “Argh! Fine.”
         Kaytee stomped back to her seat, casting fitful glances out the viewports. After checking to see that she was indeed going to stay put, Ford exited, sealing the hatch behind him.

         Mathew, Blen, and Timothy were waiting for him outside.
         “So what’s the plan Mathew?”
         “There is absolutely no fuel in this ground, so we’ll have to search the outpost. We’ll call everyone in first and search for Doner.”

         “Nara do you read me?” Mathew’s voice came over the radio.
         “Yah Mat.”
         “Doner is missing, come on up, were going to search for him.”
         “Roger that.” She scanned the bushes were she had heard the twig snap. They rustled, in the wind maybe? She took a step forward, weapon raised.
         “Hey Nara!”
         She spun around. Doner was standing on the trail leading back up the hill.
         “Doner, you scared me! Everyone’s been looking for you.”
         “Sorry about that. I was coming down to see how you were doing and I got a little lost.”
         “Hold on.” She turned on her radio. “Mat, I’ve got Doner.”
         “Really? Great, bring him up.”
         She turned off her radio. “Come on Doner.”
         They both started up the trail; they didn’t notice the bush sway in the still air.”

         Walter Skaritz peered out the massive window that comprised one wall of his office. The business center sprawled out for miles in every direction. As dusk approached, automated light systems activated, casting eerie glows on the cityscape, and the resulting shadows where very intricate and mesmerizing.
         Walter felt that he was being drawn into a mysterious world, dancing images stirring memories in his mind…
         “What is it?” Walter said as he came back to reality.
         “It’s been nine hours and we still have no contact from Mathew. The Octagon Advises an immediate locking of their prints, and all those of the ‘Marlens’ crewmembers.”
         “They still have six hours. Give them time, where is their signal?”
         “It stopped transmitting three hours ago, It was last located above Freer.”

         Night was falling on Freer. The team had elected to rest for the night before finding the outpost. Very few of them took glady to the idea of trudging through unkown woodlands in the middle of the night, especially since the howling started occurring with increasing frequency… and intensity.
         Needless to say, sleeping in a six man pod with twice that many people was far from being remotely comfortable.
         “Doner! Get your feet off me!”
         “Don’t put them there! That’s my face!”
         “Nara your bayonet is boking my back! Why can’t you sleep liking a normal person? I don’t see why you have to carry your gun everywhere you go…”
         “Who’s hand is that? Get it out of my hair!”
         “Be quiet everybody!” Mathew finally shouted. “This isn’t comfortable for anybody, but we will have to make do. No more complaints, if you have any, you can just go sleep outside where there is plenty of room.”
         As if to make a point, the howling started again. Almost, Doner thought, shuddering, as if in agreement to Mathews suggestion…
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