Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1522026-Teen-Titan-Fan-Fiction
by Dyzz
Rated: · Other · Other · #1522026
Teen Titans meets Night World, let me know what you think...
Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans, or Night World... As much as you want me too, I don't...

It was approaching Valentine’s day, once again, and the mall had been well decorated in bright pink, white, and red decorations. Happy couples walked threw the halls, grinning at one another. And the thick atmosphere of love hung heavy throught the area… so heavy, Evanescence felt like she was drowning in it. She whinced at the sights around her. Couples smiling, and flirting. Happiness taking over everyone… She felt the familiar feeling of remorse ache threw her… She looked at the ground as she made her way towards a bench.

Her walk was lethal, but graceful. Similar to a cats, in some eyes. And it would fit her well, to walk like a cat. The young were-cat sat down, her long black hair hanging down her back, and her purple eyes slowly taking in everything. She avoided making a sound, and slowly pulled a note out of her bag.

She had the slip of paper memorized, knew each stroke of pen that lined the paper by heart. But the pain that pierced her heart at the mere glance of the page was enough to make her relive the moment over and over again. For on that single piece of paper, written from the hand of her greatest enemy, where all the reasons that she kept herself closed off from others. Kept herself locked up, not showing feelings, not showing weakness, and not hurting anyone she cared about ever again.

Being against the Night World, and trying to foil their every plan was probably a mistake, seeing as it cost her more and more the older she got. But eventually she would win this war. She was sure of it… he would want her too.

Evanesce looked up at the sky, seeing it grow darker as she gazed threw one of the windows built into the ceiling. Storm clouds were settling in, and threatening to use it’s rain to dampen everyone else’s Valentine’s Day cheer. Evanescence shrugged. It wasn’t like she was going get a chance to celebrate this holiday. She and her small group of assasins would have to move out soon. Staying in one place to long on accounted for her risking both her life, as well as the life of her team mates.

Slowly standing up, Evanescence began to maneuver threw the crowded areas of the mall. But upon seeing Hot Topic leer down at her, with the promise of darkness, and peace, the young goth walked into the store… She would only stay for a minute… or two.


Beast Boy struggled to find Raven a Valentine’s gift, and at the same time, feeling like it was all going to be useless anyways. How did he even know if Raven would welcome a Valentine’s gift. He had ditched Robin a while ago, who was ‘just looking around’ as Robin called it. But Beast Boy had heard the Leader of the Teen Titans say something like, ‘I wonder if Starfire would like this.’ He just wanted to impress Star, but what else was knew.

“Back to Rae… what should I get her? Maybe a book… or some chocolate… or…” His voice trailed of as he spotted a store with a sign hanging above it, written in bright metallic red, ‘Hot Topic.’ “That could work…” Beast boy muttered as he walked into the store.

He glanced around, feeling a little uneased by the dark aura of the place. He took a deep breath, then headed to the area where a few odd types of jewelry was hanging. He picked up a necklace that had a celtic cross hanging from it, then put it back. It didn’t feel like the best thing to get a half-demon.

Beast Boy suddenly grinned, and grabbed the necklace again, ‘I could give it to her, telling her I was hoping to rid her of her evil.’ He thought, grinning mishceviousily.

Then he remembered he was shopping for Valentine’s day. He didn’t want to get her something that she would end up hating him for. Desperate to find something, he began to run around the store… er… atleast that was before he ran into her.

Beast Boy could tell immediantly that their was something off with the goth in front of him. She didn’t feel like your average ordinary goth. Something about her screamed that hse was the real deal.

She glared at him, her eyes cold but hollow… emotionless. Similar, in a way, to Raven’s own eyes. Her eyes were even purple, like Raven’s eyes. “What where you’re going?” The girl leered at Beast Boy, her expression cold, and her words dripped of venom and malice.

Beast Boy gulped, then attempted a smile, but for once, not a word came to Beast Boy’s mind. Not even a Joke! Suddenly he grinned more brightly, “I’m sorry. Next time, I’ll try to avoid running into the Queen of the Damned.” Beast Boy said brightly, for the girl before him did resemble the Queen of the Damned, with her terrifying manner, and gothic attire.

She snarled darkly, and Beast Boy watched with intrest as her pupil’s turned more cat-like, and into slits, and the purple slowly melding into starch yellow. “Filthy mongrel.” The girl snarled, as she turned away.

Beast Boy grinned, she sure wasn’t Raven… but if Raven wasn’t around… then maybe he could get this girl to open up. He walked towards a smiled, “Oh come on, you’re not mad are you?” He asked, then added, “I’m Beast Boy, and you are?”

The girl glared at him, before replying, “Evanescence.” Evanescence was beginning to look feral, and Beast Boy wondered what was so odd about her. Then he grinned again.

“Nice to meet ya, Evanescence. Mind if I call you Evvy?” That seemed to have been a mistake, for the girl suddenly spun around, a snarl upon her lips.

“No you may not. My name is Evanescence. Not Evvy, not Eva, not Ev. Deal with it.” She hissed.

Beast Boy, to say the least, looked clearly surprised, “Sorry.” He muttered. Then another thought struck him. Maybe she could help him find a gift for Raven, “Hey! You should help me with something, I need t-”


Evanescence cut him off with a glare, “I don’t have to help you with anything.” She growled. Her anger was beginning to get the best of her. And the were-cat didn’t want to do anything dangerous…

And she most defiantly didn’t want to do anything that would lead… them straight to her. She sighed, “What do you want, you pest?” She snapped.

Beast Boy, as he called himself, shrugged, “I just need to find a gift for one of my friends, that’s all. She’s goth like you, and… well… different.”

Evanescence heard something in his tone, “Different? What kind of different?” She asked.

Beast Boy grinned, seeing the subtle change from rage to curiousity. He had dealt with Raven’s Rage, literally, before… And didn’t want to see anyone elses. “Oh, I don’t think even you would be able to understand that kind of different.”

Evanescence kept walking, “Try me.” She muttered, as she started to look threw out the store. “What does your friend like?” She asked, in an almost giving up manner. Maybe if she helped the green pest, she would be able to get rid of him, and get out of this town, and back towards the rest of her group of assasins. Hopefully, her second-in-charge was doing well, with keeping order.

“Well, she likes book, and she likes… umm…” He didn’t know what else to say, or he wouldn’t tell anymore.

Evanescence sighed, this was going to be harder then she thought. “What about a necklace of sort?” She asked.

Beast Boy hastened a shake of his head, “A cross necklace wouldn’t exactly be right for her, or the other end of that spectrum.” He said, thinking about whatever that star thingy was that stood for hell… similar to the one… around… Evanescence’s… neck. “Are you a Satanist?” He asked suddenly, when he saw the star in a circle necklace on her neck.

Evanesce looked at him strangely, “What?” She asked, obviousily confused by the sudden question, then her eyes darkened again. “What the hell do you mean! Am I a Satanist!?” She spat darkly, finding it more and more difficult to keep her anger in check. She would need to relax soon, or else she would be finding herself in trouble.

Beast Boy grinned slightly, and pointed at her necklace, “Is that a pentagram?” He asked, simply.

Evanescence glared, as she reached up, and gently touched the Pentacle around her neck, “No, it is a PENTACLE. There is a difference.” She said darkly.

Beast Boy shrugged, “Oh… um… okay then.” He said not really caring. “Anyways, what should we get her… get her… get her…” He said, looking threw the merchandise, and repeating the last two words to himself as he attempted to find something.

“Get something for who, BB?” A voice asked from behind the two. Evanescence stiffened at the ghastly sound… And slowly spun around to gaze at a familiar pale, almost grey face, purple hair, and purple eyes.

The Werecat’s eyes darkened to starch yellow, “Raven…” She said coldly.

The half demon glared at the were-cat, “Been a long time, ‘Essence.” She said darkly, her face emotionless.

Evanescence nodded, “But not long enough.” She said coolly.

Raven laughed a dark laugh, short and formal, “For you, I’m sure.” She said, knowing full well that the were-cat hated her as much as she hated the filthy feline.

Beast Boy stared in confusion as he looked from one girl to the other. Did they know each other? It seemed like it… “Uh… Raven… Hi?” He asked, waving a hand in front of her glaring face.

Raven turned to him, her eyes narrowed, “What are you doing with her Beast Boy?” She asked darkly. Evanescence grinned, as she met Raven’s dark glare again.

Beast Boy looked helpless, “Um.. I…” He faltered, as Raven turned around, her cloak billowing behind her. Beast Boy looked at Evanescence, then at Raven… not sure at all, what to do.

© Copyright 2009 Dyzz (dyingtobeseen at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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