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Entry to Proclaimed Creature Contest |
The Conch Shell Necklace By: Dyzz I’ve always loved the stories of Mermaids, Atlantis… Everything. Almost as much as I loved the ocean. Ah yes the ocean, the very reason for me begging my parents to let us move here. Here being no place other then on the California coast. I was only a little ways-less then a mile really-from the ocean. The beautiful ocean. I could stare out my window all day and just gaze at the beauty of it. The sweet serenity of the ocean, the gentle lull and crash of the waves. And who wouldn’t be hypnotized by the lovely whispering sounds of the ocean. Who wouldn’t fall in love with the sea? It was a simple question really. But back to the reason for my story… Let’s just say… sometimes, your greatest fantasies happen to come true in the most unimaginable way. And sometimes you just have to give yourself over to your emotions, to the ocean, to the legends… Which brings us now to why I was walking along, alone, the beach staring out at the ocean. Darkness had long ago won out the battle with the light, and night had settled smoothly into it’s easy routine. But as I looked out along the ocean, my arms wrapped around my midsection tightly, I couldn’t help but yearn to be free like the waves, to be as close to the ocean as I am on nights like this. The moon had risen, shedding the glory of pure full moon light upon my special oasis. This was my special place, more dear to me then anyone else because of what had happen… let me explain. When I was younger, much younger then my current 15 years, I had been wandering along the beach, on a night much like this, and had decided to go for a swim. Mind you, it was night, and no one was in sight. But despite all odds, I really wanted to go swimming. I don’t remember much of what had happened. Just the fleeting remembrance of arms wrapping around me when the current became to strong, and the sensation of something propelling threw the water. I had been dropped upon this place that I now walked along most nights. I’m unaware of what had saved me that night when I had ventured to far out in the ocean. Nor do I remember how I had gotten to shore so fast. Perhaps it was to remain a mystery forever… Or perhaps not? I didn’t really know. And that was a good 4 years ago. I was only 11, and awkward girl who had a tendency to make things up. No one believed me when I said I had been saved by… by a creature of the sea. Yes… I was certain that a creature of the sea was what had saved me. But that was the past, and I hated to live in the past. The past held to much pain. Like my.. my mother… my mother dying… Past was the past, the future is where I should look. I had to force myself to follow my own advice. I sank to the sand, feeling the gentlest of waves rush up and meet me, clasping around my ankles before releasing and retreating. A slight dance set up for my eyes, always tempting me to follow them into the odd waltz. A soft bird hooted somewhere, as the wind whisked past me, and I felt my long hair become trapped, and practically blind me in the process of trying to wrench free from the wind that had claimed it. For a few fleeting seconds… two things happened. A curtain of blonde had fallen into my stormy blue eyes… and… I had seen something out at sea. Being the inquisitive person I am, I clumsily jumped up, my eyes growing wide. I looked out at the ocean, trying to figure out what had caught my gaze in the darkness. My eyes were wide, and I could make out a fleeting shape, coming in closer. Then in a small blast of moonlight I made out the slight glimmering sheen of a bluish green tail… a tail… Long, and powerful. I watched as it disappeared under the water, flipping the way a whale’s tail might, but not nearly as large as such. Then I watched as something broke free of the surface of the water, about 10 yards out to sea. And what broke free from those sudden almost dangerous waves, I would never have believed if anyone else had told the story to me. No, I didn’t even believe myself at that moment in time. The head of a young man had broken threw the sudden climax of the waves, tousled dirty blonde hair had been casted with soft lunar blonde hues in the shimmering lights of the moon. Intuitive eyes, the color of seaweed, peered at me from the spot where the young man was treading water. For surely he was treading it to stay afloat like that? I could make out his bare chest just slightly, and could tell how well built he was. A sash of seaweed was wrapped diagonally across his chest, and at the moment I remembered thinking how odd it was. Then suddenly, he disappeared back under the water, and I could make out the outline of…. Something coming towards me. My breath was quick and breathless. What on earth was going on, surely I was dreaming, this couldn’t be real. Right? Suddenly he broke free from the surface once again, about a yard from me. My eyes had snapped wide in surprise and I stumbled backwards, in the process falling down. I stared in surprise at the young man, watching me with curious eyes. “Who are you?” I breathed, my tone suggested my confusion, as well as my fear. Apparently my question displeased him, for he had frowned, and I found myself wishing I had chosen different words to speak to him. He then smiled again, his long messy hair falling into his deep green eyes in a way that made me want to swipe them back. It looks positively… There were no words to describe how this man looked. He flashed me an enchanting smile, and I caught site of bright teeth that looked a little odd against his lightly tanned flesh. “I’m Arlen.” He spoke finally. Arlen, I couldn’t help replaying the name in my mind. It was so enchanting, so… beautiful. He grinned, and then I saw a flip of something leave the water, rising delicately above the surface of the suddenly smooth waves, then arch back down. My eyes widened, and I could see him smiling at my reaction. “What is that?” I stumbled threw the words. He laughed, and raised his tail again, “You act as if you have never seen a tail before.” He said simply. From the luminescent rays of moonlight, I could make out a long, powerful, but lean tail. Shimmering a shade darker then the ocean in the moonlight. A beautiful color somewhere between dull green and gentle blue. The end of his tail fanned out, glittering a shade lighter then the rest of his tail. My breath left me in a gasp. “Oh my god.” I muttered, then fell silent unable to think of anything else to say. I stared at it for a moment, then looked up at him, “May… may I touched it?” I asked, then blushed. Did I really just ask if I could touch… was he a mermaid? Merman? Merperson? Tail? Arlen smiled and nodded, flipping his tail closer to me. I reached out, and felt my hand slide across the surface. At first thought as I had seen it gleaming in the light, wet from the water, I had suspected it to be slimy. It oddly wasn’t. It was a surprisingly pleasant texture. Soft like sponge, with a roughness that kept it from holding your hand’s imprint. I smiled shyly as I stroked his tail, and started laughing as he closed his eyes in contentment, and a soft rumble came up from his throat, similar to a cat’s purr. “It isn’t like anything I’ve seen… Oh my god.” I retracted my hand, “I actually touched… a merperson’s tail!” I breathed/ Arlen laughed, after opening his eyes again, and shook his head, “Mortals are getting easier and easier to surprise. So tell me, M’lady… What may I call you?” I managed to find a voice that didn’t sound stupid or odd, and managed to keep it calm enough to say, “Naida.” My mother had named me. And it was one of the last things I had of her. I looked at the handsome man before me, and realized that he couldn’t be more then a year older then me. “Naida…” He repeated, testing it out, “Water Nymph.” My eyes widened. I had always known the meaning behind my name, but it seemed oddly ironic next to Arlen. I blushed and nodded. Arlen laughed, “Well, It is nice to meet you Naida.” He said politely. I blushed again, and said nothing else. He grinned at me, “Usually, mortals are more curious when one of my kind come to greet them. I’m sorry I shocked you so bad.” I managed to shake my head, and reply, “It’s not your fault… I’m just surprised.” I admitted weakly. Arlen laughed, and I frowned slightly, “What?” I asked confused. “It’s just… You already knew of our… my existence. You would have died that night if I hadn’t saved you.” Once again my eyes widened, and I fell utterly speechless… That night? Surely he didn’t mean… Then the memory came back to me. I walked out along the beach, giggling at the feel of the wet sand between my toes. I looked up at the large full moon above my head, and spun in a circle, my hands drifting above my head and crossing at the wrist. I giggled once more when my eyes fell upon the ocean. ‘I should go swimming!’ I had decided during one of those rash decisions I was so famous for when I was younger. I jumped into the water, and began to swim out. My legs kicked against the current, my arms fighting. But I was young, only 11, and though a strong swimmer… the current had proved to be stronger. I was quickly worn out, and didn’t know what to do. Then my head disappeared beneath the water. I remember taking in a lot of water, and suddenly seeing in blue/green. Then I remember flashes of bright green eyes, and something like a tail slipping threw the water around me, as arms wrapped themselves protective around me. I remember hearing a voice, ‘It’s alright… Come on… Don’t worry. I’ll make sure your safe.’ Then suddenly I broke free from the water, and remember catching a glance of my savior. A young boy with dirty blonde hair, bright seaweed green eyes, and a tail. Then I passed out, and woke up alone on the beach. “Oh…” I said softly. Arlen grinned with understanding, “You were the boy, weren’t you?” I asked him, not sure if I could really believe this. He nodded, “I got in trouble for saving you though. Which is why I am here now.” My face paled. He was in trouble. He returned… Oh my god, he was going to force me to drown. He must have realized what was going threw my mind, and what road my thoughts were saying, because he suddenly said, “No… no! Absolutely Not! I’m not going to kill you or anything! I promise Naida.” I nodded, and let him continue, “Rather, I have to produce a reason why I should have saved you. A good reason. Or you may not be so lucky the next time you enter water.” My eyes widened, “What sort of reason do you have to find?” I asked him, scared of what may happen if he doesn’t produce this ‘reason.’ Arlen shrugged, and looked a little frightened himself, “Not sure, actually.” He suddenly grinned. “Well, while I’m figuring this out, want to go for a swim.” I narrowed my eyes at his slight sparkle in his eyes, and his gleaming smile. He had something on his mind… Before I could take a step back he had already had his arms around me, and pulling me down into the water. Suddenly I was face to face with Arlen, and he had his arms surprisingly tight around me. We stayed like this, staring into each others eyes into suddenly I looked up, my throat starting to burn. Arlen shook his head, and slowly began to move closer to me, My eyes widened when I finally felt his lips meet mine, and suddenly I broke free gasping, “What the hell was that for.” It wasn’t in till I said those words that I realized three things. I was talking, I was breathing… Oh and the really big thing… I was still under water. Arlen let go, and shrugged, “Just giving you a gift. Now will you swim with me?” He asked, his lips turning up into a grin. I sighed, and held up a finger. No not that way. I held up one of my fingers to tell him one minute, then pulling my shirt over my head, and taking of my shorts, so I was in my swimsuit, I threw the excess clothes onto the beach. “Okay… lets go.” I told him. He grinned at me, and reached out with a hand. Sighing I placed mine in his, and let him lead me… for the first time into the real world of the ocean. Okay, I must admit… Kissing Arlen wasn’t that bad, and it was defiantly worth it to be able to experience everything I was now… I PETTED A DOLPHIN! I smiled at Arlen, laughing as he did spins and walked on his hands, across the ocean floor. I hadn’t had this much fun in a long time. But I didn’t know how amazing it would be in till he suddenly had that glint in his eyes once more, and grabbed my hand dragging me to some place. “Where are we going?” I asked him, laughing. Arlen grinned at me, “Some where you will like. I promise.” He told me. We surfaced in some sort of underwater lagoon. I stared in amazement at the hidden underwater world. It was full of air, though it was under the sea, “What do you think he asked, as stood in the new knee deep water. I looked at him to realize he was standing too. I stared in surprise when I realize that his tail had turned into a pair of legs. A simple pair of blue swimming shorts hugged his hips. “How?” I asked in surprise. Arlen grinned, and pulled me towards the land, “Merpeople have some thinks up their own sleeves too. Were amateur magicians you know.” I couldn’t help but laugh at that. Then suddenly realized that Arlen was staring at me, “What?” I asked my brow furling in confusion. Arlen put on a smile, and shook his head, “Nothing.” He said simply then began to pull me further on land. “Come on! I’ve never had a reason to explore this place till now. Explore it with me Naida?” He begged. I laughed and nodded, willingly following him. It was so amazing on the land. Large palm trees, birds flying around. I had laughed when one landed on Arlen’s shoulder from behind scaring him. We played tag, and got lost. And I also managed to pet some sort of tortoise. It was one of the coolest places I had ever been. “Thank you, Arlen, for showing me this place.” I told. Arlen merely smiled at me in return, odd warmth in his eyes. We played around for a while, then as the night began to end, Arlen began to look more and more troubled. As we were on our way back to the surface, I looked at him, and pulled him to a stop, “What is wrong, Arlen?” I asked him. Arlen gave me a smile, and merely shook his head, but frown lines were still apparent on his forehead. I grabbed his arm as he turned away, “Arlen…” I said in worried tones. Arlen sighed, and flipped his tail. It tickled where the fan at the bottom gently flicked against one of my legs. I have to tell you this, his tail was probably one of his coolest assets. “Lets just say I found my reason for rescuing you.” He said simply. He nodded towards the shoreline again, “Come Naida, we need to get you home.” I nodded sadly and followed. As we floated about 3 yards from the surface I looked at Arlen. He looked more troubled now then ever before. Slowly he reached out and cupped my face, his other hand grabbed onto mine, and for a moment I thought I felt something press into my palm. “Farwell Naida.” He said. Then before I could stop him, he kissed me… Again, only this time it was a real kiss. And then he swam away before I could say anything. But as I looked down I realized he had dropped something in my hand. I swam back to the shore and crawled onto the beach, then lay down on sand, letting it mold around me. I looked at the object Arlen had given to me. My eyes widened at the necklace I was holding. It was spun of some odd rope, and was decorated by little white shells, and had a small conch shell in the middle. Carved inside the conch shell were these words: I found my reason for saving you… I fear I have fallen in love with you this night. Should you ever need me. Call me threw this shell. I will always be near you, and you are in my heart. I love you. ~Arlen I looked at the necklace then out to sea. I felt a slight tear trace down my cheek before turning away and walking home. At the same time, silently praying I might just see him again. Hidden behind a boulder, Arlen watched Naida walk away. Her graceful walk made her appear like the water nymph she was named after. And her long beautiful corn silk hair floated behind her in her wake. He knew as he watched her walk away, that those stormy blue eyes of her would haunt him forever. “I’ll be back, Naida. Just wait.” He said. As he swam off to sea, Naida turned around long enough to whisper into the wind, “I’ll be waiting.” -------------------------------------------- Word Count above line: 3129 |