Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1527803-Lost-in-the-Woods
by Emyrn
Rated: E · Short Story · Fantasy · #1527803
An flash fiction entry about a boy lost in the woods.
Lost deep within the woods, a boy walked alone along a faint path. Enchanted by a flute, he had followed the tune away from the village until he was lost. He recognized nothing around him as the music ceased.

“Hello,” he called. “Is anyone there?” In response, a deep fog rolled in thick like smoke. With little visibility, he began to cry. He did not know where to go.

“Need some help?” came a voice through the fog. The boy looked hard but did not see anything. “Down here,” it said, a frog coming into view.

He looked in wonder. “You can talk?”

“Of course,” the frog responded. “You're in Forgotten Wood.”

“I am?” he asked not quite believing what he saw.

“All who follow the tune of the flute wind up here. It's a real shame.”

“Why?” asked the boy.

“Because humans are not welcome. Are they brothers?”

“No,” came the chorus of dozens of frogs.

The boy stood paralyzed, surrounded, tears flowing as the frogs taunted him. “You're tonight's dinner.”

“Leave me alone,” he cried out. “I don't like this place. I want my home.”

The frogs only laughed until a velvety voice said, “I'll light your way.”

“Stay out of this Esmeralda,” said the chorus as a fox hopped into view.

“Frogs, the boy is under my protection.”

“Don't you dare,” they chanted.

The fox only took a deep breath spewing forth fire burning a trail through the darkness. “Go human.” The frogs retreated from the flames as the boy started running down the path. “Be gone frogs,” she commanded.

“You'll pay for this Esmeralda!” they shouted vanishing with the fog. The boy ran along the trail until he managed to arrive back in his village. He would never again listen to a flute.

© Copyright 2009 Emyrn (emyrn at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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