Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1526708-Deadly-Secrets
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1526708
Secrets are meant to be kept: forever.
Everyone knows that you are supposed to keep a secret. But what would you do if that secret meant that someone could die? Are you supposed to betray them? Or are you supposed to save their life?
When I first met Jason, my best friends boyfriend, I thought he was the greatest guy I had ever met. He was so nice, and so considerate of Holly, that I knew they would be together forever.
That’s before I learned that he beat her.
Believe me, if I hadn’t found that huge bruise on her arm, (in the shape of a handprint) she more than likely would not have told me.
“Oh, it’ll never happen again. He was just mad that day. I’m fine.” She told me.
And, like a fool, I believed her.
She kept getting those bruises, on her legs, her back, her arms. Holly had never been the most graceful person and was constantly falling, so I didn’t think much of it.
I knew I had never suspected he hit her again.
I guess the clues came a little too late. Her eyes, which had been so full of life and happiness, slowly drained, leaving behind an empty core of her former self. Her smiles were the same, but they were forced.
I grew worried. I spent many sleepless nights worrying about how I could help my best friend. I spent hours upon hours researching, trying to help her.
Then, out of nowhere, she announced her  engagement to Jason. My heart shattered that day.
By then, there was nothing I could do. I tried to persuade with her, to get her out of this relationship. But, she wouldn’t listen. She just wouldn’t listen!
I fulfilled my duties as Matron of Honor with a hardened heart. I would see all those bruises, and anger boiled within me.
She was a beautiful bride, not that Jason would ever believe that. At least not truly.
Her wispy blonde hair was swept up in an elegant but casual bun, and her searing blue eyes were shining. I hadn’t seen her this happy since she had started dating Jason. Her dress was absolutely gorgeous, and showed off her figure perfectly.
It also hid all of her bruises.
That wedding was a beautiful disaster. It was the perfect white wedding, but it was also the day that I died inside as I watched my beautiful best friend suffer.
The worst part was, I seemed to be the only one who knew how badly she was hurting.
When they came back from the honeymoon, she announced she was pregnant with the bastards child.
She stopped getting bruises while she was pregnant, and that gave the bruises a change to heal.
The doctors and nurses wondered about all of them during her pregnancy, and so did her family once they realized, but she blamed it on anemia.
They believed her. How could they believe her?
Am I the only who truly sees her? I thought desperately.
On May 24th, at 11:00 PM, she gave birth to her beautiful baby girl, Stephanie. The life came back into her eyes, and Jason never gave any hint to the monster that was inside as he played loving daddy.
It was all too perfect a scene, but all good things have to come to an end.
The bruises came back, as well as a few cuts. The new light was put out, and replaced with the hard look that I knew only so well.
On September 16th, she called me. She was sobbing on the other end.
I rushed immediately over, and saw her dressed all in black, crying. I just held her as she cried, and she finally told me what had happened.
Stephanie had died during the night due to SIDS.
That was her story at least. I could see in her eyes what truly had happened. Jason had killed their baby daughter.
When I told her I was calling the cops, she panicked.
“No!” She pleaded. “Jason didn’t do anything. I swear to God, if you do this, I’ll never speak to you again.”
And like a fool, I did what she said. I have lived with the guilt for years now.
We went through our lives as normal after the funeral.
Well, as normal as it could ever get.
Life was growing more peaceful. Jason got a new job that required a lot of travel, so he wasn’t home a lot, and Holly’s body recovered, although her soul didn’t.
And then.... and then the worst thing that could possibly ever happen happened.
Jason killed her.
Finally, as I my best friends lifeless, blood-soaked, bruised body, I snapped. All the years of pent-up hatred were suddenly let out, as if my body was a balloon that stayed afloat with the hatred for this man.
“You killed her!!!!!” I screamed, sobbing. “You fucking killed her! I knew it all along. I knew you beat her. But I didn’t do anything, because I love her like a sister. I knew you’re the reason she was so dead inside, but now she’s PHYSICALLY DEAD TOO!!!!!!!!!” I screamed. “I also know it’s you that killed Stephanie! You’re the reason the two greatest hearts in the world are gone! How can you live with yourself?” I hissed. “I should have turned you in a long time ago, damn the consequences!” I was now face to face with the demon.
He grabbed me by the wrists and punched me. “You don’t know anything, you stupid bitch!” He shoved me against the wall. “You only believe what you want to believe!” He kicked me in the side, and as I struggled to get up, he hit me again.
The last thing I saw before I blacked out was the cops breaking down the door.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Jason was sentenced to seventy-five years in jail, no parole. I am so happy that I never have to worry about him again. I never have to worry about him hurting Holly ever again, Stephanie.
Now I can get on with my life and put flowers on my best friend’s grave.
© Copyright 2009 Emma James (xxlovelessxx at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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