Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1525990-Blind-Date
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · LGBTQ+ · #1525990
Feeling kind of cool when I wrote this.
I pulled up to the club in anticipation for the night I was going to have.  I was supposed to be meeting a lady friend tonight that I had heard quite a bit about.  She was what you would call a girly girl.  Some would say she was a lipstick lesbian.  She was supposed to be a cute little something with a nice shape.  My home girl who hooked me up with her said she was about an eight with potential.  That was about my style. I had just gotten out of a bad relationship, so I was out trying to get my so called groove back.  I was making my way up to the front entrance about to give the door girl Ebony a twenty to let me slide past the line that was gathering outside the club.  I walked up and gave her some dap passing the twenty to her.  She gave me dap took the twenty and said what’s up Sweet in the same movement.  I told her what’s up as she moved the rope that was used as a barrier so I could get into the club.  As I walked in I heard Gangsta Party bumping out the speaker. I made my way over to the bar to order my Rum and Diet coke double.  When the bartender gave me my drink I slipped a few dollars into the tip jar and walked over to a booth to sit down and chill.  I knew Cherry my blind date would be there soon, so I figured I would stay close to the door.  I sat there with my drink bobbin my head to the bass coming out the speaker not too far away from me.  Wipe Me Down, was beating out the speaker so I was vibing to it.

I put a lot of effort into my look for the night.  I mean I kept the tennis shoe game hot regardless, but I had to go get the fresh Retro Jordan #13’s.  I had on a black Roc A Wear velvet jacket with a black shirt on up under.  The shirt had skulls and an airbrush design on it.  I had to get a fresh pair of jeans with designs on it.  I had my black Fossil watch with my Diamond chain and bracelet for just the right amount of Bling.  I had my signature black fitted cap on.  Although, I got the hat a little big with the bill straight on it, rocking my style with my hat bent to the right.  I knew my outfit was tight and my look was together so I wasn’t worried.  I have a cocoa brown complexion, with almond shaped eyes and oval shaped face.  I am 30 and about 5’8’’.  I had a few boyfriends in high school, but as I got older realized that I loved the ladies, and they loved my ass back.  I’m not conceited but I know I can pull a few if I wanted to.  I was hoping that the young lady I was here to meet would at least be able to hold a decent conversation with me.  I was tired of sitting at the table watching the door, so I decided to go over and get on the pool table.  The What Not Night Club was a home away from home for me.  I was at the club every weekend.  I knew everybody and everybody knew me.  This was the first club I had started coming to when I decided that I would stop being afraid to be what I was, which was an African American Lesbian.  I had always been a tomboy.  I played every sport from basketball, volley ball to running track.  I was always a leader in everything I did, and ran most of the little boyfriends I had.  As I graduated from high school and went to college I realized the young ladies would make my head turn faster than the knuckle boys coming up to talking, “Yo was up, what yo name is?  That was corny and most of the cats spitting the game were clowns.

I saw one of the homeys on the pool table setting up, so I went up to give her some dap and put my money down to play the winner.  I figured this way I would be doing something other than sitting around looking like I was waiting on the chick.  I went and sat at the high  table with the high back chairs with my drink to watch and see whose ass I would whooping on the table.  I was bobbing my head again to the music when I saw this chick walk in the door and it knocked my ass into a pause.  The homeys on the pool stopped and we all stared as she slowly walked into the room and surveyed it for the person she was there to see.  The woman was bad.  She had long hair Carmel complexion with almond shaped eyes.  It looked as if she had little to no makeup on.  She had a Cute little shape with skinny jeans on, and a pair of black stilettos with red hills on them.  I didn’t know what to do.  I mean I didn’t want to run up on her all thirsty because this might not even be the girl I was supposed to be looking for.  She was what I was looking for in every sense.  I decided to sit back and chill, but keep my eyes on her.  I waited as she walked further in still looking around the room. We made eye contact. She kind of stopped and looked me from my shoes to the top of my head and then focused back on my eyes.

I looked at her as she looked at me.  I thought this was it.  I just knew that she was about to walk over to me.  Then I noticed she kind of looked off to the right of me and waved.  I realized that she wasn’t there for me and watched her as she walked over to another nicely dressed femme and gave her a hug.  She turned around and looked in my direction again, but slowly walked away with her friend across the dance floor to the other side of it where there were table and chairs set up.  I was like Damn!

I finally turned my head away and started in again on my drink, the game on the pool table had started up again, and I figured I might as well chill out and stop being all anxious like I had never met a woman in the club before.  As the club started letting more and more people in it began to get a little louder.  I gave dap to a few of the couples who walked in and started paying more attention to the dance floor and the ladies who were gaggled around it.  I figured I would stop stressing and waiting and go sit down with my crew.  The crew, as I called us, consisted of my girls Treat and Devious.  I knew Treat and Devious separately for over five years and when Devious and I started kind of kicking it at one point we all started hanging out. Treat was my homey to the end.  We did dirt together, made money together and pulled women together.  We were so in tune with each other that we didn’t even have to comment on something.  We would look at each other and would know what the other was thinking.  She was quiet, but the ladies loved her.  She was a little shorter than I, but loved her some tall women.  Treat was so laid back she would have the women come to her to get her attention.  I used to wild out watching Treat pick and choose who she wanted to kick it with for the night.

Devious on the other hand was a femme that I had actually met before Treat.  She was what you would call a lipstick Lesbian.  She was girly girl.  She was crazy as hell always high off weed. Devious always had nice conversation, a nice frame and a pretty cat.  Home girl was a straight brain, but bounced on some Redman and knew all the words to any WU-Tang CD you could think of.  We were cool as lovers, but when you get two smart people together the damage they could inflict on one another could be dangerous to either’s health.  We decided to be friends, and found that our friendship was better than anything, but the sex we had.  We weren’t together or had been for years, but every blue moon I would get a call at three O’clock in the morning telling me to come over and spend some time.  The cool thing was that although we played, Devious and I could still be cool and jealousy was not an issue.  I realized walking over to the table where Treat and Devious were sitting that I hadn’t seen them walk in the door.  I walked across the dance floor and made sure to pay attention to the ass shaking to Lil john and the East side Boys get low.  I got to the end of the dance floor and made my way to the table with Treat and Devious.  I made sure to give both of them some dap and sat down with them.  A lot of times when we all got together we would sit around each other for a while before we spoke.  Each of us zoned in on a different part of the club taking in the atmosphere.  Checking out who was with whom and who left who at home to come out to the club.

Checking all the femmes and studs to see who was eyeing who and flirting around the room.  I was still chilling with the drink I had brought over with me from the pool table.  I knew I was getting low on my Rum and Diet, so I decided to go over to grab another drink.  By this time the club was full and ass was in full effect.  I asked treat and Devious if they wanted to go to the bar with me.  Treat decided she would go and Devious said she would stay at the table so we would have a seat when we got back.  We said alright and started walking through the gaggles of people that had made it out to the club that night.  We gave a few Dap to some of the more familiar faces as we made it to the bar.  Once we got there Treat asked if I was still waiting on my blind date to come out to the club.  I told her over the music that if she came she came, but it was a lot of ass to get up into tonight.  Treat looked around and smiled agreeing with all the ass shaking and dropping around us.  While I was telling the bartender my order I felt a tap on my back.  I turned around to the prettiest smile.  The young lady looked me up and down and went toward my ear and asked if I was Sweet.  I told yes, and asked if she were Cherry?  She said yes and smiled showcasing the dimples she had in both cheeks.  I turned completely around and looked at her from her red manolo blanicks to her Apple Bottom Jeans and matching shirt to her sexy ass lips and devilish eyes.  I reached down to give her a hug and tell her I was glad to see her, and that she could make it.  I asked her what she was drinking and told the bartender. I yelled over to Treat who was next to me and told her that this was Cherry.  I introduced Treat and Cherry to each other and paid for the drinks and we all began to make our way over to the dance floor.           

I was in the front with cherry and Treat following behind.  I had to make sure that nobody dropped an ass to close to me, so I wouldn’t spill any of the drinks I was carrying.  We made it over to the table where Devious was sitting with a stud bent over whispering in her ear.  I walked up and put the drinks down, and pulled a chair out for Cherry.  Devious looked at Cherry with the evil eye, then just as quick smiled when I introduced the two.  I made sure that I sat between the two to make sure that Devious kept herself together.  We all sat down and started listening to the music.  I was bobbing to the beat when Cherry leaned over and said she had been nervous about meeting me at the club.  She said she had seen me a few times before, but didn’t know that my name was Sweet.  I asked if she was happy with what she saw.  She smiled and said in my ear close enough so her lips grazed across them, Hell Yeah.  Just then my song came on and I leaned over to ask Cherry if she wanted to dance.  As I was asking Cherry to dance a cute young lady came over and whispered into Treat’s ear and she was getting up to make her way over to the dance floor.  I asked Devious if she was going o the floor she told me no, and turned back to her new friend, who had by this time pulled a chair up to the table and was whispering and giggling with Devious in her ear.  I grabbed Cherry’s hand and we went out to the dance floor to R. Kelly’s Step In The Name of Love.  Since I was from the Chi I was showing Cherry how to step it out.  We were dancing going in circles when Cherry pulled me close and told me I smelled good.  As the night went on Cherry and I stayed on the floor.  We took a break to finish our drinks and get more.  We both went outside to smoke a cigarette and Cherry was getting closer and closer the longer we were together.  We spent the rest of the night drinking and dancing on the floor.  The last song of the night was Jodeci’s, Forever My Lady.

By this song Cherry and I was both drunk as hell and feeling on each other. I knew I was taking her home with me, and she knew she was going home with me.  She turned around and put her ass into my crotch and started swaying her hips.  She grabbed my hands and put hem on her breast.  She reached back with her left hand and grabbed the back of my head and told me she didn’t want to go home she wanted to go wherever I was going.  I rubbed on breasts and rand my hand down her stomach to her hips.  I told her she wasn’t going anywhere, but with me.  The song ended and the DJ was telling everybody thank you for coming out.  I grabbed Cherry’s hand and went over to the table.  Devious was chilling with another Shorty whispering in her ear.  I went up and told her I was out and I would holler at her tomorrow.  She asked me if I was good and looked at Cherry with a smirk.I told her I was good, and asked if she was cool.  She looked at the Shorty looked at me and smile.  I told her alright and Cherry and I began to make our way to the door.  Once we got outside we started walking to my car.  When we walked up to my Silver Chrysler 300 sitting on Dubs Cherry turned around and said is that you?  I smiled and told her yeah.  I beeped the doors unlocked and open the door to make Cherry got her fine ass in the car.  I went over to my side and said what’s up to one of the homeys on the way to opening my door.  I got in the car, turned it on and blasted some UGK as we drove away.  Cherry was sitting back in the passenger seat looking at me with smirk on her face.  I looked at her and asked was she cool, and if she wanted to stop and grab something to eat.  She said yes, so I turned the music all the way down and asked if she wanted to pick the order up and take it back to my house.  She smiled and said Yes!  I called in the order to the nearest Denny’s and swung by to get it.  After picking the food up we jumped on the highway and started to my house.  We pulled up to my neighborhood and I slowed down and turned the music down since it was after2’o clock in the morning.  We got the food and got out of the car.  Cherry looked at my house and asked what exactly I did.  I told her that I would fill her in on everything I did tomorrow.  I just wanted to hear what she was about.

We walked in to the house.  I took the food out of the containers and put it on plates.  As I was putting the food on the plates, Cherry was sitting at the island staring at me.  She got out of her chair and came up behind me and hugged me from behind.  I turned around and Cherry stepped up and kissed me.  She pulled my bottom lip and before I knew it we were kissing.  I was taking her shirt off and pulling on her bra to get at those damn titties.  I set those bad boys free and had one in my mouth with quickness.  I began pulling Cherry toward my room.  By the time we got to it she was naked and so was I.  I was ready just like she was.  I was not one of those studs who only wanted to do the female while I kept my clothes on.  I wanted to feel Cherry’s tongue on my clit just like she wanted me to put my mouth on her. We went to the bathroom in my room and I turned the shower on.  We both got in and kissed squeezed and washed each other all over.  When we finished we didn’t bother to towel down I grabbed Cherry’s hand and led her to the bed.  I asked her what she wanted, because what ever she wanted I would provide.  She lay back on the bed with her legs open and told me she wanted everything.  I started at her neck and worked my way down.  Cherry had one of the biggest clits I had ever seen and I was ready to jump on it.  I gave her a little bit of finger to make sure she was wet.  I also used this to make sure that everything smelled good.  I reached over and grabbed the strap from the side of the bed.  I told her wait a minute as I straddled her and adjusted the Strap.  I had Big John Henry on tonight, and I was getting ready to fuck the very taste out of Cherry’s mouth.  Big john Henry was 9 inches and thick.  I love to hit it from the back with the slow stroke and watch women come over and over again. 

I found a condom next to the bed and the KY Jelly.  I put everything on and put the KY on Big John.  Cherry was starting to make noises as I went in and out with my finger. I pulled her neck up to me to get her to arch her back while I kissed it.  I went down to her breast, by this time cherry was begging for me to put it in.  I told her to turn over and rise up on her knees.  I had to smack that ass and watch it jiggle as I was fitting John Henry in.  Cherry squirmed and oohed and aahhhed saying it was so big.  I put it in slow and started with the slow stroke.  I kept it moving slow until she started going back and forward on her own.  I fasted the pace a little bit making sure to grind in a circle to make sure that I hit her G spot.  Cherry started screaming and going faster and faster telling me that it felt good.  I refused to go faster I was controlling this one.  I grabbed her hair from the back and started going deeper and deeper.  I let her hair go and Cherry put her head down into her hands and arched her back harder, begging me to fuck her harder and faster.  I reached up and grabbed her breast and started pulling her hips harder and harder to me.  I reached up under and started rubbing her clit.  I sped up the pace just a little bit.  By this time Cherry was so far off into the feeling she was holding her breath barely breathing making little noises.  I smacked her on her ass and she got louder.  I knew she was about to have a big orgasm so I leaned into it and started wearing that ass out. I was smacking her ass, pulling her hair and biting on her back.  I began pulling her harder and harder to me.  She was coming and she was moving.  She came about three times back to back.  I pulled out after she came and asked her if she was okay.  She looked at me with a smile and said yeah.  I told her don’t go to sleep because she wasn’t done yet.  She looked at me and asked me what she still had to do.  I looked at her and told her that I wanted to see what her tongue felt like on my clit.  She smiled and threw me back.  I had taken the strap off and threw it on the side of the bed.  I lay back on the bed and she started at my neck.  She made her way down my stomach and put her hot tongue on my clit.  Cherry went to a good school and licked and sucked until I came the first time.  I told her that’s not it, so she went down and by this time I was grabbing the back of her head that shit was so good.  Cherry made me come three times, and she and I wound up cuddled up in the bed sweaty and exhausted.  Who knew when I pulled up to the club, my night would end up like this.  That was a hell of a night!


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