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Rated: 18+ · Chapter · Supernatural · #1519525
First two chapters of the first of a trilogy I'm writing.
Rising Darkness


I am Orias and I am a Demon, this is my story. It is a tale of love, lost and found again and how one soul shining brightly can cast a light even in the most bitter of Darkness. You’re asking what a Demon would know about love or even happiness well love has a name: Sarah…

Chapter 1
Geneva 1682,

The crowd screamed and almost frothed at the mouth as Sarah was led through the street, I shoved my way through the crowd to the sight I wished with all my might was not there, the stake. The stakes used to burn witches and cleanse their sins; I felt the hand grab my shoulder, the hand that had caused her to be captured “Come to see your handiwork Thastiel?” I questioned him determined not to show weakness in front of the Angel, “I’m making sure you don’t interfere Orias, this is Father’s will his love is just.” I laughed “If only Father knew what love was.” Thastiel let go of my shoulder and shoved me face first into the mud “THAT IS BLASPHEMY ORIAS!” his eyes turned pure white except for his pupil and iris which took the form of a gold cross, my eyes turned pale yellow in response as I picked myself out of the dirt “Are you angry Thastiel?” If Thastiel had that emotion then his face would probably be what it looked like, “I’m watching you don’t interfere Orias.” With that he seemed to disappear in a flapping of wings that left feathers all over the place, the humans didn’t care what had just happened or what they could have witnessed their barbaric natures led them to throw things at my love…

Sarah was being led through the street to the stake that awaited her. She had suffered greatly through the night as the whip marks scoured her legs and the brand across her neck still had not healed in the correct manner, the torturers had done their work well keeping her in pain but completely conscious. I turned my eyes back to normal and pushed through the crowd to the front row facing the stake, Sarah was looking around wildly as if for some route of escape but seeing the armed men all around there was none, she was tied to the stake and screamed “ORIAS!” once before one of the guards slapped her across the mouth, I felt my teeth clench in anger but then the Judge started speaking “Sarah Elizabeth Darrens, thou hast been accused of the crime of witchcraft and consorting with beings most foul in sight of our Lord.” Sarah looked down at the wood at her feet and said nothing I stepped forward but one of the guards pushed me back into the crowd “No approaching the convicted sir.” One part of me said to tear his heart from his chest but my other half was against it, I stepped back into the front of the crowd and watched as the judge stepped forward to say something that no one else except something that could read minds could hear. “This is your last chance Sarah, the fire or your services.” he said with a malicious grin, Sarah nodded for a second then she spit in his face. “So be it witch.” He said and turned to the crowd, catching my eye he said “The witch has refused to repent and will burn in the flames of Hell.” He threw the torch at her feet and the wood ignited, Sarah’s eyes widened and I felt my eyes flick unwittingly back to my natural yellow. Sarah struggled at the ropes that bound her as the smoke began to rise from the wood, I felt tears well in my eyes and at that moment the wind blew past me to the stake. I prayed she wouldn’t smell but she did above the smoke, the smell of too sweet honey and looked down and saw my yellow eyes. I saw her eyes widen despite her tears and read the word in her mind before it hit her lips “Orias…” she said quietly, the tears fell from my eyes wilting the grass around me. “ORIAS!” she screamed as the flames reached her feet, I wanted to look away but her screams kept me transfixed on her as the screams got louder and louder “ORIAS, ORIAS, ORIAS!” she kept screaming my name and how I wanted to go to her and put the flames out forever as only a demon can. The flames reached over and covered her body in a wreath of painful light and she died with that last hateful word on her lips “Orias…” and with one last mournful cry her soul was carried from her body by a Reaper and into Hell screaming for release the entire way.

I fell to my knees sobbing at my weakness, for all my power I could not save her. The grass around me wilted and the scent of too sweet honey filled the air. Several villagers stared at me in my long leather coat sobbing uncontrollably on the ground; one of the villagers came and grabbed me by the shoulder “Why are you crying for a witch you…” His sentence was finished by one look at my yellow eyes, “What are ye?” he questioned, I didn’t answer but punched him and sent him flying through the air into a mass of villagers, the fire’s flared as I stood up my yellow eyes flashing through the crowd, I stared at all of them who cowered in fear. The priest’s came forward “You are unwelcome here Fallen One, depart now or the Lord will bring swift wrath upon you.” My tears still fell and wilted the ground around them “She was everything to me.” I said as the priests advanced crucifixes outstretched, Thastiel appeared between the priests in full angelic glory and all the priests fell to the ground in terror “Due not be afraid children, the Fallen One can not harm you here, his hate will not mar your walk.” I felt my jaw clench and my tears fall harder “Hate, my hate for you is eternal angel, you took her away from me and extinguished the only light that shined into my soul.” With that I began yelling at the sky, I don’t know how long I yelled my sorrow and anger at the sky and the uncaring Father who allowed my existence. I just know that Thastiel had been sent away by my anger and sorrow made verbal noise, all the humans had fallen to the ground clasping their ears in agony and I saw their tears fill the ground as my sadness enveloped them. The judge crawled to his feet and yelled at me “How!?” he screamed as I looked at him my jaw clenched in rage “How could you love someone, you’re a demon!?” I advanced towards him and snapped my fingers, two hellhounds the size of some small horses appeared at my side “She shined a light in my darkness.” The judge’s face contorted with rage “Damn You!” he screamed at me as I snapped my fingers and the hellhounds charged “I already am, human.” I said quietly, his screams died off as the hellhounds made off to Hell with their new chew toy but I stayed and cut the ropes that bound the burned shell of my love. She fell into my arms and I clasped what remained of her hair and screamed at my Father, the one who created me “NOOOOOO!!!!” and began to sob uncontrollably at the foot of the stake.

Chapter 2

Outside of Geneva 1682

I took her empty body outside of Geneva; carrying her in my arms I still saw the frozen scream on her face. My tears fell to the grass leaving a trail of wilted plants in my wake, I reached the cliff which looked over Geneva and laid her body gently against the grass next to an oak tree. Then I began to dig, I don’t know for how long I just dug and dug until the grave was made ready, I gently picked up my love’s body and placed it in the pit, and with a wave of my hand the dirt piled high and Sarah’s body was lost to view.

I sat there looking at the small cross which marked the grave and said “I’m so sorry, forgive me.” “That’s ironic.” The hateful voice of Thastiel rang in my ears as I turned around to face him my eyes flicking yellow, “A demon is incapable of receiving forgiveness, you voided that right when you rebelled against Father.” Two angels flanked him their eyes a stark white next to Thastiel’s cross eyes, “We did not do anything that Father did not force upon us.” The two angels stepped forward but Thastiel held up his hand, the two angels stopped “Father did not wish for her to die but she chose her fate when she consorted with the likes of you.” I looked at the Greater Angel, “What I would do to bring her back Thastiel, I would deny my own miserable existence if it would bring her back.” The two angels continued to be emotionless stones, but Thastiel cocked his head and questioned “Why Orias? Why give up your existence for a human, there is nothing you can gain from her now.” I glared at him my yellow eyes flashing “Do you not wonder Thastiel, why I have been able to feel guilt or have been able to love?” Thastiel’s cross eyes flashed “It is a trick, Demons can only feel the evil’s of life not love.” I gritted my teeth “You are a hypocrite Thastiel, you and your kind cannot feel love or guilt or regret only what Father wants you to feel.” Thastiel’s cross eyes met my yellow eyes and just like that Thastiel knew how I could love, regret, and mourn my love. Thastiel stumbled back and the two angels looked at Thastiel who had begun to gasp and pant “It’s not possible.” He wheezed out, “She shined into my soul and showed the part of me that I had wished wasn’t there and by doing that she unlocked the emotions that Father meant only for our younger siblings.” Thastiel narrowed his eyes and motioned to the two angels who began to move forward “I’m sorry Orias, but your feelings will not save you.”

I raised my hand and motioned towards one of the angels, it flew into a tree, while the other angel was next to me in the blink of an eye. It tried to stick its thumbs over my eyes but I put my hand over it’s face and concentrated. The angel began to scream but eventually it streamed in a burst of white light from the body which collapsed on the ground. Thastiel was on me in an instant he motioned with his hand and beam of white light flew from his hand and hit me square in the chest, I flew from the cliff imagining the sweet release that death would bring but knew that it was a pipe dream, Thastiel and the remaining Angel jumped off the cliff after me their spectral wings visible in the shadows of the moonlight, I turned in the air and snapped my fingers. From the shadows emerged two lesser demons that proceeded to attack the regular angel who began to fight blindly, Thastiel fell past them and began to speed towards me. I landed with a muffled crunch as Thastiel landed gracefully beside me. “Give it up Orias, accept judgment.” I turned to Thastiel “Only Father can judge me, not you.” Thastiel raised his hand but I motioned with my fingers and his host’s arm broke, he tried to raise his other arm which I remedied quickly. I raised my hand and hellfire began to gather in my palm but Thastiel left his host in a stream of pure golden light which began to move toward me, I raised my hand but the gold light entered my eyes and the battle entered a new and more dangerous arena…

Inside my host’s mind Thastiel and I squared off, his angelic appearance fully contrasting against my demonic visage. “You’re on the side of wrong this time Thastiel.” I said “Father is not well pleased with you Orias.” I smirked “Did He tell you that? Or did one of the Archangels hand it down?” Thastiel roared and charged through the air, wings beating furiously he drew a fiery sword that he lifted above his head no doubt to smite me, that’s when the chains came from the blackness of the mind and wound around his wings, arms, and neck. I smiled my unique half smile at the struggling Greater Angel, “Having trouble Thastiel?” He glared at me eyes blazing “What trick is this?” I calmly walked around him “No trick Thastiel, these chains represent something you don’t have, love and regret.” Thastiel struggled in the chains “I have these things now and in here I have the power over you a heartless wretch.” Thastiel ceased his struggles “Your arrogance blinds you Orias, not even an Angel can have love much less a Demon.” I shook my head slowly “So blind, the fanatic you were raised to be.” I turned to leave him in darkness when the voice of my lost love rang through my ears, everyone deserves redemption Orias even those who have made mistakes. I turned back to Thastiel “You will experience this feeling of sorrow Thastiel and afterwards tell me, what you believe is right.” I motioned and the chains started crawling over Thastiel’s body “You will pay Orias!” Thastiel called as the chains made their way around his face “I have paid my debt.” I said quietly as Thastiel’s face was consumed from view…

The golden light shot from eyes back into Thastiel’s host as fast as it had come and when it had completely entered the host the eyes turned back into Thastiel’s golden cross eyes. I cocked my head slightly as Thastiel went to the ground sobbing and gasping for air as his newfound emotions took hold in his body, I calmly walked over and laid my hand across his forehead “I forgive you Thastiel; you did not know what you were doing.” Thastiel’s tears fell to the ground sprouting flowers where they landed and scent of cinnamon filled the air, Thastiel struggled to stand and turned away from me, tears running down his cheek “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he repeated over and over. He fell back down to his knees and continued to weep; I remembered when it had happened to me. For angels and demons gaining emotions is not a particularly pleasant experience, we have existed since before the Earth’s creation and have done things that we would regret had we known what regret feels like. Angels were created only feeling the seven virtues and when we Demons rebelled we lost the virtues and gained the seven sins, Sarah had unlocked the virtues which I had forgotten and by having both sins and virtues had unlocked the emotions I had never felt such as Love, Regret, and Guilt. When an Angel or a Demon unlocks either set of emotions it manifests as physical pain hence Thastiel’s little episode…

My patience had worn thin, “Get up, you’ll be fine.” I put Thastiel’s arm over my shoulder and hauled him to his feet, Thastiel stumbled a little bit “Still sore?” I asked “I thought the Fall down here was bad.” I laughed wirily “How are you gonna explain your newfound emotions to Father?” Thastiel turned his cross eyes toward me “I was gonna blame it on you but I think that is out of the question.” I shook my head slowly “You can’t tell them anything Thastiel.” Thastiel had regained his strength and had walked a few paces away from me “I’m not going to lie to the Archangels, Orias.” I shook my head “Thastiel, it wasn’t by chance you discovered me.” I took a deep breath before I revealed the terrible truth “The Archangels and the Demon Princes abhor emotions that our younger siblings, feel they can’t understand it so they forbid it.” Thastiel remained motionless, “What the Archangels don’t understand they fear and what the Demon Princes don’t understand they hate.” I steadied myself “They sent you to kill me to keep my influence from spreading to other Demons or Angels, it was not an order from Father.” Thastiel moved off to see the lights of Geneva gently sparkling below us, “Your words bear the ring of truth Orias, but what can we do to change anything?” He shook his head slightly “Our power can never hope to rival the Archangels or Demon Princes.” I looked at him “Sarah had found something in her studies, a prophecy that foretold the end of their stranglehold of the world.” Thastiel turned to face me “I was blind Orias, but were you telling me she was a witch.” I shook my head “No, She was a Munin.” Thastiel raised his head slightly “Altered humans tasked by the Elder Ones to gather information from across time and space and bring it back to them.” I snorted “The Elder Ones were but a myth, Munin were altered by the Destallim to help them in their never ending quest to see humanity along fate’s path.” Thastiel nodded “The Destallim are not even understood by the Archangels.” I raised my eyebrow “I think they may have answers, to our questions but this is pointless without Sarah the knowledge of the prophecy died with her.” I felt my eyes brim over with tears; Thastiel met my eyes and slowly said “You really loved her didn’t you? What does it feel like?” I looked up at the sky for a few moments thinking of the rush she had given me “Remember when Father created you and told you that you were perfect in everyway and he loved you, Thastiel?” Thastiel smiled and said “Oh yes Orias, it was like the world was perfect and nothing could touch you.” I smiled “Her love was like that except you knew you could give it back to her tenfold unlike Father whose love was a one time concept.” This roused Thastiel who turned to me and said “That was blasphemy Orias.” I looked at him for a minute and said “Demon remember?” Thastiel chuckled and said “In any case Orias, Father will not abandon us he will show us the path.” It was my turn to laugh “Let’s hope that faith holds out for you Thastiel.” Thastiel paused momentarily and looked back at me “It does not matter if we do not create a plan soon we will fail.” I turned back to him “The plan is: Get Sarah back no matter what the cost.” Thastiel nodded his head “You don’t want her back for the prophecy, but for her love.” I raised an eyebrow “I won’t lie.” Thastiel chuckled “I will be in touch Orias, one day all our brothers and sisters will feel what we feel.” Thastiel’s wings emerged from the shadows “I will be in touch soon.” With those words Thastiel disappeared in fluttering of feathers…

© Copyright 2009 John Castus (riceguard66 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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