Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1527408-A-Home-at-Last--chapter-5
Rated: E · Fiction · Fantasy · #1527408
Abby arrives in the village where Travis's cabin is locaated.
A Home At Last chapter 5

After Chad landed the plane they got out. "Just wait here. I will get that jeep that Travis has left here." He walked quickly toward a building that looked like a garage. Soon he was back. The jeep was a kahki green world war two job. "Just climb in and I will take you to the general store." Abby looked at it with some doubt that she could drive it. She had learned how to drive a car but this monstrocity? She didn't know very much about a jeep.

"I learned how to drive a car but not a jeep." she told Chad. "maybe I should have a few driving lessons before I attempt this."

Chad immediately pulled over and got out. "slide over and you can drive. I'll show you how." I'm sure you will catch on very quickly."

Abby slid over and Chad got in on the other side. "Go ahead and drive now."

"I've never driven a stick shift before."

"Ok just step on the clutch and I'll show you how to move from gear to gear." He showed her how to do it.

"Ok, now you try it." he instructed her. With fear and trepadition Abby stepped on the clutch and pulled on the stick.

She must have done something right. The jeep began to move. Soon she was getting the hang of it. "Good job," Chad told her. "Of course you will have to get a license later on." They were driving in the downtown area now. "Just pull over and park at this parking place ahead of you. "Wow, that was fun" Abby told him. "I haven't driven for a while." There was a two story store in front of them.

"That is Carters General store." Chad informed her. Go ahead and shop and I will run and do some eronds that I need to do."

"Oh, yes, Thank you." she said. She had counted the money that Travis had sent to her. It was enough to get some clothes and to buy some supplies. There probably wasn't much food in the cabin. She would use the money wisely.

"I will meet you here when I get my erronds done" Chad told her. I don't think Travis is much of a cook."

"Thanks for the input." Abby said. "Do you have any idea

how long he will be gone?" "Not until he finishes his assignment"

Chad said. He is dedicated to his work."

she climed out of the jeep and headed for the General store. A pleasant looking lady greeted her.

"Hello Miss. Just look around all that you want too. If I can be of service just call me. My name is Kate."

"Thank you, my name is Abby." Do you have some winter coats. in here?" she asked.

"Yes they are upstairs in the clothing section. Is there anything else that you need.? she looked at Abby. "You must be new around here." she said.

"I have just arrived here." Abby said looking around. She headed up the stairs. The coats were there. She found a red coat that looked warm and was just her size. There was some sweaters and slacks that were on sale also. She selected some and took them down stairs and laid them on the counter. She saw the grocery section and grabbed a shopping cart.

She put the groceries on the counter while Kate rang them up.

"Are you visiting here?" Kate asked.

"I am moving here." I have just married some one." Abby replied. She did not want to say too much.

"Any one I know?" asked Kate. "In fact I know almost every one in this town." Kate said putting Abbys groceries in a sack.

"Travis Wills." Abby said.

Kate looked startled. "Why that old dog. I had no idea that he had met any one. Although he has the looks and a way about him." "I didn't think that he had the time to find anyone but he has good taste by the looks of you." Abby blushed. "Well thank you for the complement." Just then she saw Chad driving up and she took her things and headed for the jeep.

"thank goodness he had come when he did. She put her things in and got in. "Well did you meet Kate?" Chad asked.

"Yes she is a nice lady." Abby said.

"I will drive you to your cabin now." Chad told her."I am sure you are probably tired from your trip. I have the key to the cabin

We will get you moved in and I will help you build a fire in the fireplace." Fire place. That sounded good to Abby. She was anxious to see the cabin. This would be her first home. Chad backed out and headed for the highway. "It's just a little ways up here." He informed her. We'll see it very soon.

To be continued.

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