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Rated: E · Fiction · Romance/Love · #1526527
Abby is on her way to begin a new chapter in her life. In a remote village.
A Home at Last chapter 4

Abby was now seated on the plane. The stewardess was very nice and made her feel at ease. She was a little apprenhensive as they started down the run way and took off but after that she was fine. It was interesting to look out of the window and see how small everything looked from the air. The lady that sat on the isle across from her smiled and said, "Hello, my name is Nancy. Have you flown much?"

"No, not very much. Have you?" Replied Abby.

"Yes, I fly quite a lot. I am a buyer for a store in Toronto and I

fly back and forth to buy things in New York and other places for the store."

"That sounds interesting" What sort of things do you buy?"

"Mostly clothing." With winter coming up I have been buying warm things to wear. Coats and sweaters and etc. The winters get very cold here.

All of a sudden Abby realized that she had not bought a coat or anything to wear. "What store do you buy for?" Abby asked.

"It's a small boutique called the pink box" "Really it's very reasonable and it has nice things."

"I may have to try it." Abby replied.

"Good, I will give you my card." Nancy said as she handed a card with a fashionable pink box on it. It had the address written on it.

"Thank you," Abby said as she tucked the card into her purse.

Suddenly she felt very tired and leaned back in the seat to take a nap. When she awoke the plane was circleing the airport and getting ready to land. Rex had told her that one of Travis's friends would meet her and take her to the village where Travis lived. How was she going to know who he or she was. Rex had forgotten to tell her that little detail. When the plane landed and they were getting ready to leave she saw that Nancy was ahead of her and she told her goodby. When Abby got into the terminal she looked around to see if some one might be looking for her.

There was a nice looking man with brown hair and eyes, wearing a tan jacket and brown pants. He was looking like he was looking for some one. She noticed that he was now looking at her. He started toward her. "Excuse me miss,but would you by any chance be Mrs Wills?"

It startled Abby for a moment but she recovered quickly

"Yes I am Mrs Wills."

"My name is Chad Tyler and Travis asked me if I would fly you out to the village where he lives." "I have a small plane and don't worry I am a licensed pilot."

"Oh all right but are there some stores in the village?" I need to buy a coat and some things."

"Yes there are some stores there and they do have a fair amount of goods."

"That is good." Abby said. "I am ready to go then."

"Don't you have some luggage?" Chad asked.

"No I travel light and I thought that I would get some things when I got here. "I will do that when we get to Travis's."

"Ok, just follow me and I will take you to my car. My plane is at a smaller air port. I wouldn't want these big planes to run over my little jewel."

"You must like to fly." Abby said.

"Yes I love it." They walked to where the car was parked and Chad unlocked the door and held the door open for her to get into.

He drove swiftly through the city. It was a beautiful city with tall modern buildings. Finally they came to a small air port and Chad pulled into the parking space. There was a small white plane on the tarmack. "Well there is my little jewel." He told her.

They got out of the car and Chad locked the doors. He helped her into the plane and got in. He pulled into the runway and soon they were taxying down the runway. Later when they were in the air Abby decided to find out some information about Travis.

"How long have you known Travis?" she asked.

"For a long time. We grew up together." "He is a nice guy. Very honorable but don't make him angry." He is dedicated to his work and I think neglects himself more than he should. But after looking at you maybe not." Chad said with a smile. Abby blushed at that. An hour later they were circleing a small air port. "Well here we are" chad said as he brought the plane down. I will take you to a store that has almost everything and then I will drive you to Travis's house. There is a jeep that Travis keeps here when he is here and has to drive back and forth from his house to here.' By the way do you drive?" he asked.

It had been a long time since she drove but she had learned how before she was put in prison. "Yes, I can drive. Abby said.

Good, you will probably need to do that because it is a little ways to the cabin from the town. That way you can have a way to get to town when you need too. Now I will take you to a store and you can get a few things. You will need that coat very soon."

I doubt too that Travis has much food in the refrigerator. I don't beleive that he cooks much when he is here. He goes down to Mrs Migillicuttis restaurant most of the time when he is here.

To be continued.

© Copyright 2009 peggysue (missdinah at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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