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Rated: E · Short Story · Writing · #1520958
Overcoming the fear of horses!!
  I have always wanted a chance to be around horses and to learn to ride. When I was forty-eight, I got really sick and couldn't get out of bed, I couldn't walk or eat so was hospitalized for three months.
When I finally got out of the hospital, I was looking for a reason to fight my way back to health. So I finally decided to try to get a horse of my own.

My husband took me to horse sales and auctions until I found my first horse, Stormy. As you can see from my E-mail address I really love Stormy. He is a small horse, actually smaller than I needed, but he made me want to get out there to visit him so he gave me the will to fight and get back on my feet.

Last year I finally managed to build up the strength to pull myself up into a saddle. I was so proud of myself! Even though at that time I had to be led to be able to stay on. Then I kept practicing until I could ride without help;" Boy you talk about proud I was really proud then!

Soon after that I found Ace, he's a bigger horse.  I had to practice more to get where I could mount and learn to ride him.I have got to the point that I ride well enough to ride on trail rides and wagon trains.

Last year I rode my first Wagon Train. Now I can ride pretty well and don't hesitate to swing up and ride with my family and friends. Its now a family thing we do every year in the summer and we ride together on holidays when it's warm enough.

                                                                    word count 290
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