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Rated: E · Other · Fantasy · #1528060
Abby awakes to someone knocking at the door. Could it be Travis?
A Home At Last chapter 7

Abby awoke to some one knocking on the door. "Oh no what if it is Travis? I am a mess and I don['t want to meet him like this." She jumped out of bed and hastily put on a tee shirt. It was long enough to look like a short robe. She hurried to the door. Two ladies were standing there. One was carrying a coffee container and the other a coffee cake.

"Hello" Abby said. Won't you come in.e

"We'd love to." said the lady holding the cake. "My name is Reta and this is Connie."

"My name is Abby. Please excuse the mess but I have only arrived here last night. There are some chairs over there." she said poionting to the table and chairs." I will try to clear off a little space for you to set that down." She was embarrased that they should see the mess. Please sit down. It is very nice of you to come calling."

"Well Nancy, at the store told us that you had come to town and that you have married Travis." said Connie. We wanted to welcome you to our town. We had no idea that Travis was going to get married but we are glad for him and for you." she added.

"Thank you." Abby said. She wondered if Travis would like the fact that they knew he was married.

"By the way, where is he?" Reta asked.

"He is away on assignment." Abby said. "You know he is dedicated to his work."

"Yes, he is a very honorable man and a gorgeous hunk as well. But I guess you know that" she said laughing.

"Yes of course. He is that." Abby said. She decided to try to change the subject.

"Where do you girls live?" she asked.

"I live just down the hill from you in that grey house. You can see it there through the trees." Connie informed her and "I live in that brown house to the left of Connie." Reta explained.

"Oh yes I see it." Abby said looking out of the window. She remembered the cake and went to the sink to find some plates to put it on. She turned on the water and washed three of them and then some forks. She carried them to the table and then decided to find a knife to cut the cake. There were some cups in the sink and she quickly washed them. "I'm afraid Travis didn't have much time for housework." she told them. They all laughed.

"No I don't think he did." Reta laughed.

"This cake is wonderful." Abby exclaimed. "Thank you so much for coming over."

"Well we wanted to meet you and see if Travis had made a good choice but I see that he did." Connie teased.

Reta was tall and slender with long red hair. A few freckles on her nose. She was dressed in black slacks with a green sweater. Connie was shorter with dark hair that was cut short. She was slender and she wore jeans and a blue t shirt.

"We don't want to bother you but we wanted to meet you and if there is anything we can do let us know." Reta said.

"Like wise" Abby said. "Come back again and I hope the place looks better the next time."

"Don't worry about that, Reta said. "We didn't come to see your house."

After they left Abby scurried around to get dressed. She had forgotten to put a log in the fire place and now she would have to get it started again. She got the wood chips out and set them on fire and then put a log in the fireplace. She was getting the hang of it after all. The wood box needed to be refilled so she decided to go out to the shed where the wood was stored. When she opened the door a mouse scurried out. Abby jumped and screamed. She would have to be careful when she was picking up the logs not to get a mouse in the house. She took an armload back to the cabin and put them in the log box. The house was warming up a little and didn't feel so cold. It was the chalkly white walls that made it feel so cold. If she could buy some paint she could change that. She decided that she would get the place picked up and cleaned and then drive the jeep to town and buy some paint and some supplies. She hoped that Travis wouldn't mind. After all, he wanted some one to clean his home and make it liveable. Abby was getting excited. The place could be fixed up really cute she thought. After she had finished picking up and sweeping and mopping the floors she sat down at the table and found a pencil and some paper that was in her purse. She would plan just what she wanted to do. She decided on a light gold paint for the livingroom kitchen part.but Leave the wood work white. For the bathroom she wanted to find a light olive green paint for the walls and paint the bathroom cabinet white. Make it look like a spa. She hoped that she could find a white shower curtain with green designs on it or she could get a white one and paint some on it. For the bedroom that Travis used she would find a lt blue grey paint. A neutral bedspread and curtains would look nice with it. Maybe she could find a second hand shop that had furniture. She would buy some end tables and some lamps. She could get some walnut or mahogany stain for the end tables. For art work she might find some old calanders with picturesque scenes and some picture frames. The four seasons might be nice for his room.

For her room she would paint it a light tan. A cream bedspread and curtains might look nice and maghogany lamp tables. She would have to see. Hopefully she could find everything. She put the list in her purse and got ready to drive that jeep to town.

© Copyright 2009 peggysue (missdinah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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