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by Kenny
Rated: 18+ · Novel · Supernatural · #1525666
The vampires are looking for someone when a human finds her he gets the ultimate wake up
Not believe in god? No you got me all wrong holy man, I absolutely believe in god, and I absolutely hate the Motherfucker. – Vin Diesel as Richard B Riddick in Pitch Black

The storm was really rolling Alex thought as he drove to his and his sister’s apartment, but this was a staple of living in Texas USA, east Texas being the worst for unpredictable weather. Damn it all, Alex cursed under his breath; his truck had a bad habit of sliding on Irving’s slick roads. He pulled into the apartment complex just as the rain stopped. As he stepped out of the F150 he surveyed the area. A rather small complex but well kept, it was worth the $1000 a month for the 2 bedroom apartment. Being on the 1st floor was at times a blessing with all the cooking that his sister Erika did, other times the neighbors moved around quite a bit but it was never too bad. He reached back into the truck and grabbed the groceries.
Glass shattered around Crystal; she felt the heat of the 9 caliber bullets pass by her face. She bounded through the glass window shattered by the gunfire. A bullet grazed her face blood poured down her cheek she had jumped into a ware house; it was all dark everyone had gone home for the day. She had been recently tracked to this suburb outside Dallas TX. She bounced around the isles of packages and hid behind one big one. She watched as here assailants came into view. Two heavily armed men in Black body armor with military grade weapons and equipment. “Goddamn mercs” she said under her breath. “Switch to night vision can’t see a damn thing in here” one of the mercs muttered. Crystal smiled. They had just walked into the wrong place for a fight. The Mercs moved with a purpose surveying the area. One saw a blur move past them. “What the fuck?” he cried! They moth moved to what he had seen. A young woman perhaps 22, long silver hair was standing there. Target acquired. Give up EH? One of them stated. Her hair was blocking her eyes as her head was tilted forward. She just stood there. Well sorry miss it isn’t our job to judge, just consider yourself unlucky. She let out a laugh. The laugh sent chills up both of the merc’s spines. Gentlemen I don’t know what they told you about me but it appears to be nothing important about how I play. You’re in the dark, you entered the only clear area surrounded by hiding places, and you’re in close proximity to one of the most dangerous target you have ever encountered. Enough that’s a nice bluff missy, but you don’t have any night vision goggles he taped his own. Now it’s time to end this charade, he closed one eye and looked through the scope of his rifle to get a clean shot. The other merc gasped. She…she’s gone! What the hell is going on here are there delays on my goggles? No way Sarge,” I saw it to”. The Sergeant turned to his partner, what you have on the trac- he stopped short. The solder was gone. Hey will? William! God damit this is no time to play. He walked a few paces and his foot touched something. It was William’s rifle. A blood curdling scream came from the machinery part of the ware house. The sergeant charged full speed! He stopped where he thought the scream had come from. Something fell on his head he touched it. It was slick he looked closer, a deep dark color. He looked up and stumbled on his behind. William was impaled on a lifting hook nearly 30 feet in the air. The blood dripped down into a small puddle. What? What’s going on! He screamed! He fired at a blur, silence, a voice like a ghosts from behind. He turned and wasted the rest of his clip. He reached for another. It was so fast he barely had time to turn. Ahhh! He was lifted in the air several inches held by the thing that impaled him. He coughed blood. Crystal held him in the air. Sorry but just consider yourself unlucky, he looked into her face, the red eyes almost glowed. What… he coughed again, what are you? Nosferatu they call me. She dropped him on the ground as he bleed out. She drank her fill of their blood. It had been awhile since she had drunk from the source, it was sweet. She heard wings outside. Shit time to leave. She spread her own wings bat like in texture and shape sprouted directly from her skin between the spine and shoulders.
Alex walked in the door, well it’s about time! I have been waiting. The young woman about 26 stood there her brown hair in a raised ponytail here blue eyes matched her brothers. His blonde hair set them apart. German by decent his sister was the staple of what the rest of the family resembled. She was a tad taller than he was by 2 inches, at six foot 3 she was the tallest in the family. Yaya he laughed. Alex Cross! Do not take this lightly when I say you need to be here at a certain time a mean it. I’m only two years younger than you, you know don’t talk like my superior. I am your superior. Oh really well who is it that has been in the military? It was only 4 years Alex, four in the Special Forces. He smiled. Regardless you need to be more prompt. I have hear your teaches at the college, they say you do absolutely nothing in class, what’s my grade in those classes? Alex asked the loaded question. She sighed I’m sure it’s 100. It is Alex replied. I just wish you would show more interest in your future. And what about you sis? I’m starting back in 3 weeks, going for your masters in medical science? Alex nodded. That’s great? She smiled, despite most sibling relationships where fighting and quarreling ruled Alex and Erika never did much of that. Other than the fact that there mother had died giving birth to Alex, being raised by a single dad who was a workaholic. They quickly learned that helping each other was the best way to live even if there situation had been different they always seemed to be on the same page on the major issues. Alex moved in with Erika after he left the military, they had been going college in the same area, so they pulled their money and rented a nice apartment. 3 months after the move in they put everything on hold, their father Alexander Cross had suffered from a massive heart attack. 3 days later his heart gave out, Alex and Erika were both there by his side when it happened. Because of the funeral costs and other expenses that weren’t covered by insurance Erika put her college on hold. She refused to let Alex do the same. His Major in Artificial Intelligence development wasn’t something you could just pick back up. Their father may have been a workaholic but he loved both of them very much and they knew it. It was nearly 8 o’clock at night and the raid had started again heaver than ever. Alex worked on a term paper as the spring session came to a close. Erika sat on the couch playing assassins creed on her Xbox. She had beaten all of her games 10 times over now and could probably beat the hell out of him at any of them including Call of duty 4 or 5, Rockband, and F.E.A.R. 2. He smiled knowing she couldn’t wait to start school again. I’ll go check the mail. Oh no ill do it she paused the game. I’m expecting a package. Alex continued writing the thesis paper.
Crystal flew through the air dodging and evading like a bird, the heavy raid was hindering here ability to see in the dark, suddenly she felt the pain as her back split open the pain excruciating, she descended she managed to avoid a direct confrontation but she was losing consciousness fast. Shit she slammed into the parking lot. She heard someone ask if anyone was there, she pulled her wings back inside her body and she passed out. She could feel someone pulling her. She was picked up. I’m calling an ambulance! Not yet if we don’t stop the bleeding she will be dead before it gets here. Get her inside. Goddamnit put pressure on it Alex! Right. She regained a woozy consciousness I think we stabilized her. Can you hear me? Crystal opened her eyes the young woman leaning over her. Ok now I’m calling the ambulance. She looked in the direction of the voice a young man blond hair and blue eyes. She grabbed his arm. Please no. What? No please. Erika spoke hey listen you could die! We need to get you to the hostbital. She shook her head please I beg you no. she passed out again. Alex looked at his cell phone with the numbers dialed 911 he just needed to press the call button. He sighed and closed the phone. I have a feeling I am going to regret this. Alex can you help me we still need to sterilize the wounds. Ok.
The light poured into the room, Crystal awoke. It must have been late in the day. She moved and pain shot through her back. Ahh! Oh so we are awake are we? Crystal turned to Erika, where am i? your safe. What happened? Crystal had to be vary careful. I…I don’t remember. Why did you tell Alex that he could not call the hostbital? She was silent. Well it’s ok for now but sooner we either have to or you tell us why not. What was going through Crystals mind was not of the best things, she was trying to figure out once she recovered what would be the easiest way to kill them. She couldn’t let anyone know that she had been here. She felt sorry for thies people; just like the mercs they were just unlucky. She laid back down she would give them as much time as she could. She dreamed about her childhood, She dreamed about her childhood, her father looked at her expectantly, go on Crystal. No I don’t want to. You have to, its who you are. But he didn’t do anything. That doesn’t matter. She licked her lips she was so thirsty, her heavy breathing was getting worse. A young boy a friend of hers was blindfolded and handcuffed to a chair. Suddenly she took a step forward, she just couldn’t help herself, she bit into his neck and ripped it out drinking like an animal he screamed before seconds later drowning in his own blood. Another figure appeared in the room, another child like herself, she knew her, her older sister by 4 years. Well it appears that there might be hope for you yet my sibling, she smiled. Now I’m thirsty, Crystal immediately roared in her direction urging her to stay away, Crystals was crying heavily , she clutched her friend in her arms and kept repeating I’m sorry I’m sorry. She awoke soaked in sweat. Shit. A voice came from the other side of the room. Who were you saying sorry too? The boy Alex was sitting on a couch working on his laptop. He rubbed his eyes obviously doing something important. None of your business. Of course sorry. You didn’t call the police? Nope. Alex replied. Thank you she pushed out. He nodded and went back to work. Why? Alex looked up. In a world like this, if you’re willing to die so I won’t call the cops you either did something really wrong or really right. She looked away from his gaze, his eyes seemed to bore into her soul, she chucked at the thought if she had one that is. Erika says your healing is incredible she was going to ask what you were taking. I’m guessing something that increases the metabolic rate but I don’t know enough to make assumptions. She looked away, something like that. How are you feeling? She suddenly remembered the boy from her dream, she had fallen on the cement, he reached his hand down and asked are you ok? She started crying. He hugged her and she suddenly felt better. She sobered up, now how are you feeling. She blushed ya I’m feeling ok. Good then you can help me tomorrow I need to go and get things from the store. She looked at him huh? Well Erika used half of our chemicals and supplies to treat your wounds you can help me restock them plus we can get you some clothes, Erika told me to get you some but they don’t call me a guy for kicks I have no idea what to get you. She smiled at the joke. He closed his laptop oh finished. He closed it and laid it on the ground. Good night. She nodded. He closed the door to his room. She watched till the light went out. She laid there thinking what it would be like to lead a normal life.
A man in a suit walked down a long hall, a several pieces of paper in his hand. He opened the door at the end of the white hall. Sir! We had an encounter! An older gentleman looked over the paper, the Mercenaries were slaughtered but the one of the seeders had a lock and contact. So she’s injured? Another voice came. A young lady stepped out. Now is the time to find her gentlemen. Aria, The older gentlemen spoke. Yes father? I’m sending you to head this operation. I want her found. Her short silver hair and blood red eyes shown in the light. She smiled what fun this will be. Now listen he spoke, she is to be retrieved Alive if at all possible and I mean it Aria! And try not to have so much collateral damage. My sister is weak and a fool she won’t be hard to detain better for me I can have some fun first. She licked her slick lips. You! She pointed at the man holding the paper. Y..yes Mam? Tell Goodrich to find her what better to track someone with than a cute little puppy. The Liken? Isn’t that a bit excessive? Her expression changed, he gulped. Her face was of pure death, What was that? R… Right away Mam! Oh I swear father thies humans are so useless. He chucked, well that may be true but just like the Mercenaries they are best as an expendable asset, luring and locating the target so we may find it. She laughed I suppose but didn’t mommy every say don’t play with your food? Your mother was the food. The both let out a laugh.
Crystal looked over the clothes at the local wal-mart, Alex shopped for other things, as she was trying on the clothes she for a second felt normal, like she was actually just a human. She sighed when she came back to reality. She walked out of the booth. Alex was waiting. So how do I look, Alex blushed and looked away. She really was cute. Another flash for her, she saw the boy from her childhood he presented her with a dress as a gift he blushed as she wore it and asked him if it looked good. Its great Alex said. She blushed. Thank you. Come on we need to pay. Are you hungry? She looked over him, she hadn’t had anything real to eat in years. She could, but she could be sustained by just the blood. Sure she said. Alex asked her where to? She remembered the boy treating her to a burger with all of his savings. Any good burgers around here? Sure Alex pulled into a local burger joint. Alex paid the cashier and they say down. Just as she had remembered it was just about the best taste in the world. Mhmm she couldn’t help but let out. Alex laughed. Guess it’s been awhile since you’ve eaten a burger. You have no idea. Alex reached over and wiped a bit of ketchup from her face. She again remembered that the boy had done the same thing. She suddenly looked down. You ok? What do you care! She snapped suddenly. Tears rolling. You don’t even know me! I could be a murderer! A robber, or I serial killer! Why help me. Why should you care! Your right. She looked up. He put his food down. You could be any of those things. How does that change the situation? You were injured severely. You needed help. So we helped. But why? Why do you need a reason to be kind? The question struck her like a gunshot. The boy appeared again and as he helped a kid on the playground get up. Sometimes people just need to help someone. He said with a smile. She looked at Alex. She looked down again I’m sorry she said. I cant even pay you back for this. I didn’t ask you to. She looked up. If Erika and I thought we were going to get anything back do you think we would have done any of this? She smiled. Thank you. Now that’s the spirit. She got up and slipped on a spilt drink. WHAHAHAH! She swore she would hit the ground. Alex caught her hand and used the force of the fall to swing her back up. She looked at him, careful now. How? How did you do that? Huh? The grab it was amazing. She looked very suspicious for a sec. she brought her claws out on one hand behind her back. Could she of possible fallen into a trap was this all a farce? I when I was 18 I enlisted in the military my scores were off the chart so I was put immediately into the special forces, I stayed there for four years. Special Forces she played dumb, there a different part of the military they have us do things that they don’t want showing up on TV. Like what. Alex looked down I’d rather not go into that. She dropped her hand and retraced her claws, she knew that look, as her teacher in 2nd grade asked her don’t you have any friends. Sorry didn’t mean to bring up bad memories. Alex nodded. Well Erika will be expecting us back soon. She nodded.
A woman in her thirties was sweeping a set of apartments in Irving, she had damned herself by firing the cleaning lady, oh well thus is the work of the owner I suppose. A man approached, she looked up can I help. There was no one there. Huh? She turned around AHH! She screamed, a man stood there. Oh sorry if I startled you mis. He looked huge must have been 6’5’’ muscle-bound. His scruffy look and coat were scruffy like himself. Can I help you she reiterated! My name is Goodrich my friends call me Rich, I bet they do she said, and I aint your friend, now what do ya need? I am looking for my cousin she has been reported to be living in the apartments around here? Well there’s a lot of people around here why ask me go ask them. Thinking you might of remembered her. He held up a picture. She recognized the girl immediately she had paid for 6 months rent in cash. The silver hair tipped her off. but she had been told, if anyone comes looking for me please I was never here. Said something about an abusive family. You a cop? She asked, no he said I’m here cousin. The crooked smile passed his lips. She leered at him, sorry never seen her. You sure he asked. I’m sure now go away I’m busy. I think you’re lying to me. She turned away, screw off buddy before I call the cops. He laughed; I was hoping I would get something to eat before I found her. What she turned. She let out a cry and fell to the floor. He was now an 8 foot werewolf. Now maybe you can tell me the truth.
Alex, Erika and Crystal were out walking server days later, Crystal had never felt this happy before. Could this really continue? Could they be friends? Could Alex… Don’t move! She looked up as a man with a knife was ahead of them. Give me all your valuables. Now! She suddenly felt anger he was going to blow all of it. She would have to transform to save them. They would know they would hate her when they found out. She started to step forward. She was grabbed by Alex, hey hold it. Alex stepped out, no she said. Leave now and you leave intact he said with all the confidence in the world. What are you stupid buddy the assailant said. Fine you weren’t to die! He rushed at Alex, Crystal tried to save him but Erika grabbed her. It was fast and efficient, Alex grabbed his hand and got in the inside of him and slammed his elbow into his throat. The assailant dropped the knife. He hit his knees clutching his throat gasping for air. Erika call the cops. Crystal looked at Alex, you alright. She blushed. She really cared if he had been injured. Erika walked into the door. Woot the day after tomorrow I get to go back to school! Congratulations Alex said. Then you and Alex will be home alone all day. So don’t do anything perverted guys. Alex and Crystal both blushed. Erika laughed. Oh and you two need to go and pick up a few things tomorrow. I will cook a great meal tomorrow night! Ok we will go. Then next afternoon they spent some time at the groceries store picking up various ingreediences . so what’s she going to make, I’m guessing a cake looking at the things she asked me to get but for what. Well I guess we will find out.
Erika just finished setting up the happy birthday sign for Alex the idiot forgot his own birthday, she polished his present a picture of Alex herself and their father. She sighed thinking how hard it hit him. How hard it hit them, and now with Crystal he was back to his old self. She laughed a lot more too. She couldn’t care less why she was out there that night as far a she was concerned it made no difference. A knock on the door, oh damn was he back already. She opened the door, a large man scruffy looking was knocking, hello mis I’m looking for someone. He suddenly smelt the air, he shoved her out of the way and saw the sheet on the couch, where is she! What? The hell! She already left she wouldn’t stay with humans very long but she left you alive strange. Hey I’m calling the cops! He pulled a rather large handgun from out his coat. He fired. Blood covered the wall as she slid down it. She had a 2 inch hole in her head. Sorry but that would be bad while I’m still here. The phone dropped from her hand. The picture frame shattered on the tile. Well at least I know she’s been here. I should probably check near here. So sad, no time to eat she would have been delectable. He exited the apartment.
Alex and Crystal were talking as they arrived at the apartment, several police cars were outside and an ambulance. What. Alex parked and jumped out Crystal on his heels. He saw them come out of his apartment with his sister in a black bag. no NO NONONO! He cried as he rushed toward it! A cop grabbed him as he shoved the paramedics out of the way. Hold it son! NO! he screamed. She can’t be! Hey hey listen. LISTEN! He said. Tears rolling down Alex’s cheeks, she was shot she’s gone long gone. No I’m sorry son. Alex hit his knees and let out a cry that could be heard for blocks. Crystal rushed to his side he slammed his hands on the ground as the cop tried to comfort him; Alex looked at his hands they were bleeding. Hey I need a paramedic over here the cop called. Crystal took him as they both cried. Alex let out another scream. He was getting blood on her dress but she could care less. She just held him as tight as possible. Several paramedics tended to Alex’s wounds. Several police interviewed him, said that it was possible judging from the untraceable bullet and the caliber used that someone had found out what Alex had been doing in his service and that he was the real target. They would leave two units for tonight and told him if he hears anything please call. The cop also looked at him and said “and son please don’t take this into your own hand of you find out anything call us.””Call me even” Alex walked into the apartment. The wall had been cleaned. He looked at the banner on the wall. He picked up the picture with the broken frame. He count stand. Alex! Crystal cried as he hit the ground. He buried his face in the carpet and screamed. Crystal looked around she looked at the bullet hole. It was too perfect. She knew who it was. She knew it was all her fault. I’m sorry I’m sooo sorry I should have never come here. What the hell? Alex looked at here. I have to go! Alex grabbed her. What! Do you know what happened? It’s my entire fault I have to leave. Goddamn it what happened! The less you know the safer you will be. It was immediate; her face felt the slap it stung. Her temper got the best of her. She smacked Alex and regretted it immediately. He flew into the wall and fell to the floor not moving. She gasped! ALEX! No. she rushed to his side. Oh thank god he was still breathing. She sighed. Damit. She needed to leave but if for some reason he didn’t wake up. Fuck! She cried. Picked him up and laid him on the couch. Alex awoke an hour later. What the hell? She looked at him. What happened? I hit you she said. Alex looked at her like she was crazy. Then he remembered flying after she smacked him. It felt like a truck hit him. What the fuck? I’m not human she cut in. Alex stared at her with a blank look. She sighed. Her dress ripped as her wings extended her nails turned into claws and her fangs became larger. Her eyes turned red and became animal like. This is what I really am, a vampire, a monster! Alex looked her over. He nodded now I get it. We stepped into the middle of a war. I’m sorry. Please I need to leave you showed me that I could be happy. She leaned over him and kissed him. I understand if you never want to see me again, I have to go so you won’t be in the crossfire. I have to end this. She walked out of the apartment. One of the officers was in his cruiser and looked up and saw a blur he figured he needed more coffee and took a sip. She flew, the least she would do is to kill the one responsible she would make him pay. Alex looked at the frame, it read keep those you can but never mourn those who are free. He set the frame down. He dug though his stuff for a key to a storage container on the other side of town. Its orange color made it easy to find. He grabbed a black mask, and a backpack of equipment. He walked out of the apartment. He slipped by the first cruiser, and then the second. He disabled the officers and took his truck.
Crystal tracked the killer to the ware house where the mercs had been killed. She walked inside, she looked around. There was a gigantesque crane in the middle of the ware house. Otherwise the jumble of boxes and equipment hadn’t changed. A blur suddenly knocked her over. It hit her again, she fully transformed, common! She screamed. A laugh came from the darkness, thank ya lass you found me so I don’t have to find ya. I will kill you. He let out another laugh. Wasa mata lass did I deprive you f your food? She walked forward. Oooo girlys really mad now. She grabbed a milling machine and ripped it out of the floor with one hand she chucked it. It slammed into the wall and made a hole. She hit nothing, he was fast that was for sure. He smacked her into several machines. And strong. She got up damn it that hurt. She was smacked by a blur again she went flying again. She hit the cement wall and made a large crack when she hit. Damn it. He was just too fast, if he was slower maybe she could beat him. Are we done already lass that were no fun? She slammed her in the gut and the crack became larger. AHH she cried as she coughed blood now was her chance! She swung he howled in pain. You bitch! My eye! He had 3 claw marks on his face. Damn it all he pulled away too fast for her to cut deep. He then laughed again well the good news is all I have to do is return you alive no detail on the condition though. Ill have some fun with you yet lass. A whoosh noise. AHH. Fuck! The wolf doubled over his leg nearly cut off at the kneecap. Ahh what the, then the gunshot was heard. The other kneecap exploded. Noo! Noo! He tried to stand. Crystal looked in the direction of the gunshot, in full body armor there a solder. A Massive rifle in hand. He walked their way. Crystal worked her way back up to her feet. Who? You were wrong. She knew that voice. He took his mask off, ALEX! It’s better to protect the ones you love while they still live than mourn those who are free. Now. Why did you kill my sister you son of a bitch! Fuck you, Crystal smacked him with her claws the wounds bleed profusely. He coughed. Ok ok it… he was cut off as his head exploded along with his upper torso. Now now we can’t have him spoiling all the fun. The voice came from the darkness. They count tell where. Suddenly crystal screamed, ALEX RUN! Alex suddenly felt he had been grabbed. He could see the claws like crystals on his neck. Aria! Ahh so you do remember me sister let him go. Hmm she licked Alex’s face, a human, didn’t we teach you not to play with your food well enough when we were kids she smiled. He looks tasty. She licked her lips. No! Don’t. aww same old sister. What do you say human should I kill you and watch her scream or kill her and make you watch. Fuck you! Alex said. Hmm looks like you got a winner sister. She sighed, this is no fun if you don’t fight back you need something to motivate you. But you’re in no condition to fight. So I just eave the incentive for now. Alex felt pressured on his back as Aria pushed her hand thought his stomach, he puked blood. NOOOOOO! She moved like lightning, Aria went flying into the milling machines. That’s much better but I want your best we will fight again until then become strong she disappeared into the night. Crystal caught Alex falling. Alex no stay with me. Alex looked at her. He smiled. I came here to say something to you. No don’t talk. He coughed again. I love you. He coughed again. She suddenly heard something inside her, bite him, what? Bite him, but only 1 in 100,000 humans can handle the transfer! If you don’t he dies anyway. She looked at him and swallowed, she sunk her fangs into his neck as he passed out.
© Copyright 2009 Kenny (kenny3000 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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