Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1527781-A-Home-At-Last-chapter-6
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1527781
Abby is excited to see Travis's cabin.
A Home At Last chapter 6

As they were driving to Travis's cabin, Abby asked Chad .

"Is there a key for the cabin?"

"Yes, I have it here in my pocket. I will help you unload the

groceries and then I will show you what to do about the fireplace."

"The fire place?" Abby asked. Is that the only heat in it?

"Yes it is big enough to keep the place warm. There is a small heater in the bathroom." Well thank goodness there is a bathroom ,Abby thought but did not say it aloud. She didn't want him to think she was a whimp. "Where do I find the wood for the

fireplace?" Abby was beginning to worry. She had no idea what to do with a fireplace. She had read that they could be dangerous if not handled properly.

"I will show you what to do with the fireplace." Chad told her.

You just put enough wood in it and I will show you what to do with the flue. They were now turning in to a driveway. There was a cabin with a long porch on the front of it. The cabin had a door in the middle and a window on either side of the door.

It looked dark and lonely. It was beginning to get dark in fact.

Chad was now parking in front of the cabin. He was digging in his pocket and finally came up with a key.

"Well here is the key to your new home," he told her.

"You go ahead and unlock the door and I will start carrying in your groceries.

"OK I will do that." Abby put the key in the lock and pushed open the door. There was a light switch by the door and Abby switched it on. There was a long room in the front of the cabin that was the width of it. On one end of the room was a sink, a stove and a refrigerator. There was a small table with four chairs pushed up to the back wall. On the other end of the room was a tin fireplace. It was large and black. It had glass doors on the front of it. In fact it was rather pretty. In front of the front window was a small drab colored sofa and that was it. The walls were chalky white. In the middle of the back wall was a door way that led to a small hall. There was a bathroom and a small bedroom on either side of the hall way. By now Chad was bringing in her sacks and boxes. Abby saw that the sink was full of dirty dishes and the counter was covered with more. "Where do you want these?" Chad asked. There wasn't much room on the table so Abby told him to set them on the floor.

I think I have my work cut out for me." she said looking around at the clothing strung out on the coutch and even on some of the chairs by the table.

"Old Travis has never been a very good housekeeper." Chad laughed.

"Well I guess that is why he has me." Abby said.

It may be one of the reasons. Chad said looking at her. Well I will show you how to build a fire in that fire place and what to do with the flu on the chiminy. There was a covered wood box next to the stove and he opened it and took out a couple of logs. He then added a few wood chips that was in the box also and got a match from his pocket. He lit the chips and after a little while the logs caught on fire. He showed Abby how to manage the flu on the chiminy. Soon there was a bright glow coming from the fire place. It began to warm up the place a bit and didn't seem so cold and dreary. "Just keep adding logs to it once in a while." He told her.

"What if I run out of logs?" she asked him.

"Not to worry, there are lots of logs in the wood shed behind the cabin. Just bring a bunch in and put them in the box." Ok" She would try to remember all that he told her.

"Now is there any thing else that you need?" He asked her.

"Probably but I can't think of any now." Abby said.

"Well I need to get back to the airport and fly back. Do you think you could drive me back to it?"

"Yes I think I can." Abby said a little hesitantly. I will have to get used to doing that won't I?"

"Yes, with Travis having to be gone so much on the job."

They climed into the jeep and Abby backed out and turned around. "So good so far" she said. "You are doing fine Chad assured her. You are getting the hang of it very quickly.

"Thank you very much for all you have done." Abby told him. "I think I can manage now. I hope that you have a safe flight home."

They had arrived at the air port and Chad climbed out.

"It has been a pleasure meeting you. I hope that you and Travis have a happy life together.

"Thank you." Abby said.

Back on the road again Abby drove back to the cabin. She had been planning what she could do with it. Most any place could be made to look like a home she thought. Back in the cabin she locked the door and then went exploring. She hadn't been in the bedrooms yet or the bath. She looked in the bathroom and saw that there was a shower, a sink and a stool. Well it wasn't altogether primitive. Much better than the prison had. She walked to the bedroom on the left and saw a double bed and a closet. That was mostly it except that there were clothes strung around in there also. In the other bedroom there was a single bed and a closet. All of the rooms were chalky white. A little paint could do wonders for the place she thought.

Then she remembered that she hadn't put the groceries away yet.She went to the kitchen and put the milk in the refrigerator. It wasn't too bad. He must have done some things with the house.

She peeked in the cabinet under the sink and saw some shelves. She put the rest of the canned goods on the shelves. She was getting a little hungry so she ate some crackers and cheese that she had bought. Abby was getting very tired. It had been a long day. She decided to see if the shower worked. There was a hot water heater in the corner of the hall. She turned on the water and let it run until it got very warm. The shower felt very good. She had found a towel and wash cloth under the bathroom sink.

After her shower she put on a pair of pajamas that she had bought at the general store. She chose the bedroom with the small bed. There was a drab blue bedspread on it. In the closet she found some clean sheets and some blankets. She quickly made the bed and then remembered that she better check the wood fire place. It was ok so she turned out the lights and crawled into bed. She fell asleep from exhaustion. When she woke up it was morning. She couldn't believe that she had slept so soundly. It felt cold and she realized that the fire had gone out. She jumped out of bed and ran to the fire place. There was a few glowing logs left so she added some more wood chips and a log. After a while it finally caught on fire and it began to warm up a bit. She added another log and then crawled back into bed until it warmed up more. She fell asleep again and then woke up to some one knocking on the door.

To be continued
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