Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517688-The-Key-Part-II
Rated: E · Short Story · Emotional · #1517688
Jessica's life is not getting any easier. The plot thickens!
The Key - Part II
Jessica hurried into the house to put away the groceries. She had also been expecting a special letter so she went to the front door to check if the mail had arrived. The only thing there was a card from someone who wanted to start landscaping and mowing their yard. She would put that card into Morgan’s study since he was planning to get a new mower. Jessica thought that if he was going to be late a lot, then maybe a yardman might give Malcolm more time to finish his work and have time to spend with her.

Jessica walked into the study and put the card down on the desk. On his desk was a signature required pick up slip from the post office. Since only Morgan’s signature would get the letter, then Jessica had no choice but to leave it there. However the name of Blanton, Wilkes and Foster Lawyers caught her eye. She had heard of these famous divorce lawyers since her younger sister’s friend used them to get a divorce and a fair settlement for the property. Jessica’s mouth suddenly went dry. She grabbed her chest as she tried to breathe in some air. She sat down in the chair behind the desk to think of what she might do next. As she started to open one of the desk drawers for more clues, she heard the doorbell.

Jessica hurried out of the study and ran to the door. Waiting outside was the mailman who held a small package in his hands.

“Good morning, Mrs. Matthews. How are you today?” he asked.

“Oh I’m fine, just cleaning a room in the back when I heard you ring. What do you have there?”

“A small package. It seems like your house gets the prize for the most mail recently.” he answered with a nice smile. He handed to her the package and six letters. Five of the letters were bills and the last one was another pick up slip. None of the letters was the one she was expecting.

“Well, you know we catch those wonderful sales but finally have to pay for the things we want.” she said with a forced smile as she carefully glanced at all of the letters.

“Oh by the way, please tell Mr. Matthews that the mail box he wanted to rent will be going up in rental fee, so if he wants to lock in a lower price, he must sign up for it by tomorrow,” the tall Hispanic looking man said as he turned to leave.

“Thank you very much Mr. Sanchez. I will give him the message when he gets home tonight. Bye.”

“Bye. Have a good day.”

“Yea you too!” she said as she slowly closed the door. “Hm, have a nice day. If it got any nicer, I think that I would tear my hair out.” she thought as she walked back into the study.

Jessica tried to open the top, central drawer, but it was locked. The other drawer had the office supplies and flash disks that Morgan used. The bottom drawer had receipts, a few unlabelled envelopes, and a folder of miscellaneous papers. There was nothing else that Jessica could look at without invading Morgan’s privacy. She wondered where the line of being a good wife ended and taking care of herself started. If anything she learned from her sister’s friend’s messy divorce, knowing about hidden bank accounts and other secrets were helpful.

By the time Jessica had made a decision to try to open some more envelopes and folders, she felt a huge headache beginning at the back of her head. If this was one of the migraines she so carefully tried to avoid, then medicine and rest was more important than an envelope right now. She was seeing some spots and feeling a little weak so her walk to the bathroom where she kept her medicine was super fast. With luck and a little rest she might be able to get up in a couple of hours a finish dinner.

The medicine Jessica took saved the day and her head as well. However when she woke up, the house was dark, and the meat smelled like it was more than done. Little Stormy was sitting at a window watching a butterfly on a flower that was in the garden. Stormy turned her head and jumped down in a manner that reminded Jessica that she needed to be fed also.

Since Jessica still felt a little woozy, she decided to turn on the downstairs TV for the evening news to catch up on the current events of the city. She put the dial for the meat on keep warm and tossed a few dry bits of food in Stormy’s bowl.

As Jessica sat down with a cool cloth to her head the screen to the television was coming into focus better. It showed the scene of a police car and people walking around. Jessica did not want to turn the sound up too much because her head had a small throb in it.

“This is station KEST, channel 18 with Emma Wong reporting about the shooting at Rest Up Inn about an hour ago. Back to you John.” said a lovely Asian lady in a blue outfit.

“Thank you Emma. We will update you more on the casualty from this shooting on our ten o’clock news.” responded the lone anchor man. “Now let’s hear from our wonder weather woman, Willow Webster.”

Jessica shook her head as she recalled the name of the motel that sounded like the one in which she found the key. It sounded the same. As she was thinking she noticed a man hugging a young lady in the background. It looked like the man had a little blood on his shirt. The lady was holding the man tightly and crying profusely. As her vision seemed to clear more, she could not believe her eyes. It looked almost, no exactly like Morgan.

She could not believe her eyes. Was this really her husband? Did she need any more proof that their marriage was over? Jessica sat like a stone and stared at the television as the phone started to ring, and ring and ring. Who was trying to call her now? She didn’t care. She had no more to live for. She wished that she had not seen the news, but then she wanted to know. “Please stop ringing phone! Let me just be left alone! I don’t want to talk to anyone! Please God, what am I going to do next?”

You think you can guess what’s next? Part III will be ready for your eyes in a couple of weeks.
Now Jessica really needs some help!
© Copyright 2009 Dorianne (jumacu at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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