Printed from https://writing.com/main/view_item/item_id/1517110-Living-with-the-angry-man
Rated: · Poetry · Other · #1517110
I set up on the edge of my bed,it is time to start my day.I will turn to make the bed before leaving the room,go to the bathroom and then go to the kitchen to start a pot of coffee,ah the smell of it,it is truely an eye opener.I will also start breakfast which most of the time consist of an old fashion country breakfast which has now days been lost in the shuffle of life by most people. My old fashion breakfast will be country ham cooked with red eyed gravy,grits,eggs and biscuits or toast and coffee and juice.Most mornings we get up to breakfast like these at our house to start our day. So with a start like this who could be angry you say. Well it is not me, but my companion who I can't fiqure out.What makes him tick,what starts him off.The unnecesary words that have to be spoken, when the truth is, sometimes less is more. Why can't he see the beauty in each day instead of the thorn on the rose.Who has shown him the maddness that he wants to show. I close my eyes to drift to another place in time, a place where I can see the garden flowing with beautiful flowers, people walking hand in hand ,lovers saying sweet nothings in the ears of their sweetheart.Take me my dear old mind to another place that is far and kind. Don't let me dry up to be so mindless,mad and and built up with all this anger like him. Show him the love that I try to give everyday,in one way or another in what I bring his way,teach me to be a little more understanding I pray as I try to figure out what might be in his mind today.Awakened to the smell of a country breakfast,coffee on the table and a song in his heart is what I try to do each day that I start.Although that is not always the case,that is what i truely set out to do, so help me Lord as I do it all over again tomorrow,be a better wife,cook and friend to this man of many sorrows,may I again be able to portray the woman I started out being today, make me stronger and more able to see what goes on in the life and mind of the man that is living angerly with me. Teach me to be more loving and understanding as he is brought through this troublesome time,whatever is on this man's angry mind.Help me to deal with the unkind words and the throwing of his temper in all kind of ways,the cuss words, the anger in his mind what did I do to be treated unkind,what did I say to make him lash out this way,if I only knew I could start out a different way,so help me to figure it out and to be on top of it all tomorrow when again it will bring a day of heartache, anger and sorrow,help him to see what makes him lash out cause I want to help him but I don't yet know how.
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