Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1528124-The-Golden-Rule
by SWPoet
Rated: E · Poetry · Other · #1528124
Project Write World Entry Feb 09
The Golden Rule

“Do unto others as you would have them
do unto you.” But do we even know
what we want done unto us? Do you?

Perhaps a listening ear
to confess our sorrows;
a hand to hold amidst the storm;
a word to show reverence
for a joyful day; silence
for a moment to pray;
freedom to become;
shelter if we have none;
food for thought or for our bellies
if naught; conversation
to exercise the mind
or just to pass the time;
a vow made, a promise kept;
a shoulder to cry on
when we’re the ones left.

Before we follow the Golden Rule,
perhaps we should list a thing or two of
what we expect from ourselves. Will you?

Forgiveness for wrong;
grace, just because;
room to grow;
space in which to know
our creator, ourselves;
patience to become;
satisfaction when day is done;
acceptance and love
for the face in the mirror
and for the body below;
to reap, sometimes,
what we did not sow;
to sow what only
our children will reap;
to make a promise we can keep.

Is this too much to expect from ourselves?
Do you have faith in us?
Could we grant the same to others?

I think we must.

40 Lines
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