Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1528142-Distant---Chapter-8-and-9
by Possom
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Fantasy · #1528142
Paranoid vampires in Italy; will Rikala's instincs prove fatal, will David find the truth?
Chapter Eight

         “Italy?  Why Italy?”
         “How should I know, I’ve been living in Scotland.  What does it matter if it’s Italy, America or Belgium; away from me is away from me.  We leave for Italy in the morning, Jonathan.”
         “Nah, it’s just – if he’s been in Italy, he’ll – well he’ll of stood out a bit with a name like Edward Drake.”
         “What do you mean?”
         “Well, it’s not very Italian, is it?”
         “Does it really matter, Jonathan?” sighed Emma from the back of the newspaper.
         “I miss Italy.  It was the start of the ‘Risorgimento’ the last time I was there. “ said Lucas, casually.
         “But…but that was 194 years ago!” Gasped Paige.
         “Paige, I was born in 1710 and I’m a vampire.  Why are you still shocked when I mention something of my past?”
         “Oh, I don’t know.  I suppose it’s because it’s weird.” Blushed Paige.
         “Well as long as you are all packed and ready to leave by 2:30 Sunday morning.” Rikala said as she gathered up a pile of files from the top of the table and the large suitcase that was sat by the sofa, and walked out into the hall and up to her room.
         There was always arguments when it came to going away; and it was always about who would stay behind.  No one wanted to stay, but unfortunately someone had to.  This time was no exception.
         “I think Emma should stay.”
         “No, I think Mark should.”
         “No, Jonathan.”
         “No, Paige.”
         It would carry on like this until Riley, Lucas or Rikala had had enough, and then one of them would step in and make the decision themselves.
         “For God sake! Mark, you’re staying!” interrupted Lucas from the other room.  “I have had it up to here with you four arguing.”
         “What! Why am I staying?”
         “You are staying because David may turn up and I need someone who can deal with the security side of things.  I don’t want him snooping around.” Said Rikala as she walked into the room. “Now, since we have worked out who is staying, can you please go and get packed.”
         Rikala didn’t have to tell them twice, Emma, Paige and Jonathan all rushed out of the room and up to their rooms to get their things together.
         “Finally” sighed Lucas as he slouched upon the Chaise Lounge.
         Rikala sighed as she shook her head before walking out of the lounge and into the hallway.
         Rikala spun round to find Mark flying down the stairs.
         “What’s wrong?”
         “Rikala, David – “
         Before Mark could finish his sentence, the doorbell had rung and Rikala knew what Mark had wanted to say.
         “Shit! Get out of sight.  Lucas, Riley, move it now!”
         Lucas and Riley had appeared in the hallway and then within the blink of an eye disappeared upstairs with Mark following behind them yelling to the others to stay out of the way.  Rikala glanced round the room; apart from the suitcases there was nothing else that would bring suspicion, and opened the front door.
         “David, this is a surprise.  How did you find me?”
         “I’m a cop, it’s my job.  I…er…like the house.”
         “Thank you, it was passed through the family. Come in.”
         Rikala took David over to the lounge.
         “Please sit.  Can I get you anything? Food? Drink?”
         “No, no thank you.  I would like to talk with you though.”
         “Sure, how can I help you?”
         Rikala stayed standing for a while before seeing that David felt uncomfortable and then perched herself on the arm of the sofa.
         “I saw suitcases, are you planning on leaving?”
         “Just a holiday trip to Italy, that’s all.  Is this about the other night? I assure you it wasn’t me.”
         “Yes it is and no, I do believe you.  However I did do a search on your car registration and found that the car belongs to a Mr Wayne, not yourself.”
         David was beginning to feel more at ease now and was regaining some of his composure and confidence.  The large iron gates and the foreboding house had put him on edge, but Alyssa was harmless, clumsy yes, but harmless. 
         “Ah, well yes, I can see why that would give you cause to come and see me.  What you have to understand though, as I am sure you are fully aware, is that I am very clumsy and as much as I am hastened to say, I very much like you and didn’t want to make a complete fool of myself when I couldn’t actually remember where I left my car.”
         “You…erm…like me?”
         “Yes” said Rikala as she forced herself to blush.  She could hear the muffled laughter of Lucas and Riley upstairs.
         “Well, if that’s all, I still have a lot of packing to do.”
         “Yes, yes that’s all.  If you don’t mind me asking, why are there so many suitcases?  How long are you going?”
         “They are not all mine.  My brother and cousin are coming to and I’m afraid I have to pack for them as well as they are incapable of doing it themselves.  They have a lack of brain functions.” 
         The laughter from upstairs stopped abruptly and she knew, as had they, that she had gotten her own back.
         “Oh, your brother looked alright when I saw him.”
         “Yes, its an underlying thing.  It’s slowly killing him.”
         “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”
         “It’s fine, honestly.”
         Rikala had led him back to the main entrance and was now showing him out of the door.
         “Have a nice trip.”
         “Thank you, goodbye.”
         David got in the car and pulled away from the house. Hmm, there’s something strange going on.  If her brother has a brain disease, then why was he driving a car?  Alyssa clearly said that he would pick up her car, and if she had her car then he must have been driving before hand.  Looks like I’m going to Italy.
         “A lack of brain functions?”
         “An underlying thing?”
         “You started it, and you also knew that I would get my own back.” Rikala said as she stifled a laugh.

         The flight went well and they touched down in Italy at around 8:36pm and after claiming the baggage, made their way to the hotel.
         “I still don’t see why we couldn’t fly first class.  I mean it’s not like we’re short on money, look at the hotel for instance.” Grumbled Jonathan as they walked through the lobby of the 5 star hotel they were staying in.
         “Because, Jonathan, we do not want to draw attention to ourselves.” Said Rikala
         “But look at this hotel!  How is this not drawing attention to us?”
         Jonathan was right of course, well partly.  Rikala felt as though there was going to be trouble on this trip: which didn’t help with the impending feeling that someone was following her.  Paranoid she thought, you’re just being paranoid. Flying economy would draw less attention to them, should anything go wrong and helped to relax her nerves slightly.  She had no doubt that Riley and Lucas had sensed this in her and that was probably why they didn’t say anything themselves.  The hotel was another way of drawing less attention to themselves; despite what Jonathan and the others may think.  If they were to stay in a small hostel somewhere, they could easily be spied upon.  Whereas here, in this lavish and expensive hotel, it would take a great deal more for anyone to get in and snoop around.
         Jonathan continued to moan most of the morning about one thing or another, and didn’t stop until Riley threatened to break his jaw if he didn’t shut up.
         “This can’t be right.” David muttered quietly.  The tall elegant building stretched high over the skyline, seeming to glow in the ambience of the city lights around it.  Limos, Bentley’s and a whole range of expensive cars pulled up outside the hotel doors, dropping off and picking up guests.
         “If they can afford this, they could have afforded first class flight tickets. And who else was with her?” I only recognise Alyssa and her brother.  Wonder if that other pale gentleman is her cousin? “Hmm, something’s not quite right.”
         David moved out of the shadows opposite the hotel and got into one of the cabs that were lined up by the hotel. 
         “Coliseum Lodge, please.”
         After a quick journey across town, the cab pulled up outside a small, dingy hotel that barely passed as livable.  The windows were bared and the wooden porch was broken in places; it really did look condemned.  Should’ve guessed when it was so cheap. Huh, it’ll have to do.  I’ll just have to remember to use the department’s budget next time.
         David entered his room and found that even that was no better than the exterior.  The floor was carpeted with a thick shag-pile that looked like it had seen its fair share of murder victims, the cream papered walls were damp and moulding, the little furniture that was there was looked like it had just come form the 80s; it was well used and the varnish was flaking like dandruff.  Not pleasant at all.  David risked it and had a quick wash in the scum ridden bathroom, got changed and headed back towards The Plaza; he was going to spend as little time as possible in, what was obviously a health risk. 
         Walking into the large open lobby of The Plaza, David’s first plan was to find out what room Alyssa was staying in.  Only problem was, he didn’t know her last name, it wasn’t on in the files had pulled up on her either.  She was definitely hiding something, but what he wasn’t quite sure of.  He needed a plan.
         “Excuse me; I’m trying to find the lady who owns this bag.  She is currently staying here but I’m afraid I only know her first name.  I was wondering if you could tell me what room she would be staying in so that I could deliver it.” He said, blushing.
         “I’m afraid I can’t do that.  I can however leave a message for her.”
         “No, thank you.  I was really hoping I would be able to see her again; she rather took my heart.” David said blushing again.
         “Well – fine okay, but I didn’t do this okay?”
         “Thank you. Her name is Alyssa.”
         “Ah, here we go.  Miss Croft has booked two rooms; 207 and 208.  Good luck.”
         “Thank you, miss.”
         As David made his way towards the elevators he reached into his pocket, pulled out the receipt for the bag in his arms and threw it along with the bag into the nearest bin. It was only cheap so the loss of money wasn’t going to bother him.  At least he now knew what room Alyssa was staying in.  Or did he, the receptionist had said that Alyssa had booked two rooms, meaning she could be in either one and he didn’t want to risk running into her brother and cousin instead of her.
         The elevator ping and he stepped in pushing the button that would deliver him to the second floor.

Chapter Nine

         “According to the files Mark was able to find, Armand should be somewhere north of here.  I’ll be going with Lucas and Emma.  Paige, Riley I want you to search the area; as much as I trust Mark, something doesn’t feel right.  Jonathan can you stay here and manage security and communications.”
         Rikala, Lucas and Emma left that afternoon and headed north towards the docks.

         “She took the false lead and landed in Italy this morning.”
         “Good.  This will hopefully give us a chance to make him forget her completely.” Ashton said slyly.
         Turning from Peter, Ashton peered through the glass window that stood between him and a large domed room on the other side.  A pale figure was sat at the table below in the room.
         Pushing the intercom button, Ashton said, “How are we feeling today, Armand?”
         Armand looked up from the table and stared at Ashton.  His silver eyes were glazed and distant - there was no warmth; he looked lost.
         “Why am I in here?”
         “Surely you haven’t forgotten?”
         “Blood.  There was a lot of blood…”
         Armand glanced at his outstretched hands.
         “So much blood.”
         “See you do remember.  That poor family, they weren’t expecting you to kill them all – and so brutally.”
         Tears fell from Armand’s silver eyes and stained his ashen cheeks.
         “I – I –“
         “That is why you’re here.  You’re to be punished for such a brutal crime.”
         The intercom went dead and Armand was alone again.  But why?  Had he really killed that family?  He could feel their blood, smell it…taste it.  NO! I wouldn’t do that, I promised – who? Who did I promise? I see her face but I don’t know her…I don’t remember.  Armand’s memories were fuzzy and hazed; he couldn’t remember…anything, properly.
         His mind wandered back to the face…her face.  Her skin was fair and soft, her eyes were a vivid electric blue and her hair…her hair was blonde, an iridescent blonde that resembled the soft glow of the moon.  She seemed so real, yet so false.  An angel.  She must be an angel for she gleams with such kindness; such innocence.

         They reached the docks shortly after hearing from Riley, saying that they had spotted DI Parick close to The Plaza.
         “Damn it! What the hell is he doing?”
         “Not sure, but it looks like he knows you’re here.  He just keeps circling the hotel; we could move him on if you want.”
         “No. Leave him, he isn’t hurting anyone and he obviously doesn’t know that I’m not there.  Keep an eye on him though, Riley.  Let me know if he gets any closer.”
         “Will do.”
         Rikala, Lucas and Emma made their way towards the shipyard.  The scent of salt, fish and decay hit Rikala and Lucas like a slap in the face and it took a lot of effort for both of them to keep form retching.  Oh, the curse of heightened senses! 
         Emma was walking ahead of the others and stopped by the pier edge before turning to face them.
         “Odd isn’t it?”
         “What is?” asked Lucas quietly, trying not to inhale too much.
         “This.” She replied, waving her hands at the empty dockyard. “There’s no one here.  Not even the ships cat.”
         “She has a point.  I knew something wasn’t right earlier and this has just added to that suspicion.”
         “You want to leave then?”
         “No, not yet.  There maybe something here that might help me to understand what’s going on.”
         They wandered around the pier, found nothing and then went up towards the large derelict warehouses.  The hair on the back of Lucas’s neck stood on end as the entered the nearest building.  Something is wrong…very wrong.
         “I know I feel it too, but I need to continue.  I need to find out what it is.”
         “At least – “
         “I know, take her if you want but I’m staying.”
         Lucas turned and was about to lead Emma back outside and over to the car when a sudden rush of wind caused him to duck.  Another rush of wind came but he wasn’t quick enough and a large black boot crashed into the side of his head.
         The warehouse was dark but not so much that Emma couldn’t make out shapes; if she hadn’t lived with Rikala, Lucas and Riley for 3 years she wouldn’t have noticed Lucas move.  The next thing she knew, Rikala had dived at her with enough force to move a concrete wall.
         Rikala’s arms moved protectively around Emma, cocooning her from the impact on the warehouse’s floor.  The darkness wasn’t a problem for Lucas and Rikala; they could clearly see that they were surrounded by ten ravenous vampires.  It had unmistakably been a trap.
         “Rikala! Damn it answer me!” Riley shouted through the com-link.
         “Not now Riley! I’m a little preoccupied!”
         “But –“
         “NOT NOW!”
         Three vampires lunged at Lucas, throwing him backwards into darkness.  Rikala moved to help when another three came after her; eyes as black as night and fangs drawn.  From the distance she could hear the cries of pain from both the vampires and from Lucas and knew that if she didn’t get to him soon….well it didn’t bare thinking about.
         Rikala didn’t know what to do, there were too many of them and she ran the risk of killing her friends if she used her abilities. I don’t have a choice; they might die even if I don’t.  She reached into her mind and drew forth the swell of power building deep inside.  An icy wind blew through the building and one by one the vampires around her dropped; black veins spreading across their skin, followed by rapid decomposing until all that remained were their rotten corpses.

         David got out of the taxi and walked around towards the back entrance of the dockyard.  I wonder why they came here?  It’s not a tourist spot and it’s closed to the public.  There was a sudden sense of wrongness in the air and it caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand on end.
         Night had fallen quickly after he had left the hotel; he hadn’t gotten near to Alyssa’s rooms, when a youngish couple came out of a side room carrying a bucket of ice each.  They had mentioned something about a woman named Rikala and the local marina; it wasn’t until they walked into one of the rooms that Alyssa had booked that he paid them any attention.  David went with what he had heard and headed out towards the dockyard, hoping he would find something.
         Something moved behind him and he spun around.  The sense of wrongness still present.
         “What the –“ He shrugged it off.  “Your paranoid, David, too many nights watching Die Hard.”
         He continued walking towards the warehouses, when another sound of movement came from behind.  If he hadn’t been a cop he would never have know he was being followed.  He turned to face his assailant when something to his left caught his attention; either there was more then one person following or whoever it was, was playing with him.
         “Police!  Come out, I know you’re there!” David called into the shadows.  “I only want to talk!” He added after a while.
         No reply.
         David continued towards the warehouses, knowing that whoever it was would show themselves sooner or later.  He kept alert to any other movements or noises but nothing came.  Kids.  He thought. Must have scared them off.  It was a while before his assailant made another move; a large pile of crates came clattering down in front of David, blocking his way.  Damn kids! The crates were blocking his way and there was no way David was going to get past them; he was going to have to find another way round and it made him feel uneasy.  Either they’re messing around and think its funny or someone really doesn’t want me snooping around!

         After dealing with the vampires close to her, Rikala reached out with her senses for Lucas.  He was alive but injured.  However, in the heat of the attack she had forgotten about Emma and the sudden cry of pain, followed by the strong smell of blood pulled Rikala around.
         A vampire was stood in the distance; a body slumped in his arms. Emma! The vampire dropped the body and ran, blood dripping from his hands as he went.
         “No! Emma!” Rikala cried as she dashed over to the body.
         It was too late and she knew it; Emma’s neck had been snapped like a twig and her throat ripped out, causing blood to spill out onto the floor.  Tears cascaded down Rikala’s cheeks as she turned to face Lucas, who had limped out of the shadows behind her.  His face was drawn back in anger and grief.
         “Rikala?” Riley’s voice drifted down the com-link.
         “What is it Riley?” She answered with a sigh.
         “I’d ask how you are feeling but David’s outside.”
         “What?” Horror dawned on her face.
         “David.  He’s outside; I did try to warn you.”

         David ran.  He knew something was following him, but who?  What?  Then he saw them bright, glowing ruby red eyes staring right at him.  He tried to run but he couldn’t’ move; it was as if his feet were stuck to the ground.  The eyes came closer, and through the darkness he was able to make out a figure…a target.  He aimed and emptied six rounds into the figures chest, but nothing happened; he knew he hadn’t missed but how in Gods name was the figure still standing.
         The figure towered over him and the next thing he knew was pain, deep agonising pain.  A scream rippled up his throat although it was lost to the night.  The pain, David realised had stopped and he was on the floor.  Something warm and wet was seeping down his neck and chest, but in the dark he couldn’t make out what it was; although he could have guessed.  Dizziness took hold and unconsciousness was threatening to take over; the figure though, he was sure had gone leaving him alone but even so he held out his hand in hope that someone was there – anyone.
         David’s hand fell softly to the ground and the last thing he heard before slipping into the depths of unconsciousness was the velvety whisper of something or someone calling his name. 

Would appreciate some feedback, so that I can make it better! xx

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