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Rated: · Fiction · Action/Adventure · #1527226
making a dream reality is nowhere near impossible
A class at school in their english lesson is asked to write what they would like to be when they leave school. What they want to do with their lives.A young man takes less than a second to start writing.

When I grow up I want to be a professional wrestler. I watch every and any event of the WWF. I love the charismatic characters, the pyrotechnics and the wild and whacky storylines. It excites me to watch these larger than life people air their dirty laundry on TV and then getting in the ring and beating the hell out of each other for the pleasure. It’s so exciting to watch, it’s the highlight of my week. I want to find a training camp or school and train to be the next Kurt Angle or Stone cold Steve Austin. It would mean the world to me if I could make it big in the crazy and exciting world of Pro wrestling.

Dear diary
Today I found an old piece of school work I did when I was 14 years old. It was about how much I wanted to be a professional wrestler. I was so excited to watch the weekly shows and even to attend live events. I always thought I’d at least give it a try, but never did I think I’d make it. Its only 13 years later. I’m now 27 years old and here I am in the WWE. I’ve worked long and hard missing out on jobs, parties, a lot of friends and all for countless hours in the gym, in the ring sand on the wrestling mat. I think back at how lucky I am and how my desire has driven me. It hasn’t been all easy, there have been shows where I’ve fucked things up and it didn’t look like I was going to get another chance. Mr. McMahon has spoken to me. He’s been pleased with my work in the ring and my charisma on the microphone. The crowd respond well to me in the ring. They always go away very entertained. I’ve done special appearances on TV shows, given talks at schools. Its great but tiring. We do photo shoots and also promotional videos for the up coming events. We arrive at the arenas several hours before the show to get settled in, we get our script for what we are doing for the night whether we’re giving an interview or if we’re going out in front of the crowd and cutting a promo. Me and Vince had a talk. When I arrived at the arena he asked that I come to his office. I was nervous I thought I had done something wrong. He sat me down and began to talk about my performance. He said I was one of the most popular stars on the roster. He told me he thought I was ready for ‘THE BIG ONE’. The world heavyweight championship. I had never wrestled for that title before but Mr. McMahon thought it was time I did. He wanted to know how I’d feel about representing the company as its main champion and if I thought I could cope with the pressure a world champions schedule would bring. It involves countless hours of interviews and promotional matters. Also my days off would be less as I’d have to be on the road for most of the shows as the champion is a very big part of the company. I thought about it and moments later I said I would love the chance to prove I could handle it. He was very happy and now I’m going into a programme with the current champion Triple H.

The following is an interview with the new world heavyweight champion of the biggest wrestling company in the world the WWE. He captured the championship just 2 and a half weeks ago from a an who has grown as his nemesis the former champion Triple H. Our reporter Dave mason caught up with the new champion.

Dave: Hi ya champ, and congrats on your title victory, something you were chasing for a lot of months, how does it feel for your dream to come true so fantastically.

Champ: It feels absolutely amazing. Not only was it amazing to win the championship, but what was even more amazing was how crazy the crowd went. I was certain they didn’t think I was ready for the main role but when I got the three count and they blew the roof off, it actually bought a tear to my eye.

Dave: I saw the video you held your hands up and the tears were falling down your face. How did it feel when you were told that you could be a possible contender for the world title?

Champ: I was shocked. Management had informed me that I was growing ever popular with the fans online and in attendance and watching at home. They told me I was very entertaining in the ring and had a way of keeping each match fresh and they were seriously considering putting me up for running for the championship. I was excited but didn’t build my hopes up too much as things can change in an instant and more often than not they do. So I waited, I was feuding with Randy Orton at the time and then we were told our final match would see the winner in the running for the heavyweight title.

Dave: So not only did you want to beat Randy because he was your bitter rival, but now this win would see you up there with the number 1 guys. How did you feel once you beat Randy and solidified your place in the contenders ranks?

Champ: It felt so great, I’d beaten Randy before and he’d beaten me before but this time we were trying to pull everything out of the bag. We were fighting tooth and nail really going at it. But once he went for his RKO (Randy’s finishing move) and I saw it coming I realised I could counter and take him down, which I did. Then when I put him down and pinned him again it was made more special because of the wonderful fans, they irrupted and went absolutely crazy.

Dave: So once you were deemed a top contender for the heavyweight title, who were your main concerns about wrestling?

Champ: The other top contenders were Rey Mysterio, Jeff Hardy and Chris Jericho. We were the guys who were winning our matches and so it came down to who would win out of us, and that’s decided by who wants it more. So Mr. McMahon came up with a concept of putting us in a series of matches. Whoever lost each week would be eliminated and the rest would carry on through the coming weeks. So the first match was a table match. Rey Mysterio was put through the table so he was eliminated and the next week the remaining three fought in a cage match. Me and Jeff Hardy escaped so Kane was gone. Then me and Jeff faced off in a ladder match which I won but it beat the hell out of me and I injured my back which I thought was going to hurt my chances of going after the title.

Dave: so what was the plan of action? How did you work around your injury?

Champ: Well Vince (McMahon) told me that until I was ready I shouldn’t wrestle, but I didn’t want to be out of action and have ring rust by the time my title match came around so I kept busy. I didn’t wrestle for 3 weeks then when I came back Vince thought it would be nice for me and then champion Triple H to team up to show sportsmanship between us before our match. But Trips was well ahead of me and turned on me with our opponents. Luckily they didn’t hurt me too bad.

Dave: So after they put you down, I bet you thought you would have suffered an even worse injury. So when you realised you were still able to go, how soon did you want to fight Triple h?

Champ: As soon as possible. My back did start having some funny twitches and a little pain, so I thought maybe it’d get worse. So the weeks were going by and Triple h was making excuses about not fighting me, so I made the decision to fight anyone he chose. If I won I fought for the belt when I decided, and if I lost In would step aside and back away. So he chose The Big Show. We battled and even with Trips interfering, it backfired and when he tried to hit me with his sledge hammer but I pulled Show in the way and then disposed of the (then) champ. So when I won I decided the following event at The great American bash. So I also decided I wanted him to pay for his behaviour, so I opted for an iron man match.

Dave: This mainly came about after he questioned how long you could hold on for didn’t it? Then you commented on his age etc and then decided to prove who was superior an iron man match would do it. Now for the readers at home an iron man match is an hour long gruelling match and the winner is the man with the most pins or submissions or count outs or disqualification decisions in their favour.

Champ: That’s right, its one of the hardest matches ever because it tests your heart and endurance. It was a good match the crowd loved every second of it. It was so back and forth. He went up two falls, the first by hitting his finishing move the pedigree, then the second came after we were fighting outside and just as the ref was getting to the 9 count he poked me to the eye then knocked me down, got in the ring and I was counted out. Then I fought back and pinned him after hitting his own pedigree on him, then the next was a German suplex and then I went a fall up on him after a quick roll up after sending him face first into the corner. By the time the 58 minute mark was coming round he was 2 up on me. So I jut went for it balls to the wall, I’d rather go out swinging than lose standing up. So I started fighting harder and harder. I got another fall following a submission to Boston crab then the next was a pin following a German suplex again. The fight waged on and we were down to about 28 seconds he was on the middle turnbuckle so before he could turn round I ran up and hit a top rope German suplex then because it hurt me as well when I landed it got to about 10seconds and I managed to get my hand over him and get the 3. That put me one fall up and then the time expired and I won. At that point the crowd went ballistic. I pulled myself up and the crowd were jumping up and down and cheering. It made me cry. The ref handed me my belt and I hugged him so tight he whispered “Barry I cant breathe” then I jumped up on the turnbuckle and raised my arms to the supporting crowd. Best night ever.

Dave: So how did you celebrate your biggest win to date?

Champ: I went backstage got some champagne and partied with everyone, I got showered and went out with some of the guys and had a few drinks. The next night on Raw it carried on me and the guys turned up in the limo we’d been out all night partying. We carried on at the show.

Dave: Now you’re set to defend your title against triple H in a rematch, how do you feel about that?

Champ: I’m feeling good about it. I’ve faced Trips 3 times and three times I’ve beaten him. I beat him once when I was tag champion, I pinned him and me and my partner at the time Rey Mysterio retained the belts. Another time was when we met for the right to go into the royal rumble, and then again three weeks ago. I’m happy I get to make it 4 and 0 against him.

Dave: Well Champ congratulations again and I wish you luck with your up and coming title defence and we will hopefully speak again soon, thank you so much for coming down to talk to us good luck man

Champ: No worries thank you for having me, and to everyone reading keep watching WWE television, and see me beat Trips again, much love good night.
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