Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1524516-Sleepless
Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Supernatural · #1524516
Jane sleeps all the time never resting. The dream calls to her. Someone calls to her.

Chapter 1

I rolled out of bed, pulled on my jean shorts and a t-shirt, which I had tossed in the chair in the corner of my room and walked down the short hall to the kitchen to make some coffee. Once the coffee was brewing I turned my laptop on to see what uninteresting things I would find in my email box this morning. I logged on to the net, logged onto my email, and waited. Same ‘Ole routine. While it was loading I poured myself a cup of coffee, one sugar, lots of milk.

As I settled in at the desk my computer made that little chime sound to let me know I have mail. Pulling up the mail screen I almost choked on my coffee! I had 1252 emails. Holy Crap! I had cleared all unread mail last night before I headed off to bed. A whopping 25. The first of the numerous mailings loaded and read:

Jane, I finally Found You! 

It was like all of a sudden the words went into mumbo jumbo. Or it was encrypted or something. I opened the next, same message. The next one, same message. And the one after that, you guessed it, same message. All of them said the same thing. Who was this from? What a lame joke. The sender’s email was totally bogus. Davenport@Shadowmail.com. Whatever! Not funny. I spent the next 20 minutes clicking on and deleting the entire list of messages from my inbox and deleting them from my delete box. I grabbed the phone to call my best friend Sara. I was going to officially thank her for being such a pain in the ass first thing in the morning by waking her up way before anyone should have to be up. “Hey, its Sara you know what to do”, Beeeeeeeeep.

“Sara”, It’s Jane, Thanks for the million emails this morning. You’re a freak! Call me.” And I hung up and went to get another cup of coffee.

Sara and I had been friends since high school. She was tall, almost 6 foot, with perfect jet-black wavy hair. She had sea foam green eyes and copper skin that looked like she spent a lot of time on her tan, but she didn’t. I was Five Seven and even though it was only a few inches of difference between us, she seemed to tower me. She was so confident. How could you not be looking like she did? Don’t get me wrong I was ok. Average in my opinion. Dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, but only because I lived on the beach and in the winter any trace of tan went out the window the instant the thermometer dropped below 75’. I was little on the heavy side but still could turn a few heads. Just not the heads I cared to turn. Sara always had my back. I could always count on her. I had my beach house, I had Sara and I had my work.

I owned a little online store selling eco friendly products and little items I made from recycled stuff I would find at warehouses and construction sites. I sent out a monthly newsletter to members who signed up for it informing them of different ways they could make changes. I liked it. I felt like I was making a difference. As an added bonus, it turned out to be quite lucrative.
A couple of hours had gone by, I wrote my news letter and looked over a few pending orders, I went to my room to grab a change of clothes and headed for the shower.
Sucking down coffee along the way. Coffee is my thing. I love it, can’t go with out it. Hail Star Bucks! Everyone has their vise. Or so I hear. I let the warm water run over me as I stood there still trying to fully wake up. What should I do today, I thought to myself. Maybe I’ll just curl up on the couch with a book and totally veg out. Or maybe I should go down to the beach and soak up some sun. Yep!” That’s what I’m gonna do”, I decided aloud. I rinsed the conditioner out of my hair. I stepped out of the warm steamy shower and grabbed the towel hanging on the hook on the back of the bathroom door. The phone was ringing in the kitchen. So like a 13-year-old girl I wrapped the big bath towel around myself, still dripping, and ran down to answer it. Yes, I’m one of those too. Someone who can’t just wait to see who called and call them back. Even though that is what caller ID is for.

“Hello”, I said a little breathless.

“Hey Jane its Sara. I just got back from Derek’s. “ She said. “We got in late last night so I just stayed there”.

“What’s up with all the emails”, I said.

“Janie what the hell are you talking about. I haven’t even been on my computer in like two days”.

“Well, Someone sent me over a thousand emails and they all said the same thing. I just thought you were being a goof and sent them all.”

“No way!” Sara said laughing.

“ It wasn’t me but that’s funny”. I sighed, “ Maybe it was just one of those creepy junk mails that you get and can’t get rid of except to the extreme. So, anyways, what are you doing today? Want to come over and hang down at the beach?”

Sara thought for a minute then said, “Sure, sounds great. I’ll be over in about an hour.” Then we both hung up.

After I put my suit on I packed a beach bag and made a couple of bottles of water in my refillable water bottles. Glancing in the mirror near the kitchen table I realized how tired I looked. Lately I hadn’t been sleeping very well. Maybe I would even nap later.

Sara showed up about 10am. I grabbed my bag and we started down the path to the beach. We put our sheet down littering it long the edges with our beach garb, Sandals, bags, our little cooler, so it wouldn’t blow in the wind. Then we lubed up with sunscreen and got comfy. We lay there for a while chatting about different things. Mostly Sara’s boyfriend Derek. He was perfect for Sara. She could be a little high maintenance and he was very attentive to her needs. Derek was a high school art teacher. He didn’t make a lot of money but he was financially stable. He had broad shoulders and a small waist. I’d say he was about 6ft. just a smidge taller than Sara was. With his blonde hair and blue eyes he looked a little like a Ken doll.

“The sun is brutal today. I think I’m going to go for a dip want to come?” I said looking at Sara from under my hand trying to shadow my eyes so I could see her.

“Nah you go ahead” She was scrunching her nose up like a dip in the ocean was gross. Off I went. I waded in. The water was chilly on my feet and legs. When the water got up to my stomach I took a deep breath and dove in. Ahhhhh, that felt better. The water-cooling the burning sun off my skin. I just relaxed there for a while floating with the waves, squinting at the sun through my lashes. I could have stayed out there all day, but my fingers started to get all wrinkly and I really hate that feeling, so I walked back up to the blanket and took a spot on my stomach. Sarah was quietly reading a book and seemed very content.

I must have dozed off because next thing I knew Sarah was screaming at me to get up and help her get our stuff together because it was starting to rain. From the looks of it there was about to be quite a storm.

We grabbed all of our beach stuff in no kind of order and ran for the house. Thank goodness its not far because right about the time we hit the front porch and opened the door, the wind picked up and the rain started coming down in sheets. You couldn’t even see the ocean it was so heavy. “WOW! That was a close one” I breathed the words out heavy from running through the sand. Sarah was just looking at me like I had three heads. “what?” Totally oblivious to whatever her problem was.

“ Did you take a sleeping pill or something?” She scolded.

“Um, No. Why would you say that?”

“Jane, I have been trying to wake you up for like 15 minutes”. Maybe I really did need a nap.

“Sara, I’m so sorry. I haven’t been sleeping well, I guess it is taking more of a toll than I thought.” Now she looked worried.

“ You should lie down for a while” she said (See how we think alike) “And maybe you should cut the caffeine” She added.

“ Bite your tongue” I snapped at her with a playful grimace on my face.”

“Well, I’m gonna head out. I have a date with Derek.”

“Are you sure, its really raining hard. You could get ready here and have him swing by later to get you if you want.”

She thought for a minute, “ Nah, I have a new outfit I want to wear, its not far, I’ll be ok. You have a nap and call me later”. I gave her a hug and told her to be safe and out she ran into the storm. Crazy Girl.

I closed the door and locked it. As I was walking to the kitchen a huge crack of lightning struck followed by a very loud explosion and in a blink the power went out. I rummaged through the junk drawer looking for a lighter or matches to light the candles I had scattered throughout the house. I loved candles too.

It was dark because of the storm but the darkness seemed different, too dark, if that makes any sense. I must be losing it. Well, since it’s dark and I’m so tired I think I’ll go lie on the couch. Maybe listening to the rain will help me sleep. I can always sleep when it’s raining. So soothing. As I drifted off I could hear the sound of the wind blowing through the palm trees.

CRACK! I leaped off the couch. Lightning had hit something very close and scared the hell out of me. My heart was racing in my throat and I was trying to steady myself against the coffee table. I fell back on the couch with a huge sigh and waited for my pulse to slow. As my eyes started to get use to the dark and focus, I realized I was not alone. I held my breath and my heart started to pound in my chest again. Was there really someone there? My mind was frantically trying to rationalize the image I was seeing. The lightning flashed lighting the room for split second. No one. There was no one there. No shadowy figure standing just inside the kitchen door. I inhaled a deep breath and let it out slow still not moving. Man I am so tired I am seeing things. I got up slow, still cautious even though I had no reason. As I stood I slid my hand around a vase that sat on the coffee table and brought it up carefully with me. Creeping to the kitchen door, vase in hand, I peeked in ready to defend myself. I jumped through the entry way and screamed “Ahhhhhhhhhh!” Just then I slipped on the rug in front of the sink and went crashing to the floor. I nailed my elbow on the table on the way down and dropped the vase, which shattered, glass flying everywhere. And still, no one was there. Just me.

I stood up, glass crunching under me. Picked up my cell, which read 2:25am, and groaned. I was wide-awake. No power, glass everywhere and I was certain my elbow was bleeding. I hobbled to the bathroom using the light from the lightning as a guide, and got a towel to clean myself up. Then I felt my way to the bed and sat on the edge deciding it would be best to clean up the glass in the kitchen when the power came back on. I laid back and watched the storm out the window. Before I knew it I was asleep. I drifted off to a place in my head. Lately I was dreaming of it often. Almost every night. There was a large house, surrounded by a big yard. There were two large, old willow trees. They seemed to Bend to me like greeting. I walked between them, through the night and up the steps to the house. I know someone is inside, waiting for me, but there are no lights on. Even though I’m thinking to myself this is all weird and should be scary, I’m not afraid. I put my hand on the knob, wet with dew from the night air, and let myself in.

I open my eyes, blink a couple of times and realize it’s morning. The storm is over. I look at my alarm clock, blinking with its reminder that I forgot the backup batteries again. Sitting up feeling the stabbing pain as I try to move my elbow I remember the nights events. Me protecting me from me and failing. Ouch! At least its not broken. Walking in to the bathroom to see the damage to my poor elbow I recalled the vase, which was broke, on the kitchen floor. I surveyed the bruise and small, but very painful, cut on my elbow decided it didn’t need a bandage and slipped on my slippers on my way to the kitchen.
I swept up the glass and made coffee. My trusty morning ritual.

I decided to have my coffee on the front porch. I slipped out the screen door sat in one of the big rocking chairs and watched as tourists started meandering out onto the beach. They carried beach chairs, floats, bags filled with towels, sunscreen and goggles. They were dragging coolers undoubtedly filled with beer, soda, water and munchies. I saw several stop along the way to shake out their arm, tired from carrying everything or to pick up dropped items that had fallen from their full arms. I like to people-watch. I found it to be very entertaining.

My cell rang; it was Sara, my only friend. “Hello”, I answered.

“ Mornin Jane, up having coffee?” She said sounding very chipper.

“ Yep, how about you?”

“ I had a cup and Derek and I are going to head up to his cabin for a couple of days, you want to join us? It will be fun”. Singing the word fun like it would help get me in the mood for the trip.

I took a sip of my coffee, feeling quite content to stay put, and said, “ No thanks, I’m sure it will be fun but I think I’m going to stay home this time. Besides I’m sure the two of you would like to be alone.”

“ O, come on. You are turning into a real home body” She huffed.

“ Really Sara, I’ll go next time. It looks like it might rain again and I have work to do. I’m going to get that done and nap all day. That storm last night really made me restless. I’m so tired.”

She sighed “OK, but next time. If you need me Ill have my cell although we don’t get great reception there.”

“Hey Sara, have you seen my cell? I can’t find it anywhere?”

Laughing Sara said, “ Nope, but I’ sure it will turn up, you are always losing it.” I could feel the huge grin on her face. I was always losing it.

“Ok, honey, have fun. Tell Derek I said hello.”

“ Ok bye.”

I’m not a homebody. Just tired is all. I was going to do just like I said. A little work, then a nap. Not too many orders today. So it took no time to wrap up the work part. It was about 1 o’clock and I decided a little lunch would be great before a nap. Maybe it would help me sleep more soundly. I made a turkey sandwich with some cottage cheese. Poured myself a glass of iced tea and parked my butt on the couch. Not too much on the TV today. Saturday usually meant sports. So, I turned on the hallmark movie network. It always brought a nice story of a small town with a secret type of story. Perfect for my up and coming nap. After I ate, I put my dishes in the sink and snuggled up under the afghan my grandma made me on the couch. It didn’t take long for me to doze off. Drifting into my dream world. Darkness came with the light smell of roses. As the mist cleared I found myself standing on the front porch of the house from all my dreams. I guess that would make it my dream house. I smiled. It felt too real. I put my hand on the doorknob; it was cold and damp from the dew in the night air. Which wasn’t real, I reminded myself.
Slowly I turn the handle and the door opened. It opened without a sound. No creepy creaking to let me know to go running in the other direction. I wondered if the silence was the sign I should be looking for. I didn’t feel in any danger, but I watch those movies and I knew I was the one moving forward into danger while watchers screamed TURN AROUND YOU TWIT!!

I walked into a huge great room. There was a staircase in front of me. I could only see by the moonlight coming in through the grand windows. They went from floor to ceiling letting ample light spill in. The windows had soft gauzy white curtains with gold ivy or vine pattern hung on them. They must have had to be custom made being so large.

The room was empty with the exception of a white grand piano.

“Hello, Pardon my intrusion, is there anyone here?”

No one answered. “Hello”, I called out again. I walked toward the piano, my shoes echoing on the wood floor. There was a single red rose in a delicate crystal vase, sitting in the center of the closed piano lid. I carefully picked it up and brought it to my nose. Mmmmmmmmm, so sweet. I set it back down, making a little hollow sound as the vase made contact with the piano. To my right there was an archway leading to another room. It was a door-sized opening with no door and it seemed out of place in the large room. Inside it looked like a living room. Two white overstuffed couches facing each other with a wrought iron & wood coffee table in between them. There was a chair at the end of the table facing a fireplace. In the fireplace was a small fire. “ O’Shit! A fire. In the fireplace. Someone’s here”. I quickly turned on one heal to bolt for the door but stopped cold. In the shadows, near the door there was a figure. I couldn’t see as well in this room as there were no windows and the small fire didn’t provide much light, but there was definitely someone there. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. I was trying to keep my breath under control but I felt like I couldn’t get enough air. My skin felt chilled as beads of sweat formed on my forehead. My eyes wouldn’t focus in the dark.
I tried to listen over the pounding in my ears. I couldn’t hear anything. Not even the crackle of the fire. My head spun as panic set in. I tried for one deep gulp of air…………. and then I passed out.

When I woke up I was on my couch. The afghan was on the floor and I was gripping the TV remote so hard my knuckles had turned white. “Crap! I was dreaming.” I put the pillow over my face and screamed.

It was 7:30am. Sun crept in through the front windows. I set up the coffee pot and walked to the bathroom to take a shower. The warm water felt good. I washed away the dream and got dressed. In the kitchen the coffee was ready and hot. I poured myself a cup, doctored it to my liking and went out on the front porch. As I looked out at the ocean I found peace again. The crazy dream washing out with the morning tide.
“Helloooo” I jumped. Mike was in my facing waving his hands back and forth.

“ O, Hey Mike. Caught me day dreaming.” I stood and brushed a little sand off the back of my legs. “What brings you here? Come on in, Want a cup of coffee?”

“Sure, Jane that sounds great.” He said as he followed me through the door.

Mike is my accountant. He lives down the beach from me so we were neighbors too. He is 6’3. Pretty much towers me. But it doesn’t make him the least bit scary. He is the furthest thing from scary a guy could get. He has warm brown eyes and a fantastic blazing white smile. His dark brown hair is a little shaggy and not quite shoulder length. He has a perfect tan, probably cause he lives on the beach. Mike works out of his house so he stops by now and then after his morning surf. He had given me lessons when I first moved in and during one of our lessons I mentioned my business and he mentioned he was an accountant. I hired him on the spot. He is a good accountant. I don’t like dealing with numbers. Makes me crazy.

“ I came buy to make sure you were alright. No damage from that monster storm?” He said looking up at my ceiling like he was looking for leaks.

“Nope. No damage to the house. How about you? Your place ok?” I said smiling & remembering the damage to my elbow.

“ My place made out good too.”

“Good. Glad to hear it Mike.”

He looked up from his coffee at me, “ Did you hear there’s going to be a beach party tomorrow night? Live Band, Big Beach Fire. Lots of food. You want to go down with me and check it out?”

I guess it would be good to get out and do something in the real world for a change. “Sure, sounds like fun what time does it start?”

He flashed that brilliant smile at me “ Ill swing by and grab you around 8.” Standing and putting his cup in the sink he started for the door. As he pushed it open he turned to me and with a hint of worry in his eyes said” You ok?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. Thanks Mike, see you tomorrow night.” And I closed the door behind him watching through the screen as he hoped down the porch steps.

Cool. A party, just what I needed. I’d go have a couple of drinks. Maybe twirl around the dance floor with Mike for a while. That should really tire me out. Maybe I’d stay out late enough I’d be too tired to dream.

Chapter 2

After cleaning up the kitchen a bit, I opened the fridge to see what looked good to eat. It appeared it is way past time to go grocery shopping. The fridge is just about empty. Gathering my keys, purse and flip flops out the door I went. I climbed into my Powder Blue ‘69 VW Bug and headed into town. I have had this car since I moved out of the house. It is a good car and I rarely have any trouble with it.

I never can find a parking place close to the front  so I have resigned to park in left field. I don’t even look any closer. Walking is good exercise anyways.

The  automatic door swished open as I walked up and the cool air from inside it me  instantly chilling me to the bone. Wrapping my arms around myself I headed towards the produce section pulling out a cart and dragging it along as I went. I hasn’t made a list so I had to wing it. Never a good idea on an empty stomach.

After about 45 minutes I assessed my cart to see if I had everything. Reviewing my memory and deciding I was satisfied with the contents of the basket, I proceeded to the checkout counter. As I passed the stock room entrance something caught my eye. A shadow. Stopping my cart and nonchalantly looking around to see who was around me, I stood on my tippy toes and peaked through the window high up on the door. Nothing unusual. Continuing my trip to the front of the store looking over my shoulder every so often to see if someone was behind me. I had the strangest feeling there was someone there.

I put the groceries into the trunk, which was actually the hood and got in to head home. The sky is very dark. I hope I make it home before that dark cloud opens up. Looking around I noticed nothing was moving. There was no breeze. The calm before the storm, I thought to myself. Chills ran up my spine as I back out of the parking space and drove away.

Small sprinkles were just starting to hit the windshield when I pulled up along side my cottage. I glanced up towards the beach to see the wall of rain heading my way. Adrenaline started pushing me to hurry and get inside but as my heart pounded with a need to rush my eyes sent word to my brain to freeze and focus. Down on beach, a man stood in the rain. And he was looking at me. He looked like he was yelling. Waving his arms around. Rain was coming down in big drops now and the wind was very strong. Who was that? Were they really yelling at me?  Looking closer my brain started to register the scene. Mike. It was Mike. What is he doing. I stepped out of the car, into the rain. He’s running down the beach, waving his arm. What is he yelling.

“ Mike. What? I can’t hear you.” I yelled.

Still yelling I could see he was also pointing into the sky. Hair wiping into my face I turned to see what it was he was pointing at. “Oh Crap!” My eyes wide as saucers, the tornado was headed right towards me. I covered my head and squatted down close to the car. Debris flying all around, rain coming down hard, my wet hair stuck to my face. I moved into the fetal position with my arms wrapped around my head and my forehead on the ground. It sounded like a train was coming but I dared not look back. Fear had me pinned to the ground. I heard a fast drafty WOOSH sound and everything was suddenly quiet.

Not moving a muscle, I began to survey what was happening. Listening. Smelling. Trying to think. Roses. I smell roses. The ground was soft under me. I could feel a warm dry breeze on my legs and in my hair. Slowly I uncurled myself and looked up. The house was directly in front of me.

It was a white farm house with a large wrap around porch. There were wide steps leading up to the front door. Another set on the side of the house. The shutters were a bluish grey. Slate I guess you could say. The rose bushes lined the front of the porch on both sides and there were several in the well groomed yard. Was this the same house? I had never seen it in the daylight. Only in my dreams. Only at night.

Could this mean I was sleeping. How could I be asleep crouched down by my car in the middle of a tornado. Was I dead! What had happened to bring me hear. Fear was tugging at me again as I tried to figure out how I had gotten here. How I ended up in a place I usually only saw in my dreams.

I stood there for a long time. I couldn’t decide if I wanted to go in. It looked empty now. It was very peaceful looking. I finally walked forward stopping at the base of the stairs.

“Hello, Anyone home?” Remembering the large shadow of a man, I hoped not.

No one answered. I walked slowly up the stairs and knocked on the front door. I peaked in the window. I could see the piano. I could see the entrance to the room at the far end with no windows. It looked dark inside the room. It appeared no one was there. I knocked again this time testing the door handle to see if it was locked. I wasn’t. So, I went in. Just like the girls in the movies. I laughed to myself and rolled my eyes.

It was different in the daylight. Rays of light flowed in though the large windows. Dust particles dancing in the warm beams. It felt empty but safe. I sat at the piano bench looking around. Thinking what I should do now.

Most people go to heaven when they die. Friends & Family meet them at the gate and lead the way through the golden streets. Me, I end up in a farm house in the middle of no-mans land waiting for a very tall shadow man to come and…What? Kill me? Again? Figures.

The house was comfortable even though the room was nearly empty. I wondered if the rooms upstairs where also empty.

“Well, if this is it for me, I guess I better see what else is here.” Talking to myself aloud. Something I tend to do often since I was alone most of the time. Maybe that’s why I was alone now. In death. I paused at the base of the staircase. Suddenly feeling very alone. Shaking off the feeling I started up to the second floor.

There was a short wide hall at the top of the staircase with a window at the end that looked out over the front yard. The window was trimmed in stained glass. The sun drifted through making  colors dance on the walls in the hall. There were 6 closed doors. 3 on either side of the hall.

The doors are closed Jane. Don’t go in them. That’s what I was telling myself even as I turned the knob to the first door. It opened easily. Without a sound I might add. No scary creaking noise. It just opened and I stepped in.

The room was painted a pail blue. It had a large four poster bed adorned with a white chenille bedspread.  In the corner was a small dresser with a mirror on top. I slid open a drawer. It was empty. After a quick inspection I found they were all empty. The room was clean, no cobwebs or dust. But even so, it did not appear anyone was staying in this room. I had a feeling it had been a while since anyone had.

Leaving the room and quietly closing the door. I’m not sure why, not like I would wake the dead. Hahaha. Not so funny I guess. I moved to the door across the hall.  It too opened easily and silently. Inside I found a bathroom. Mostly white. Except for the floor tile which is green. It was actually beautiful. It looked like green glass. While I’m here I guess I’ll use the facilities. I did and washed my hands. Funny, I guess I thought after you died you didn’t go to the bathroom anymore. Everything in the bathroom worked fine. The plumbing didn’t even make any noise. I guess I thought since I was dead the house would be creepy and old or something. I was finding out, it was not. It was quite lovely and I even kind of liked it.

Three of the other rooms were bedrooms as well. All similar in décor. All a different color. One had pink walls, one standard white and one green. I liked the green room the best. It had a fluffy green and white comforter on the bed. The kind you get all warm and snuggled in and don’t want to get up out of. Love that!

The last door was to the left of the window. I crossed the hall went right for the handle but this time, the door was locked. Hummmm. Maybe this one is stuck. I tried again pushing and pulling on the door to unstick it. Nope. Definitely locked. I looked at the door, disappointed that I wouldn’t get to see what color that room was.

I looked out the window, down onto the lawn. The sun was starting to set. All I could see was miles of trees. There was no driveway. Not even one made from cars driving in and out on the lawn. The yard was perfect. Neatly trimmed. Perfectly green. Maybe people come in from the back I decided and turned to go back down stairs.

The entrance to the kitchen was to the left as I came off the stair case. It was a vast space. White cabinets on every wall. Clear glass panels on all of the upper cabinets showed that they were empty.  The counter tops were black marble. There was a large island in the center. On the far side there was a breakfast nook with windows surrounding the kitchen table. They faced the back of the farmhouse. I quickly walked over to look out.

The back yard was large. It held several large trees. One had a wooden bench swing hanging from it.  Classic, just like a movie scene. There was a lake in the back with a gazebo near it. The one thing it didn’t have was a driveway or any resemblance to one. Thick forest was all I could see beyond the lake. I sank down into one of the dining chairs and put my head on the table. Trying, once again, to think.

How could this have happened. I noticed the sun was starting to set. I looked at my watch, which had stopped on two O’ clock am or pm, I didn’t know. How long had I been here.The sun was just over the tree tops and setting fast. The trees where casting long shadows. Like the darkness was reaching for the house. Chills ran up my spine and I stood up from the table feeling a little uneasy. The sky was turning brilliant shades of orange and pink. I really loved watching the sunsets from my front porch. Wishing I was sitting on the porch now I wrapped my arms around myself trying to wish it into reality.

The forests shadow touched the lake, making it look dark, deep and cold. It crept across it touching the edges of the yard. I walked over and flicked on the light switch, but it didn’t come on. Of course I tried it several times. Figures, now the creepy stuff starts, it was getting dark after all. “That’s ok, I’m not afraid of the dark or this strange house”, I said aloud.

“You should be” a voice whispered from somewhere near the kitchen table. I instantly froze and stopped breathing. My heart hammering in my chest, “Who are you, if you are trying to scare me it won’t work” My eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness , in the shadows near the door to the back entry I could see a figure. It must be the man I had seen before. “ You really should change these light bulbs”, I said trying to make my voice sound steady.

The last of the sunlight was fading and the shadows were washing over the house. As the dark slipped in I heard cracking noises. Something fell from the wall. As realization and horror washed over my face, the counter top where my hand was resting started to crackle. The paint peeled away and with a loud thud the door came un-hinged at the top and the bottom hit the floor. I jumped and ran from the room towards the piano. But as I reached the large room I came to a sudden halt.

The dim moonlight streamed in but it wasn’t beautiful or calming. It entered only in small openings on the windows, casting strange dark shadows. No, not dark, completely black shadows. The windows were covered with heavy vines. The curtains were torn and the once beautiful wood floor was covered in dried leaves, dust and I didn’t want to know what else. What is happening. I turned to run up the stairs and he was standing there, right behind me. Frozen, I couldn’t even speak. I just stood there looking up at him, waiting to die. Again. I guess I am the girl in the scary movie after all. Bummer.

Instead of killing me, tall, dark and scary grabbed my arm and we ran for the windowless room on the far side of the piano. Well, he ran and basically dragged me along. Shoving me through the doorway he slammed the door closed and locked it. The room was pitch black and instinctively I crouched down on the floor, feeling around me with my hands. Heavy footsteps crossed the room. There was a click noise and a large fire roared to life in the fireplace.

I stood slowly to face him. “What do you want? Is this your house? How did I get here?”

“Jane, please sit down”, he motioned to one of the big leather couches, “ and I will try to answer your questions.” I just stared at him. How did he know my name. I don’t recall telling him, even in a dream. “Jane, please, I won’t hurt you”.

I walked cautiously to the sofa and sat. He crossed to the other sofa opposite me and sat directly across from me. For a moment nether of us said anything.  “My name is Devin and please believe me when I say I mean you no harm.”

Leaning forward a little a asked, “ How do you know my name? We have never met, well not officially.”

“I have been trying to contact you for a long time. When you came before I could not talk to you. You couldn’t hear me. I am stunned you can hear me now.”

I just stared at him. “Jane, you can hear me, right?” He said looking a little worried.

“Y-Yes, yes I can hear you. I’m sorry I’m just shocked by all this. I don’t know how I got here. The last thing I remember is standing by my car with groceries.” Pausing to think I sat up straight trying to be ready for the answer and asked, “ Am I dead?”

“Well” He ran his large hand through his dark hair, rubbed his chin, which was shadowed with stubble, “ I’m not sure but I don’t think so.”

“ Your not sure? What are your sure of! What am I doing here? How did I get here? And what thE HELL JUST HAPPENED OUT THERE!” I was standing now. My wits unraveling and I was yelling. “I’m out of here!” I headed for the locked door.

Devin was in front of me in three brisk steps. “You can’t go out there.” He didn’t raise his voice. Still calm, cool and scary. And tall. Devin was very tall. 6,5” maybe. He towered over me making it abundantly clear he would not be  let me go through that door.

I took a step back. “ I want, I need to leave. What do you want. Tell me so I can go.” I took another step back.

“Like I said before, I am not keeping you here. I don’t know how you got here and I don’t know how to get you home.”

“Do you know anything? I thought you said you would answer my questions!” I fisted my hands at my sides, stood as tall as I could with out actually standing on tiptoes and stood my ground.  I didn’t know who this man was but I would not be letting him push me around. The way I see it, I’m in a pretty bad situation all ready and looking stronger than I felt couldn’t make it any worse.

“Jane, please sit and I will fill you in on what I do know.” They both crossed the room. Devin took the opposite direction as to not spook her again. “ It’s true, I don’t have much information to share. What I do know is that I have been the only one here in over three years until you showed up the first time about a month ago.”

“Three years? How did you get here? Do you know where her is? Are you dead too?” I rattled off before he could continue.

Devin’s jaw tightened and he took a deep breath and let it out before he continued. “I was working at a constuction site on the beach before I showed up here. All I remember is one of the cranes lifting trusses started to tip over in the soft sand. I ducked and next thing I knew I was here. I kind of figured the crane hit me and I died. No one was here when I woke up on the front lawn. You are the first person I have seen since.”

“Dead?” I rubbed my eyes and tried to focus. “So, you do think we are dead?” Pointing from me to him and back again.

“Well,” He blow out a long exasperated breath and stood, “ I did, until my message went through to you.”  He walked  over and started stoking the fire.

“ Devin, What message?” I stood too.

“Well, it wasn’t much of a message, all I wrote was help me. I fill the screen with it and just kept sending it over and over. I wasn’t even sure I was using you phone right. Im not much of a texter and it has been a while.” He said turning to look at her with a hint of a crooked grin on his face.

My legs were feeling a little shaky so I sat back down on the couch. Running through the events of the morning when I received the crazy emails. “ But…….. all I got were numbers. No message was there.” Confusion was written all over my face.

“Like I said, I’m not much of a texter” He bent back down and put another log on the fire.

Devin came back and sat down, this time next to me but not too close. I ran my hands through my hair trying to let all of this sink in. My stomach growled, real loud Like when you are in church praying and its nice and quite. That always happened to me when I was a kid and my grandma took me to church. My face turned beet red as I looked up at him. “ I have been here all day and you don’t keep anything in the cabinet. Don’t you eat?”

“ I do.” Devin studied my face. Trying to see if I was ready for more info.

“And  so where is your food,” I continued probing for the answer he obviously was reluctant to give up.

He was quite for a long moment. Seemingly putting his thoughts together. “Jane. I don’t stay here during the day. I can only travel in the shadows and darkness of the night.” He looked at me uncertainly.

“I don’t understand. I was here all day, In the sun. The house was beautiful then. What happened at night and where did you come from?”

“Again, I don’t know the answers to why its like that. When I woke on the lawn it was dark. The house looked abandoned and withered. I looked around and found nothing. As the sun came up my skin started to feel like it was on fire. My eyes seems nearly blinded. So, I kept moving in the shadows where it didn’t hurt so bad. I ran around the lake to the forest and found a cabin there. It was empty except for some furniture. But it looked like it was brand new. It’s huge beautiful place. I stay there during the day. Its under constant cover of the forest.”

“And what do you do for food. Kill forest animals, eat berries?”

“Its funny. The next morning, the cabin began to whiter with the rising moon and so I came back to this house. When I returned to the cabin the next morning, it was again re-newed and this time there was a kitchen full of food. And it always been that way. Destitution at night and fresh and re-newed during the day.”

I stood, walked to the back of the room and started pacing behind the couch. “This is crazy! Are you playing a trick on me? Did Sara put you up to this. I mean, Really!” My chest heaving, not getting enough air. This just can’t be happening.

Devin walked towards me. A look of desperation in his eyes. “Jane, listen to me. This is very important. The sun will be rising soon and there are a few things you must know. “

He was standing very close to me. I had to look up to look him straight in the eye. He seemed to be careful not to touch me. I decided that was a good thing. I could feel the heat coming off of him. I rubbed my arms and tried to steady my nerves for yet another hit of information. “ok” I took a deep breath and let it out slow, “Let hear it.”

“ I believe in the morning you will have food. Im not sure why, I just think it will happen the same for you as it did for me. I’ll be back tomorrow night but don’t wait for me. When it starts to get dark come into this room. You will be safe in here. I have to go. I’ll explain more tomorrow. I’m sorry I don’t have more time.”

I just stood there watching him as he strode towards the door. He took one last look at me before he left. The he was gone. And I was Alone. Suddenly I was feeling so tired I could hardly keep my eyes open. So I went over the couch and sunk in. As I drifted off to sleep I thought, I bet this is a dream, when I wake up I’ll be at home just like all the other times.

Chapter 3

I woke up slowly. Stretching and rubbing my eyes. The faint smell of smoke hung in the air. Smoke! My lids flew open and I sat up in a rush. O’ No! Im still here. Man! There was just enough embers in the fire to provide enough light so I could see where everthing was and find my way to the door with out running into furniture. When I reached I noted that there was a thin line of light showing under the door signaling that it was day. Unlocking the door and slowing opening it to look out, I was surprised to see the house was back in order. Shiny and new again. I walked across the piano hall running my hand over the piano lid as I went by. Not even a speck of dust. I headed for the kitchen. Praying the whole way there would be food in the cabinets like Devin said there was for him.

I stopped at the stairs looking up at the colors sparkling on the ceiling and walls from the stained glass. “ Hello” I called. I really didn’t think anyone would answer but I still feel like I am in someone elses house and for good measure I called out again just to make sure I was alone.

The kitchen was in perfect order. And to my relief I could see cereal boxes showing through the opaque glass on the one of the cabinet doors. I opened the cabinet a took out a box of frosted flakes, opened it and tasted a flake to see if it was real, and edible. “ O’ thank goodness. I’m starving.”

I took out a bowl and poured some cereal in. I opened the fridge door to find OJ, Milk and a six pack. Some eggs, half-n-half, bread, lunch meat and a jar of mayo. “O’Joy, if there id half-n-half there must be coffee.” I grabbed the milk, poured a little in my bowl, returned it to the fridge and went searching for coffee. I found it in a canister near the coffee pot. Nicely marked coffee. Filters were neatly tucked in the cabinet over the coffee maker. Right where I would have put them. So I started a pot of Joe and sat at he kitchen table to eat my cereal. After finishing my cereal. I located a coffee cup, pour me a cup and settled in at the kitchen table staring out at the forest. It was dark and I had a strange feeling Devin was watching me from the shadows. Instead of feeling uneasy, I accually felt better knowing he was there. Or maybe pretending he was there, cause Im not 100% positive. Maybe after another cup of coffee, Ill try and venture around the lake.

After finishing my coffee and washing the dishes and putting them away. I went up stair to see if there was hot water in the shower. There was and so I took a quick shower. I folded the towel I used and put in on the edge of the sink and put my dirty clothes back on. Wish I would have had a chance to pack a bag when I died. I tied my hair back up in a pony tail and went back down stairs. It was 5pm. I wish I wouldn’t have slept so late. I only have a few hours until dark.

Walking out into the back yard, I started my way around the lake. I managed to get all the way around without any trouble. When I reached the other side I started for the forest. When I reached the Shadows that streached out from the tall looming trees I stopped. “What if I burn when I walk into the shadow of the trees.” I said to myself as I reached out to touch the darkness. I put my hand through, then my whole arm. I was alright. I relaxed and took a step forward. Suddenly, starting at my fingers, I started to turn blue, like ice. My fingers felt frozed and it was crawling up my arm. My toes started to freeze and I fell back into the light of the sun. The warmth instantly warmed me and thawed my limbs.

I glanced up and saw Devin standing in the shadows at the edge of the trees. He was yelling. I stood up and waved my hand and yelled his name. I couldn’t hear him, and I guessed he couldn’t hear me.

I sat in the grass for a while. Devin stood in the trees. We just stared at each other. When I noticed the sun starting to decend, I decided to head back, Make a sandwich and wait for Devin to arrive. He needed to answer more of my questions. I made my sandwich, Turkey on rye, and watched the sun dip into the trees. Watched the Shadow creep across the lake and up towards the house. As the it reached the house I started across the piano room . I entered the den and made a fire. Then I stood at the door waiting for Devin and watching as the house once again peeled and crumbled around me.

The vines slithered down the windows in the piano room. The curtains over the windows seemed to melt and decinigrate before my eyes. The wood floor rippled like water as took its warped shape. I watched in horror as it all changed from good to bad. Devin  took long strides across the large hall and  pulled me through the  door and locked it just as the shadow finished filling the room.

© Copyright 2009 EcoGirl (ecogirl at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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