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I hate the Subway. |
A stream of consciousness piece... Ugh, what a boring day! Eww, that seat is sticky. Don’t want to sit there… Hey, that guy looks like someone I knew in high school… Should I go say hi to him? Oh, darn, he just got off… there he goes, just like all of the rest. I hate riding this stupid subway! I can’t ever find a seat! I guess I’ll just stand… Now arriving at…. Nope, not my stop. I don’t get off yet. Oh, look, there’s a seat! I wonder if I can make it to this one! Crap! No, of course, I missed that one too… Oh well, at least this lady’s pregnant. I’d feel bad if she didn’t have a seat. Ugh, there’s that sticky one again. Oh my gosh! That guy just sat in it! Yuck! Should I say something to him? He couldn’t have seen it with that newspaper in front of his face… Wait. There was a bunch of red gooey sticky stuff in that seat. That guy just got up. There isn’t anything there! What the crap? There’s nothing on him either! What is going on here? I know for a fact I saw that red goo. Where did it go, then? Oh, who cares. Free seat! A seat! Finally! Sigh… man it feels good to sit down. These stupid shoes are killing me! But I guess that’s what I get for wearing pumps today… Sigh. Yet another failed interview. Mom won’t be too happy… Oh well, it’s not my fault. I mean, just because all of these jerk bosses don’t like my style, doesn’t mean I shouldn’t get a job! So what if the only color I wear is black? Should it matter what your favorite color is? God, the people here are so prejudiced. I can’t stand this place. Maybe I should move? Oh right- I don’t have any money. Sigh. Man, I’m so tired. I’ll just lay my head back and close my eyes for a minute… My stop is the very last- it will take a while… Crap! Oh no! Why is it dark? Did I fall asleep! No! What’s going on here? Wait… the train is still moving… What does that mean? Is it still heading for my stop? Is no one getting off here today? God I hope so. Screeeeeccchhhh!!! Ah! Oh my God! What’s going on here!? What just happened? Why did the train stop? God, it so dark! I can’t see anything! No! No! This is NOT happening! Okay, calm down Dee, just calm down. You can handle this. There must just be a little malfunction. I’m sure the conductor will come back here and find me and take me back to a station or something. God, I’ll go anywhere! I’ll walk home if I have to! Lights! Yay! Thank God. The lights are back. There’s no one on here… wait. Where is all of that goo coming from? Oh God! It’s everywhere! All red and black and brown and ugh! Ewwwww!!!! Ahh! Hello? Help! Get me out of here! Why can’t anyone hear me?! Why doesn’t anyone answer? Help! Help! Somebody help me! Where is my echo? What’s happening? Ugh! That crap is still oozing out! Ah! It’s on my foot! Ugh! Get it off, get it off, get it off! Ugh! What is this crap?! And what is that awful smell? Ugh! Gag. It’s like… dead body mixed with poo. Ugh! God, where is that coming from? All of that goo! Is it coming out of the walls now? What the crap is going on here? Alright, that’s it. I’m going to figure this out. Ew, I’m stepping in it! My poor shoes! But I have to get to the conductor! I won’t just sit here! Ugh! That smell is getting worse. But which direction is the conductor? I can only see myself in the windows… it’s black outside. So black. So dark. Ugh. I’ll go this way, then. There’s a door here… now. Will it open? Ugh! Come on you stupid door! Open! Budge! Grrr! Move! Owww!!! Shouldn’t have kicked it! Oww! My foot! Can’t sit down and look to see if it’s bruised, though. That red goo is covering all of the seats again…! AHHHH!!!! Oh my God, it’s on my hands! Ew, ew, ew, ew, ew! Get it off!! It’s not coming off! No! Now it’s all over my shoes, my dress, and my hands! Yuck! Wait. Is this…? EEEEHHHH!!!! BLOOD! OH MY GOD! IT’S BLOOD! What is going on here? Oh no! NO! HEEEELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!! Where am I? Where is everyone? What’s going on? Oh God, save me! It’s no use screaming like that. Who was that? I don’t see anyone! There’s only the goop all over. And there’s more everywhere now! It’s all over the train! I will never hate yellow again! I swear! I just wish those seats weren’t covered in this crap! What was that sound?! Was that a foot step? Wh-who a-a-are you!? There’s no answer! Why don’t they answer? Where are they? Is it someone in the other car? I can’t see in there! The door has all that BLOOD on it! Dear God. It is blood! It’s blood! I can smell that awful copper smell! It’s blood! BLOOD!!! AAAAAHHHH!!! Someone just touched me! I just felt it! Someone just put a hand on my shoulder! And there’s no one there! There’s no footsteps or anything! Oh my God! I’m gonna die! I’m gonna die here! Very nice choice. Very pretty. Who said that!? Who’s there! Help me! Did someone just say that? Oh God, oh God, oh GOD! WHAT’S HAPPENING!!!! THERE’S A HAND ON MY ARM! NO! GET OFF! I CAN’T SHAKE IT OFF! WHY CAN’T I SHAKE IT OFF?! AND ANOTHER! NO! OFF! OFF! OFF! LET ME GO! GET OFF! AHHHH!!! NO!!! LET ME GO!!! AHHH----! Stupid invisible hand thinks it can cover my mouth! NEVER!!! Geeze! This one’s a fighter… Ha! Stupid, invisible, evil, thing! I showed you! But God, do you taste bad! Ugh! What are you? Re-fried corpse? Eeeeh!!! It touched my hair! My poor hair! No! NO!!! I just had it colored bright red again! Would you stay still? NO! They think they can order me around! Ha! Ugh! I wish I could see them! But there’s only that one hand still on my arm! Oww! It’s squeezing too tight! Ow! Ow! AAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!! MY ARM!!! MY ARM!!! The blood! God the blood! Where’s my arm! AHHH!!!! NO! Not the other one! There’s a shape now, covered in blood, my BLOOD!! GOD! I’m going to be sick! Ugh! Now I’m covered in blood and vomit… I’m so dizzy! Ow! There’s the floor… What… AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!! Not again!!! NO! He just took my other arm! No! GOD that hurts! Crap! AHHH!!! STOP!!! STOP!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?! Silly little girl. We want your flesh. There he is! I can see him! But there’s black… too much black all around… I can’t… can’t… see… Ugh… Good choice, Maverick. Yes, I know. Her skin is perfect. Stupid… jerks… What are they saying now? I… can’t… hear them anymore… NO! NO! I’m NOT GOING TO DIE!!! I WON’T!!! Strong will, though. Mmm. Yes. But, you know, these things are so easily remedied. Just take off her head. AAAAAHAHHHHH!!!! NOOO!!!! GGGG---- Word count: 1,239 How'd I do? |