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Rated: E · Short Story · Family · #1523529
When a beloved girl gets cancer see how her town responds.
Bella May Clark is the name of a girl in a small town in Idaho.  This small town had 4,500 people and among those 4,500 people, 4,000 of them knew and loved Bella.  You see Bella was a smart, beautiful, athletic, young lady who loved life and lived it to the fullest.  Among being her high school’s soccer star and Vice President she was a peace maker between students.  Many of the teachers at the school say school would be a completely different place if she did not go there.  Also her sister Crystal is a freshman there and is starting to leave her own mark on the school.  Besides Crystal and Bella being sisters they were team-mates and best friends.
         The day the grave news came was on the first soccer game of the season.  Bella was only a junior, but she still was obviously better than every girl on the soccer field.  She was very nervous because the team they were playing was their arch rivals and she was supposed to lead the team to victory.  This morning, for a reason she would soon find out about, she did not feel good.  She went to school anyways because of the game of course.  Then the school day was over and the team had to take a bus to the other school, so Bella thought she would just sleep to help her feel better.
         When she woke up they were at the school and she started stretching with the team.  Soon the game started with her playing forward.  Bella started off strong scoring a goal in the first three minutes to have her team take the lead.  By the third quarter she had scored 4 goals and was feeling sicker by the minute.  In the fourth quarter there was a hand ball by the other team so she got a chance to shoot against the goalie alone.  As she set up for the kick the sky started to spin and she collapsed.
         Quickly the ambulance came and took her away.  Crystal answered the home phone to find out her sister was in the emergency room.  As fast as possible the Clark family got to the emergency room and found Bella.  The doctor came and assured the Clarks she was stable but needed to get tests run to find out what made her sick.  After a wait that seemed like eternity the doctor came out and asked the family to come into Bella’s room.  It was there the horrible news was given, Bella had leukemia.
         The next morning she went to school but she still did not feel very good.  Also everyone knew about her fainting and asked her what was wrong.  Not wanting to talk about being sick she just said she did not eat much that day.  The entire day was a long interview for Bella so instead of going to practice she went home to vent to Crystal.
         Crystal is one of those people who can listen for a long time and give great advice.  The routine was known between the two and done often.  Whichever sister having a problem would have the other come into her room and spill out her guts.  While the venting was going on the other comforts and that is how they grieved.  The only person she told the truth to was her best friend Leo.  They had been best friends since third grade and told each other everything.
         When she told him they sat and cried a little but decided they would work through it.  He was very supportive and told her he would take her to all of her doctor’s appointment.  Although it was hard for him to think about his best friend not being alive, he tried to stay strong for her sake.  After talking it over he promised not to tell anyone about Bella being sick.
         After a long month of radiation she was almost bald and very weak.  She tried to stay as normal as possible but she got many weird looks from her school-mates.  Also there were a lot of people asking her if she was going to die, of course in the nicest way possible, but it was still very hard for her to answer by saying I do not know.  Every day was a battle for her to go to school.  Eventually though, people got used to the news and life went on.
         By the third month the doctors knew of a surgery that would get rid of the cancer.  Although it was dangerous, the family knew it was their only option for a cure.  Bella two weeks later had the operation and everything was going good.  The doctors told the family she will be out in a week if she does not get sick from anything else.  Then suddenly she got sick from ammonia and died that night.
          The family got to the hospital just before she died to say goodbye.  The death was very hard on the parents but Crystal and Leo took it the hardest.  Finally Crystal decided to go to school after being in denial and not going to school for a week.  Her classmates did not know how to act around her.  Some started crying when they saw her and some acted like nothing happened.  For Crystal and Leo the thought of going through this for the rest of the year was horrible.  Together they went to the counselor’s office to talk through their feelings.  The more Crystal and Leo talked about it the more they realized how Bella lived her life to try to help anyone and everyone. 
         Meanwhile the leadership class that Bella used to be in decided to have a school wide memorial service in her honor.  The service was to take place on Friday during last period.  All the teachers agreed to help out and sent out invitations to the Clark family.  When Bella found out about the service she just started to weep because of how much the caring act meant to her.  When Friday came the entire school was silent and wearing dark colors just like a real funeral.
         The day went pleasantly smooth for Crystal and when last period came around she was perfectly calm.  She had practiced her speech the entire week and was as ready as she would ever be.  The school quietly filed into the gym and sat as quickly as possible.  She took the microphone and gave her speech which brought almost everyone in the gym to tears.  Next, everyone who was affected by Bella spoke and told stories of her at her finest.  By now everyone was weeping and no one in the crowd wanted it to end.  This continued for the rest of the day and by the time the school was empty everyone had their final cry and decided Bella would never want them to stop enjoying life because of her.
         The weekend was hard on everyone in town.  The real funeral that Sunday was amazing and almost everyone in the town came.  The group listened to her favorite music and read some of her favorite poetry in honor of Bella.  Life went on for everyone in the little town in Idaho but everyone will always remember Bella Clark.

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