Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1523396-Gabrielle
Rated: 18+ · Short Story · Adult · #1523396
Erotic encounter between two lovers.
(c) 2007

It was a relatively boring Monday morning on Interstate 94 for Trooper First Class Jesse Binet of the Michigan State Police. Sunday nights weren’t exactly a party night for Detroit so here he was at 3:30am catching up on reports for the weekend on his unit’s laptop and monitoring the light traffic. There were hundreds of miles of highways he and his team are assigned to patrol in and around the Detroit area. Boredom was nothing new to him as a Highway Patrol Officer though. It seemed like all he ever did was write traffic tickets and investigate vehicle crashes. As much as he despises the boredom at times, he definitely doesn’t miss the problems that are associated with working in the cities. It was definitely a pleasant change.

Jesse started his Law Enforcement career nearly 15 years ago working the mean streets of the Chicago ghettos. After he completed his mandatory 2 years and he became eligible as a candidate for the State Police, he didn’t waste any time applying everywhere he could. In the course of his two year tenure as a Chicago Police Officer, Jesse was faced with the decision that no Officer ever looks forward to.

Most Officers work twenty or even twenty-five years without ever having to draw his or her duty weapon in their defense or in the defense of others. But there are certain situations that present themselves where officers aren’t given much choice other than shoot the perpetrator or be shot by the perpetrator. It’s never an easy decision to make. It definitely takes a special breed of person to take such an oath; thus taking on that kind of responsibility. Jesse was forced to make this decision on two occasions during his career. Both were in Chicago.

Regardless of the City, County, State, or Country; police officers world wide are charged with a great deal of responsibility to protect citizens from the criminal element.

Three months after Jesse finished his Field Training thus successfully completing his probationary status; he was forced to make the ultimate decision. Although reluctantly so, he instantaneously became a national statistic.

Shortly after being assigned to patrol the area of the ABLA Housing Development in Chicago, Jesse and his partner became very aware of the special problems associated with this particular Housing Community. This Community is the combination of four different housing areas. Of the four Developments, Jesse and his partner were assigned to the Grace Abbott Section. This particular sub-section of the ABLA Development was built over a ten square block area with no through streets. This was originally intended to provide plenty of open space for residents, but actually increased the potential for crime because police cars could not patrol this community as effectively as they could other areas of the City.

Late one night while walking their beat through the housing community, they heard several shots being fired from the front area of one of the 15 story high rise style apartment buildings. Because they were just around the corner, it didn’t take but a few seconds to find the source of the gunfire.

When he made the corner of the building, Jesse saw a black male laying on the ground and another standing over him with a handgun. After identifying himself as a Police Officer and giving several loud verbal directions for him to drop the gun, the teenager turned his weapon towards Jesse. It was then that Jesse was forced to use deadly force to protect himself. It was a decision that Jesse regretted making but knew there was no other choice. This was the minute that Jesse began to regret his choice to become a police officer. After the internal investigation was completed, Jesse was cleared of the shooting and also found out that the male shot by the teenager was actually an undercover police officer. The Department was apparently working a sting operation attempting to locate several perpetrators that were continually robbing pizza delivery drivers. It infuriated Jesse to no end that they were not notified of the operation. Didn’t they realize the risk they placed Jesse and the other officers assigned to the ABLA Development in? It didn’t take long for Jesse to find the Sergeant that was running the undercover operation. After an initial “heated discussion” with the sergeant, Jesse quickly and affectively introduced his fist to the right side of the arrogant Sergeant’s jaw.

This was the beginning of his thoughts to find a safer form of employment. It wasn’t an easy thing for Jesse to live with but with the help of his family, he made it though the hard times that followed the shooting.

Seeing that Jesse obviously wanted a re-assignment, the Department obliged him through a reassignment to another area of the city. While he was patrolling the business district of the city, Jesse was met with a second unfortunate decision that would end in his having to make another life and death decision.

While walking his newly assigned beat through the business district, he and his partner made their way through the large crowds of the night club scene. By this point it had been nearly a year since the Grace Abbott Incident. As the crowds were diminishing, the night seemed to have been coming to a halt. With the crowds growing smaller and smaller, Jesse and his new partner were talking about their late night “Lunch plans” when they heard a female screaming from the back of a darkened ally.

As they approached the scene, they saw a man straddling a female lying on the ground. By this point her screams had become somewhat muffled. With the use of their flashlights, Jesse and his partner were able to better illuminate the scene and clearly saw the man with a rather large knife in his right hand. As they drew their weapons and ordered him to drop the knife, he did so. But instead of releasing it, he dropped it into the female’s chest and quickly began raising it again preparing for another blow. Without even thinking of the consequences, both Jesse and his partner shot the man several times.

Once the perpetrator was subdued; he was carted off by the Medical Examiner’s Office in a black plastic bag. The victim was rushed to the critical care unit of Chicago Memorial. Jesse suddenly found himself answering questions once again by the Internal Affairs Division of the Chicago Police Department. It was a situation that he just didn’t feel like he could go through again.

Once this second “Internal Affairs Investigation” was completed, both Jesse and his partner were each awarded Medals of Honor for their actions. Apparently the suspect they had subdued was an escaped serial murderer from the ADX Complex in Florence, Colorado. At the ceremony, they were both reunited with the college student whose life they had saved on that dark and lonely night. Regardless of the fact that he was a key element in saving the life of that 20 year old college student and daughter of an Illinois State Legislator, Jesse knew that it was time to make a move.

Not long after he received the commendation from the Governor of Illinois, Jesse received the letter that would change his life. He had been accepted to participate in the training program at the Michigan State Police Academy in Lansing. Jesse didn’t waste time packing his bags and moving from Illinois to Michigan.

As Jesse was reflecting on his career, he was brought back to the matters at hand as the audible indicator on his Stalker DSR police radar began emitting a loud high pitched sound. The indicator was set to become audible when the radar device picked up a vehicle exceeding the programmed speed. Although the speed limit on this stretch of I-94 was 65 miles per hour, the radar was set to go off at 75mph. The faster the vehicle was traveling, the higher pitch the noise became.

If the high pitch of the radar was any indication, the target vehicle was far exceeding the programmed 75mph. Glancing at the speed indicator, Jesse shifted in his seat as he saw that the target vehicle was traveling at 88mph. As he simultaneously pressed the brake pedal and switched the transmission of his Ford Police Interceptor into “Drive”, Jesse glanced down the road and saw that although there were very few cars on the road, it was more than obvious which vehicle was traveling at the reported 88mph.

As the vehicle came closer to him, the radar’s audible indicator began screaming like a banshee on fire. Jesse could barely identify the make and model of the vehicle as its blurred image flashed past his car’s headlights. With the light traffic it didn’t take him long to catch up to the speeding vehicle. As was his personal habit, he didn’t switch on his overhead blue strobe lights until he had the opportunity to call the license plate into the State Police Dispatch Center. Just as he was about to pick up the microphone to call in the vehicle description and temporary license plate that was on display, his cellular phone rang. Without even looking at the caller ID, he reached up to where he kept his phone near the visor and pressed a green button. Still following the speeding Corvette at nearly 90 miles per hour Jesse spoke into the hands free cellular phone system. When he answered the phone, he heard an all too familiar voice.

“Good morning Ass… you feel like playing around a bit?” asked the sexy female voice on the other end of the phone.

Instantly recognizing the voice and subsequent giggle, Jesse responded with a big smile on his face, “What did you have in mind?”

Just before she hung up the phone, Jesse heard her reply, “I think I need to be arrested for speeding… don’t you think…?” without even waiting for a reply, she instructed, “…follow me”.

After both of the cars settled to a legal speed, Jesse realized where he recognized the Blue Corvette. It was Gabrielle’s new car. He saw it about a month ago when they were both looking into buying her a new car but hadn’t seen it since she picked it out from the showroom floor nearly a month before.

Gabrielle and Jesse had been seeing each other for about 6 months now. They met at Comerica Park while he was working a security detail for a Tiger’s Game. During the game, some drunken jerk accidentally spilled a beer on Gabrielle. Jesse had to intervene before she opened a can of whoop ass on him.

Not long after the game was over and the traffic had cleared, he came across her again in the parking lot. Apparently she had mistakenly left the headlights on and her car’s battery was dead. After Jesse helped her get the car started, they sat in the parking lot getting acquainted. Their conversation went smoothly from the parking lot to an all night pool hall after Jesse finished his shift. They played pool until nearly sunrise. Since then they have repeated that evening several times.

During the course of their relationship, Gabrielle confided in him that she has a fetish for men in uniform. Of course that conversation, although a long time ago, is where Jesse first heard her tell about certain various fantasies.

Jesse continued to follow Gabrielle as she exited the interstate onto Mount Elliot then around to Grand Boulevard E. When she continued straight across the Douglas MacArthur Bridge and then onto Belle Isle Park, he knew “where” she had in mind… but he also knew that the rest was up to him. Since they’ve been together, they’ve never done anything like this but have joked about it continually.

As they drove down Central Avenue towards Lakeside Drive, Jesse took the opportunity to call into dispatch thus ending his shift. Unlike other days he worked, this weekend was funded by a special Department of Transportation Grant that supplies extra Troopers on the road to centralize efforts towards seatbelt and DUI safety. This being the case, it was a voluntary shift for over time pay and he could end his shift whenever he wanted.

After turning from Lakeside drive then onto Oakway Trail, Jesse followed Gabrielle through the open gates of the Belle Isle Golf Course.

Having played the course several times with Gabrielle and their friends, he knew exactly where she was going. Following the maintenance road, they circled the course until they reached the small patch of woods just off of the 15th Fairway. When Gabrielle stopped her car in the middle of the wooded area, Jesse knew they had arrived at the location where they were supposed to be.

Jesse instantly noticed how his angel glowed as if she had starlight shooting from the ends of her hair as she seductively exited her new Corvette. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she seemed to glide towards his cruiser. She was wearing a loose fitting black dress with thin straps running over her shoulders. Her beautifully shaped D-cup breasts were straining against the thin material of their clothed prison, begging to be paroled.

When they met at the front of his cruiser, Jesse could clearly see her crystalline eyes on this moonlit scene. Without saying so much as a word, Gabrielle gently wrapped her arms around her lover and seductively kissed him for what seemed like eons. The longer the kiss lasted, the longer Jesse wanted it to continue. She was the only woman to ever have the ability to give him a full erection with nothing more than a kiss.

Jesse was so enthralled in the kiss that he never noticed when she reached down between them. She removed a pair of Smith and Wesson handcuffs from the open faced pouch located at the front of his pistol belt. As she broke their embrace; she looked directly into his eyes and simply said, “I’ve been a naughty girl. I think I should be arrested for driving as fast as I was.” With that she raised her right hand and showed Jesse that she had a pair of his handcuffs dangling from her index finger.

Without waiting for a reply, Gabrielle turned around and faced the hood of the cruiser. She placed her hands together near the small of her back while still holding the handcuffs. Jesse knew this day would come. He had fantasized about it as much as she had… this fact was very clear. The bad part about all of this wasn’t the location but the fact that he was still dressed in his, State Police Uniform, in possession of a State Police Vehicle, Trespassing on Private Property, and they were “hopefully” about to be engaging in sexual intercourse in open view of the public. Any one of these was more than enough to get him fired from the job that he always dreamt about.

The closer he came to violating the very rules that he was sworn to protect, the closer he came to “Disgracing the Uniform”; the more excited he became. It wasn’t so much the actions themselves (neither combined nor individual) it was the totality of the circumstances that arose his excitement. It was the thrill of the fact that at any moment they could be caught. This excited Jesse. From the conversations he and Gabrielle had in the past, this was her take as well. When she first brought up the idea, he was strictly against it, but like many other things in their relationship, she is a very persuasive person.

Jesse wasted no time in taking back his handcuffs and placing them on her right then left wrists. Although not in true police fashion, he cuffed her with her palms together mainly because he didn’t want to put her in too much discomfort. As he retrieved his handcuff key to double lock them (so they wouldn’t continually tighten on her wrists), Jesse stated, “Ma’am you’re under arrest!”

Knowing the “game” was going as she planned, Gabrielle replied in a fabricated voice of concern, “But officer what have I done wrong?”

“Speeding is one thing but as fast as you were going, you could have killed yourself or someone else… don’t you have any concern for the safety of people around you?”

Feeling that Jesse was now leaning towards her thus lightly pushing her against the side of the cruiser, Gabrielle took the opportunity and gently closed her restrained hands around Jesse’s crotch. She could feel that his manhood was already stiffened to a near straining point. Knowing that he was obviously enjoying this as much as she was, she pleaded with the Officer, “I’m so very sorry… can’t we come up with some kind of arrangement to keep me out of jail?”

“Ma’am, I am here to protect the public and that’s exactly what I am going to do. Now spread your legs and lean over the car.” Jesse was taking this to the hilt as he placed his hand on her back near her shoulders and guided her upper body over the hood of the cruiser. This simple maneuver exposed the full luscious curves of her well shaped hips and ass.

Gabrielle was now leaning over the hood with her hands cuffed behind her back. Her legs were spread slightly over the width of her shoulders. It didn’t take long for her to feel Jesse’s hands tracing the front and the back of her right leg from ankle to just below her crotch. She loved the feel of her lover’s hands tracing her upper thigh. The light amount of heat emanating from the engine of the still running police cruiser on her ample breasts brought her nipples alive. The combination of the two, brought tingles to the very center of her being. As Jesse finished tracing her right leg, he moved to the left leg and repeated the process.

To her dismay he again stopped just before he reached her now moistening womanhood. After repeating the process on the front and back of her left leg, he strategically moved back to her right leg and repeated the process only now he was tracing both the inside and the outside of her leg. The difference here was that he came just a little bit closer to running his fingers over the very spot on her body that now wanted him more than ever. As before, Jesse slowly moved back to her left leg and repeated the process.

The sensation of the heated hood on her now very erect nipples and the feel of Jesse’s hands slowly running over every inch of her legs nearly brought Gabrielle to the point. When Jesse’s hands lightly rubbed her “sexual soul”, it was nearly more than she could handle. After “Searching Gabrielle’s legs for any concealed holsters or weapons”, Jesse traced the outside of both legs simultaneously straight up to her well formed hips. The feel of her buttocks contacting the palms of his hands made Jesse even harder. He ever so slowly and softly traced around her hips and buttocks then up to her waist. The feel of her body under the thin material of the dress was extremely exciting to him.

After completing her hips and ass, Jesse reluctantly left the area that he loved so much to complete the search. He then traced both sides of her torso up to her shoulders. On his return trip downward, Gabrielle could feel the palms of Jesse’s hands as he moved them down her spine towards the small of her back. She loved the way his hands felt on her body. Clothes or no clothes, it didn’t matter. His hands touching her body was the spark that never failed to ignite her soul.

After reaching her luscious derriere once again, Jesse rubbed each buttock individually and then back down her legs to the knees. After reaching her knees, Jesse used one hand to lightly pull the center chain of the handcuffs and told Gabrielle to stand up straight. Still slightly bent over, Jesse stood up but at the same time moved his right hand along the inside of her left thigh from her knee to her crotch. It was then that he realized she wasn’t wearing any panties. This excited him even more. Jesse could hear Gabrielle moan as she exhaled a long breath when he traced her crotch and inserted a single digit.

With the slow process of the entire event, Gabrielle felt like her knees couldn’t handle the weight of her body anymore. The excitement of the search and the feel of her lover’s hands tracing her body, her knees were near the point of buckling. It wasn’t long before Jesse removed his right hand from her crotch. As he moved closer to her, still standing behind her, Jesse moved his left hand to the front of her waist and traced her torso from just above her crotch to her ample breasts.

While his left hand gently moved along the front of her body, Jesse moved his right hand to the front of Gabrielle’s neck and lightly traced up towards her mouth. As if on cue; she slowly exhaled a deep breath that she involuntarily held in. Gabrielle willingly accepted his finger into her mouth. As she gently sucked her juices from Jesse’s finger, he continued to move up and rubbed her left then her right breast.

He could clearly feel the protrusion of her hardened nipples through the thin material of her dress. Using both hands Jesse slid the thin straps over Gabrielle’s shoulders. This allowed her dress to fall to her waist. As he returned his hands to her now exposed breasts, he wasted no time in squeezing the ample sustenance that was her. He leaned over and began kissing the side of her neck. While Jesse reached around to pinch her large nipples with his left hand, his right hand moved down to her crotch. Reaching under the top of her dress now laying at her waist, Jesse wasted no further time. He inserted a finger between her smoothly shaven lips to massage her now very swollen clitoris. All the while, continuing his assault on her nipple and neck.

The sensation was nearly too much for Gabrielle to handle. She involuntarily moved the midsection of her body backwards thus rubbing her ass against Jesse’s crotch. With her hands still restrained behind her; she was restricted in what she could do but the sensation was spectacular. The sensation was so much that the more Jesse rubbed her wet shaven womanhood, the faster she wanted him to.

Almost as if he could read her mind, Jesse rubbed faster and faster until Gabrielle couldn’t handle it anymore. She exploded into a mind blowing orgasm that couldn’t be contained. The more she came the faster Jesse massaged her. This was by far the most explosive and longest orgasm she had ever experienced. Before she could stop shaking from the orgasmic sensation, Jesse bent her over the hood of the cruiser and quickly inserted himself to the hilt.

The feeling of her lover inside her continued her orgasmic sensations. The faster Jesse went; the deeper he went. It was a wonder that the few residents, who had homes lining the multi-million dollar golf course, didn’t hear the lovers as they simultaneously came with moans that could have awoken the dead.

After Jesse had his way with Gabrielle, he stood her up and replaced the straps of her dress into their rightful place. Even though Jesse was still very much hard and extremely excited, he “escorted” Gabrielle, to the rear seat of the cruiser. Still handcuffed, he sat her on the rear seat and stood in the doorway. Without being given neither instruction nor suggestion; Gabrielle leaned forward and took him into her mouth. The feeling was a lot different since she had to rely on her oral expertise alone since her hands were still restrained behind her back.

As Gabrielle expertly took him into her mouth, Jesse reached down and held her hair out of her face. This was more for him than it was for her. He loved to watch as his lover did her magic. Without missing a beat, Gabrielle continued to take him into and out of her mouth with the expertise that he had come to expect. With his hands holding her hair out of the way, Jesse became caught up in the moment and started moving her head further and further down his shaft.

He couldn’t explain it but he was becoming more and more excited by the nanosecond. The deeper she took him the more excited he became. When he heard her gag, he only tried to push more of himself down her throat. To his amazement, she didn’t complain or even miss a beat. At this pace and depth it didn’t take long for Jesse to unload his seed down her beautiful throat. Jesse was surprised when she never resisted one bit. In the past she never let him finish in her mouth. She would work continue to work him he came on her face or her breasts, but this was a first.

As he withdrew from Gabrielle’s mouth, he was still extremely hard. They were both speechless. They both just experienced the most erotic moment of their entire lives. As he stood there, Gabrielle’s angelic voice brought him back to reality. “Officer, do I still have to go to jail?”

Helping Gabrielle out of the car and removing the cuffs, Jesse was still extremely turned on by the experience. “That was mind blowing” was all his vocal cords could produce.

“If you think that was good, wait until you come to my place. I’ll race you there.” she said as she moved past him and returned to her waiting Corvette.
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© Copyright 2009 AJ Garrett (aj_garrett at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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