Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1522290-Tremendous-Tales-chapter-1
Rated: 13+ · Other · Satire · #1522290
satirical romp...through modern society....or something else entirely

Chapter One:
choir of unworthy cackling pigs and personal injustices also featuring the unedited unabridged and cohesive version of Chux Capacitaors now world famous unadulterated and enlightening speech.

Sun sets in stunning visual arrangement, old hands and genetic reproductions glistening in its glorious grace. Town center is a hum of mindless dribble and post war boredom batteries not included, a tower of gray stone stretches up from earth to sky in reasonable manner while tax reductible charity organizations slump closely together under weaving webs of ancient spider sub systems and scriptures of complete and utter nonsense and chewed up cow cud. Woman and men stop in mid sentence to stare at the tower while quietly fondling for fixed secure in-comes from the sweating mitts of high class office executives , dripping meat particles and incestuous rat bag bastards storming soy milk café’s
with nothing but tooth decay and unsolvable mysteries of the orient stolen from the sons of desperate pervert merchant pirates the type golden boy disgraced back in the day when things were very different and southern skies not yet born.
The tower stands firm a symbol of mans stupidity and ability to build complex crap completely seedless and unneeded.
Irritable sidewinders and street sick children in draped accessories cling tightly to outer walls, nails scrape across stone and blood spurts , filth floats on heavy winds , soothing sound of distant gunfire, sluts and gagging whores stand
under dim lights scantly clad moist areas well displayed
fluid dripping from inner thighs and dark red tunnels, breasts stroked and bruised bitten numb by hands of dark eyed men with infected layers and day dream notions, doors now closed to the many who use to pass this way, their diseases now public knowledge. "string the bitch up and let the boys have their turn." Calls of the wild night, calls of the deep throated cock struck slags, the wolves are getting closer the wolves are closing in. Sluts, nuns, virgins, whores, cunts……the desperate come climbing up, muttered prayers and forsaken words spoken from mouths of unworthy philistines, and scab sucking system infectors. The stairs of the tower stretching on into the sky "fuck shit mother of god give me tits and anal sex and fuck me dry!!" man loses his mind after climbing stairs for weeks on end, breaks down and tunes out, probes orifice of swollen brick wall, puss, fecal matter, meat particles, old ham sandwiches and mucous coated handjobs cake the inner walls. Chux Capacitator, man of the world, man of seven seas and many a virgins first night of deep lust, desire and tomorrow mornings guilt. His suit splendid white, shimmering, not a speck of dust, top hat with black band and silver shining walking stick. His face a sign of things to come, deep tan, eye piece, smile like the gate of heaven covered in clear jelly.
"enter at your own discretion whimpering sodomites and sour mouthed sun seekers, I give you nothing but truth tenderized in its own sweet juices and laid to rest on the swollen thighs of
beautiful Swedish drunken handmaidens and queens alike."
On the fiftieth floor of the tower Chux Capacitator plays the part of councilor by day and wise guy of all trades by night.
Youth enters room, script in hand, look of despair and nonchalant drooping lips dry and filth covered, hands in fists, torn paper, tobacco stains, watery eyes.
"yes my dear boy speak up and speak quick, time my dear lad is disappearing fast these days - in forty years some say we’ll have none left, or is that oil, anyhow what’s your issue slash problem laddy, speak now or fuck off out of my office."
Boy spits blood starts bleeding eternally, coughs up lung and faints quickly, shit seeps from pant leg. Chux mutters "arsehole" under his deep wispy breath, sad music fades in, lights dim, pissants gasp for air, deep inhale, street jargon evolves 4 centuries in 12 seconds and becomes hipper than hip like sliced cheese, see? Chux’s mouth widens, teeth stolid as churches burning under a gothic eye of fiendish dead angel light. Boy regains consciousness and vomits up long string of incomprehensible blabber strung together on the backs of weakening wires and wild gestures. "calm down lad, your chaos is not suitable for these conditions." Boy looks up from cold stone floor and speaks of his life story a nasty adventure in the belly of the whale a metaphor of an earlier derivative not yet processed in high court, hell, or high water.
"yes I see, I understand completely… but you seem to miss the point and therefore cause nothing but problems to your own person." Chux stares deeply into the distance, eye piece shimmering in the mid summers heat, he chortles hyena like and begins pacing, arms waving, eyes darting, he pirouettes once, twice, then lowers his voice twelve octaves to a deep glorious rumble and begins talking at high speed: " ahhhh, my dear boy, my child, my wavering wild eyed shitkicker, there is so much to say to you…so little time as mentioned, murmured, chewed up, spat out, coughed and spluttered in sickening forward motions….I have seen it all from dizzying heights, through dizzying flights on wings of chance and prayer and hope and luck…..ive seen gorgeous fires of light rain down from the hands of angels in marvelous fashion and fixation, ive witnessed brutal displays of absolute beauty and bolshy brilliance, ive seen the walls of space fabric twist and turn in turbulent trails of tantalizing vapor while choirs sang and harps rang, while Buddha laughed and Jesus joked and Allah cartwheeled to the quantum hum of oscillating alpha arrangements, the tower loops around I tells ya, full circle, full cycle, find yourself in the basement after years of climbing, I found the elevator in elegant evening shades of blue and green through unseen spaces and spatial diameters, its one great joke my boy, my friend my fiend, its a punchline of cosmic proportions, well timed and executed, a perfect prank, a wondrous comedy of cowards and kings, I read no bible, consulted no texts, no tutors, no tuition’s, no praying, or mantra saying, no analyzing, no devising of schemes or dreams or future scenes, I just paid attention to every lesson of every second, and I’ve laughed long and loud and feared no shroud of dark or hate or unhappy fate, the flowers and the sewage smell the same to me boyo, see it all with clarity and realize the brilliant hilarity, its all beautiful and ugly as hell and neither as well, it defies words and laws, great lands and shores, filthy virgins and pure whores so allow me please to speak no more!!" Chux Capacitator dissolves into this air his chortle staying long after to comfort and caress the night breeze, wounded mortals continue city chaos, humming drone of distant days and derelict communities crushed by progress, pig pens, garbage heaps, scabs, flies, maggots, manholes, misspent youths and mental health……a moments silence…..fade to gray.

© Copyright 2009 van morsel (richid at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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