Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517762-SENT-FROM-ABOVE
Rated: E · Poetry · Religious · #1517762
Christmas, more happened than a baby being born. Much More!
Sent From Above

    Flakes of snow, His handiwork every pattern made with care. 
Sent from above to a world below, His wonder with us to share.
  It comes on occasion and stays but a while, soon to be gone from our sight. 
Much like His Son so long ago, whose birth was told that night. 
  A babe is born, Emmanuel, The Word given to man.  White as the snow,
He came from the throne, where He sat at the Father’s right hand.
  Why would He come, one so fair, to live on earth below? 
Some thirty-three years with fallen man, the Father’s will He came to make known.
  So walk He did where men did fail, an example for us to go by. 
A narrow path and straight to the end, He raised the bar up high.
  We’ve proved our lot is low and base, our efforts often small. 
And still He sits on His throne on high, and sends out the gospel call.
  Shepherds heard the song on high, and to Him they did go. 
Could this be the One, the Son of God, in His presence they would now.
  How could it be, this one so small, the earth His footstool make? 
Could this little voice be the one that makes earth’s foundations shake?
  A small little hand that clutches at straw, it’s handiwork the heavens declare. 
Here, now as a child, humble and frail, He came with salvation to share.
  Not to a palace, not to a throne, but to a manger in a stable He came. 
What simple beginnings for the Son of God, no fan-fare or world acclaim.
  They came from afar and bowed at His feet, their gifts for Him to bring. 
Now to us He offers the gift of life, so let His anthem ring.
  Sound it loud and send it far, make sure the whole world knows.
Anyone who receives His gift, to heaven He promised would go.
  What a gift was given to man that night, when in a stable a babe was born. 
A world once in darkness, shrouded in sin, saw heaven’s light that morn.
  He tells us now the people of God to let our light so shine. 
For those still lost in sin’s dark night, the path to heaven to find.
  No manger now, no stable home, He sits on His throne in glory. 
Intrusting to us a most solemn task, to tell the old, old story.
  So tell it we do, and tell it we must, for those that still don’t know. 
He came as a babe so fallen man, to heaven with Him could go.
  Go to a land so fine and fair, where tears no longer fall.
Then gather at the marriage feast, with loved ones, and Peter, James, and Paul.
  The gift of God, sent from above, paid for at Calvary’s cross. 
Wrapped in swaddling and given to man, so no one need be lost.
  Won’t you take Him to be your own, this gift that God did give. 
Then you will know when this life is past, eternity with Him to live.
  Live with Him in heaven on high, in the home He has gone to prepare. 
For those who will call upon His name, His glory they forever will share.
  So please don’t leave me to go alone, don’t linger and stay behind. 
I don’t want to get to heaven some day, and only your absence find.

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