Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517572-The-visit
by Ross
Rated: 13+ · Fiction · Dark · #1517572
The darkness behind knowledge
The rain tapped on the roof of the old black Lincoln.

Inside, Mr Brown looked out the window to a water distorted view of the sky and building in front.

He then looked at the seals of the car door around him and wondered if the old girl would hold, as if to encourage her he gave the handle a gentle pat. The window to the front seat rolled down.

“It’s getting heavier, sir” said the driver into the rear view mirror

“Then I’d best get inside then Lucius”

“Of course Mr Brown”

Without hesitation Lucius opened the door and stepped into the rain, opening his umbrella he walked around to Mr Brown’s door. Mr Brown looked up at his driver as he opened it and saw the water dripping from his smiling face. He wondered what kind of personality it took to so loyally serve another. But he also knew that Lucius was far more than a driver.

“Thank you lucius” he said as he grabbed the umbrella off him-“I will take it from here”

“Yes Mr Brown “

“oh and Lucius?

“Yes sir”

“Get out of the damn rain”

“hehe yes Mr Brown”

Mr Brown slowly made his way up the stairs into the office building. To take his mind of the slow, painful journey up he thought of a game that with each step he would remember a time when he was stronger and definitely younger. With the last step he remembered the time he ran with the bulls in Pamplona. He smiled and shook his head at the vision of the bull charging him and then luckily hitting a large Scotsman (who quite funnily in hindsight) ran straight into the bull’s path. Mr Brown couldn’t help himself and laughed all the way to the large glass entrance doors.

He was greeted at the door by large and seemingly annoyed security guard.

His crossword can wait for later thought Mr Brown who was no longer smiling

“Can I help you?”-said the guard in a high pitched voice that just didn’t seem to suit his physique.

“Well you can start my taking my coat and then running to your little counter over there and tell Mr Sooth that Mr Brown is here to see him”

The security Guard looked down at the skinny old man giving him orders and laughed.

“Mr Sooth is asleep, come back tomorrow and bring a coat holder with you” he said as he dropped Mr Brown’s coat on the ground. All Mr Brown did was smile. And If the guard were from a smarter gene pool he would see that it was the same smile that cat would have just before eating a mouse.

Mr Brown calmly walked back toward the front door and opened it. He looked down at his car and with a simple gesture motioned for Lucius.

Lucius exited the car instantly and bounded up the stairs.

“Is there a problem Mr Brown?”

“Yes Lucius there is. It seems the generation gap has made it hard for the young guard here to understand me. Be a dear and translate for me.”

Lucius walked over to the guard, stood face to face with him and was a good foot shorter but Mr Brown did not worry.

He merely picked his coat off the ground , ignored the stand off and went straight to elevators. The doors opened and he stepped in and pressed the top floor. As he waited for the doors to close he could hear a painful high pitched scream followed by a large CRACK and then silence.

Lucius was so much more than a driver.

Mr Sooth wasn’t asleep and usually never was at this time of night. This was the time of the day that he thrived upon. Living by the coda Daytime is for sleep Mr Sooth always did his best work in the darker hours. At this time he was having a rest. The young girls who accompanied him home tonight have tired him  somewhat not physically but mentally. Physically he knew he was a match for three young women but mentally there immature bantering about clothes, rappers and the latest accessories really made his head hurt. So in a way to escape he left them 6 lines of coke on the bedside table and grabbed himself a scotch and went to his office which overlooked the city. His bare feet chilled themselves as he walked along the marble floor to the entrance to his office and he entered in the darkness made his way to the panoramic windows that stood high behind hid desk. The rain had stopped and he looked out at the world that he wanted and thought of the man he was becoming in order to get it and realised as he saw the beauty laid out before him that it was a even deal.

His focus was broken by a knock on the door as one of his girls walked in totally naked like himself. She crept up to him even as he watched her in the reflection and whispered like he was asleep. “Mr Sooth there is some old guy at the door, he says he want to see you” Sooth turned around  “Then let him in Rebecca” “Umm I’m Steph remember” she said sheepishly and they were interrupted by the sound of Brown. “Nevermind darling I am quite sure he doesn’t give a shit” . Mr Brown handed the girl his coat and walked into the office and closed the door on her naked frame.

“She was nice Malcolm but I must say they are getting younger and younger.” He alked up to the desk and sat down and waited for Sooth to answer. Sooth walked and sat at the other side of large mahogany desk and thought to himself how uncomfortable the leather seat is on his sweaty skin .  He pushed the chair into the desk and looked straight at Mr Brown “How can I help you Mr Brown?” “Well firstly you can do me a favor and discard of a certain pithy guard you have down stairs. I am afraid he insulted Lucius’s sensitivities” He said with a smile so dark that it darkened the area around him. “That’s Unfortunate but obviously not the main reason you are here” Sooth said as he turned on his desk light and leaned forward on his desk.  “Very Observant Malcolm. I am here to merely pass a message to you” “Then get to the point Mr Brown because as you can see I have more enjoyable pursuits tonight than to play your games.”  “Okay okay Your generation is so impatient. The message is simply “We have Found him” Sooth stared straight into the eyes of Brown and could see he was telling the truth. He then got up and walked into a room to the side of his desk and in a few moments returned fully dressed and ready to leave. He walked hurriedly to the door and realised that Mr Brown was still seated at his desk “ I think you can show yourself out Mr Brown”  “Why Yes of Course Malcolm and what about your three carnal delights in the other room?” “You and Lucius can have them just make sure you clean it up before I am back.” “Oh of course Malcolm as cleanliness is next to godliness” he giggled to himself and Sooth shook his head in disgust and walked out the door. Suddenly with a lot more energy Mr Brown stood out of his chair and walked to the bedroom door. He could hear the girl giggling inside and he could almost smell the love they had for life. He turned to see Lucius had finally arrived upstairs and was walking toward him. “Mr Brown I put away the guard and Mr Sooth let me in. Is there anything else you need sir?” Well yes Lucius…”He said as he opened the door to see three naked young girls stare at him in shock that he wasn’t Sooth. “You can go to Sooth kitchen and get some plastic bags and a mop as this may get messy” He walked in and the girls just stared in fear as he pulled a blade from his pocket. He turned to the blonde and held the blade to her neck as he cupped her breat “Well my dear where did you put my coat?” Lucius closed the door and sighed.

© Copyright 2009 Ross (seraph_6th at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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