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Rated: 13+ · Other · Experience · #1525197
Perception of Obsession
Obsession, usually derives from infatuation. Everyone is obsessed about something, be it being neurotic, in terms of drugs, alcohol, sex, cleanliness, sleep, love, hate or perfection. It's how we handle the borderline between balancing all these aspects into something we call life. Sure, you can go into rehab, but if you don't realize, sometimes you will just suffer a relapse. You could always tell yourself you have gotten over something or someone, but deep down down inside you never know if you are really over it. That's when you need to re-evaluate your life from time to time. You can always have friends giving you advice, support, in terms of finance, morally or spiritually, but only you can be your own psychiatrist. That is another form of obsession, the dependency to look for someone whenever you are in need. Yoga, medication, sleep, all that jack works, but sometimes you need to take yourself out of your body and observe how you live from a third person's point of view. Who doesn't feel that that is the end of life sometimes, but if you continue to obsess with that feeling, then that's just self wallowing and no one will be there to help you because everyone is selfish. Sure, we are born to eat, study, work, mate to help develop the population, then die. But if you want to look at life from that point of view, you might as well commit suicide right now, because you are just wasting human resources. You need to have a passion to continue to live like there's no tomorrow.

Life is like a treadmill, run at a comfortable pace, not too slow to feel no form of satisfaction after completion, but not too fast until you sprain something vital. And when you run, never look back, because that is when you trip and fall. When you run, relax, reflect on what you have done, and plan what you are going to do next. Let's use exercise again as an example, If you are at the gym but your mind and body knows that you are not in the right frame of time and mind to do something your body cannot handle but you have an obsession to complete a strenuous regine just to prove yourself something, trust me, the aftermath is not something you want to handle. This applies to relationships, work, family and friendships. If you want to be able to focus on all these, you must first focus on yourself to have the mental and physical strength to balance everything in moderation. With every ordeal faced, the next one to come along will not pose as an ordeal anymore but just a situation you know you can overcome. It might become an achievement, or even something you can pursue happiness out of.

Figure a way to control obsession, though it make take years and years to achieve, Believe me, I haven't even gotten to the lowest base of knowing how to control my addictions and limits, but it's better to know that you have a problem and try to fix it rather than move through the road so unconsciously that you get so lost in the woods that you have to cut yourself through the thickets and shrubs to get back on track, That often happened to people, and if they learn from it, good, if they don't, they continue having scars all over their bodies and souls will continue to scar themselves their whole lives. Live bravely, and keep a lingering thought of common sense and consciousness of what you are doing in your mind all the time, because in your deepest hours, it will resurface and help you in the ways you cannot imagine.
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