Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1526544-My-Angel
Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Dark · #1526544
The first chapter to a new story. There's a preface if you want to read it.
Hello everyone. If you have read the preface toi this first chapter and have come back for more, then I'm glad I have intruiged you. To those who sent me feedback, I thank you. it was both helpful and encouraging. I would like anyone who ants to continue reading this story to check back to this chapter often. I can only fit 10 items in my porfolio so a few chapters will go into each section. I hope you enjoy this as mush as you did the preface. -F.Allen Angel

    My relation to him was almost comical to say outloud. He was my sister's boyfriend's bestfriend, and I had fallen for him. Melinda wasn't very intelligent when it came to choosing a man worthy of her. In fact, I doubt a rat would think he was good enough, but Melinda was desperate. "Joe is perfect", she insisted.  They were joined at the hip constantly and his arm was always slung aroung her shoulders loosely as he eyed other women. My dear sister never noticed; she was merely happy to have him there. When our family was first introduced to him, he had done his best to make a good first impression. He failed quite miserably, unfortunaly.
    When my father made a joke, he showed his approval for the amature somedian by letting out one "Ha!" and slapping his hand on our kitchen table.The compliments he gave my mother weren't the usual "I can see where your daughter get's her good looks from." I found that particular line to be cliche'd, personally, but it would have been preferable to what he chose to say. Just as he was exiting our home with my sister when the evening was coming to an end, he looked at my father and said with a smirk and a thumbs up "Your wife has a really sweet ass. You've got good taste."
    And this was the man Melinda claimed was "The One". I found him rude and distracting, as did everyone else. She shouldn't have a boyfriend during her first month of collage, and I've done my best to enlighten her, but without success.
    One night, Joe got drunk at a party, so Melinda called my up. "Wendy, he's hammered. I would take him home, but the dorms are too far from this place, and he must have thrown the keys somewhere because I don't know where they are. Please, please come get us. I would owe you forever." Of course, I agreed and drove to the small townhouse  where the party had been. The first thing I noticed was the red roof that made it sound out against the other cookie-cutter homes. By the time I got there, Joe had passed out. Melinda was cradling his head in her lap and stroking his greasy hair when I found them.
    "Hey, we should get going. It's alredy late and i have school tomorrow."
    "You could always blow off school. Missing one day of highschool won't kill you. I missed a whole bunch of days and look how nice I've turned out." bAt first I thought she was being sarcastic, until the genuine smile streched accross her face.
    "I've seen you better. Now come on." Melinda carefully stood and tried to lift Joe.
    "Wow, he's heavy. Any chance ou could help? Oh, sorry. I wasn't thinking when I said that." She was referring to my lack of strength. In junior high, I had tried to lift pick up a thirthy pound bar for my friend to use and I feel over. I was rather sensative about it. no one wants to feel weak. "Hey, Adam! Over here! Joe's out again."
    A tall man with sad eyes cam over to us when he heard his name being called. His black hair was long enought to hang in his face, hiding his dark eyes until he jerked his head to move the strands out of the way. His skin was pale in the moonlight.He sighed and said "How do you plan on getting him hime this time?"
    "My car. It's over there." I pointed in the direction of my vehical and felt my face heat up when he looked at me. He sighed again and lifted Joe off the ground, laying him over his shoulder. It seemed effortless for him to carry him to the car, setting him in the backseat.
    "Thanks Adam," Melinda said. "Oh, this is Wendy. She is my sister, and savior."
    Adam turned to me and stuch out his hand. "Hey."  I shook his hand and nodded, worried of what might come out of my mouth. I could feel his eyes on me as we stopped shaking, hands still clamped to eachother. "Sorry, but I kinda need this." He nodded toward his hand and I let go immediatly. He smiled and said "You're a little jumpy. Are you always like this?"
    "No, Wendy gets like thaty around attractive guys. If anything, it's a compliment." Melinda was one of those people who says whatever passes through her mind without considering it first. I looked down and started to walk away.
    "Thanks," he said. It almost seemed to make him uncomfortable to be called attractive. "Bye, Wendy." I turned to him and nodded again. When I slid into the car, Melinda started jabbering about how grateful she was and how she didn't mean for Joe to get so drunk. I didn't reply to any of it, and stared strait out my window. When we arrived at her dorm, she sighed.
    "How am i supposed to get him up stairs?" So then i had to help her drag him out of the car and over to the stairs. "Now what?"
    "Now you leave the creep here for the night."
    "I can't just leave him here, Wendy. he could get killed or something!" I thought about that for a minute. No one would think it was worth it to kill him. He wouldn't be worth the clean up. But, then again, there's a good chance that he's pissed off a lot of people. Anyone of them could come by and take advantage of their chance. If that happened, Melinda would be crushed.
    "Hold on. You said you live on the gound floor. Why are we bnothering with stairs?"
    "He lives on the third floor.Duh, why else wold we be dealing with this?"
    "Take him to your place. Let him crash on your couch. I have to go home. Let me know if you have anymore trouble. Bye."
        "Wendy, wait. He's never been to my dorm before."
    "You need to be a big girl, Melinda. Deal with it."  My sister, ladies and gentleman. I walked away and got into my car. I drove home and was finally able to slip into my cool bed and sleep.

Let me know how it is. 

© Copyright 2009 F. Allen Angel (fallen5angel at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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