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Rated: E · Short Story · Detective · #1522566
Two twins reunite and meet a dreary end.
“No,” Gage stated sternly, “I don’t.” He sat there tied to a chair trying to think of the perfect escape plan. Unfortunately his thinking did not end up going anywhere but to blank mindedness and daydreaming. “Okay,” she replied, staring at him and wondering what thoughts ran through his head. “Will you consider trying again?” she calmly asked after a moment of brief silence. “No, I will not, and I cannot believe that you would even start to think that I would.” Gage’s outburst of rage quickly startled the mysterious woman and scared her more than one would think. “Oh…” she mumbled as she turned away, looking as if she would soon cry. Gage stopped, calmed down, took a deep breath and began, “I didn’t mean that,” he paused to recover his thoughts; “I didn’t mean what I said before. I meant that to my knowledge, there are no current nuclear missile programs in progress by the United States Military.” “Are you done now?” asked the lady with a hurried tone. “Yea, I’m finished now.” Gage replied quickly. “Thank you for your time Gage.” She said and immediately left the room. Then before the door closed, a guard came in and blind-folded Gage without warning. Gage simply figured that after the guard finished blind-folding him that he would be escorted to a holding cell and remain there until they needed him for more information. Unfortunately for Gage, this theory of his turned out false. After the guard tied the blind fold nice and tight he quickly bashed Gage in the back of the head, instantly knocking him unconscious.
When Gage awoke the room seemed foreign. Gage now felt more confused it seemed than he did when the guard had hit him in the head. He looked up and when he did the room began to spin faster and faster then it turned into a blur and once again he blacked out. This time when Gage blacked out it occurred under better conditions and it made him feel relieved actually.
A splash of what tasted like muddy water woke Gage from his unconscious state this time. When he opened his eyes he immediately recognized that he once again sat in the interrogation room from the previous day. Unknown to Gage, however, the mysterious lady stood in the shadows of a corner waiting for the most awkward and opportune moment to speak. After a few seconds of silence that special moment she wanted arrived. The lady started out “Welcome back Gage.” “Not too sure how glad I am to be back” replied Gage in a stern tone. “Well I definitely feel glad that you came back,” she replied back to his reply. “I didn’t have a choice in that matter, not that it’s of relevance. Now, how about telling me who you are,” Gage demanded. “My name is Sky and I…” she paused not wanting to continue with her explanation. “You what,” Gage asked. “I, well there isn’t an easy way to say this, but, I’m a Ukrainian spy and I was sent to kidnap you and dispose of you after retrieving the information that my government needed.” She exhaled slowly and nervously, but felt relieved to finally have told Gage the truth. “That’s well, uhm…” Gage paused in a failing attempt to grasp his head around the situation. “That’s interesting?” Those two words turned out as the only thing Gage could say with how confused he felt. “So, why am I still alive if you’re supposed to kill me,” Gage asked. “Well because,” Sky took a deep breath before continuing, “because I don’t want to Gage. The only thing is I, I don’t know why. There’s just something about you Gage.” She paused briefly only to continue. “It’s a feeling I have that although my mission is to kill you, that I’m not supposed to kill you, it’s not my destiny. I can feel it inside of me that it’s not.” After hearing this, Gage just sat there and stared down at the table in silence. “I don’t know what to say about that.” Gage commented. “I really don’t.” Neither of the two said anything after that. Sky untied Gage and had him escorted back to his cell for the night. Just before she left the cell and Gage fell asleep Sky whispered the words, “I’m sorry.”
The following morning Gage woke up because of the constant droning of an alarm. Soon after he awoke, Sky came bursting into the room and slammed the door behind her. Sky immediately dropped to the floor below the window and began trying to recapture her breath. Gage quickly got down out of bed and knelt down next to Sky. “What’s going on?” Gage asked concerned. “They’re after me!” Sky whispered frantically. “They’re after me!” She repeated. “Who, who’s after you?” Gage asked even more concerned. “They know you’re still alive, and that I’m not going to kill you as they ordered me to.” She whispered frantically while shaking and then she slid under the bed. “Wait, what do you mean? You were going to kill me?” Gage’s voice became louder and he began to turn red as the anger grew more and more. “Never mind what I said Gage, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that we both get out of her alive.” Sky reached out her hand to Gage’s wanting him to come closer. As he moved slowly closer he asked. “Why do I all of a sudden matter so much that I need to stay alive?” “Because you do. Remember yesterday I said there was something weird I felt that I felt about you? Well I was looking at your file that we have and that’s when I noticed it.” She paused for a second to see if she should and could continue. “What was it that you noticed Sky?” Gage asked with a soft whisper of a voice. “We’re twins.” She mumbled as she blankly stared off at the wall. “What are you talking about?” Gage asked as he turned Sky’s head to face him. “I mean I looked at the file and we have things in common that leads to only one conclusion. We are twins.” After she finished she came out from under the bed and sat on it. Gage moved out as well and joined her on the bed. “What exactly do we have in common?” Gage asked calmly and quietly. “You’re last name is Ravenewski right?” Sky asked. “Yeah, that is indeed my last name.” Gage replied. “Well, my name too is Ravenewski as yours is.” Sky looked into Gage’s eyes waiting and hoping to see the reaction of approval in them. “That doesn’t prove very much. There are tons of people in the world that have the same last name, but that doesn’t make them twins. “There are a few other thing though too Gage.” Sky just sat there waiting for Gage to react. “Well what are these other things that we have in common?” Gage finally asked after thinking for a few minutes. “We have the same birth date, August 3rd, 2022.” Sky answered. “And?” Gage inquired. “And, we have the same parents. Our mother is Stella Ann Ravenewski and our father is Stephen Fredrick Ravenewski.” She continued. “Oh.” Gage sighed. “Anything else?” He asked. “We were born fifty-three minutes apart at St. John’s Memorial Hospital in Stalingrad.” She now saw that Gage understood so she continued speaking no further at the moment. “Well, I uh, I guess we are twins after all.” Gage mentioned, he continued. “You know, my dad, well our dad always told me that I had a sister but he failed to mention that she was my twin and that she was alive.” The two siblings sat there together trying to get the slightest handle on what they had just learned. After a moment of silence, or so they though, the two twins remembered they still had to escape from this prison which held them. Gage and Sky sat for close to another forty minutes before the alarms stopped blaring and before the guards stopped patrolling past Gage’s cell. After everything calmed down they decided that the time had come for them to plan their escape route.
Gage flipped over the mattress and picked up a screw that he found the night before. They etched the route in the concrete and then put the bed back to hide it so the guards would not see it. Sky decided they would have to wait until nightfall to put their route to the test. The two went to sleep for a bit and awoke when the bell rand for night checks. After night checks only one guard would stay to keep watch of the wing. “Are you ready to go?” Gage asked with a whisper. “As ready as I’m ever going to get.” Sky whispered back. “Okay, you know this place better than I do so lead the way.” Gage motioned for Sky to move and then checked the hall once more. “Stay right on my heels Gage. If we get caught we’re done.” She paused as if only to build suspense and tension. “We’re done, forever, The End, El Fin.” She stopped then suddenly bolted towards the corner where she planned to wait for the guard. Gage quickly followed behind and came right up behind her. “I’m right here.” He whispered. “Shhh, the guard is coming.” Sky knelt down waiting to pounce on the unsuspecting guard. Each time the guard took a step, Sky inched a little bit closer to the corner. Finally the guard reached the corner. Sky pounced as if a panther would pounce on her prey. She grabbed the guard’s neck and simultaneously flipped him onto his back. Sky had killed the guard in one fluent motion. When she grabbed his neck and flipped him she twisted his neck just right in order to break it. “We’re free now Gage.” Sky said, almost in tears from joy. “But we’re not out yet,” mentioned Gage. “All we need to do is go to the hanger and hijack the hover car.” Sky explained. “What the heck is a hover car?” Gage asked surprised at what Sky had said. “You’ll see when we get to the hanger.” Sky answered. “Come on, follow me.”
The two moved quickly down the hallway and through a steel security door. Once through the door they made their way to the suspected hover car. Sky looked in the ignition. “Yes.” She exclaimed. “What’s yes,” asked Gage. “They left the keys in the ignition.” Sky replied. Sky and Gage proceeded to open the doors, get in, start the car and began to hover away. They were almost out of the hanger when the car exploded. The alarms once again began to ring again and all of the guards rushed to the burning hover car. The Ravenewski twins were dead, killed from the explosion. No bodies were found, just the ashes of their cremated bodies. “Just as Gage and Sky were born together, they died together.” Their father stated as he walked into the hanger and bowed his head in disappointment and disbelief. “They will be forgotten as soon as tomorrow. They were caught attempting to escape and have paid the price. They are done now.” He paused in between sets of words. “The End” “Forever” After those two words everyone went about their daily business and neither Gage nor Sky were ever mentioned again.
© Copyright 2009 Gene Fredderick (carlbarton at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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