Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1522649-Black-Lake-Nightmare
Rated: 13+ · Short Story · Death · #1522649
Adree's life has never been perfect, but who's has? Everything's fine until one night.
I looked down at my cell phone, quickly running my fingers over the keys. Right as I put it into my back pocket, I heard a sharp snap on my desk. Looking up, I see a beet red face, shaking violently in anger. Usually I would look back down at my desk, not wanting to increase the chance of my parents finding out about the whole thing. But I was feeling particularly rowdy today, I'm not sure why, adrenaline rush maybe?

After about the usual two minuet yelling, Ms.Sharrafie waddled back to her desk. Class continued as usual for the next half hour, until I, once again, felt a vibration on the back of my leg. Taking out my phone, I saw four new messages flashing on the screen, all from Dawn. Dawn was truly my sister from a different mother.

All of the messages where along the same lines ... they where all forms of goodbyes. With anyone else I wouldn't care much, I would pass it of as a bad joke or something. Dawn wasn't like that though. She would never even plant the idea in my head if it wasn't at least based on a kind of truth. I grabbed the bathroom pass, not waiting to even be excused. Honestly, I just didn't care right now.

One hour, a frantic call to dawn, including twenty minuets of her calming me down, and a bus ride home later, I lay on the bathroom floor, looking up through the skylight. I was dead tiered and it was only three o'clock. So, instead sleeping, I just laid down on the cold marble floors to think.

I knew I could easily fall asleep right now. But I'm afraid to. Afraid to sleep, of what will happen when my eyes close. I was afraid something would happen to someone else, and I wouldn't be there to prevent it. This was a fear that ran deep in my veins, that increased with each pump of my heart. One that would always be there, watching, and ever so patiently waiting.

I laid there for hours on end, running through my thoughts. When my parents got home, it was around eight thirty, and I knew I couldn't put off the inevitable much longer. So I trudged my way into my room, and carefully drifted off to sleep, going to meet what was waiting for me.


I was scared, no not scared, terrified. Ice cold eyes stare back at me from the still lake water. A pale face rising closer every second. Suddenly the water was wild, free! Watching my crystallized breath rushing out in front of me, my brain scans over all the possible options at this point.

The first option is to stand here, don't even twitch, and pray to the almighty god that the fierce lake water doesn't swallow me whole. Second option, run like the coward I am, and act like this morbid night never happened.

Before I consciously decided on anything, my subconscious already had a game plan.

With the soft mist wetting my face, I ran. The muscles in my legs began to feel as if they might snap, but I continued to lengthen my stride and feed the fire. While I sprint from the first sign of excitement in my life, my hands clench into fist so hard that my nails are on the verge of breaking into my palm.

I feel a sob building in my throat, threatening to break through my lips. My heart beats faster, but not from running. No, it's something else, my body is trying to tell me. Without thinking, I ran towards Dawn's house. I felt like I needed to be there. When I got there, I don't knock, or ring the doorbell, instead I just barge in, my caramel colored hair swinging into my face. Then I start down to her room.

I ran down the hallway, my hands trailing the walls on either side of me. I felt my eyes squeeze shut; I didn't need to see my surroundings, I knew the house by touch. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears, the heat on my face intensifying every second. Just as I felt like my feet couldn't carry me any farther, my hand ran across a brass doorknob. Without hesitation, without thinking, I swung the door open.

My initial feeling was relief. For making it here, to help, to comfort. Then I felt what always comes after relief. I felt afraid. As soon as the bedroom door opened, I was hit with a strong copper scent. Intoxicating, and still. I opened my eyes unwillingly, only to come face to face with something ... unspeakable.

On the hardwood floor, laying there, looking pathetic, was Dawn. Dark red blood protruded from several areas around her body. The blood flowed freely, sweet and sticky. The sight was grotesque to say the least. After quickly taking in the scene, I felt put up. The only thing that kept me there for those last few heartbreaking seconds was Dawn. She looked up at me, looking deep into my eyes. Trying to get me to understand why, why she would do this. The last thing I saw was her silently pleading for forgiveness, the I ran.

I knew what would happen next. I knew my fate, and I was no longer tying to run from it. Now, I was running to it.


I finally arrived. This would be my final destination in life. This use to be my childhood thinking spot. Where I would go to just get away from things. And now I was back, to really get away from it all.

I don't think about it, I just go. I ran into the lake, not thinking about the cold, or the emerald seaweed floating calmly and peacefully on top of the water, as if nothing matters.The farther I got, the more happiness I felt flooding me. Just the feeling of knowing it would all be over. No more worries, no more fights, and no more death. I began to swim even farther out, I just kept going and going, until I reached the middle of the murky waters. Then I took a deep breath of water, and let myself sink. When my breath ran out, I opened my mouth, and sucked in.

I never thought this is how it would end. I never thought the last thing I would see was seaweed and algae, glowing in the pale moonlight that filtered through the water. And with that last thought, I let the water run through my very being, and the it all went black.

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