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Rated: 18+ · Fiction · Supernatural · #1524180
Its about 3 vampires & their life & struggles with their new found powers Opinions wanted

This is a rough draft hasn't been edited yet. Please help me with editing. And your opinions are appreciated. Thanks

An Ancient Vampire Curse

Conceived & Condemned To Darkness

By: Terry LaPriese JuWell Rollins

Chapter 1

How I became what I am

Hello, my name is JuWell Dubois. It's French. I'm going to tell you how my dark curse began. It all started in the year of 1707. I was a young, black male living in the slavery days, 33 years old, working in the slave master's home in Louisiana. My master at that time was basically a good master. He and his wife treated me and my family and the rest of the slaves pretty fairly. He never did anything bad to us at all. Today was a different day.

My master (by the way, his name was David Dubois) My old master, David Dubois, was a man no older than I was. He was 37 years old. He had black hair with blue eyes. I guess you can say that he was handsome. He was around 6’3, 225 pounds and in pretty good shape. On this particular night he was having a party with some people that I had never seen before. For some reason, I didn't like one of his friends and the people that were with him. I just had a bad feeling about him. Let's just call it intuition.

I was asked to serve tea for his company. There were five separate groups of friends there at this time. One of the groups was a fair lady and her husband. “Would you like some tea?” I asked them. “Yes, thank you very much”.

So I did this for all of the groups. There was one group that was different from everyone else. There were three of them: two males and one very, very beautiful lady. She was around 5’6, with long blonde hair down her back. She had the most beautiful transparent, sky blue eyes that I have ever seen. They were strange and piercing. Her face looked so smooth like a porcelain doll. She had no flaws at all, like glass. It was like God himself took his personal time with his creation, and made her perfect. Her body was also perfect. She had nice voluptuous breast. Her hips, waist, and ass fit her body perfectly. She had a beautiful button nose and gorgeous lips. She almost looked like an Angel. She was so beautiful. She had all the men fascinated, almost hypnotized. Her companions were very tall and handsome as well, with long black hair. “Would you like some tea?” I asked.

They spoke to me without moving their lips. Sure, thank you very much.

I could hear what they were saying, but I was hearing other words at the same time, as though they were in my head. I kept hearing, you are a very handsome black servant and I would love to… It seemed like it was coming from the young lady. Then I thought I heard something like, that's enough Angelique, in a man's voice, but no one was talking.

I just brushed it off, thinking to myself, come on, you’re foolish. A beautiful woman like that would never think you are handsome. Even though growing up in the slave quarters, everyone always called me handsome or “pretty boy”. But that was coming from black folks, not from a white lady. In those days, it was forbidden for black men to even look at white women in a bad or lustful way. That was a real quick way to get into a lot of trouble. So I know this beautiful white lady wasn't staring at me. Was it just my imagination that I heard her say that I was handsome, and that she would love to do what? I laughed to myself, and just brushed it off. I just thought it was me thinking that since I did find her attractive, I was putting those thoughts in my own head. I have never been prejudiced, though.

My mother Dlayne Dubois was the closest thing to a school teacher that you could have in those days. She had a light yellow complexion. She was very beautiful with long beautiful black silky straight hair down her back to her butt, and beautiful grayish eyes, very beautiful legs, arms and she was very nicely shaped in her 5’5 frame. I can see why my dad loves her she is beautiful and perfect.

She always said that our family had some Indian heritage from my grandmother that had passed and already moved on to heaven. My mother worked in the house with me. She helped with the master’s two beautiful children. There was one boy and one girl. The boy's name was David Jr. and the girl’s name was Mary. David let all the slaves have books and let us educate ourselves in our free time. So I was a very educated, young black man. My favorite book to read was the Bible. It had a lot of stories that I could relate to and that gave me strength when I needed it. My mother always preached the Bible to me and read it to me when I was younger. She still does at times, especially when I do something wrong or get into trouble.

My father, Vachon Dubois, was a hard worker around the house and in the fields. He could fix almost anything that was broken and could bring almost any dead plant back to life. He was not too tall, around 5'9. He was also very handsome with light, caramel colored skin. He had a nice grade of black, curly hair. This originated from his French heritage on his father's side, which made him Creole. He was also very strong and muscular. He had very big, thick hands. And also pretty big feet for a man of his height, with very beautiful, hazel eyes. Everyone always says “Boy, you're a split image of your momma and daddy. I guess I also have the same chiseled six pack stomach and muscular chest, arms, legs, same big hands and feet, and the same caramel skin complexion, and the same black curly hair as my father. But I’m just a little taller than he is. I have the same beautiful eyes of both of my parents. My eyes changed colors. They could be hazel like my fathers one minute, and would change to my mothers grayish color the next. It all depends on my mood and the weather outside. I have a straight, petite nose that fit my face perfectly. I also have soft lips that are just the right size for my face. I got both of those characteristics from my mother. My good hair was a mixture of both my mother and father. I guess that would make me 1/3 Indian, 1/3 French, and 1/3 Black. Hahahaha just a little humor. That's enough about how I look; let me get back to that dreadful night. So I left the strange, but beautiful group, and I started walking to the crowd that had the bad men. “Would you like some tea?”

“No, I don't want any tea from no nigger,” then he pushed me, and I dropped the tea pitcher, the cups and the whole tray.

The friends he was with started laughing, and saying, “You showed that nigger didn't you”. When I had picked up the mess and was trying to stand back up, he kicked me right back down to the floor and said, “That is where you are supposed to be boy.”

I was already mad, and I couldn't show it. But something just jumped into me and I was going to try to kick his ass. So I tried to get up again, and this time I did it with a little force and passion. However, right when he was going to try to kick me again, one of the men that had been with the beautiful lady came from nowhere. He got between the man and me and said, “I don't think you want to do that again, kind sir.”

Then the bad man said, “I can do what I want to do to this boy, nigger lover.”

The man said it again, with a little force. I was looking up at the man's face when he was speaking to the bad man. It seemed that his eyes changed colors to a dark red for just a millisecond, as he pushed the man into his friends. They were all shocked, and the people at the party were all laughing at them.

The bad man and his friends got mad and said, “This shit isn't over.” He and his friends stormed out the room bumping into two other servants and almost knocking them down. They told the servants, “Get out of my way nigger boys and learn your place.” Then they left the house.

I thought to myself, did his eyes really change or was it just my imagination? He asked me if I need a hand getting up. I looked at his eyes again and they were such a beautiful sky blue color, almost piercing. I thought to myself, I'm really tripping today. “Yes, thank you.” I said. So he helped me up. The young, beautiful lady asked me if I was okay and I said, “Yes, thank you.” I picked the stuff up off the floor and walked out of the room.

I had two cousins that worked in the house with me. They were the two servants who got pushed. They asked me if I was alright. I said yes I was. Both of my cousins were handsome young men. They were of a light fair complexion, with smooth black curly hair like me, we basically kind of looked like each other, we all favored each other people used to think we were triplet brothers, but really the only big difference was is that they were taller than me. That was one trait that I didn't get from our side of the family, but I'm ok with it. Their names were JaNaul Dubois and JayDen Dubois. JaNaul was 6’0, he was always crazy, always fighting and getting into trouble. He was always labeled as the daredevil. He was always a bad influence on me. We use to always get into trouble together when he would fight. I would be right there with him fighting also. We were like best friends. Then my other cousin, JayDen he was 6’2, he was the level headed person of the bunch. When JaNaul and I would have the urge to do something crazy or wrong, like wanting to pick a fight with someone, or just do something that we knew would get us into trouble, he would almost always tell us, “Come on guy's don't do that.” Sometimes he did crazy stuff also. Sometimes he wasn’t any better than us.

Then my mother and my wife, who worked in the house also, asked me if I was okay. I told them both yes I was okay, just mad that I couldn't do anything to those men like I wanted to. My wife said, “You know you couldn't have, they probably would have killed you”.

I said, “Yes you’re probably right. That is why I'm glad that man stepped in between us.” Let me tell you a little about my wife, Saunia Dubois. She is a very, very beautiful young lady with light skin. She has beautiful black, silky hair down her back with the most beautiful light grayish, greenish, hazel eyes that you have ever seen. They change colors with the weather or her mood like my eyes. She was 5’5, and perfectly shaped, she is gorgeous. She helped my mother with the children. My wife and my mother said they were about to leave and go home and my father was downstairs waiting on them as usual.

My wife asked if I was going with them like I usually do. I said, “No, I have to wait until the party is over so we can clean up.”

She said, “Okay, hurry up. The children will be at home. I will feed them and put them in the bed and I will be waiting for you.” Then she winked at me. I grinned and told her we would run home.

The party ended around midnight, so my two cousins and I started cleaning up the room. We finished around 12:45a.m, got our stuff, went outside, and started walking home at a fast pace. I told them, “Saunia is waiting on me and I can't let her down!” Then my cousins started laughing.

It takes about ten minutes to walk to my house. As we were walking, it seemed like something watching me in the dark. I asked my cousins, “Do ya'll feel that?”

They said, “Yeah, I do feel something. It feels like someone is watching us.” We looked around a little but didn't see anything. So we decided to jog to the house.

While we were jogging, we saw something in the moonlight high above. It passed us like some type of fast, big black bird. It seemed to be there one minute and when we looked up in the sky towards the moon again, it was gone. We all looked at each other and took off running as fast as we could. We all could run pretty fast but I was the fastest of the bunch. Height has nothing to do with speed or power.

All of our families lived close to each other, my aunts, uncles, and my cousin’s families. Something was different tonight. It felt real gloomy, sad, and lifeless. I said to my cousins, “Okay, I’ll see ya'll tomorrow”.

They said, “Okay.”

I went into my house. It was pitch black and there were no candles burning at all. So I walked around in the dark trying to look for a lantern to light, and I called Saunia's name. There was no answer. I started calling her name a little louder, but not too loudly. I didn’t want to wake the kids. There was still no answer. I finally found a lantern, lit it, and walked towards my room. I walked into my room and said to Saunia, “Honey I'm home. I assumed you were going to wait for me.”

So I took all my clothes off and got into the bed with her and I felt something wet. I got the lantern, and all I saw was a whole lot of blood in the bed. I shook Saunia, and said “Wake up, wake up, what is this blood?” There was no answer.

I pulled her towards me because she was facing the wall. When I turned her over, she was dead. She didn’t have any clothes on. Her throat was cut. The only thing I could see were those beautiful hazel, green eyes that used to have so much life in them, gone lifeless. I started screaming and crying.

Then I ran to my kids’ bedrooms with the lantern. I checked on them and they were dead also. They were in their bed with the same fate as my wife, except, they still had their pajamas on. I started screaming and crying even more. I grabbed the lantern and ran out of the house screaming.

My cousins were screaming and crying too. I realized that what happened to my family had happened to their families as well. So we went to check on our parents. Their fate was the same. They all had been murdered. We came out of the house thinking to ourselves, who could have done this to our families?

No sooner had we thought that when a whole bunch of white men came from the woods and said, “Yeah niggers, you remember me? No one makes a fool of me and my gang and lives to talk about it.”

My cousins and I saw them and took off running. Little did we know, they had guns. They pulled them out and started shooting at us. I got shot in the leg, arm, and in the back. My two cousins went down at the same time as I did, not too far away from me. I could see them crying and screaming in pain just like me. The evil men came and grabbed them and grabbed me, and pulled us close to each other. He said, “Who's laughing now? Ya’ll ain’t nothing but some stupid, dead niggers that no one is ever going to miss.” Then they all started laughing and they started stomping, kicking, spitting, and beating us.

“I'm going to kill your nigger friends in front of you!” he said. I watched him shoot JaNaul in the chest and close his eyes. He shot JayDen in the chest and he closed his eyes.

I yelled out loud, “Nooooooooooooo!!!”

Then he said, “Now your turn nigger.” He shot me in the chest.

That was the last thing I remembered, until I felt someone pick me up. I don't know how long I was out, but it felt like I was floating or something. I thought I was dead and gone to heaven, but the only thing I kept hearing in my head was, do you want to live or die? Do you want to get revenge on the evil humans who did this to you, and your family?

And the only thing I kept saying in my head was, yes, yes, I want revenge for their deaths!

I could barely move; I felt so cold inside. I had lost a lot of blood. I felt like I was dying. I opened my eyes for a few moments and looked down and saw the top of the high trees. It felt like I was flying. Before I closed my eyes, I looked up, and it seemed like I saw the beautiful young lady that was at the party in the moonlight carrying me in her arms. Were we really flying or am I dreaming or dead. Then I heard something inside my head say, I have you now. You are safe from harm, rest now. That was the last thing I remembered.

I woke up the following night in a big beautiful bed, in a big bedroom that looked like something from the Roman era. I was patched up and I felt a little better. Then I screamed out at the top of my voice, “Nooooooooooooooo!!!” I started to cry because I remembered what had happened to my family.

No sooner had I screamed than the doors opened, and the beautiful lady from the party walked in and said, “You are okay. You are safe from harm.”

I wiped my face and eyes. I said, “What is this? Where am I? Who are you?”

She spoke in a beautiful angelic voice, “You are where you are, and I am what I am. You could have the same, if you choose to”.

I said, “What are you talking about?”

She said, “It’s better to show you. You still don’t have that much time to live. What I did for you only lasts for one night.”

“What did you do to me?” I asked.

She answered. “I helped take your bullets out, and I gave you a drop of my blood to survive until tonight, so you can make a decision about your life. I’m going to show you something. I’m going to show you what I am and what I have become, and what I have been for thousands of years. I have seen a lot and I have done a lot. You can do the same.”

She closed her beautiful light blue eyes, then it seemed like she started floating towards me, like she was walking on air. She opened her eyes and opened her mouth. Her eyes weren’t blue any longer; they were a deep, dark red. Her upper teeth had changed, two of the teeth were long, and very pointed. They scared the hell out of me. However, she was still beautiful. But I was afraid.

She said to me without speaking and without moving her lips, don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. I am showing you what I have become and what I am.

I was too afraid to speak. I thought to myself, what in the hell are you?

She spoke back to me telepathically. I am what I am. I am something that has been around for millenniums. Creatures like me have many names, but the name that has been used most often is vampire. So that is what I am. I am a vampire.

She was telling me this and I couldn’t believe it. I had snuck and read books when I was a child about some type of creatures who drank blood to live. They had supernatural abilities and powers, and could only come out at night. I thought it was fiction that someone made up, with some type of crazy creatures from their imagination. I have learned that a lot of things people have written about in the last 300 years that I have been what I am, are sometimes true, or that the idea had to come from somewhere.

Back to the story at hand, I said, “What’s a vampire?”

She responded. “We are a special type of creature that was cursed millenniums ago. I was the first one, so I guess you can call me the mother of us all.”

“How did you become?” I asked.

“It’s a long story. You will learn in due time, if you decide to become what I am.”

Then I started coughing, feeling faint, aching, and dizzy. Blood started coming out of my nose and mouth.

She said, “What I have done to you to keep you alive is wearing off. You will have to make a decision soon. Would you like to live forever with powers beyond your wildest dreams? Do you still want to get revenge for your family’s death? Or you can choose to die, and the evil men, that is what you called them in your mind right, will live to do this again to some other family. The choice is yours and only yours.”

I thought about what they had done to my family, about the fact that I was dying, and that I would never get the opportunity to get revenge on the evil men. Then I said, “I have decided to go ahead and become what you are. What do I have to do?”

“Trust me” she explained. “You will have to die to live, and live to die. One of the hardest things that you will go through is when you’re dying. You might see a beautiful bright, white light calling you toward it. In order to come back to me, you will have to fight that temptation. It will be hard. I’m not going to lie to you. A lot of humans who take this transformation do not make it. Since you have been through something so traumatic in your life, and you want revenge so badly for your family’s death, it might be easier for you to resist the beautiful white light. I have seen it before and a lot of my creations from the past have seen it also. But not all of them see the beautiful light. Some of my creations have seen an evil darkness. Call it what you want, heaven or hell. It’s whatever you believe.”

I spoke frantically. “I’m ready. I will come back to you and avenge my family’s death.” No sooner had I said that than her face changed. Her eyes changed to that deadly full red color, and those frightening white teeth, that I now know as vampire fangs, the tools that all vampires need to survive. The clothes she had on vanished in a slow seductive way. Her movement and body were calling me. Her body was so perfectly shaped and curved in all the right places. She was one of the most completely beautiful creatures that I had ever seen. She came close to me. My clothes were gone. She pulled me close to her and I could read her thoughts.

You are going to see and feel what I have felt over the years. I will let you see what I want you to see. This will answer most of your questions. Also I will see and feel everything you have ever felt in your whole life, all of your dreams, memories, fears, and passions.

Her hands and body were cold at first. Not too cold, but I could tell the difference between my body temperature and hers. So she put me in her arms, and pulled my neck to the side, and she slowly bit me with her fangs.

The instant she bit me, I could see visions like a movie going through my head. It was so vivid; it was like I was there. I could see her life as a child all the way to adulthood. I could see exactly how she became what she was now. I could see how she learned and developed her powers and skills; how she killed and hunted her prey, and how she got revenge on the men that killed her family and tried to kill her. It was so overwhelming I started to weep.

Her skin started to warm to the same temperature as mine. It was as though we had the same heartbeat. I could feel her heart beat and she could feel mine. It was like beautiful poetry in motion. She stopped and said telepathically, that is all I need for right now. I could tell that she only took a little of my blood.

Then she was about to kiss me. I could see her eyes in the candlelight. They were blue and almost transparent. They were not as frightening as the red eyes, but still not human-like. They were more seductive. We kissed passionately. I rubbed her back as she rubbed mine. I pulled her beautiful blonde hair, as she moaned with pleasure. I kissed her neck, she moaned even more. I laid her down and got on top of her, very slowly. I started caressing her beautiful breasts, one and then the other. She moaned with pleasure. I started licking and sucking her breast very sensuously. She moaned my name, “Ooohhh JuWell!!!” She moaned for a while, and then I made my way down her stomach. I kissed her stomach softly and seductively, until I reached her beautifully shaved blossom. I slowly went between her thighs and I started kissing & licking her blossom. I started going very slowly, and then I sped up, and then slowed again. Now she was really moaning my name, “Oooohhhhh JuWell. Ohhhhhhh baby it feels so good.” She was rubbing my head and rubbing my back at the same time. We continued this mutual pleasure until she said to me, “I am about to cum baby, don't stop.”

I said in my head, I won't, until you explode with satisfaction. She did, and then I slowly stopped.

I grabbed the wet cloth that was on the right edge of the bed, and quickly wiped my face. Without even missing a beat, I kissed her on her neck, and then we kissed very passionately again. She flipped me over like I was light as a feather. She kissed me, and then she worked her way down to my neck. I was moaning her name, “Ooohhhhh Angelique, you feel so good.”

She admired my muscular physique. She went down to my chest, and started kissing my chest. I was moaning with pleasure. Then she slowly went down to my stomach. She got between my legs, grabbed my manhood, and thrust me inside her mouth. I was moaning with so much pleasure, I couldn’t stand it. I was constantly calling her name, and moaning at the same time. She continued this for a while and then she stopped, very slowly. She got on top of me and grabbed my manhood and put it deep inside of her. She thrust up and down, very sexy, and passionately. I was moaning. She was moaning. We were calling each other’s name in pleasure, back and forth. The pleasure continued and she slowly stopped. She said with her mind, not yet baby, not yet.

Then I flipped her over, while my manhood was still inside of her. I started to thrust inside her passionately and slowly, like we were making beautiful music together. We continued this slow torture until we both said at the same time that we were about to cum. We came together. It was one of the best feelings that I have ever felt in my life. Then we fell asleep together in each other’s arms.

We slept for a while. I woke up and heard her say inside my head, it is time.

She grabbed me forcefully, yet passionately. She pulled my neck to the side, and sank her fangs into the same spot as before. I gasped for breath. There were images flying through my head. All the things I will have to do to survive. It was terrifying, all the pain and suffering I was feeling and seeing. I had some of my strength, but it just seemed like the more she sucked the blood out of me the weaker I became. That seductive heartbeat that I felt and heard earlier had the same beautiful rhythm. I was feeling and hearing it again. I didn't want it to stop. It was as if we were making love all over again, but it felt even better. Then I went limp, I could not move. It felt like I was dying. Everything around me was getting darker and darker, like I was slipping away. It felt like my soul was being pulled out of my body.

Then I heard her voice in my head, I will ask you again. Do you want to live or die?”

I said, “I want to live.”

She said, “Ok, come back to me my darling.”

She cut her wrist with her fingernail. Her fingernails were normal at first, and then they changed into something like razor sharp knives. She used her index finger, to cut her wrist, and she said, “Drink from my wrist. My blood is the power that is the only thing that will save you. You almost have no blood left in your body drink as much and as fast as you can. I want you to be the most powerful creation that I have ever made.”

So she turned her wrist toward my mouth, and while her blood was rushing inside my mouth, I could feel her power. I could feel her strength. It was almost instantly that I started collecting my strength back. I grabbed her wrist, and began sucking the blood like I have never sucked anything before. I sucked and sucked until I couldn't suck any longer. I felt powerful. I felt like I could do anything I wanted. Then everything changed. Everything started getting dark around me. I started feeling that pulling sensation again like I was dying, like my soul was being ripped out of my body. It was like a supersonic noise in my ear. I was dead. I saw myself floating outside of my body, and I saw her holding me in her arms. She was saying that it was just my body dying. While I was floating outside of my body, my soul floated out of the castle in the mist of the night. I saw the most beautiful, brightest light I have ever seen in my lifetime. I can't even explain it. It was so beautiful; it felt so peaceful; and the light was calling me. Saying “Come home, come home.” It was like a beautiful song. “Your time on earth has finished, and everyone you love is here waiting on you. The only thing you have to do is believe, and it will be done.”

I felt myself going toward the light and then I felt and heard someone say, “Come back to me, my darling. Come back to me. You have to get your revenge on the men who killed your whole family. Don't forget what they did, they need to be punished for the acts they have done to you.”

I felt at peace initially, and then I started thinking what the evil men had done, and that made me mad. My anger grew to the point that I couldn't take it. The next thing I knew I started going away from the light. I said to myself, I must get revenge so this won't happen to any other families. I started floating farther away from the light. Then my soul was slammed back into my body, but this time it felt differently. It felt like I wasn't alone in my body. If you can understand this, it felt like something strange was with me inside of my body, some type of foreign presence that was powerful, fearful and overwhelming.

Chapter 2

Receiving My New Abilities

I opened my eyes and I could see things so much clearer. The night seemed as bright as a beautiful day. (It was as though the night was like day.) I could see Angelique holding me in her arms and saying, “My darling you came back to me.” Then she kissed me and I kissed her back. My body felt so different. My skin felt cool and looked pale, but I felt so powerful and strong.

I said without speaking, my eyes are hurting.

With a swipe of her hand, all the candles in the whole room went out. She said, “Your eyes will adjust to the light. You will learn how to control them.”

The room was like daytime to me. I said, “How is this possible?”

She said, “Your eyes have changed. Depending on your mood and what you are doing, your eyes will change to the situation at hand. You have been transformed now. You will be able to see things from long distance. You will be able to see and track prey in the night, no matter how big or small. You will be able to track prey just by their heartbeat and the heat from their body. You will have special abilities beyond your wildest dreams. You will be able to move any object with your mind. The older you get, the bigger the object you can move. You will be able to read any human's thoughts and any vampire's thoughts as long as they’re not blocking them. It takes years of practice to block their thoughts or for you to block your thoughts from creatures like us. You will be able to feel other creatures that are not like us, and vice versa. However, you can't read their thoughts, and they can't read yours. Hopefully, you will never have to cross their path. We are more powerful, faster, stronger and smarter than they, but in large numbers they are deadly.

You can get almost any human to do what you want them to do, except kill themselves. There’s something about humans that it's not possible for us to will them to do this. We can make them forget what we want them to forget. You will be able to go into anyone's dreams and make them dream what you want them to dream. You will be able to control animals with the will of your mind. You will be able to control the hair on your body, and you will be able to change your skin pigment for a matter of time. You will be able to run faster than any animal, human, or creature, in the blink of an eye. You will have the strength of 30 men, maybe more. Your love-making will be better than any human.

You will be able to hold your breath for a longer period of time; longer than any human or animal from the sea that also breathes air. The reason we can do this is because we drink the blood of living creatures. Their blood has oxygen cells in it. By us consuming their blood, it gives us the ability to hold our breath a lot longer. The chest will rise up and down like you are breathing air. It is just an automatic mechanism. That is not what keeps us alive, the blood is. It gives us the ability to swim longer, farther, deeper, and faster than any other creature in the world. Holding our breath under water does use the blood out of our bodies more quickly; however, when we take in air on land, it helps preserve the blood in our bodies longer. Don't get me wrong; even though you're not of the living and you’re not human any longer, your brain still needs oxygen to function, just not as much.

You will be able to sense other vampires. If you ever make any vampires of your own, you will always be able to know where they are and what they are doing. Only the oldest and most skilled vampires can block their presence.

You will be able to jump and leap higher than anything imaginable. Here is one of the greatest powers ever, you will be able to fly. So you won't be doing that much jumping, why would you want to? You can fly higher than any bird ever created. You will have speed faster than you can possibly imagine. The older and more powerful you get, the faster you will become.

Our skin is stronger than any human, but not invincible. There are certain things that will definitely kill our kind. Fire will kill any vampire in a matter of time; unless it’s put out by you or someone else. If it is put out, your body will heal itself. Cutting off the head, the body can't function without the brain. If one of us gets our head cut off, you have a short amount of time to reattach it. As long as there's still brain activity left, it can be reattached. Even though we use a higher percentage of our brain than humans do, if the brain dies, you die. We need our heart to pump the blood in our bodies. Without a heart, you’re dead. If a more powerful vampire over powers you and drains all of your blood to the brink of death, you will die. Your body can't function without blood. The last thing that can kill you is sunlight. If you're in the sun for too long, it will kill you, especially for someone as young as you. It takes millenniums for your skin to be strong and thick enough to reflect the suns rays from your blood.

There are only a couple of vampires who are old enough and strong enough to withstand the sun. They are myself and two other vampires that I created a long, long time ago for companionship. They became too power hungry, so I had to depart from them. They have blocked their presence from me, and I have done the same. I don't want to talk about what happened between us at this time. Even though they are almost the same age that I am, I have the advantage. There is one thing that I have not taught any other vampire, and that is how to control fire and set an object on fire. With that on my side, I am the most powerful creature on Earth. With this power no one will ever challenge me.”

It had been a couple of hours by now and I felt hungry and faint. She noticed and spoke, “I’m going to let you feed on me again. So listen to me and concentrate on what I am explaining. You need to feed at least once or twice a night. If you don't, you will go insane after 3 nights and you will attack anything and anybody with a pulse to survive.”

So I fed again, but this time it was different. My eyes were light brown hazel, and then they changed to a fluorescent light blue. My canine teeth started to become longer and I could hear her heart beat. So I brought her close to me and bit her on the neck. It was as though our bodies were as one. It was so pleasurable. Words can't describe the feeling we were sharing. We both were moaning with pleasure. She said to take as much as I needed. So I took, until I could take no more.

Just when I was about to stop, she pushed me off and said, “That's enough. You almost took too much blood. You almost killed us both. You have to stop. I forgot to tell you that when you drink of any creature’s blood, you can not take the very last drop of their blood. If you do, and their heart stops beating, you will die right along with them. This happens because you are feeling what they’re feeling, and you are seeing what they’re seeing. So if they die while you are feeding, you will die, right along with them.

She paused and then spoke to me in a stern voice. “I have never let anybody feed on me more than once. I have never let anybody take almost all of my blood, except you. That makes you one of the most powerful creatures that I have ever made.”

I asked her, “Why have you done this, why am I so special?”

Chapter 3

Angelique's story

She answered, “The reason I have done this is because you remind me of myself when I was turned into the creature that I am today.

I asked, “How so?”

“It all started when I was born in the year 752b.c. I was born in Rome to a poor family. I was different from other children. I had some type of condition that when I went into the sun, my skin started blistering and burning very badly, almost killing me. So I was never allowed outside in the day, and I was special in other ways also. I could do strange things while I was growing up. I was able to read people's thoughts a little. It was bits and pieces of what they were thinking. I was able to feel what any animal was feeling. I could tell the future by using tarot cards or other objects of this nature and talking to spirits. I used my gifts to help the kings, and others like them to rule over the land. It made my family and me very wealthy. There was one spirit that seemed to take a liking to me. I called him Evin. He stayed with me and helped me with my craft. He could tell me what someone was doing during the day. I could ask him to follow someone for me and report back everything they were doing. That came in very handy sometimes. I used to talk to other spirits. Most of these spirits were earth bound spirits. I used to be able to speak to people who were deceased and on the other side. They were somewhere else. But I was only able to contact those spirits when the person who wanted them was in front of me. So I did this for years. I talked to many spirits; however, Evin was the one spirit that never left me.

One day another spirit came from nowhere on my 25th birthday. She was rather mean-spirited. She always lied and told stories. So I could never trust her. Her name was Erie. I tried to get rid of Erie, but she stayed. One night I was doing what I usually do, and the King came to visit me in person.

I have finished the whole book, 27 chapters, I just need some honest opinions about the book, ideas, help me with grammar or any problems that you see. I promise the book gets even better. I have romance, revenge, Kung Fu, Killing Demons, and Monsters, Werewolves, Wars, I got it all.

Chapter 1

How I became what I am

Chapter 2

Receiving My New Abilities

Chapter 3

Angelique's story

Chapter 4

Beautiful Reunion, And Sweet Revenge

Chapter 5

Our Life With Our New Vampire Family, and JaNaul’s Mean Streak

Chapter 6

We Fought For Freedom

Chapter 7

Home Sweet Home

Chapter 8

Hunting In Africa and Visiting

Different Countries With Angelique

Chapter 9

JaNaul’s Temper Catches Up With Us

And We Lose our Family

Chapter 10

I Leave The Family, and Go To

The Shaolin Temple To Learn Kung Fu

Chapter 11

I Meet Sky Song

Chapter 12

I’m A Master Of All Kung Fu,

But Lose Master Lee and Sky

Chapter 13

I Fight Something Very Evil

Chapter 14

All Pirates Are Not Evil

Chapter 15

I'm Filthy Rich, and I Become One Of The First Black Airplane Fighters

Chapter 16

We Graduate, We Dog Fight, and Were At War

Chapter 17

Becoming One Of The First Black Fighter Pilots In The United States And The Tuskegee Airmen

Chapter 18

The War Is Finally Over, and I'm a Wonderer Of The World Again

Chapter 19

My Educating, My Psychic Friends And My New Powers

Chapter 20

How I Met The King

Chapter 21

Partying Through The 70's 80's And 90's

Chapter 22

The End Of The World And My Long Awaited

Family Reunion

Chapter 23

Losing An Friend, and Gaining A Brother

Chapter 24

I Meet My Third True Love Alexandria

Chapter 25

Flying From Hong Kong Faster Than The Speed Of Light And The Super Natural War Begins

Chapter 26

I The Super Hero Dies

Chapter 27

I Hear From God and The Rest Of The Story is

Reviled and Some Questions Are Answered

The End.

© Copyright 2009 VampireJuWell (juwell7770 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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