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by Felrna
Rated: · Short Story · Other · #1526367
Cj tried to get away from Jon, but she never thought he would follow her
Jon focused all of his attention on the black Jeep Liberty a couple cars ahead of him. It took all the concentration he had to make sure she didn’t see him following her. Heh, she thinks she can hide from me. Before he knew it, the Jeep turned off onto a dirt road, a road that was barely visible at night. He slowed down, so that it wouldn’t be obvious that he was there; he couldn’t let her know he was there. That would ruin everything. He kept his eye on the Jeep as it turned around the corner and quickly surveyed his surroundings. The giant redwoods would be the perfect hiding place for his blue Ford Escort. As he got out of the car, he looked around for the red glow of her tail-lights. When he spotted them, he crept up to a briar patch outside the cabin’s bay window. Perfect for him to watch her unnoticed. From his hiding spot he was able to see every one of her movements that is until she went upstairs. He also had enough time to react if she came near the window or happened to decide to leave the cabin. Now the waiting begins...the time needs to be right.
CJ didn’t bother to begin unpacking just yet. She was there to relax and deal with the stress she had recently been through. She needed to get away, and it bothered her that she couldn’t even tell her mother that she was going to the cabin. Jon wouldn’t be able to find me here, he had no idea this cabin exists. But C.J didn’t see the figure in the bushes as she opened the window and sat on the large window seat. She had decided to take advantage of the peaceful tranquility of the nature around her. She thought she shouldn’t forsake her writing simply because she was hiding from Jon, so while she spent some time working on her book. As the sun began setting, C.J realized she needed to quit and get things settled in. As she lit her candles and turned the lights off downstairs, Jon was finally able to move. He had almost fallen asleep waiting for her to move; he caught her movement just as his eyelids were falling. He watched as her slender figure walk gracefully through the candlelight up the stairs, before he went back to his car to plan his next move.
CJ woke up in the morning feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. There was nothing like waking up to fresh air and the scent of the woods coming through her window. Beside her, Cali was purring away, even she enjoyed her new surroundings. This is the perfect hide-a-way. The peace and quiet is great, not to mention the solitude. No one can find me here, not even HIM. It’s been a couple months since I moved away from him. Maybe...just maybe I got away from him this time. She decided to take a leisurely afternoon walk through the woods to her favorite thinking stop. She packed a small bag with a book, iPod, camera and some water then headed towards the familiar trail. As she got farther down the trail, she couldn’t help but feel like she was being watched. But when she stopped and looked around she couldn’t see anyone. Maybe I am just scaring myself she thought to herself as she walked on. She came to her favorite spot and waded out to a large rock in the center of a babbling river. She still felt a little uneasy, as if she wasn’t alone. She tried to look around again, but didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
Jon positioned himself among the trees, so that he could see her, but she couldn’t see him. She couldn’t know he was there, not yet. He wanted to wait to the perfect moment to let her know he was there to take her back home. He didn’t know how long she was sitting on that rock when she started to gather her things to head back to the cabin. He stayed among the foliage until CJ was a good distance away, far enough so that she wouldn’t get suspicious this time around. He needed to stay inconspicuous, and he expected CJ to be clueless to his plan of getting her back into his life one way or another. He returned to his car to eat and plan out his next move, and decide when he will “allow” CJ to know he was there.
CJ stood in front of her mirror, staring at her reflection; she brushed her hand across the numerous scars hidden beneath her make-up. She wiped a tear from her emerald eyes which once held the sparkle of joyful youth, but now there is only pain and sorrow. God I’m lucky I got away when I did. She was deep in thought when the sound of glass crashing against the floor stole her attention away. She ran to the stairwell and slowly made her way to the immense living area. As she made her was down her eyes darted in every direction, her eyes fell on the broken candle holder causing her to smile and laugh as a small ball of fur looked at her from atop the bookshelf.

“Ha-ha it’s only you Cali. You shouldn’t be climbing the shelves silly, you may get hurt.”

With big green eyes Cali looked at CJ with her head cock: “Meow” as if she understood. After cleaning up the broken glass, she lifted the black, white, and orange calico off the bookshelf. C.J. continued to talk to the kitten as if it understood her while she tried to clean up the glass. She grabbed the kitten and her Bible and settled herself on the window seat to spend a few minutes with God. With the window open she could hear the babbling brook outside which covered the sounds of someone approaching through the fallen leaves. I wonder if this is what Thoreau felt while writing “Walden.” She never thought the gentleness of her escape would soon be broken. Just as CJ was drifting off to sleep she thought she heard a sound just outside the window, but when she looked outside all she could see was the trees and the bird’s nest on the window sill. She walked across the vast living room into the open kitchen to make her lunch when someone began pounding on her door. It sounded as if the door was going to break it.

“OPEN UP CJ! I KNOW YOU’RE IN THERE!” shouted a gruff voice on the other side, a voice CJ knew all too well.

CJ swung around and looked at the door, her eyes widening, and her heart racing like a stampede. Jon! How could he have found me? I told no one I would be here; he had no way of finding me...unless...he followed me. Fear choked CJ as the pounding and shouting grew louder. “CJ open this door this instant!” His voice sounded darker than a couple months ago. She used to love to hear him call her name, whisper to her, but now...now the sound of his voice shakes her to the core. This cabin was supposed to be her hide a way, but somehow Jon had found out that she was there. He broke the safety of her home. I should have left him the first time he hit me. I should have known he’d hurt me again. I just never thought it would come to this. Why didn’t I see the any of the signs that it was leading to all of this? Tears began to fall as CJ tried to think of what to do. How could she get out? Could she even get away from him this time?
Bits of wood flew everywhere as Jon kicked in the door. CJ tried running up the stairs, but Jon was close behind her. She stopped and bent her knee and kicked straight out hitting Jon square in the chest with her heel. Her hook kick gave him enough momentum to fall back down the stairs and her a few extra minutes to get away. She leaped over his stunned body, hoping he didn’t see or hear land. She ran towards the kitchen and hide under the bar area. She could hear him beginning to stir just as she went under it. “You little bitch. I didn’t think you had it in you to hurt me. You’re supposed to love me…how could you kick me like that?” CJ was positive that he could hear her breathing, and she tried to slow her breaths with yoga breaths.
From her hiding place in the kitchen, CJ could hear him looking throughout the cabin for her. She peered over the bar and seen his once soft features skewed, looking as if he hadn’t shaved in days. His black hair hadn’t been combed in months. The man she once loved has now become her worst nightmare. Something changed in him, changed who he was. “Thought you could hide from me, did you? Come on honey, where are you?” She heard him walk up the stairs and around her room. She realized this was her chance to get away, so she ran as fast as she could. As she got close to the door, he grabbed her arm; she swung around and punched the face she once loved. In order to keep her from fighting him, Jon grabbed both of CJ arms. She could smell the retched stench of beer mixed with vodka on his breath. He leaned in to forcefully kiss her, but she jabbed him in the stomach causing him to release her arms and double over. Just as CJ turned to run from him, he grabbed her hair and pulled her back to him. He tried to swing her around to kiss her again, but this time she kicked his stomach and broke a nearby vase over his head.

He fell to the ground as a bit of blood began to trickle down his forehead. He grabbed CJ by the ankle pulling her to the ground. He tried to climb on her to force another kiss, but this time CJ jabbed her palm into his nose, hearing it crack. He recoiled at the blow and pain; he grabbed his nose and screamed in pain, allowing her to get away. The shadow of the candles cast an eerie glow upon his features; he looked at her almost as if he enjoyed her fighting back. Staring into his red eyes she saw hatred where she once saw love. He started to stand back up and come after her when she side kicked him in the knees causing him to tumble again. He growled in rage and ran after her pinning her to the wall. He grabbed her by her neck and slammed her head into the wall. His grip tightened around her throat as his other hand reached under her blouse. The more she tried to fight back the more turned on he seemed to get. He tried to kiss her again, but this time CJ kneed him in the groin causing him to recoil and yell out. She turned to ran, but he was too quick for her. He grabbed her from behind and whispered in her ear, “You are being a very naughty girl. Maybe you need to be punished.” With the last statement his eyes raged like fire. Without even thinking she thrust her head back breaking his nose. As he reeled back in pain she swing around and kicked him in the groin giving her the advantage and the chance to escape through the door.

She tried to wiggle free from his grip, but his tight was too strong for her. She slammed her head into his causing him to fall backwards. Cali jumped down from atop the bookshelf onto Jon baring her claws. CJ swung around and pulled the cat off; causing her claws to rip through his skin. She ran out the broken door to her Jeep Liberty to try and get away. As she tossed the kitten into the passenger seat, she saw Jon charging her car. With a swift swing of the door, he fell to the ground; this time un-conscience. CJ looked down at her former love preparing herself for her next move when she hear her name being called out among the sounds of the birds and brook nearby. She turned to see her friend Tom walking her way. “For some reason I felt the need to come check up on you. When I saw his car just a few miles down, I was afraid I would be too late. But it looks like you were able to handle yourself. The police are on their way, I called them before I came up.” Looking down at the man on the ground he looked up at her and asked if she was okay.

“Thanks I was lucky this time. I don’t know how he found me this time Tom. I told no one I was here, except mom.”

“From the looks of his car, he followed you and waited for the right moment to come closer. Just a few feet from your window...I found cigarette butts and a bunch of beer and vodka bottles. It looks like he’s been watching you too CJ.”

At that she fell to the ground crying. Tom walked over and put his arms around her for comfort. “CJ...the police are coming. It’s over. You have nothing to be afraid of, you’re safe.”

CJ stood up and looked at her long time friend “That’s what you think Tom...” She turned and walked towards the broken door. She stopped and turned back to Tom “I don’t think I would ever stop wondering if he is a few steps behind me, even if he is in jail for however long.” She walked into her home to estimate the costs, but could she really estimate whether or not she would finally be safe from Jon. Or would he get out and try to find her again? She looked inside knowing that no one could protect her from Jon expect herself.

© Copyright 2009 Felrna (felrna at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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