Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1526463-Night-at-the-movies
Rated: E · Short Story · Relationship · #1526463
Wrote this for an english project.
As I walked out of the theater the sky was clear and full of stars, there was a half moon and it had a bright orange tint to it. I looked over to see if Alice was coming but she had stopped to get the newest edition of the tribute magazine that was free to take. I stopped and waited outside looking up at the sky. She had short dark red hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a my sweater that I had given her during the movie, apparently she was cold but I didn’t mind all that much. Once she caught up to me we walked to my car.

I had the Mercades today it was black and had shiny new rims that I just bought a few days ago. I didn’t like taking my other cars even though they were fun to drive because I didn’t like showing off that I had a lot of money. At school I don’t hang out with the rich kids cause they try to show off and drive their hummers and lexus’. They were making fun of me cause I drove an old beat up Toyota. So I got tired of them making fun of me so I came to school for a week with my ferrari enzo, that made them shut up pretty quickly. Then I fergot how much I liked driving my nice cars that I gave my toyota to a friend who was in desperate need of a car.

"Um Jarred where are you going?" Alice asked me, as I realized that I walked past the car. "Oh I just thought that we would take the bus back home" I said sarcastically. "Oh really, because if I had a nice car like this I wouldn’t want to leave it here over night." she said. "Oh well then I guess I’ll drive then and beside the bus has to go the speed limit and it would take forever to get to where we want to go." I said and I smirked at the thought of the speed limit, I thought it was a nuance that was in place to stop people from having fun.

Once we got in I turned plugged in my I-pod and put on a playlist that we both made together. Then we were on our way home. "So what did you think about the movie?" I asked "It was ok it wasn’t what I expected, I thought there would be less decapitations and killing but the guys in it were really good looking" She said that with a straight face but I could tell that she was joking about the guys. "Well the girls weren’t that good looking" I paused "They were extremly good looking." I teased her and cringed as she punched me in the shoulder. We laughed and then I noticed that there was a car that was following us. It was a white car and all the windows were tinted in a very dark black. I back at the speedometer and seen I was going 100 kmh and the needle was still going up.

“Jarred! Slow down! You're going to kill us!” Alice said “Um Alice there's someone following us. He's been behind us since we pulled out of the theater.” I said coolly. “Well couldn't they just being heading in the same direction as we are?” she asked with a shakey voice. I could tell she was scared and I knew the chances of them heading in the same direction of us was slim but I didn't want her to worry. “Oh I never thought about that I guess the movie made me think of that.” I said coolly and I forced a chuckle to make her feel more at ease. Once I said that I seen her relax a little and then I started to slow down.

By the time we got to Alice's house the car had gone in a different direction and then I was laughing at my ideas about the mysterious car. As I dropped her off I walked her to the door and just as we were going to kiss each other good night the car slowly rolled past the house. The passenger side window was rolled down. Sitting in the seat was a guy he had brown hair and was wearing sunglasses and a black leather coat. “Um I don't think that they just heading in the same direction as us now,” Alice mumbled. Before the last word left her mouth I was pushing her inside. “Alice call the police and say someone is stalking us,” I said before looking out the front window. As I peered through the curtains I seen the car sitting idle across the street. “Jarred! The police are coming, they said they would be here in a few minutes.” Alice called as she came into the room. I turned and half heartedly smiled. We sat on the couch in silence and waited for any signs of the police.

sat still for what felt like hours but in reality it had been about 5 minutes before we heard anther car pull up. When we looked out the window the police car was in the drive way and there were two police officers getting out. One was a male and the other a female. They were both walking towards the house. We ran to the door and met them there. We opened the door just as the female officer was about to ring the doorbell. “Hello, I assume that you two are Alice and Jarred right?” she questioned us. “You would be right in that assumption.” I said and opening the door wider and letting them in. I seen their name tags as they walked in the male officer's golden name tag read Edward and the females name tag read Jean.

They asked us what had happened since we left the movie. So we filled them in on everything. We were at the part when they slowly drove past us when we heard a loud bang and seen the glass shatter. I pushed Alice's head down as I seen Edward fall off the couch and land with a thud. I quickly looked out the broken front window to see something silver sticking out of the stalkers car. Once I realized that it was a gun I ducked back below the window level. I noticed something wet where my hand was and it felt warm but also kind of sticky, I slowly looked down to see what my hand was in and as I was looking I seen a a pool of deep red blood. I followed the pool to find the source hoping that I wasn't going to be sick before I got to the source. I thought I was going to throw up once I seen the perfect circular hole in the back of Edward's head. When I seen Alice gazing at him I threw myself in front of her to block the view. No sooner did I do that then the power went out. I heard Alice let out a shriek and I put my arms around her to comfort her.

“Jay get her upstairs to a room with a lock and don't open it until I tell you to! Got it?” she commanded. So I grabbed Alice by the shoulders and pulled her up the stairs and we went into her room. Once she was in the room I closed and locked the door behind me. I then searched my pockets for my lighter. It was a flip lighter and on it in gold was a skull and two hand guns through it. Once I found where the candles were in the room and lit them. It just gave off a low glow but it was enough to see where you were going. While I was sitting beside Alice who was shaking on her bed I head a crash and then people yelling.

“Jay do you think that we should call the police again and tell them whats happening?” Alice asked.

“That might be a good idea. I'll call them and don't worry everything will be fine. I promise.” I said trying to comfort her. I took out my cell phone and dialed the police and I let them know what was happening. As I was about to hang up I heard loud banging sounds and Alice screamed. Her surprise startled me and I dropped the phone. I picked up the phone and hung up because the operator was gone. The banging had stopped and we sat there for what felt like hours. Then there was a banging at the bedroom door.

“Who is it?” I demanded.

“Its the police you can come out now. You don't have to worry now. We have the suspects in custody.” a police man said.

“How do we know we can trust you?” Alice asked.

“There's no real way but you just have to trust us.” he said again.

“Wheres Jean? She said wait for her to come.” Alice responded her voice was getting shakier now.

“Um I'm afraid I have some bad news. She immobilized the suspects but they still got a few shots off and we don't think that she is going to make it.” He said quietly.

I looked at Alice and she looked shaken but she nodded towards the door. I hugged her and we walked over. I unlocked the handle and as soon as I unlocked it the door swung open. We were both expecting there to be a bunch of police outside but instead it was the people from the car. We both froze and I pushed her behind me. It was all so fast after that. All I seen was the person raise his hand at first I couldn't see what he was holding but it only took a minute to realize what it was. I looked to his face and seen his lips twist up into a crooked smile. At that point I knew he wasn't a normal person he was a monster that didn't care about other people or who he hurt. “Say good bye” he said and then laughed like a maniac. I tensed as I seen his finger starting to grip the trigger. Then just when he was about to kill us there was a loud bang. I froze and closed my eyes. He shot us, but there was no pain no bright light. I noticed that I was still conscious. Then I slowly moved my hands around to my back and felt for Alice. She was there and I could feel her shaking. I was relived a little by that and I opened my eyes slowly. I seen that there wasn't anybody standing in the doorway instead there was a bunch of police officers that just came storming through the hallway and ran into the room. They asked us all sorts of questions and brought us outside. I noticed that there was a white blanket on the other side of the doorway and I assumed that it was the purpitraitor. As we were led outside we were brought to an ambulance and we both sat on the rear bumper. I asked what happened and they said that the were quietly storming the house and they heard the suspect talking so they went upstairs when they seen that he was aiming the gun and his finger was about to pull the trigger we took him down with force. I looked at Alice who was ghost white and put my arm around her. The medics said that we should stay in the hospital. We agreed to go and we were there in what seemed like minutes.

“So Alice that was something eh?” I asked

“Yea, I'm still shaking though it might take a while before I forget about.” she said

“I think I know what will get your mind off of tonight.” I said slyly.

“oh and what would that be?” she asked curiously.

“We'll go see anther movie tomorrow.” I said laughing. I closed my eyes and waited for her to say something. When she didn't say anything I opened my eyes and just as I did she hit me with her pillow. I laughed and then she layed down beside me and fell asleep.

© Copyright 2009 SM Nagel (sandman87 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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