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by xbs13
Rated: 13+ · Novel · Action/Adventure · #1522349
Follow Adam when he enounters a mysterious fox and the things that follow
Life, Love, and Super Powers Induced by Demons

Chapter 1 - Another Day

         There were demons everywhere in that desolate red plain. They were closing in, getting closer and closer blocking the mountainous horizon from view. A man adorned with shining plate armour in the centre was trying his hardest to keep the monsters at bay. “Slash, dodge, slash, stab.” he thought planning out his action. He had successfully defeated the first wave, bodies strewn across the blood stained sand. He then looked around with a smirk of confidence that slowly faded once he saw the massive second wave. “Holy crap! What am I going to do!” he thought in a sudden panic. Soon the monsters were near once again, then from a far corner he heard, “Adam...” He looked around trying to find where the voice came from whilst dodging the massive fists of the elephant-sized monsters. “Wake up!”  The voice said, the man was intrigued and thus, he looked toward the source. This distraction had earned him a fist to the face from one of the monsters. The force of the blow made him hit the ground hard, earning him a mouthful of blood, coughing when he finally stopped rolling twenty feet later. He was about to get up but soon collapsed to the ground, exhausted, fatigues, downbeaten (literally) he tried fighting his collapsing eyes, but failed and his lids game way.

         “ADAM!” he heard as he opened his eyes. When he finally did, his eyes focused to reveal the source of the noise, his friend, Lucif. Lucif Monstronie was the average athletic 16 year old boy. From what he had always said, he was 5’10 in height, but Adam believed he was merely 5’9. Lucif had semi-long dark brown hair and tan skin, what every teenage with his choice in physical activities would have. The one physical attribute that set him apart from the others was his eyes. His eyes were normally the most vivid green anyone had ever seen as if god had gotten a pair of emerald and stabbed his sclera with them, but what made his eyes special, more then their absolute purity, was that as his mood changed, so did his eyes. When he was calm and collected as he usually was, his eyes would be the green aformentioned but if he were angry his eyes would turn a very bright crimson red with shocking green lines from the rim of the iris to the pupil. As for knowledge, Lucif was a bright student, lazy in his studies, but very bright. He would never do his homework unless it was somewhat enjoyable, which was very rare, but some how he had always gotten A’s on his tests and quizzes. Lucif was the most proficient in biology, and when it came to studying genetics, he knew more than the head of the science department! He could possibly even rival most actual geneticists. How he had gained such knowledge no one knew for certain, when asked, he simply replied, “Wikipedia” and leave, avoiding any further questions. However, the question of why he was so interested in genetics was much more secretive, if asked, he would either ignore it or give an answer so general one could conclude he talking was about tennis! Only Adam was told the true answer a while back. It was that not only the colours of his eyes sparked his interest but also his ability to manipulate them abnormally. When Adam asked what he meant, Lucif said that he could make his eyes do crazy things such as the ability to zoom-in and out, x-ray vision, and the ability to easily read and also feel someone’s emotions, like empathy he explained, making it easier for Adam to understand. Adam, as curious as he was, was fascinated when he heard this. He began to ask question after question, one of which pertained to how long Lucif had known of his ability.  He then answered that the ability of empathy had started young, Adam believed him because all throughout their friendship whenever anything was troubling Adam, Lucif was the first to ask. Next was the ability to zoom-in and out, which Lucif had first experienced when he was nine when he had tried to focus on the ball during a soccer game.  The last of his abilities, x-ray vision, had come soon after his eleventh birthday. Which thinking of caused him to chuckle, remembering that he had discovered it accidentally for no reason, and that he was a little freaked-out since he hadn’t been able to disable it for an entire week! He had finally been able to turn it off by looking at his mother, which he had some how avoided during the week, according to him it was a very traumatic experience. He had shivered playfully as he had said that. Another question of Adam’s dealt with to how Lucif had used his “powers”, as Adam loved to call them. The answer was, “What any other teenage guy would do with x-ray vision” Lucif said with a smirk, Adam chuckled as-well. Then Adam questioned about the limitations that Lucif encountered. He said that he hadn’t experienced one besides looking through walls. The last question was a bit more serious and cause Lucif’s face to fall with a frown, “No Adam, I haven’t found a reason for my eyes and their abilities,” Then his face went up with a look that could inspire the blind and said, “but, I will find an answer.” That was almost three months ago and Adam and Lucif had been even more inseparable ever since. “Adam?” Lucif said with a worried look in his eyes, “You okay?” He said shaking Adam’s shoulder You were out for a while, I covered for you but class is about to end and I doubt you want to be late to math. Again.”

         As Adam and Lucif walked the halls of Saint Paul High to their lockers was when Adam spotted her. Her name was Eve, and according to Adam, “The most beautiful girl in the world ever!” She was blonde, blue, eyed and perfect, according to Adam. Lucif chuckled as he noticed that his friend’s jaw had dropped. “Well, everyone should have a dream girl.” He thought to himself still chuckling. “Wishing you had my x-ray vision, eh?” Lucif said with a smile. “Huh? Oh yeah! hehe” Adam said after regaining composition. “Eh, its not like I have a chance, a loner with a cheerleading captain. Hehe sounds like some cliché high school romance novel, too bad I’m not a vampire hehe.” Then the bell rang, interrupting his thoughts. “Damn! Come on Adam, we have to hurry!” Lucif yelled, attempting to raise his voice over the bell. “Okay!” Adam screamed as he and Lucif began running to math class, late as usual. 

          The rest of the day went by uneventfully; Adam forgetting his books, Lucif getting yelled at for checking out the seniors in his classes, all in all, it was just another day. After school, Adam and Lucif were coming upon the gate to exit their school when they heard an all too familiar voice screaming, “Adam! Lucif! Wait up guys!” They turned to see their mutual friend, Jesus, running, well more like waddling, attempting not to fall from “waddling” with a incredibly heavy backpack bouncing on his back. Jesus Santoso came to Saint Paul High in the seventh grade from a prestigious private school in Mexico. He was tan, had short curly hair, a bit on the heavy side and sort of short. He also had nose that made him seem Asian, Adam and Lucif loved this, as they would regularly playfully tease him. Academic-wise, Jesus was, with the exception of being a good friend of Adam and Lucif, a teacher’s wet dream. He never got in trouble, always did all his work perfectly, and was a straight A+ student, but, thankfully enough, never gloated. He was quite nice too, he was never on anyone’s bad side, but was always taken out on when someone was angry. Despite being a nerd, everyone liked him, maybe they hid it, but in the end they did. One thing that Adam liked about Jesus was his knowledge of computers, for he as well was quite proficient with them. Occasionally, Jesus would go to Adam’s house to play video games. Against each other, it was almost always a draw since they were both at the same skill level when they the played RPG’s, or role playing games. They played RPG’s because it was the only kind of video game they were both amazing at. On occasion, Lucif would join them in a game, but only for a very short amount of time as he wouldn’t even get past the starting gate most times. Adam smiled, remembering all the good times he had had with Jesus senselessly beating Lucif’s character to a pulp. “So Adam, what are you going to do now?” Jesus asked. “Eh, I’m gonna head home.” Adam said with a sigh. “Oh, okay... Its just that Lucy and I are going to hang out at the arcade.” Jesus said with a slight emphasis on his favorite nickname for Lucif. “Hey! My name is not Lucy!” Lucif retorted. “Well you could have fooled me.” Jesus said sticking his tongue out at Lucif. “Bastard.” Lucif said under his breath as Adam was on the ground laughing a bit dramatically at the whole affair. “What did you say?” Jesus said with a stare that could kill. Adam thought this was odd of his usually nice, friendly companion. “Nothing.” Lucif said with a look of regret on his face, knowing he had crossed the line. “Okay, okay guys, calm down we don’t want to paint the paint the school a quite eerie shade of red.” Adam said trying to keep the peace. “Okay” Je-sus said with a sigh that may have been taken as one of relief, seeing as if Jesus and Lucif were to fight, the red on the wall most likely would have been Jesus’ special homemade kind. Nervous, Adam looked at his watch, 3:20. “See you later guys! I’ve got to go.” Adam said. “Okay! Bye.” Lucif said with a smile and a high-five. “Good, back to normal” Adam thought. “Oh yeah, take care! Remember, my house, this Saturday, bring some birthday cake too!” Jesus said with a big smile. “Only you wouldn’t go to a friend’s birthday and still ask for cake. And plus remind me on Friday, its only Wednesday” Adam said chuckling. “Hey! I would go but I can’t! And plus, you’ll forget if I don’t remind you every day.” Jesus said with a smirk. Adam then made a pose as if he was thinking deeply, “Eh, fair enough.” He said with a slight smirk at the end, “You’re still going to be there, right?” Adam asked in the direction of Lucif. “Yeah, don’t worry about it.” Lucif said with a smooth voice. Adam and Jesus laughed, “Okay then, see you guys tomorrow!” Adam said as he turned on his heel and headed for home.

         The walk home proved uneventful for Adam until he went around the last turn to get to his house. What he saw there made his jaw fall to the floor; a fox-like thing with a small horn on its forehead and a strange mark on his forehead as well that Adam couldn’t see because of the fox’s shaggy red hair was partly covering it. Once the fox thing saw him, it began to walk, almost strut, toward Adam. Adam tried to run away but couldn’t, “Why can’t I move!” Adam thought to himself in a panic. He tried to scream for help, but he couldn’t even open his mouth! “What’s going on!”  Adam screamed in his mind. By then the fox had reached Adam and peered up, causing Adam to stare directly into the fox’s sea blue eyes, “Do not fret Adam, for I am not here to hurt you.” Said the fox in a British accent. Adam’s eyes widened, not only from the fact that a fox-demon-British thing had just spoken, but the thing had done so without opening in his mouth. “Wha-Who are you?” He attempted to say, but again only heard in his head. “Do not worry, all will be explained soon.” Said the British fox again trying to calm Adam. Adam’s eyes grew an inch when he realized that the voice of the fox was in his head. “Am I go-ing crazy?” He thought just to be replied with a chuckle and a, “No you’re not, well at-least not yet. Hehe. But do not worry, you’ll soon understand.” The voice said again. “What do you want wit-” His thought was cut short when the fox lunged at Adam, mouth open and all. “AH!” Adam yelled as the fox dug his fangs into the base of Adam’s neck. The intense pain Adam expected hadn’t come, instead a sensation that felt as if he was being filled up with some kind of liquid. All of a sudden Adam’s vision started to blur as he felt he was swaying side to side. Adam then began to fall to the ground. Luckily, he blacked out right before his body made contact with the ground. Adam woke up, float-ing. “Woah, what this?” Adam said as he looked down to see a cloud of marshmallows. Then he looked striaght to see where this giant marshmallow cloud was taking him. All he saw was what appeared to be a pink tunnel that seemed to go forever. “This feels wonderful” Adam thought as he did a twirl on his marshmallow cloud. On his last twirl he spun around again to see if anything had changed. “Oh no.”  Was his last thought as his marshmallow cloud went over a cliff, throwing him off into a black bottomless pit. “AHHH!” Adam screamed as he opened his eyes yet again expecting to see his doom, but instead seeing a roof. He sat up on what he felt to be a bed to see where he was. “My room?” Adam said to himself a bit confused. “How did I get here? Last thing I re-member was some fox thing....” His eyed widened remembering the whole ordeal with the weird fox. Quickly, Adam jumped out of bed and ran to the wall mirror. He was shocked to see that his body had changed drastically. His short dirty blonde hair that used to be wavy was now shoulder length, slightly curly, and brown. His frail 5’9 figure was now a muscular 6 feet. Adams eyes went from a chocolate brown to a mix of sev-eral different colours, primarily a dark blue. These changes fascinated him and finally he understood Lucif’s infatuation with genetics. “Wait, what’s this?” Adam thought as he noticed something odd on the base of his neck. On the base of his neck was a symbol of what appeared to be a Jolly Roger with a small horn on the skeleton’s forehead. “Wait, that’s where that damned thing bit me!” Adam said with a face of mixed infuriation and worry, but it soon turned to a face of curiosity and amusement when he said. “Is it some sort of branding or do weird fox things just like pirates hehe.” Adam shrugged knowing he wasn’t going to get any answers cracking jokes about pirates. “How did I get home?” Adam pondered, “Oh! Mom will know!” He said with excitement. Adam walked out his room and headed toward the kitchen.

         Once there Adam noticed that his mother was putting something that looked like it had been thrown up on a plate and placing it in front on his regular seat in front of the TV. “Um, no thanks mom. I’m not eating that crap.” Adam said with a look of disgust. “It’s hard enough raising you by myself and now I’ve gotta worry ‘bout you eating prop-erly!” Adam’s mother yelled. “Urg, why does she always bring dad up?” Adam grumbled. Adam’s father had died a year ago at the age of 34 from a freak unicycle accident. The Police said that while Dad was riding he decided to go through a construction site for a challenge and the wheel had caught a sharp nail in between the treads, and when the wheel went around, the nail shot up and went in his forehead, killing him instantly. It was all a haze for Adam because he had loved his father a lot. Sure, he was a bit stubborn but he was always there for Adam when he needed him. Beyond that, Adam thought no more about it, for it would bring bad memories back. “What did you say Adam?” Adam’s mom said with a tone that made Adam shiver. “ Nothing mom.” Adam said with a sigh. “Hmm she doesn’t seem to be noticing the change. That’s odd.” Adam thought, bewildered to the possibilities of why. “Hey mom, how did I get here?” Adam said curiously. “Well that was a while back. It started when I met your father at a party and we got really dru-” Adam’s mother said with a smirk only to be interrupted by Adam, “Mom!” Adam screamed. “This is unlike her, hmm..” Adam thought. “I meant how did I get home to-day.” Adam said trying to explain. “Oh, okay! Well you walked in through the door and said you were gonna go up to your room.” Adam’s mother explained. “Oh okay. Oh! What’s this?” Adam said pointing at the symbol on his neck. “What’s what?” Adam’s mother said with a hint of amusement that Adam didn’t pick up. “What’s this tattoo thing” Adam said frustrated. “I don’t see anything.” Adam’s mother insisted. “But, it’s like a Jolly Roger with a horn!” Adam said with even more frustration from his mother’s inabil-ity see it. “Michael I do-” Adam’s mother began to say, “It’s Adam.” Adam said even more perplexed, “This is very unlike her.” Adam thought as he began to worry for her. “Well Adam.. Are you doing drugs? You can tell me you know.” Adam’s mother said with a smirk. “No!” Adam screamed. “If you are I wouldn’t tell anyone, I’ll just for ask a little.” Adam’s mother said with a sly smile. “Okay, this is definitely not like her. If that isn’t her then, who is she?” Adam’s eyes widened tenfold as a worried look crossed his face. “By your facial expression I deduce that you have come up with the correct conclusion to this situation.” A much more masculine voice which was strangely familiar said. “Huh?” Adam said having an odd sensation traveling his skin as his “mother” touched him, which caused him to quickly step back. “In lamest terms, I am not your mother.” The voice said. “Where have I heard that voice!” Adam thought curious, yet cautious, to know the answer. With that Adam jumped into a fighting pose he had once seen in a movie. He was ready to fight, or so he thought. “Why are you so surprised, you were thinking that, no?” With that Adam began to step back. “W-What are you?” Adam said, trying his hardest to make sure his voice didn’t crack. “No reason to be scared Adam. I will show you.” Right before Adam’s eyes his “mother” turned into a man with spiky red hair, deep blue eyes, and on his forehead a small horn. Adam’s jaw had fallen as he saw the transformation from something he thought was his mother into, something else. “Hello! I’m Ringo!” A familiar British voice said. “Your a.. a.. a-” Adam tried to say it but his fright prevented him. “ A demon is what you wanted to say right?” The British red-head said. “Y-yeah. H-how do you know me” Adam said with a slight stutter. “For that question, wait one second!” Ringo said brightly with a smile. With that Ringo changed again, but this time into, a fox! “Oh my God....”

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