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Rated: 13+ · Chapter · Action/Adventure · #1522156
A Begining...
The Date was 2020, September 11th, 10:30 A.M. The Day the World Ended.
The Russians had made an unknown allegiance with the Iraqi’s and the Chinese. Together they launched a secret attack on the United States. The attack failed to do its intended damage but it sparked the straw that became the third world war. America immediately launched a counter attack with Nuclear and Bio-Chemical weapons. As previously predicted, every country that had Nukes launched them as well. In less than two hours (12:30 P.M.) less than 5 million people were still alive. China, Russia, the Middle East, Europe and most of North America were barren wastelands, covered with nuclear fallout. It took over a hundred and sixty years for us to recover. Then, in the year 2180, something strange happened. The planet started repairing itself, unexplainably so. It was said that green and blue streaks of light could be seen at night sometimes, repairing the Planet. Then, twenty years later, when the planet was better, a man came forward with a technology that changed the world. The man’s name was Richard Meagan. He created Meagan Energy Corp of America. from the ashes and assisted in rebuilding the planet. MECA said that the planet had a connection to something called the Life Veins, interconnected energy Veins that ran through the galaxy, connecting all the planets together. The Company used the Life Veins to help restore the rest of the planet. The cities started growing again and some even came back from destruction. A lot of people hated MECA. because the company used the energy that the planet had to help us. Some people thought that the Company was hurting the planet. So they created a group of warriors called the Specialists to destroy MECA. The Army that the bad men made was huge. There were a lot of battles. But MECA won the fight.

MECA rebuilt itself and decided that they wouldn’t let this happen again. So they assembled and recruited a lot of soldiers to their Army. Then they created a special group called the Strai. They never told me why they called it that. Maybe it was because that the warriors were like stars.
They never went out.

Section I
Life’s Twilight


We Are The Life Veins.
We are the source of energy and life throughout the Universe.
We coil and twist throughout the Galaxies, spanning thousands of light years.
Back and forth from the gateways of life and death,
Back and forth bringing life and energy to the planets.
Some seek to harm us, some seek to help us.
For every good that we do
From us come forth monsters that wish to harm us.
In the end, we select a special few from those who seek to help us and
ask them to guard us from those who seek to harm us.
We Are The Life Veins.

Sky Haze

Project X was a secret.
Or at least, it was supposed to be, but when the company went public, they presented it as the new Military Force that was charged with protecting us. The Hero’s of our day and age.
Or...were they?

Date: Sept 12th, 2400. 15:30(MST)
Location: Earth, North American Continent
East Coast, Sentinel City
District One, Section Nine
James's Bar.

“Ye get yerself home and ye stay there, yea?” the bartender, James, pointed to the door as Dr. Chevalier stood.
He turned and nodded to the bartender, fully intending to do just that. He stumbled a little on his way to the door and slipped outside, pausing to look around at the sky.
“Such beauty.” he whispered, smiling at the sunset. The orange and maroon colors swirling around each other, a little blue and green mixed in.
A pity the night would be ruined by such ugliness…

Imposing height. Chords of steel muscle up and down the six foot frame. Silvery blue hair. Glowing hazel eyes. Black cape, metal shoulder guards, silver torso plate with multiple levels to allow for flexibility. Multi-strapped cargo pants for any odd end of things. And a very, very long sword held blade down in the palm of the left hand.
He glanced behind him to see the contact heading towards him. Stepping off the roof of the apartment he slid down the side of the building and touched down on the ground. The figure walked slowly around the corner, stopping as they saw him.
“Ye got me message then?” the man asked in a gruff Scottish accent.
He only nodded.
“Good. He's headed outside. Tenth street, second district, section five. About two hours ago.” the man said slowly, not missing anything.
“Good.” He replied, a deep bass rumbling through the air.
He turned and tossed a small clip at the man, then jumped and was gone.
The man caught the clip, looked at it and smiled.
“Many thanks to ye, X.” He said to the air, tossing the clip up and down.
He landed lightly on a roof of an abandoned warehouse, watching as the man walked hesitantly through the streets, completely unaware of his impending future.


He was being followed. He was sure of it. The only problem was, which one of the cursed things did they send after him? It must have been a good one not to get caught in his trap. Those energy bonds would have sliced any but an S or and X into pieces. He ran up the stairs heading deeper into the factory, pausing to place an energy web on the floor, covering it with dust. As he stood, he stopped short, seeing a man in the doorway.
“Good evening, Professor Chevalier.” The man spoke.
“Kailon. So you’re the one that’s on special assignment to kill all who leave.” He sighed.
“You just have to come back and I won’t have to bloody my sword.” Kailon smiled sadly.
“I think we both know that’s not happening.” Chevalier laughed.
He triggered the trap with a push of his thumb on the switch, but strangely, it didn’t go off. He looked up at Kailon, and then stopped as a muted thud resonated through his ears. He felt warm liquid running down his chest. As he put his hand up to feel a sharp piece of metal in his chest he looked down to see his blood coming out of him. He looked back up as the sword was pulled out, a puzzled look on his face. His knees buckled, pulling him down to the floor. He twisted as he fell, landing on his side and rolling onto his back. He looked up and noticed a hole in the ceiling. He smiled and saw glimmers of stars in the sky, winking back and forth.
“Wh-why? All I wan-wanted was freedom.” He gasped, spitting blood out of his mouth.
“You had high level security clearance to restricted and sensitive items, information that is not allowed to leave MECA. If you do not remain faithful, you die.” Kailon turned and walked down the stairs, headed back to his home, the giant skyscraper in the center of the city.
Back up in the warehouse, on a different plane of existence, a glimmer of light flashed and then winked out of existence.
© Copyright 2009 Guy of Gisborn (armybrat at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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