Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1520504-A-Good-Man-Named-Paul
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1520504
An inspiring poem about forgiveness.
Saul was a vicious brute they say.
He sent Christians to prison for pay.
He persecuted the followers of Jesus.
If ever there was a villain, he was.

His pursuit of good Christians unrelenting,
the birth of a faith he was preventing.
As he searched through every town and village,
All things Christ was his goal to pillage.

While on horseback his motives disputed.
By Christ’s light he was reborn and recruited.
Repent, was the message from the Lord.
No longer would Saul live by the sword.

The 13th apostle he became,
to evangelize with Paul as his name.
His teachings are replete throughout the Book.
In Jesus’ footsteps he teaches first to look.

Often it’s the worst that divert.
From darkness they answer and convert.
The Creator’s net, Paul set to casting,
so the sinner could have life everlasting.

So if ever you sin or act unjust.
Remember this lesson and adjust.
Saul was the worst far and wide.
Yet God still chose him for our side.

Don’t let his story fade through the years.
Retell or it will turn foreign to our ears.
Forgiveness is central to us all.
Pray for a redemption like St. Paul.
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