Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1519375-Vegetarian-Vampire
by left17
Rated: E · Short Story · Comedy · #1519375
From a long time ago.
         Thirty-seven years ago, I was attacked by a group of vampires. Since I lived I became a vampire, before which I was a vegetarian. That was a big difference for me. I am also stuck at the age of 15. I also have a “drinking” problem.
         The sun started to rise as I finished my dinner and recollections. As I got up from my victims body I felt like vomiting, and might have were it not impossible. As I wiped the blood from my face I realized something, I could try and become a vegetarian again. I was sick of drinking blood from people, it was gross and disgusting.
         I hated being a vampire, though many of the stories were lies. We could walk in the sun and could be killed by regular weapons. We did, however, have to drink blood to live. I was going to see if there was a loophole in the blood drinking part. I was going vegetarian.
         As I was thinking I heard a bell ring. That had reminded me about school, and how I was about to be late. Sighing I took off to my house, about a mile away. I ran as fast as I could, so I got there in about half a minute. Grabbing my backpack I ran out the door towards the school.
         Running was one of my favorite things to do. The world seemed to speed up around me, the colors flowing into each other. It made a beautiful abstract painting of the world, which ended too soon.
         I got to the school right as the tardy bell rang. I already had two warnings in my first period class. It was already a bad day. I put my backpack away and hurried to my next class. Right as I walked in the teacher walked up to me and handed me a white slip with the huge word on it, Detention. I sighed as I walked to my desk.
         I was lucky I could be completely forgettable if I want, because the class only looked at me for a few seconds before forgetting about me. The rest of the day went by without any incidents, so I left the school as quick as I could.
         When I got home I immediately signed the Detention, for me and my “parents”.
I lived by myself so I had to be the one to sign it, as I did with everything else. I was about to go out hunting when I remembered this morning, so I stayed inside and watched T.V.
         The next morning my throat was hoarse at first. I didn’t think that it was so fast, the Thirst. I did my best to ignore it, but I was a bit more crabby that day. Whenever someone talked to me, I glared at them without listening to what they said. I left as soon as school ended. My Detention wasn’t until the next Thursday, so I was free to suffer until then.
         Each day my Thirst grew worse, until I almost decided to drink blood. That day happened to be the day that I had a Detention, so the day dragged on forever. When I got into the Detention I was tempted to drink right then. I held out until the end of Detention, although the smells were very tempting.
         When we left I ran into the forest, trying to hunt an animal, any kind of animal. I was only there for three seconds when a bear came out of nowhere. The fight was easy, all I did was sneak up on it and turn it’s head around. Immediately I opened the bear up and was overwhelmed by the smell.
         When I finished drinking I felt the same nausea I felt almost a week before. I decided that I could not do this either. I thought it would be fine because I could eat hamburgers and the such. I was wrong, so I will have to starve.
         The bear’s blood did not fill me as much as I hoped it would, therefore I will grow Thirsty quicker. This time I wouldn’t give into temptation, I hoped.
         When the new day rolled around, I immediately felt the pang in my throat. I went to school anyway. When I walked into the cafeteria a smell suddenly came over me, and it brought my Thirst forward. It was a torturous heaven. The smell grew stronger as this girl came toward me.
         The girl had a light brown hair color, with blue-green eyes. When she left the room the smell left, along with my Thirst. All of my Thirst was gone. It returned an hour later though. I saw the girl again in my seventh period class. The smell came along as well. I went through the class without attacking her, which was a good sign.
         At the end of the day I ran into her again, this time literally. The better phrase of words would be, ran over her. As she got up I started to maneuver away from her, but she grabbed on to my arm. It didn’t burn like I expected it to, which was lucky.
         “You should say sorry for knocking me down, you little-” The weird little girl dragged on. I immediately tuned her out before I realized I haven’t talked, or been talked to, anyone, and tuned them out, in a few years. Of course this doesn’t count teachers, I don’t think.
         “-besides I am very fragile!” She finally finished. I was about to yawn when I realized that would make me stay longer. The smell was starting to drive me crazy.
         “Fine then, what’s your name?” I said, giving in.
         “Nevaeh, what’s yours?” Nevaeh said in a curios tone.
         “I am sorry Nevaeh, for running you over, and trying to leave without saying sorry. That good enough for you?” I snapped.
         “Uhm, ya.” she said letting go of my arm.
         I left as soon as she let go, not wanting to attack her. That would cause a disturbance, and that was all I needed right now. As I headed back to my house, I smelt her scent. It turned out she lived right next to me. Close enough to torture me without knowing it.
         The next day, I didn’t see her before school. Hoping that she was sick I went to class, almost happy. I went till lunch without incident, then it went downhill. Nevaeh was here and decided to sit with me.
         “Hey, mind if I sit here?” she asked, already taking a seat by me.
         “Can’t you torture someone else?” I said, adding as much sting as I could into that sentence. Of course she just sat there staring at me.
         “Nope, I want to torture you today.” She said, oblivious to how true that was. Then she started droning on about being a vegetarian. If I was smart I would have listened to her, but it seemed better to ignore her at the time. Then I realized she was asking me a question.
         “What’s your problem?” she asked, a bit sad, For some outer world reason, it hurt to see her sad so I decided to answer.
         “I am sorry, but I am Thirsty.” I said, being truthful. She then surprised me by laughing.
         “Then get a drink silly!” she said, as I started laughing with and at her. She just didn’t get it. She started talking about how rude it was to eat animals, that they were living beings as well. The sudden change of topic caught me off guard and I found myself listening. It just made me more Thirsty. Suddenly the bell rang telling us to get to the next class.
         “What is your name?” Nevaeh finally asked as we started walking away from each other.
         “Justin.” I yelled over the other noise. The next hour was uneventful. The hour after that I sat next to Nevaeh, since we had the class together. I didn’t need to talk at all when we talked. We never got caught, so I could considerate on not attacking her.
         At the end of the day Nevaeh followed me to my house and asked if we could walk together to and back from school. Not wanting to hurt her feelings I stupidly said yes.
         Over the next few weeks Nevaeh and I grew closer. This time period was a torment and a heaven for me. A torment because she made me Thirstier than ever, a heaven because Nevaeh and I were together. She was still trying to make me become a vegetarian. I did try one week, but it made everything else impossible.
         Everyone else in the school considered us an item. Everyone but ourselves, which makes a big difference. One week before a dance I invited her over to my house, thinking it would be safe, and she said yes.
         When we got into my house my Thirst came, and obliterated all of my other senses. It didn’t take long for Nevaeh to notice something wrong.
         “Justin? Are you alright?” she said, concern in her voice.
         “I got something to tell you.” I said with a totally different voice.
         “What is it, are you ok?” She said, worry for herself coming out.
         “This might sound weird, but I am a vampire, who hasn’t had something to drink in weeks. You might want to leave, because you look mighty good.” I said in my most convincing voice.
         “You are serious? You’re a vampire?” Nevaeh said in a little more brave voice.
         “Yes! And I am very Thirsty, so leave, please, before I lose control.” I said trying to control the Thirst.
         “Drink from me.” Nevaeh said, lifting her head up, showing her throat. I was tempted, but that sentence stopped me. I loved her, I couldn’t drink from her. Now it was apparent that she loved as well.
         “No! Are you crazy?” I said in my regular voice, shocked out of my thirst. Nevaeh started to lower her head. There was relief in her eyes.
         “Ok, how about I show you one of my favorite foods?” She said.
         “Umm, sure.” I said taken off guard by the sudden change of subject, especially this subject. She was good at that.
         “Follow me.” She said, taking me by the hand and leading me to her house. When we got in she yelled to her mom “Could you make us some veggie burgers?”
         “Sure.” The answer came while I gave Nevaeh a questioning look. Of course, she winked back. It took about 15 minutes to make them, so 15 minutes later I had my first Veggie-vampire burger.
         “How do you like it?” Nevaeh said. My reply was “ithembh iyhufgaytf.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full.” Nevaeh yelled. I almost burst out laughing, but there would have been Veggie burger everywhere.
         “I like it.” I said when my mouth was empty.
         “Will it take place of drinking?” She asked, truly wondering. She would take the place of drinking, her love to be more precise.
         “Sure.” I told her, wanting to make her feel good. Besides, I like Veggie-vampire burgers
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